View Full Version : New Predator movie coming out

02-18-2010, 02:35 PM
Predators (July 2010)

Based on a treatment Rodriguez penned for Fox some years back, the film is intended to wipe the slate clean on the beloved franchise, giving audiences the Predator sequel we should have had from the beginning.

Danny Glovers and Requiems aside, director Antal (Vacancy, Armored) has assembled a hell of a fine cast for this picture, which – it is rumored – will take us to the Predator home world.

Title and style inspired by James Cameron’s Aliens, we cannot help but be excited for what Rodriguez and company have in store for us.

Hopefully they dont fuck THIS one up. :bang


02-18-2010, 03:43 PM

02-18-2010, 03:55 PM
Robert Rodriguez is pretty good as far as filmmakers go (so long as he doesn't let his kids write the script). If FOX keeps their greedy hands off and lets him do what he wants it has the potential to be decent. I think I heard that Nikolai will be played by Oleg Taktarov... not sure how much of an actor that guy is, but at least they found a genuine badass for the part.

02-18-2010, 04:33 PM
So they kidnap the humans, put them on the predator home world, and then hunt them?

Didn't they already win the hunt when they kidnapped them? If they got kidnapped in the first place they must not have shit on Arnold's character.

02-18-2010, 05:13 PM
it's gonna get fucked up... easy answer why too: robert rodriguez!

that dude sucks as a fuckin' director! only thing he ever did worth a damn was one room out of the movie 4 rooms. fuck that shitty ass director!

02-18-2010, 05:15 PM
oh and gay ass dude from that 70's show is in this. tarfer or whatever the fuck his name is.

02-18-2010, 05:45 PM
El Mariachi, Desperado, and Planet Terror were badass. I believe in RR and the people he works with, this will be awesome as long as the studio let's him do what they want with it.

Topher Grace does suck ass tho, hope he is the first to get his head chopped off.

The Reckoning
02-18-2010, 07:08 PM
you know Fox is getting desperate when theyre looking back at scripts that were written for sequels 20+ years ago

Duff McCartney
02-18-2010, 07:55 PM
I think they could have made a good Predator movie based on the gun that Danny Glover got in the second movie.

They could have made it during that time period. Have it be like sleepy hollow in that some crew of rag tag military people in Europe gets sent to investigate murders and they don't know what it is. Then it ends up being a Predator. Would be pretty cool.

02-18-2010, 08:00 PM
Predators? Man, they were really creative.

02-18-2010, 09:27 PM
this movie actually has good actors, a decent director, and RR as the producer, will it live up to the first 2 predator movies probably not, but will it be 10x better then the AVP movies... most likely

03-16-2010, 08:41 AM
new video....


03-16-2010, 11:50 AM
This movie has that horror, NC-17 80's feel to it! It looks like it's going to be 1000 better than that 2000's, pg-13 crappy ass movies that they released. And Robert R. is not afraid to make a rated R movie, unlike most in Hollywood nowadays.

03-16-2010, 11:59 AM
As long as it is rated R or NC-17 this movie has potential. If it is PG-13 I'm not going to bother.

03-16-2010, 02:18 PM
Get to tha choppa nao!!!!!!!!!!!

03-16-2010, 02:22 PM
well lawrence fisburne dies for sure

Duff McCartney
03-16-2010, 05:39 PM
Adrien Brody is a damn good actor but what the fuck? He's the hero in this movie? The Predators must get consistently weaker and weaker as the series has been progressing.

Arnold, classic 1980s Arnold could barely beat him! Danny Glover who is physically inferior to Arnold, but still made a great Predator II killed one. And it took him a while too.

In AVP a woman is equal to the Predator, never saw Requiem, and now Adrien Brody is going to compete with him? Give me a break man! They are just making some bullshit now.

I won't see this in theaters, but I might check it out on dvd if someone I know rents it.

03-16-2010, 05:45 PM
In AVP a woman is equal to the Predator, never saw Requiem, and now Adrien Brody is going to compete with him? Give me a break man! They are just making some bullshit now.

They cast him because he looks like today's soldier, not our fantastical soldiers that we always think of launching a full assault on a small army by himself. I think it's an interesting take on the "hero" idea, he's a soldier but he's not superman.

