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View Full Version : An Open Letter to Everyone Calling to Fire Pop

02-20-2010, 08:18 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



02-20-2010, 08:20 PM
Pop isn't the problem.

He's trying everything he can to fix the REAL problem.

02-20-2010, 08:21 PM

02-20-2010, 08:23 PM
it all went downhill after P.J. Carlesimo Left

02-20-2010, 08:23 PM
word. :tu

02-20-2010, 08:27 PM
If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West.

I don't know about dominating the Lakers but you can make this team better by not starting arguably the worst player in your squad (Bogans) and by not playing small-ball so often.

02-20-2010, 08:28 PM
:tu The Spurs are truthfully one bowen-clone away from their old level IMHO. That's why Shane Battier should be their primary target come summer, provided the Rockets tanked the remainder of season with Kevin Martin injured.

02-20-2010, 08:29 PM
Go back to the football forum. Quit fucking up this one with your idiocy.

02-20-2010, 08:30 PM
This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.

This team has a Bowen clone and a dominant big man, ie Bogans and Bonner. At least the great Pop thinks so.

02-20-2010, 08:30 PM
I don't know about dominating the Lakers but you can make this team better by not starting arguably the worst player in your squad (Bogans) and by not playing small-ball so often.

Who are they going to play to avoid small ball? If Mahinmi was Prime Shaq, I'm sure he'd be getting minutes.

02-20-2010, 08:31 PM
Pop sucks big donkey cock.

02-20-2010, 08:31 PM
Go back to the football forum.

Offseason and draft is two months away. :tu

02-20-2010, 08:31 PM
good lord this thread is crazy

02-20-2010, 08:31 PM
This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


02-20-2010, 08:32 PM
Agreed. Basically anyone that calls to fire Pop is a god damn idiot.

02-20-2010, 08:32 PM
Offseason and draft is two months away. :tu

So you're just keeping your "stupid" chops fresh by posting here then?

02-20-2010, 08:33 PM
Pop may not be the main problem but he's one of them. Pop won't make RJ any better, or Bonner, or Bogans, or make McDyess return to form or give Manu back his youth or miraculosly heal tony but he can make a lot of better decisions in some os thiese games. Like leaving a young energetic blair in the game instead of replacing him with Antonio, or resting Tony after the first 5 minutes of last night's game after it became obvious he couldn't move and was in pain. There are a lot of things wrong with this team, but in my book, Pop isnt helping. I don't want him fired, but hey, there's plenty of blame to go around, he shouldn't be excused for his past performances, this is the here and now, and I have always apprecited their title, I thought I would never ever see a Championship in my lifetime but my spurs rewarded me with one in 99 and added three more just gravy. I think every fan has right to voice his opinion, I don't have to like it, and I'll put my dos centavos for or against as I see fit, I think all us fans are investors in our team, without us there is no NBA no Spurs, no nothing.

02-20-2010, 08:34 PM
You tell ME genius

So Is Doc rivers Just sewer snot?


Jerry Sloan?

Larry Brown?

For fucks Sakes take Pops Cock out of your ass you Cukold Mope..,...

two fucking Hall of fame coaches and you are talking about Pop being the Best Coach besides Phil Jackson...

Fucking classic homer myopic pipg

explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating

Time to give Daddy the computer back so you can go do your reading comprehension homework. :tu

02-20-2010, 08:35 PM
Who are they going to play to avoid small ball? If Mahinmi was Prime Shaq, I'm sure he'd be getting minutes.

Theo Ratliff got about as many minutes with the Bobcats before his luggage was unpacked than he got in most of a season with the Spurs. It doesn't take prime shaq to be a step up from Matt Bonner as your starting center.

02-20-2010, 08:37 PM
Well, Matt Bonner has done a great job filling Robert Horry's shoes.


Sorry, I can't say that with a straight face.

02-20-2010, 08:38 PM
A high school basketball coach could improve this team. Basically anyone who hasn't been listening to Charles Barkley tell everyone how good he is won't pull guys out who are on a hot streak, put in four guards against the Bulls on a defensive possession, say "our defense is fine" after giving up 71 points in just over a half to Denver, and likely won't continue to entrust defensive duties to a guy just because he happens to look like Bruce Bowen.

02-20-2010, 08:39 PM
Who are they going to play to avoid small ball? If Mahinmi was Prime Shaq, I'm sure he'd be getting minutes.

We don't need a "prime Shaq" type of player, we need a Mohammed/Nesterovic kind of player, don't you think Ian could maybe fill that role?

Besides in another thread I post a rotation where you can avoid small-ball without the need of playing Mahinmi.

