View Full Version : Options for the Spurs after the trade deadline to improve

02-19-2010, 04:22 PM
I didn't see a thread on this and would like to get some input on what people think the possible specific things the Spurs can do to improve beside just play better.

Knowing the system and working in it seems to be the why the Spurs are not playing to the potential we think they can, adding new parts doesn't seem to make a hug impact because of the time to adjust. At least this seems to be the problem to me. The loss of "corporate knowledge" as Pop has called it does seem to mean a lot in the spurs system, and if this is as true as it appears maybe the answer lies in adding a part that isn't new to us.

If Francisco Elson is bought out as many think he will be, I believe he might be the best chance the Spurs have to improve from adding an external player that might become available. The only other player I see out there that might be available with Spurs system experience would be Drew Gooden.

I think Elson would improve the athletic big role we hoped Ian would fill that doesn't seem to be panning out, and help against some of the larger line-ups. Not sure if the FO will think the cost of this risk will add enough to make a difference.

What do you guys think, and what possible improvements do you see out there?

02-19-2010, 04:29 PM
1. CAT Scan for Pop.
2. Put locks on Pop's wine cellar.

02-19-2010, 04:34 PM
I wouldn't mind a Gooden return. He's at least somewhat familiar with the system and its not as if he was unproductive. He might actually help out with the lack of interior scoring that's plagued this team all year.

02-19-2010, 04:38 PM
I was looking into that myself today. Seeing who might be available in a buy out scenario.

The corporate knowledge defacto does seem to be a necessity for this team to succeed.

Do you think by adding such a player Elson, Gooden that it would make a difference for this year?

Technically it might. The team still has it's core in Parker, Ginobili and Duncan. All relatively healthy compared to last year. Hill with more experience. Mason might become the type of player he was prior to the injuries of other players last year. McDyess has been showing signs of rejuvination. And Jefferson...for all he's being paid ( and not close to what was expected) is still an improvement to what the team had in his position a year ago.

I like the thought. I wish I could be more positive about the rest of this year and deep inside would hope above all hope that something could still be done.

This idea just might be the only hope left for the season.

02-19-2010, 04:39 PM
Are there any available FAs out there who might be worth a 10 day contract look? Keep in mind that I will bitch slap the first person who suggests Wallyworld.

02-19-2010, 04:40 PM
Thought of Elson myself, however in light of letting Theo go, I'm guessing they go with who they have. I'm hoping Ian gets some minutes to get in rhythm before the playoffs. Until he has been vetted properly in some games, I'm not sure he isn't that big we need.

02-19-2010, 04:45 PM
Are there any available FAs out there who might be worth a 10 day contract look? Keep in mind that I will bitch slap the first person who suggests Wallyworld.

wally sczerbiak. whatcha gonna do? i live miles away from you...

02-19-2010, 04:45 PM
I'd rather give some minutes to Ian.

02-19-2010, 04:45 PM
With only 5 bigmen, I'm quite convinced Spurs will try to sign another one.

Among players, who will likely be waived, the most interesting for Spurs is Etan Thomas. Big Z is better but he will be back with Cavs.

02-19-2010, 04:48 PM
news today is that Raja Bell is staying put in GS and doesn't want a buyout

scratch him off the list (not like he was on the list, but still...)

02-19-2010, 04:49 PM
I don't see the Spurs' picking anyone up unless the guy is a Drew Gooden level player or the like. That said, Gooden would be kind of dumb to come back to the Spurs.

02-19-2010, 04:50 PM
wally sczerbiak. whatcha gonna do? i live miles away from you...

I will reserve the bitch slap for someone else. For you, I shall deliver a flying karate kick to the face!

02-19-2010, 04:53 PM
With only 5 bigmen, I'm quite convinced Spurs will try to sign another one.

Among players, who will likely be waived, the most interesting for Spurs is Etan Thomas. Big Z is better but he will be back with Cavs.

IF, I say IF,

they do, I would expect them to take a look at Dwayne Jones of the Toros. He's having a monstrous season in the D-league; 14.9 rbs/gm, 0.616 fg%. He knows the rotations some, as he has been playing for the Toros for roughly a full season know, and the Toros play the same system as the Spurs.

I don't expect them to do so; it would cost them the savings they got off trading Ratliff...

02-19-2010, 05:01 PM
I say the buy out Finley and in order to fill the roster to the minimum 13 they sign AD.

Does this improve them?

Well . . . no.


02-19-2010, 05:08 PM
I say the buy out Finley and in order to fill the roster to the minimum 13 they sign AD.