It looks good, I love ensemble movies with crazy violent characters. Plus, the predators are back to being villains which is what has been missing from those AVP films (although I liked AVP 2 cuz it went all out, no mercy).

03-16-2010, 06:28 PM
Isn't this a remake?

Or a "re-imagining" of the original? :downspin:

03-16-2010, 08:12 PM
also you don't beat the predator with strength and power, you beat him with brains and strategy.

03-17-2010, 12:53 AM
Not to impressed with the cast and who else is going to play Cuchillo but Danny Trejo:


I guess RR really likes working with him.

Just because I loved the first one so much I am going to watch this in theaters just hope its not in 3D like every fuckin movie coming out now.:bang

03-17-2010, 01:00 AM
they aren't, RR discussed that during SXSW last weekend in Austin. Plus they only had a limited budget on this film about 35 million.

He said they might transfer it over to 3D later but it was shot with 2D intentions.

I hate the whole 3D trend now because look at this situation:

"hey lets have a movie night"


"what are we watching"



"just bring your 3D glasses"

"oh nevermind I can't go"

3D should have been exclusive for nature documentaries at the IMAX, nothing else.

I didn't see Avatar in 3D and won't see any movie in 3D as long as there is a 2D version available in theaters.

03-18-2010, 08:05 PM

First trailer for the movie, there is an alternative to this one that will show with Repomen but I'm not going to see that movie

03-18-2010, 09:06 PM
well lawrence fisburne dies for sure


03-18-2010, 09:54 PM
People acting like they won't watch. Riiiight.

03-19-2010, 12:11 AM
Looks cool to me thus far.

Robert's directing credentials speak for themselves, and an actor of Adrian's caliber is due for a mold-breaking role.

And------it's rated R. That alone means the potential for this film is off the charts compared to the previous Predator sequels.

Hey, imagine that!--contrarian king CBF himself Hater of All Things Remake actually seeing an auspicious light in a sequel of a movie he holds dear.....

Whisky Dog
03-19-2010, 12:25 AM
it's gonna get fucked up... easy answer why too: robert rodriguez!

that dude sucks as a fuckin' director! only thing he ever did worth a damn was one room out of the movie 4 rooms. fuck that shitty ass director!

Well you should be happy he's not directing it kid.

03-19-2010, 11:52 AM
yeah Nimrod Antal is directing, RR is only the Producer

03-21-2010, 07:16 PM
This is one of those movies where you don't ask why it's being made, just sit and enjoy. There is no way I'm missing this, although, if ONE predator wiped out an entire team of special op commandoes on Earth, how fucking hard could it be for multiple predators on their own planet hunting a bunch of criminals?

Let's consider this: team of special op commandoes >>>>>> random badass criminals; one predator on earth <<<<<< multiple predators on own planet

Looks like a blowout in this fight

03-21-2010, 11:44 PM
the predator had the element of surprise in the first movie


you can't say the humans had homefield advantage because they were in the mother effing jungle

it was primal combat

and in the ultimate one on one primal act of consensual violence

man won.


Ahnold only won cause the predator got cocky and took off his shit. Even with the element of surprise, I'd still take the team of commandoes with shit tons of gear against one predator instead of unorganized criminals with swords and sniper rifles (what fucking good is the sniper rifle?!) against multiple predators

07-03-2010, 03:35 PM
so is anyone going to see this opening day/weekend? I'm seeing it at the midnight screening?

07-03-2010, 03:45 PM
so is anyone going to see this opening day/weekend? I'm seeing it at the midnight screening?

"I'm Ron Burgundy?"



07-09-2010, 06:05 PM
Went and saw this one today. Good times.

07-09-2010, 06:09 PM
I saw this movie and it was good but I still missed Arnold. As a matter of fact the best part was when someone yelled out "Run!! Go!! Get to da Choppa!!" as someone was fleeing. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

The Reckoning
07-09-2010, 07:13 PM
i heard it sucked.

07-09-2010, 07:25 PM
How can you all go watch this crap!?!? Well, I understand, this kind of bs is hard to avoid to these days.


Oscar DeLa
07-09-2010, 11:20 PM
i don't know what it is but the predator was in full control when he decided to remove his mask and present his muscles to impose on ahnold's ego, his invisible camouflage was damaged not his vision.