02-20-2010, 08:41 PM

02-20-2010, 08:41 PM
RJ playing like a pansy, TP playing during the summer, and Ginobili taking half a season to get in basketball form is not Pop's fault.
Changing the starting lineups 20 times and not playing 2 seven footers and letting them rot on the bench is Popovich's fault. The Spurs interior D has to be one of the 5 worst in the NBA. To tell me than Ian is not ready to be a rotation player is bogus. At the least, we'd undoubtedly have a better record than what we have at the moment. This goes back to the last couple playoff exits for the Spurs (i.e. switching small players on to Dirk and letting him go off on us).
As part of the rebuilding process Pop needs to go. That's not an insult to him or what he did in the past but it's time for new blood and a new system. Bring in AJ

02-20-2010, 08:41 PM
You know, it's probably true that all the Spurs need is more rest. Pop should be cutting Duncan's minutes back even more, since they ran out of gas in the second half of their second game in ten days.

02-20-2010, 08:42 PM
A high school basketball coach could improve this team.

Hear that? That's the sound of your credibility flying out the window.

02-20-2010, 08:42 PM
It's funny how of all the people who have disagreed with JT in this thread, NOT ONE OF THEM HAS GIVEN THE NAME OF AN AVAILABLE COACH WHO WOULD DO BETTER THAN POPOVICH.

02-20-2010, 08:44 PM
For the record, I don't think Pop should be fired. If he stepped away from coaching, that would signal the end to this era.

That said, I just can't defend the moves he's made this season. It's by far the worst coaching job I've seen him do. From beginning the season with Finley and Bonner in the starting lineup to his post-All-Star break "adjustments", he just hasn't pushed a right button all year.

Hall of Fame coach. Bad season.

02-20-2010, 08:45 PM
It's funny how of all the people who have disagreed with JT in this thread, NOT ONE OF THEM HAS GIVEN THE NAME OF AN AVAILABLE COACH WHO WOULD DO BETTER THAN POPOVICH.

TPark, is that you?

02-20-2010, 08:46 PM
It's funny how of all the people who have disagreed with JT in this thread, NOT ONE OF THEM HAS GIVEN THE NAME OF AN AVAILABLE COACH WHO WOULD DO BETTER THAN POPOVICH.

Bring in AJ

02-20-2010, 08:47 PM
TPark, is that you?

I go to the gym on a regular basis, so no.

02-20-2010, 08:50 PM
it all went downhill after P.J. Carlesimo Left

not sure that is the answer either since PJ is traveling with the team doing color commentating...He's there if they want him

02-20-2010, 08:51 PM
What is the Point

If some body says Avery Johnson, NBA coach of the year in 2006 set a record for highest winning percentage in the start of a career in nba History...

you ll just shoght it down with "how many rings" "what about the play offs"(like tim tony or manu would go soft like Dirk in crunch time)

Somebody can say that a coach like Rudy tomjanovich would have more success with this group of players

You'd poo poo it with this that and the other...

Somebody can say that coach K of Duke would be a great START if a total rebuild of the franchise..

but you'd piss on that with

"he wont coach the nba..he wouldnt coach the Spurs..."

there are candidates so get your head out of your ass and get out of the Spurs Forum

Kinda like what you just did with your post

02-20-2010, 08:51 PM
I'm glad I went to the game last night... I saw Pop do two things that were encouraging:

1) He got seriously pissed off the first 3 or 4 times were we made high school-type of defensive mistakes. I mean, he was livid with RJ, Hill and Blair.
2) He really sat down in a couple of timeouts and really tried to coach. You know, grab the board, tell them what to run, and encourage them to get the flow going, and what not.

He's definitely trying. I just think he's sincere when he says he can't get through to them. I just don't understand the reasoning for his lineups or the personnel decisions.

One other thing is that when Tony sat down after his first stint, and basically sat him down for a while, I think he kinda figured Tony couldn't play much and he toned down a bit. I'm not going to say he gave up, but I think he figured Tony wouldn't be able to do much.

And I think that's a lot of what's going on in his mind. I think he realizes that with a hobbled Tony, we're not going anywhere. He might not say it right now so it's not used as an excuse, but it's really the reality here, as much as it was last season without Manu.

02-20-2010, 08:54 PM
as much as pop has been questionable this year its hard to get this team going anywhere when players are constantly going in and out of injuries.... its no surprise tony needs to be on an all-star level for us to win.. thats just fact. and from the way tim looks of late those knees are definitely bothering him a bit.

02-20-2010, 08:54 PM
What is so hard to understand about this? Just because there might not be an available coach, with all things considered, who can turn this completely around does not mean Pop has not had a very bad season as a coach.

This team was not going to win a title with TP, Manu and RJ performing how they are. No coach would have changed that. Having said that, Pop's decisions have compounded the problem. He could have done many things differently that could have helped the situation. Not that it would have mattered with regards to a title, but that is not how he should be evaluated.