Does this improve them?

Well . . . no.


Well they could buy out Finley and then sign someone like Morris Almond from the D-League for the rest of the season with a team option for next season.

02-19-2010, 05:11 PM
I don't see the Spurs' picking anyone up unless the guy is a Drew Gooden level player or the like. That said, Gooden would be kind of dumb to come back to the Spurs.

I'd frame the issue more like: we'd be kind of dumb to bring him back. He'll go where there's money for him... no skin off his back what the jersey reads.

02-19-2010, 05:13 PM
I'd frame the issue more like: we'd be kind of dumb to bring him back. He'll go where there's money for him... no skin off his back what the jersey reads.I would welcome him back. I don't think it would be a dumb decision at all.

02-19-2010, 05:15 PM
I thought he was relatively productive. He had some defensive shortcomings but he took to the system better than Jefferson has.

02-19-2010, 05:16 PM
1. As teams are expected to begin the buyout process, scan the waiver wire for any potentially productive players. For example, I agree with the notion of giving Drew Gooden another look.

2. Buy out Michael Finley, give him his gold watch and say "Adios". Again, the Spurs are not contending for a title or even a Division championship this year. No need in having end-of-the-bench players take minutes away from young, developing players.

3. As head coach, President & GM, Pop should look himself in the mirror and utter the words, "we've fucked ourselves". Once you admit that truism, get moving on the rebuild process. Call up Hairston, give him some time. Insert Ian, give him some burn. See what these guys have for next year. Check out some other D-League prospects. If you can get James Gist back in here and sign him for the rest of the season, do that too. Just start kicking the tires on some other guys.

02-19-2010, 05:21 PM
Gooden wouldn't get time over Blair, Dice, and RJ. He freestyles way to much for Pop to bring him back...

02-19-2010, 05:25 PM
As sad as it sounds, the best we can hope for is RJ to flip the switch during this final stretch and into the playoffs...

or Pop to flip his switch with some calls on the offensive end...

02-19-2010, 05:26 PM
With only 5 bigmen, I'm quite convinced Spurs will try to sign another one.

Among players, who will likely be waived, the most interesting for Spurs is Etan Thomas. Big Z is better but he will be back with Cavs.

Etan Thomas would a perfect fit. Hes a better Elson and/or Rasho

02-19-2010, 05:27 PM

02-19-2010, 05:28 PM
Why would we cut costs with Theo just to sign another big? That wouldnt make sense.

I do hope that Ian and Malik get more minutes though...

02-19-2010, 05:32 PM
Why would we cut costs with Theo just to sign another big? That wouldnt make sense.

I do hope that Ian and Malik get more minutes though...


02-19-2010, 05:34 PM
I wouldn't mind, and wouldn't be surprised if the Spurs went after Gooden again. That being said, I think they'll go after someone like an Etan Thomas or a backup PG...maybe a D-Leaguer.

02-19-2010, 05:35 PM
Etan Thomas. Wouldn't mind him. He is a good few minutes a game.

02-19-2010, 05:51 PM
Last season it appeared Gooden was starting to compliment the system well just prior to his getting injured.

Was letting him walk last summer a decision based on him not being what Pop thought about his "abilities" for this team or knowing McDyess was going to be the target from the get go?

Etan Thomas?...I've been a fan of his since college. But how long would it take for him to make the adjustment to this team if the goal is to bring somebody in that already knows the system to help win this year?

02-19-2010, 05:54 PM
I would actually consider bringing gooden back.. assuming he would even want to... i really didnt mind the way he played and tends to be pretty reliable on the offensive end and on the boards... his defense is nothing special but our defense already sucks anyway.

02-19-2010, 06:35 PM
1. As teams are expected to begin the buyout process, scan the waiver wire for any potentially productive players. For example, I agree with the notion of giving Drew Gooden another look.

2. Buy out Michael Finley, give him his gold watch and say "Adios". Again, the Spurs are not contending for a title or even a Division championship this year. No need in having end-of-the-bench players take minutes away from young, developing players.

3. As head coach, President & GM, Pop should look himself in the mirror and utter the words, "we've fucked ourselves". Once you admit that truism, get moving on the rebuild process. Call up Hairston, give him some time. Insert Ian, give him some burn. See what these guys have for next year. Check out some other D-League prospects. If you can get James Gist back in here and sign him for the rest of the season, do that too. Just start kicking the tires on some other guys.

I have always been intrigued by Gist. Do you know how hes doing over in Europe this year?