07-09-2010, 11:49 PM
obviously you guys haven't seen Predator or Predator 2 because they show that the predators have a form of honor and fairness if they find a worthy opponent, it is part of the mythology. Reason why the Elder Predator in Predator 2 hands Glover the pistol.

The scene in Predator where he takes off his helmet and shoulder cannon was shown to prove these creatures aren't always sadistic, methodical killers/hunters.

07-09-2010, 11:49 PM
obviously you guys haven't seen Predator or Predator 2 because they show that the predators have a form of honor and fairness if they find a worthy opponent, it is part of the mythology. Reason why the Elder Predator in Predator 2 hands Glover the pistol.

The scene in Predator where he takes off his helmet and shoulder cannon was shown to prove these creatures aren't always sadistic, methodical killers/hunters.

Oscar DeLa
07-09-2010, 11:50 PM
obviously you guys haven't seen Predator or Predator 2 because they show that the predators have a form of honor and fairness if they find a worthy opponent, it is part of the mythology. Reason why the Elder Predator in Predator 2 hands Glover the pistol.

The scene in Predator where he takes off his helmet and shoulder cannon was shown to prove these creatures aren't always sadistic, methodical killers/hunters.

I don't know what it is but I know

07-09-2010, 11:53 PM
the movie was actually really good up until the end, then it was rushed. Not sure if that had to do with the low budget (around 30 -40 million). Even though the ending was rushed the acting was really good.

07-10-2010, 12:40 AM
Im not going to go see this movie for the acting or polish....

Im going to see it for the death and action scenes.... period. I could care less if they where speaking Manderin the entire movie, as long as someone or something dies in a glorious, blood splattering way.

:lmao @ anyone who goes to see a Predator movie expecting to be intelectually stimulated.

Not directing this at anyone, just laying out my opinion before the inevitable jackwad comes in here all high and mighty nit-picking little things from the movie.

07-10-2010, 02:30 AM
the movie was actually really good up until the end, then it was rushed. Not sure if that had to do with the low budget (around 30 -40 million). Even though the ending was rushed the acting was really good.

that's funny i heard almost the same exact thing from someone earlier

they said they liked everything but the ending

07-10-2010, 02:36 AM
7.9 on imdb

07-10-2010, 02:54 AM
that's funny i heard almost the same exact thing from someone earlier

they said they liked everything but the ending

It really is the truth, the movie prior to the ending had perfect pacing. If the the final couple of scenes would have been spaced out and maybe 5 to 10 minutes longer this film would have been 9/10, right now it is 7 to 8 / 10. Brody did a great job in the film (not that I ever doubted an Academy award winner).

And to the @phyzik "anyone who goes to see a Predator movie expecting to be intelectually stimulated." Acting and how lines are delivered are what make a movie. The main problems with the AVP films was that the acting was terrible.

Sure a movie can have awesome fight scenes and cool special effects but if the actors don't play their parts correctly or if scenes run on too long, too short it ruins those "cool" parts of the film.

Hence why I never go see movies in 3D, it is just a gimmick, plus you are too occupied and distracted by everything jumping at your face that don't get a chance to realize if the film is actually good or not. And more than half the time movies that are shown in 3D weren't film with the intent to be in 3D, so the shots in the film don't work in that format.

07-10-2010, 12:56 PM
that's funny i heard almost the same exact thing from someone earlier

they said they liked everything but the ending

I personally wouldn't go so far as to say that I didn't like the ending, but I'd definitely agree that it feels a bit out of step with the rest of the film. Didn't ruin the overall experience for me, though.

07-10-2010, 01:20 PM
Yeah, it isn't that I didn't like how the movie ended just wished it was extended 5 to 10 minutes more. (Part of this also might have been due to a short filming schedule)

Some other issues, I wished the 3-4 main confrontations/fights with the predators at the end weren't consecutive, and more spread throughout the film.

Also I had some technical issues with some of the sounds they used for the predators, which weren't very "predator" like.

Of course the midnight screening I went to was packed and I've been hearing the same thing from other theaters around the US and over seas so it shouldn't take much for this movie to make back its budget of 40 million.

I'm going to see it again sometime to see if some of these issues still bother me (I might have been too tired and over thinking some stuff at the midnight screening).