Many of his moves, especially the new ones make no logical sense. Some things cannot be defended. Should he be fired because his main players outside of Duncan have vastly under achieved for various reasons, no. But he should take a long hard look in the mirror when it comes to why things got as bad as they currently are.

Great coach overall, terrible season for him.

02-20-2010, 08:56 PM
What is so hard to understand about this? Just because there might not be an available coach, with all things considered, who can turn this completely around does not mean Pop has not had a very bad season as a coach.

This team was not going to win a title with TP, Manu and RJ performing how they are. No coach would have changed that. Having said that, Pop's decisions have compounded the problem. He could have done many things differently that could have helped the situation. Not that it would have mattered with regards to a title, but that is not how he should be evaluated.

Many of his moves, especially the new ones make no logical sense. Some things cannot be defended. Should he be fired because his main players outside of Duncan have vastly under achieved for various reasons, no. But he should take a long hard look in the mirror when it comes to why things got as bad as they currently are.

Great coach overall, terrible season for him.

this says it all :tu

Quiet Strength
02-20-2010, 08:58 PM
Pop is not the coach he used to be.. the lineups he puts on the floor are pathetic and having bonner start again is a bad move.. He's lost it and if he can't get through to the team then he has failed as a coach. I don't really care if he is fired or not but if firing him will make the team better then I'm all for it.

02-20-2010, 09:00 PM
Coaches are really overrated in general..a coach is more likely to hurt a team than he is to help it..I believe Pop is a good coach, same with Phil Jackson, same with Larry Brown and others, but they're all overrated to an extent..I'd still say they are good coaches, but I don't believe you can "rank" a coach..it's either good or bad..at the end of the day, players win titles..

These coaches that have success end up having huge egos..they become stubborn and believe whatever they do is the correct decision..their success came from the talent they had on the team..

The Spurs weren't going to win a title this year, but they could be better if the coach kept it simple..

+1 to DPG's post..

02-20-2010, 09:12 PM
That said, I just can't defend the moves he's made this season. It's by far the worst coaching job I've seen him do. From beginning the season with Finley and Bonner in the starting lineup to his post-All-Star break "adjustments", he just hasn't pushed a right button all year.

Hall of Fame coach. Bad season.

There's only been two games since the all-star break; I'd give that some more time. Its not entirely Pop's fault that both Parker and Duncan combined for 5-19 last night in addition to the disappointments known as McDyess and Dick (combined 7-17 last night). Duncan's been struggling as of late and you'd think with Dalembert fouled out he'd capitalize. :ihit

In some ways I've been impressed by Pop this season, he's given young guys like Hill and Blair their earned minutes which seems like a contrast to years before (thankfully Blair has gotten the nod over Ian). He's also given Dick Jefferson ample opportunities to prove his worth despite his disappointing game which is a good move, better for him to actually get chemistry than get chained to the dog house.

Finley only has started 4 games and Bonner 6; both are averaging under 17 mins a game so at least they don't eat up too much minutes. Both are arguably better at defense than their counterparts in Mason Jr., Bogans, Dice, and Blair. Bonner's +/- stat is pretty good along with 48MoH recent article that listed him in two of the five best Spurs lineups (http://www.48minutesofhell.com/2010/02/17/notes-from-wayne-winston-part-1/#more-6511). Also for most of the season the Spurs have one of the most electric first quarters in the league.

The standings are so close in the West that its incredible the Spurs have kept up despite incredibly disappointing trade acquisitions, rampant injuries, chemistry issues, and lack of consistent effort. The big three haven't looked anywhere near as good as they did last year when they were healthy; imo having an injured Parker is one of the killers for our losses this year. He just doesn't look like an elite PG like he did last year and instead of improving like he has every season he's unfortunately regressed instead. Ginobili is still getting up to par and Duncan is struggling recently offensively; not to mention Jefferson and Dice's shortcomings.

Yet we're only 3 games behind in the loss column behind the #2 spot but also three losses away from the #9; with the toughest schedule left this is going to be do or die for the Spurs. As long as there are no more significant injuries, Pop should be able to find a way to make it through.

02-20-2010, 09:13 PM
normally i'd agree, and its obvious i wasnt around before pop, in fact where I have criticized him I've also said i dont think its a good time to change coaches and dont know who'd make a good replacement.

but to me pop seems out of character lately, and when you say we're missing a good big- compared to what? oberto/elson/nazr/rasho/horry*? i agree about bruce though, thats probably the biggest difference. in the end, pop chose the pieces, said they were good enough, but hasnt been able to put them together. its probably part of the reason hes been out of character, he knows the jacuzzi is getting hotter.

I'm not known for my memory, but were those bigs really that much better than dyess/blair/bonner/ratliff/mahinmi *(horry is the only clear exception). and though I do remember pop being prone to experiments and shifty rotations, I dont remember it ever being this bad. you can get away with that stuff when you're kicking ass, but not when you're getting your ass kicked.