02-19-2010, 06:46 PM
1. As teams are expected to begin the buyout process, scan the waiver wire for any potentially productive players. For example, I agree with the notion of giving Drew Gooden another look.

2. Buy out Michael Finley, give him his gold watch and say "Adios". Again, the Spurs are not contending for a title or even a Division championship this year. No need in having end-of-the-bench players take minutes away from young, developing players.

3. As head coach, President & GM, Pop should look himself in the mirror and utter the words, "we've fucked ourselves". Once you admit that truism, get moving on the rebuild process. Call up Hairston, give him some time. Insert Ian, give him some burn. See what these guys have for next year. Check out some other D-League prospects. If you can get James Gist back in here and sign him for the rest of the season, do that too. Just start kicking the tires on some other guys.

Yes, I agree totally this should be the path forward;however.... it involves unloading Pop's favorite mancrush vet Finley and developing young talent by giving them minutes on the floor. This SHOULD happen but it won't :depressed

02-19-2010, 06:49 PM


02-19-2010, 06:51 PM
Spurs just need to play more aggressive. especially on D, like they did against Denver.

and a new coach probably couldn't hurt any

bench either TP or Manu each game so they can recuperate and be ready for balls-to-the-wall basketball come playoff time. Mason is an excellent regular season fill-in.

02-19-2010, 08:09 PM
What I want to figure out is this: Spurs are not contenders this year. Knowing that, what can they do to become contenders next year or the year after that? Do they resign Manu and if so, what is the logic behind keeping Parker,Duncan,Manu and RJ together when they are not a contender?

02-19-2010, 08:15 PM
they wont be contenders again utill the organization gets the balls to replace or at least call out pop.

02-19-2010, 08:51 PM
Are people in the organization intimidated of Pop?

Anyone that has seen a basketball game know small ball doesn't work so why can't he?

02-19-2010, 10:28 PM
Last season it appeared Gooden was starting to compliment the system well just prior to his getting injured.

Was letting him walk last summer a decision based on him not being what Pop thought about his "abilities" for this team or knowing McDyess was going to be the target from the get go?

Etan Thomas?...I've been a fan of his since college. But how long would it take for him to make the adjustment to this team if the goal is to bring somebody in that already knows the system to help win this year?

Would Etan Thomas stop the layup drill and dunkfest defense disaster? Anyone who can slow down someone from just parading to the basket would be a welcomed sight.

02-19-2010, 10:35 PM
Trade Bogans for a pair of big balls and a heart for Dick so he can turn into a black and bald Gino #2. Trade Finley for some defense for Bonner. Have a brain change operation between Ian and Blair, and the Spurs will sweep everygame this year including the playoffs.

02-19-2010, 10:35 PM
Watching the Mavs do a number on the Magic with their two new guys, Butler & Haywood, tells me Pop and RC are so damn overrated it ain't funny anymore. Nobody wants any of our players at this point. We have no tradeable players other than Hill & Blair. Tim is too old and Tony & Manu are too damn broken down and the rest of our players couldn't beat The Little Sisters of St. Mary's All Female Tiddlywinks Team if they spotted our guys 50 points with 3 minutes left in the game. Damn, we SUCK...!!! :ihit

02-19-2010, 10:45 PM
1. CAT Scan for Pop.


02-19-2010, 10:51 PM
I was looking into that myself today. Seeing who might be available in a buy out scenario.

The corporate knowledge defacto does seem to be a necessity for this team to succeed.

Do you think by adding such a player Elson, Gooden that it would make a difference for this year?

Technically it might. The team still has it's core in Parker, Ginobili and Duncan. All relatively healthy compared to last year. Hill with more experience. Mason might become the type of player he was prior to the injuries of other players last year. McDyess has been showing signs of rejuvination. And Jefferson...for all he's being paid ( and not close to what was expected) is still an improvement to what the team had in his position a year ago.

I like the thought. I wish I could be more positive about the rest of this year and deep inside would hope above all hope that something could still be done.

This idea just might be the only hope left for the season.

Any castoff from another team will not be any type of difference maker.

02-19-2010, 11:26 PM
The only hope is for Pop to get cancer...

Totally classless. Grow up.

02-20-2010, 12:25 AM

How about .....

a Heart attack......

A stroke.......

A car Accident?I wouldn't mind if these happened to you.

02-20-2010, 12:31 AM
Right now there is no point in wasting money on a veteran big. It's not going to help the situation enough to make the Spurs anything close to contenders.