Duff McCartney
07-10-2010, 08:01 PM
i heard it sucked.

It did. It was just a bunch of bullshit. They are ruining the franchise. I had some decent hopes because they used the original music from the first and second Predators, but it was just a tease.

For starters as everyone said, they are continually making the Predators weaker and weaker.

Predator - an elite special forces crew can't take him out and only by all his strength is the last man standing, who happens to be the best out of all of them, able to defeat the Predator.

Predator 2 - a cop, who is far below any special forces major, is able to take out a Predator, and as before only using all his powers is he able to.

Alien vs Predator - a fucking woman, who isn't even in the military or in any form of weapons training is able to survive to the end. What a joke.

Requiem - never saw this trash

Predators - 3...count them 3 fucking Predators can't take out a group of 8 individuals, 4 of whom are actual soldiers, one is a damn convict, and the other is a fucking doctor! Give me a break. They just continually destroy the damn franchise with every successive movie.

The other thing that absolutely annoyed me from Predators, and this is more of a general criticism of recent movies in general, whether sequels or remakes, is too much fucking homage. Every damn scene is an homage to the original or an earlier movie. Case in point...the scene where the Yakuza guy stops takes his shirt off and pulls out his sword to fight a Predator while the other guys go ahead. A direct rip off/homage/whatever you wanna call it to Predator when Billy/Sonny Landham does the exact thing.

07-10-2010, 09:33 PM
It was good. Ignore the crybaby above me.

07-10-2010, 09:46 PM
It was good. Ignore the crybaby above me.


I love how people cry about the realism of science fiction movies. There is NO WAY a guy like Brody could kill a predator!!!!!!!!

Its a science fiction movie. Suspend disbelief for awhile.

07-10-2010, 10:02 PM

I love how people cry about the realism of science fiction movies. There is NO WAY a guy like Brody could kill a predator!!!!!!!!

Its a science fiction movie. Suspend disbelief for awhile.

This... :lol

07-10-2010, 10:07 PM
the predator is a documentary you son of a bitch.

07-10-2010, 11:11 PM
I liked the movie! I think these Predator movies will continue to be good as long as the producers don't screw things up by having the predators have emotions and start liking humans!

07-11-2010, 11:22 PM
I tried to watch this but no go, so I saw Despicable Me. Pretty good, tbh.

07-12-2010, 12:27 AM
the predator is a documentary you son of a bitch.


Capt Bringdown
07-12-2010, 07:46 AM
This monster/horror/sci-fi fan really wishes they'd spend more energy coming up with fresh concepts and new ideas.
Enough of the sequels, how about new movies FFS?

07-12-2010, 09:50 AM
Seen it yesterday. Not very good.

If I had to put a point on it, it would be a lack of action and pathetic combat scenes. Laurence Fishburne's character would have been better left out of the script. The whole Predator vs Super-Predator Blood Feud business was never fleshed out or taken advantage of.

Most of the time, I appreciate the viewer's perspective being the character's perspective. By that, I mean they know nothing, therefore you know nothing as the viewer. Problem with that form of filming is that we do know even though they dont.

So I have expectations attached to Predators, how they fight, how they hunt, etc. Perfect example...




When the Super-Predator fights the enslaved Predator that Brody frees to fly the ship. That was just...tough to watch. It fucking sucked, very anti-climactic and horribly under-served.

The Yakuza fight was more gratifying than that. The two basically bear hug each other back and forth for all of 2 mins. That is not what I think of when I imagine the most iconic alien species in fiction engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Horribly, Aliens vs Predator actually did the Predator species more justice in actual combat scenes. Read that again.


This movie is fine to watch when its free on cable. Paying for it, I feel ripped off.

Duff McCartney
07-12-2010, 01:02 PM

I love how people cry about the realism of science fiction movies. There is NO WAY a guy like Brody could kill a predator!!!!!!!!

Its a science fiction movie. Suspend disbelief for awhile.

I suspend disbelief for every movie I go to, and my criticism has nothing to do with suspending disbelief. You might as well not watch a movie if you can't suspend disbelief that aliens kidnap people and put them on their planet to hunt.

My criticism stems from what has been laid out before in previous movies. I'm only holding it to the standards set before it.