02-20-2010, 09:17 PM
Firing Pop is not going to fix anything next season. A healthy Tony Parker, Manu playing like it's 2005 and Duncan rolling back the clock a bit, a coach can not make happen.. Any coach..

02-20-2010, 09:19 PM
Didn't pop say if the spurs don't win with this roster he should be fired? Just sayin.

Yep and a lot of people agree, so whats the problem?

02-20-2010, 09:19 PM
I heartily endorse the OP. The coach's job is to prepare the players, but it is the player's job to get the game plan done, and they simply aren't doing that right now.

Pop has not had his greatest season, but it's not his fault that the team hasn't gelled, nor that he doesn't have the horses he needs for the system to succeed. I can't see how replacing him with Generic Coach X will improve things.

silverblk mystix
02-20-2010, 09:22 PM
The frustration of this season is wearing on fans, players, coaches...so we as fans point fingers...try to find answers...make criticisms,suggestions,etc...

Pop has been probably one of the 2 or 3 best things that has ever happened for this franchise...

What have you done for me lately?

That, I believe---unfair or not---is what it will ultimately come down to.

Okay, say we just keep trusting in Pop because of his resume....

Suppose ...

2010---first round playoff exit---or worse...
2011...no playoffs...
2013...miss playoffs again...

WHEN---would it be TIME to look at pop and possibly making a change...

you say...NAME a better available coach....

I say---WHEN is it acceptable to look at pops performance and question him?

For the record...I have been a diehard spurs fan since the ABA days, watched as our beloved G.Gervin was traded to chicago, cried when that fuckstick JAKE ODONNEL fucked us against Washington Bullets, endured during the years WE were like Suns fans crying about the refs--losing to the lakers,etc...

i have always supported and believed...but if a hall of famer like gervin can be disrespected like that for the betterment of the team/franchise----why is POP above that....

Do you think if pop were offered a CRAZY offer in a year or two ---to basically trade Duncan---for someone...and the deal was just TOO GOOD to pass up...do you think Pop would turn it down because of Duncan's status?

if so, dream on...

I say---Pop should definitely be put to the fire...

what have you done for me lately?

02-20-2010, 09:36 PM
You would think that this season would further prove to people the importance of chemistry and understanding the system.

02-20-2010, 09:37 PM
You would think that this season would further prove to people the importance of chemistry and understanding the system.

Meh, if that were the case the '08 Celtics shouldn't have won it all.

02-20-2010, 09:40 PM
Coaches are really overrated in general..a coach is more likely to hurt a team than he is to help it..I believe Pop is a good coach, same with Phil Jackson, same with Larry Brown and others, but they're all overrated to an extent..I'd still say they are good coaches, but I don't believe you can "rank" a coach..it's either good or bad..at the end of the day, players win titles..

These coaches that have success end up having huge egos..they become stubborn and believe whatever they do is the correct decision..their success came from the talent they had on the team..

The Spurs weren't going to win a title this year, but they could be better if the coach kept it simple..

+1 to DPG's post..

Yes, about these great coaches--could someone remind me how well Phil has done when he wasn't coaching the best players in the league? I just can't remember... And I think Pop has always acknowledged his success was duo to TD, not primarily his coaching.

About the only guy who can make lemonade out of lemons, polish a turd you might say, is Larry Brown--for one season. And I don't think it would work on the Spurs' veterans.

Besides that, we are seeing a man who is furiously pulling levers behind that green curtain, and it's not really working. Probably it would be better if he did hardly anything at all, and let the team win or lose on its own merits.

But imagine how angry people would be if he didn't do anything!

02-20-2010, 09:42 PM
If Pop is not the problem then who is??? Bonner? RC? RJ? TD? TP?

It's Pop.

Pop requested RJ. So RC is off the hook there.
Pop is trying to turn RJ into something he is not. He is a volume shooter which doesn't work in our system. So RJ is off the hook there.
Pop is trying to turn Bonner into a defensive stalwart which he could NEVER be. So that's Bonner and Pop's fault.

Pop didn't play Theo, Pop didn't play Ian. Pop played Finley ahead of the younger Mason. Pop needed 50 games to finally insert Hill into the starting lineup with Parker. Pop didn't play Blair. Pop is mauling the rotation. Pop cut Haislip.

And don't get me started about the game time adjustments, because they are horrible too.

If it's not Pop's fault, then who?

02-20-2010, 09:46 PM
Pop is not the problem, players not playing to their abilities is the problem. Tony parker thinking that france has a chance to be a world class team is the problem. I don' know if any of the other top coaches in the league could have coached the 05' and 07' teams to a championship. I don't know how we even have as many wins this year as we do having only one consistent player (Tim Duncan).

02-20-2010, 09:47 PM
Doesn't this shit ever get old to some of you????

02-20-2010, 09:50 PM
So lets say Pop switched teams with Nate McMillan. Does anyone actually think that Pop could beat the Spurs with the team Nate McMillan brought to S.A. and won without Roy?

Pop has been out coached by Nate twice this year. Vinny Del Negro twice. In fact, Pop was so bad he help the Bulls see what a really bad coach looked like and they kept Del Negro.

Sloan 4 times.

Eddie Jordan. Who the f*@#) loses to Eddie Jordan.

02-20-2010, 09:52 PM
Bottom line is this is a dumb gutless team.

02-20-2010, 09:55 PM
Pop is not the problem, players not playing to their abilities is the problem. Tony parker thinking that france has a chance to be a world class team is the problem. I don' know if any of the other top coaches in the league could have coached the 05' and 07' teams to a championship. I don't know how we even have as many wins this year as we do having only one consistent player (Tim Duncan).

If Pop would take Bonner sorry ass out of the rotation. TP wouldn't have to freeze his sorry ass out of the offense. Passing the ball to Bonner is just wasting time on the shot clock that we could be using getting a good shot for one of our other real NBA players.

Playing Bonner is one of the many errors Pop is dooming the Spurs with.

02-20-2010, 09:57 PM
It's not Pop. The guy has won 4 championships. He knows more than us put together.

TP has been injured all season. TD don't seem well. Manu is getting his groove just about at this point of the season. RJ is not going anywhere. Dice is a "second half season player". I mean. The guy has all these problems to solve. Unexpected problems. It's not his fault the team is at half tank. Altough I do believe that it can be fixed and get to the top.

02-20-2010, 10:16 PM
This is my main criticism of Pop: he's been too quick to flinch.

The Spurs have been trying to integrate several new players into the rotation. McDyess, RJ, Blair, Bogans, and Hill (while not new, his role has changed). All the players have had their ups and downs. Add Tony's injuries and Manu's slow start, and you can understand why the Spurs have been so inconsistent.

In retrospect, perhaps Pop should have tolerated some more losses and temporary confidence problems for the new guys. More predictability might have been better. Maybe if he hadn't felt the need to tinker so much from the beginning, the team would be surging right now.

02-20-2010, 10:17 PM
Pop has not had his greatest season, but it's not his fault that the team hasn't gelled, nor that he doesn't have the horses he needs for the system to succeed.

How is he not at least partially responsible for them not gelling when he is the one who is supposed to work out rotations and see who plays well with whom? How is he not at least partly responsible for the make-up of the team when he had a hand in the personnel decisions?

02-20-2010, 10:24 PM
I have an answer for you 'J.T.' you Popologist pussy cuckold!!!!

1.the foundations of the championship Spurs teams were Defense and a tall defensive interior presence. this forula won us 4 titles. then suddenly, POP(he who is the final word in all team decisions) suddenly and randomly decided to abandon both of those trademark principles-opting for small ball and giving tim duncan NO help inside.

2. in the last couple seasons we have seen a guy who has no buisness being anything other than the team victory cigar being put as our STARTING CENTER. matt bonner is the embodiment of everything that has been wrong with this team the last 2 seasons-undersized, slow, no athleticism, flatfooted, no defense...we have seen drew gooden, theo ratliff, ian mahinmi, etc...benched and cast off for nothing, while eevn now, with mcdyess and blair, matt bonner is STILL our starting center. that has been a HUGE part of this teams struggles the last few seasons, and thats 100% on Pop.

3. benching Hill in favor of jaque vaughn 2nd half of last season.

4. saying 'these playoffs arent for him.' (hill) and watching as fucking JJ BAREA rapes our asses in the playoffs, when every person on earth knew Hill should have been playing -except Pop.

5. aquiring a servicable center-gooden- then benching him most of the time, and perma benching him vs. dallas, in favor of his love Bonner, who was predictably raped and provided NOTHING but a warm body vs. dallas.

6. dumping young, athletic potential talent like Hairston and PMB so that he could keep a worthless 37yr old backup pg on the team.

7. failing to EVER develop ian mahinmi-the exact kind of player or team has needed so bad the last 2-3 seasons, drafting him 5 years ago to fill that exact need, then making the fans watch him sit on the bench permanently so that matt bonner can continue to get his minutes. ANY OTHER COACH would have worked him in and developed him already. there is NO RATIONAL EXPLANATION for the mahinmi situation. pop fails.

8. for giving tim duncan ZERO HELP in th paint during his last good years, by benching and dumping off potential post players so that matt bonner can be our 'center'.

9. for going out and signing theo ratliff to help shore up our obvious need for post defense and size, giving him only a few minutes here and there(during which he did EXACTLY what he was supposed to do), then inexplicably permanently benching him, then dumping him off FOR NOTHING to another team (where naturally, he immediately gets minutes and, predictably, does exactly what hes supposed to do, which is what the spurs need so bad-and we just dumped him for free). like the mahinmi situation there is NO RATIONAL EXPLANATION for the theo ratliff fucking debacle. no other coach would have done this.