I bet if they had a Predator break dancing in the movie, you'd still tell me to suspend disbelief because it's science fiction after all.

07-12-2010, 01:15 PM
You have all convinced me to save my money, stay home, put some popcorn in the microwave, and watch the original in all it's glory. :tu

cool cat
07-13-2010, 04:15 PM
Good movie. It's one of those great summer action movies where you don't have to worry about the plot and just have fun with the action.


I don't care that Brody was the main character, the guy got ripped and he put a beating on that preadator.

The Yakuza fight was great, the crowd cheered at the end, it was what was hinted at in the orginal with Billy but now we got to see it.

Predator dogs and Fishburne were lame but they didn't last to long so its all good.

07-14-2010, 01:26 AM
Seen it yesterday. Not very good.

If I had to put a point on it, it would be a lack of action and pathetic combat scenes. Laurence Fishburne's character would have been better left out of the script. The whole Predator vs Super-Predator Blood Feud business was never fleshed out or taken advantage of.

Most of the time, I appreciate the viewer's perspective being the character's perspective. By that, I mean they know nothing, therefore you know nothing as the viewer. Problem with that form of filming is that we do know even though they dont.

So I have expectations attached to Predators, how they fight, how they hunt, etc. Perfect example...




When the Super-Predator fights the enslaved Predator that Brody frees to fly the ship. That was just...tough to watch. It fucking sucked, very anti-climactic and horribly under-served.

The Yakuza fight was more gratifying than that. The two basically bear hug each other back and forth for all of 2 mins. That is not what I think of when I imagine the most iconic alien species in fiction engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Horribly, Aliens vs Predator actually did the Predator species more justice in actual combat scenes. Read that again.


This movie is fine to watch when its free on cable. Paying for it, I feel ripped off.

You actually summed it up the best.

I feel that there was too many things in this movie that were corny, and they tried too hard to make it an awesome movie.. that it just killed it.

I would've rather watched Toy Story 3



What was with the whole mud thing? Why didn't the group use the mud right after they were told it helped against they're heat sensor vision thing?

That just didn't make sense, the fact that they saved it until the end kind of sickened me.

07-14-2010, 02:05 AM
I saw this movie and it was good but I still missed Arnold. As a matter of fact the best part was when someone yelled out "Run!! Go!! Get to da Choppa!!" as someone was fleeing. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

Cool story, bro.

07-14-2010, 01:16 PM
The Yakuza fight was great, the crowd cheered at the end, it was what was hinted at in the orginal with Billy but now we got to see it.

I have never been to a theater where anyone has clapped, cheered, laughed out loud or booed at an inanimate screen.

Must be a regional thing, as in people from Michigan dont do that shit...ever.

07-14-2010, 01:20 PM
People in Michigan don't laugh out loud at comedies??

Duff McCartney
07-14-2010, 08:29 PM

The Yakuza fight was great, the crowd cheered at the end, it was what was hinted at in the orginal with Billy but now we got to see it.

That's the point. There is no "hint" of it in the original. The whole Yakuza sword fight makes it seem like it's an even match, when clearly from the earlier films it's not. Not even close. That's what has disappointed me since AvP.

If they actually followed the "story" of the Predators, they'd see that one guy with a sword is no match for a Predator and would die in seconds, as happened in the first film. It seems in this one they just wanted a "cool" fight scene.

They'll never make the Predator movies now as good as they should be. The first two set a standard that the subsequent movies can't even dream living up to, hell I'll even say the second one didn't live up to the first one, but to be fair sequels rarely do.

07-15-2010, 08:29 AM
broke down and saw it yesterday afterall...

I enjoyed the movie. I also enjoyed predator 2 though.

So this one is the true Part 3, imo.

I thought it was nicely done, and although there wasn't much room for character development, I like how your in the action from the beginning.

Definite must see for Predator fans. :toast

07-15-2010, 08:36 AM
People in Michigan don't laugh out loud at comedies??

Honestly, I cant remember the last comedy movie I have seen in a theater. But tbh, obivously what I said about laughing out loud probably isnt true when taken to its fullest extent.

What I meant by my comment was that I personally have never been to a movie and been a part of a crowd that cheers, boos or applauds at inanimate movie screens.

I should have left "laugh out loud" out of the equation.