10. for stubbornly insisting on ridiculous tiny lineups featuring either one big (duncan) or no bigs at all(6-7 blair) as center surrounded by FOUR GUARDS, often including the fan-favorite 'finley-at-the-four', regardless of matchups, timing, or the fact that were immediately start getting pummeled wheneverthis fucking retarded lineup occurs.

11. the foundations of the championships were defense and tall defensive interior presence. Pop decided to change all that and abandon both defense and tall players. the painfully predictable results have been on display for years for every single person besides pop to marvel at in disgust. all on pop.

theres probably tons of other things but im getting tired of typing.


02-20-2010, 10:31 PM
A coach has one of two responsibilities
1) Compete effectively, building a team to peak in the playoffs in the current season, in an effort to win it all.
2) If 1) isn't practical, to develop a team internally so that the team can compete in future seasons.

Popovich's rotations and decisions indicate he's lost track of this dual responsibility. At that point, you have to look at finding someone else. Sucks, but hey, get over it. Just like Ginobili shouldn't get a last huge contract. Yeah, he's been getting better almost all season, but he's getting older, and has definite injury issues... Similarly we will have to look at Parker this summer, especially if he plays for the FNT with his planar fascitis needing a long rest time...

silverblk mystix
02-20-2010, 10:37 PM
poop....you hit the nail right on the head...

how can pop KEEP his job this long is what we should all be asking...

02-20-2010, 10:39 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.




02-20-2010, 10:45 PM
ha, none of you Popologist cowards can challenge me.

02-20-2010, 10:46 PM

02-20-2010, 10:47 PM
How is he not at least partially responsible for them not gelling when he is the one who is supposed to work out rotations and see who plays well with whom? How is he not at least partly responsible for the make-up of the team when he had a hand in the personnel decisions?

He is partly responsible, I never said he wasn't. He has had a poor season, but ultimately it comes down to the players' performance on the court, and they have been decidedly average.

I say again - how is replacing Pop with Generic Coach X going to improve the situation?

02-20-2010, 10:50 PM
He is partly responsible, I never said he wasn't. He has had a poor season, but ultimately it comes down to the players' performance on the court, and they have been decidedly average.

I say again - how is replacing Pop with Generic Coach X going to improve the situation?

dick jeff has been a bust, and thats mostly not pops fault.

but how does that explain any of my points outlined above? how many 'generic coach x's' would have done all the boneheaded things pop has done the last few years?

02-20-2010, 10:54 PM


02-20-2010, 11:05 PM

"I have four rings, *aggot"

"Boggins sets the defensive tone, look at how he fouls everybody. He is a bulldog"


02-20-2010, 11:05 PM
I do not like aj but he could not do worse then pop

02-20-2010, 11:07 PM
I don't want Pop fired, but just for fun:

How to argue on Spurstalk:

A: His rotations this year don't make any sense! He's responsible for who's in the game!

B: 4 rings

A: He benched Hill and declared that he wasn't ready and the 'playoffs weren't for him'. What the hell?

B: 4 rings

A: He benched Bruce Bowen so the Spurs could have more offense! Now he's starting Bogans saying he's a defensive stopper like Bruce! WTF?

B: 4 rings

A: He blew game 1 against the Lakers in 08! Up by 20, Bruce locking down Kobe, he takes him out halfway through the 3rd and straight up lost the game with that one move! That was insane!

B: 4 rings

A: He cost us with smallball against the Mavs in 06! He trotted NVE out there who was a huge disaster! He benched Nazr because of a garbage time 3 against the Kings!

B: 4 rings

A: He refused to guard the inbounder in game 5 against the Lakers in 04! Didn't he ever watch any game ever like the Duke classic to learn to guard the inbounder!

B: 4 rings

A: Name how many series the Spurs have won as underdog with Pop, compare that to how many they lost as a favorite?

B: 4 rings

A: 4 rings 4 rings! Is that all you have to say? Can't you intelligently argue on the merits Pop's achievements and current abilities as head coach within the context of having the greatest PF of all time without saying 4 rings?

B: No. 4 rings.

A: Shit man, I bet you think KC Jones is a hall of famer too!

B: Who the hell is KC Jones? 4 rings.

A: He had a 5-year span as coach of the Celtics that could arguably match anything Pop's ever done. 2 titles, 2 finals losses to the showtime Lakers, ECF loss. No one ever talks about him being one of the greatest of all time now do they?

B: 4 rings.

02-20-2010, 11:09 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



I agree. I remember the days before Pop with Hill, Tark, Lucas among others putting up great regular seasons only to fall disappointingly short. Pop came along implemented his method and stuck to his guns. His approach has produced pretty forgettable regular seasons but 4 championships, a dynasty and an identity that all in this community are proud of. Did he have help absolutely, but he also has played a big part. I wander if the fans of Utah have called for Sloan's head as quickly we call for Pop.

02-20-2010, 11:10 PM
dick jeff has been a bust, and thats mostly not pops fault.I would actually say it is.

Capt Bringdown
02-20-2010, 11:19 PM
I'm a real fan and you're not.
Yes I am.
No, you're not
Yes I am...

Thanks for your enlightening point of view, very original.

02-20-2010, 11:27 PM
it all went downhill after P.J. Carlesimo Left

facts are facts. and this is a fact.

02-20-2010, 11:30 PM
PJ leaving could very well just be a coincidence.

The Spurs haven't won a title since Matt Bonner entered the rotation.

Maybe he's to blame and not PJ leaving.

Or some other coincidence.

02-20-2010, 11:38 PM
i did. Shortly after my fourth cocaine od. I realized why do coke when ecstasy costs 1/4th as much and keeps you fucked up like 500 times longer.

02-20-2010, 11:59 PM
Go back to the football forum. Quit fucking up this one with your idiocy.

You're an idiot.

Great thread, OP.

02-21-2010, 12:10 AM

hahahahaha! this is great

02-21-2010, 12:35 AM

good work fabbs.

Popologists = drug abusers.

02-21-2010, 12:37 AM
Hear that? That's the sound of your credibility flying out the window.

Basketball is pretty basic game.

You play guards at guard, forwards at forward and centers at center - unless you're Pop.

You start your five best players - unless you're Pop.

You play the same rotation in the playoffs that won 63 regular season games - unless you're Pop.

You call a timeout when the other team is going on a run - unless you're Pop.

When a player is hot, you leave them in the game - unless you're Pop.

When you give up 70 points in the last 26 minutes of a game against Denver, you realize your defense is a problem - unless you're Pop.

You realize that Keith Bogans is not Bruce Bowen - unless you're Pop.

You impose your will on inferior teams - unless you're Pop.

You let your best players play enough minutes to win a game - unless you're Pop.

You don't bring Tim Duncan off the bench to try to get him rest - unless you're Pop.

You never say that your team can't win without one of your players - unless you're Pop.

You don't put Michael Finley in the game and tell him to front Lamar Odom - unless you're Pop.

There are literally hundreds of high school coaches in the United States that know all the above truths about basic basketball. At some point, you put your players in the best position to win, line them up and get out of the way. All the Spurs need is someone to get out of the fucking way.

02-21-2010, 01:03 AM
Basketball is pretty basic game.

You play guards at guard, forwards at forward and centers at center - unless you're Pop.

You start your five best players - unless you're Pop.

You play the same rotation in the playoffs that won 63 regular season games - unless you're Pop.

You call a timeout when the other team is going on a run - unless you're Pop.

When a player is hot, you leave them in the game - unless you're Pop.

When you give up 70 points in the last 26 minutes of a game against Denver, you realize your defense is a problem - unless you're Pop.

You realize that Keith Bogans is not Bruce Bowen - unless you're Pop.

You impose your will on inferior teams - unless you're Pop.

You let your best players play enough minutes to win a game - unless you're Pop.

You don't bring Tim Duncan off the bench to try to get him rest - unless you're Pop.

You never say that your team can't win without one of your players - unless you're Pop.

You don't put Michael Finley in the game and tell him to front Lamar Odom - unless you're Pop.

There are literally hundreds of high school coaches in the United States that know all the above truths about basic basketball. At some point, you put your players in the best position to win, line them up and get out of the way. All the Spurs need is someone to get out of the fucking way.


This is what I mean though..

Coaches like Pop that have had success have big egos and are really stubborn..instead of using a SIMPLE strategy that would be commonly used in basketball, he gets too cute and thinks too much..

02-21-2010, 01:20 AM

This is what I mean though..

Coaches like Pop that have had success have big egos and are really stubborn..instead of using a SIMPLE strategy that would be commonly used in basketball, he gets too cute and thinks too much..

Big ego? When has Pop sought the camera. Every title and every bit of success this team has had he has deflected to his team. I have never once heard this man take any credit. As far back as I can remember the coaches that have won titles include Phil, Rivers, Riley, Larry Brown, Tomjanavich, Daly and K.C. Jones. Is Popavich the big boob of this group with 4 titles? If Popavich is such an ass why hasn't Tim called for his head? One of the prime reasons Duncan re-upped after his rookie contract was Pop. I see a classic case of the grass is greener. Be careful what you wish for.

02-21-2010, 01:23 AM
Basketball is pretty basic game.

You play guards at guard, forwards at forward and centers at center - unless you're Pop.

You start your five best players - unless you're Pop.

You play the same rotation in the playoffs that won 63 regular season games - unless you're Pop.

You call a timeout when the other team is going on a run - unless you're Pop.

When a player is hot, you leave them in the game - unless you're Pop.

When you give up 70 points in the last 26 minutes of a game against Denver, you realize your defense is a problem - unless you're Pop.

You realize that Keith Bogans is not Bruce Bowen - unless you're Pop.

You impose your will on inferior teams - unless you're Pop.

You let your best players play enough minutes to win a game - unless you're Pop.

You don't bring Tim Duncan off the bench to try to get him rest - unless you're Pop.

You never say that your team can't win without one of your players - unless you're Pop.

You don't put Michael Finley in the game and tell him to front Lamar Odom - unless you're Pop.

There are literally hundreds of high school coaches in the United States that know all the above truths about basic basketball. At some point, you put your players in the best position to win, line them up and get out of the way. All the Spurs need is someone to get out of the fucking way.

a great, concise summary!

02-21-2010, 01:24 AM
EVERY winning coach has a big ego, same with every successful player..it's pretty much impossible not to..you don't have to show it publicly, but it's a common trend..guys like Pop and Jerry Sloan aren't as bad as guys that do it publicly like Phil Jackson and Larry Brown, but it's always there..

It also doesn't help their egos when all the assistant coaches and media around them are yes men and are scared of them..

I'm not in favor of getting rid of Pop, but his coaching has been poor this season, and he's obviously stubborn and annoying at times..

02-21-2010, 01:26 AM
Go back to the football forum. Quit fucking up this one with your idiocy.


02-21-2010, 01:28 AM
The Pop of 2003 ant walking in that door

So you're left with Pop who is 61 been doing this FOREVER and thinks that Bogans is the answer to.....

You tell ME genius

So Is Doc rivers Just sewer snot?


Jerry Sloan?

Larry Brown?

For fucks Sakes take Pops Cock out of your ass you Cukold Mope..,...

two fucking Hall of fame coaches and you are talking about Pop being the Best Coach besides Phil Jackson...

Fucking classic homer myopic pipg

your coaching selection is terrible.

02-21-2010, 01:32 AM
EVERY winning coach has a big ego, same with every successful player..it's pretty much impossible not to..you don't have to show it publicly, but it's a common trend..guys like Pop and Jerry Sloan aren't as bad as guys that do it publicly like Phil Jackson and Larry Brown, but it's always there..

It also doesn't help their egos when all the assistant coaches and media around them are yes men and are scared of them..

Pop understands that he wouldn't have the titles without the talent he has had. I think the difference is that when he makes the hof and has his name in the rafters at the att center he will feel embarrassed. The coaches you mentioned in my mind feel entitled. I don't think Pop gives a shit which makes him great. I think he will coach for as long as Duncan plays if that long and when he is gone this board will be calling for him to come out of retirement.

02-21-2010, 01:46 AM

:lmao :lmao

02-21-2010, 02:08 AM


That was thread worthy. :downspin:

02-21-2010, 02:16 AM

hardest i've laughed all year, EASY. got tears streaming down and everything. I laughed even harder here than when i saw jaffies', and jaffies' video was DAMN funny. didn't he get a spur for that one? just my humble grey poster 2 cents.

btw thank you for finally allowing me to let out all those suppressed spurs tears

02-21-2010, 02:19 AM
"Ian Mahinmi . . . who the fuck is that?"

02-21-2010, 02:23 AM
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! This deserves an award. :tu

baseline bum
02-21-2010, 02:27 AM



02-21-2010, 02:40 AM
Pop has been absolutely horrible, just like last season. Pull your head out of your ass and actually watch basketball, homer.

02-21-2010, 02:55 AM
We don't need a "prime Shaq" type of player, we need a Mohammed/Nesterovic kind of player, don't you think Ian could maybe fill that role?

Besides in another thread I post a rotation where you can avoid small-ball without the need of playing Mahinmi.
Ian COULD fill that role....but won't.
I don't understand why Pop hasn't given him more of a chance.

I understand the frustrations people are having, but for those who want Pop gone just who do you think would be a good coaching fit for the team, please don't say AJ

02-21-2010, 02:58 AM

funny beyond belief:lmao

02-21-2010, 03:02 AM


02-21-2010, 03:13 AM
For the record, I don't think Pop should be fired. If he stepped away from coaching, that would signal the end to this era.

That said, I just can't defend the moves he's made this season. It's by far the worst coaching job I've seen him do. From beginning the season with Finley and Bonner in the starting lineup to his post-All-Star break "adjustments", he just hasn't pushed a right button all year.

Hall of Fame coach. Bad season.

It reminds me when we had Brad Lohaus and went and resigned Greg "Cadillac Anderson" in the 90's

02-21-2010, 03:17 AM
Pop has been absolutely horrible, just like last season. Pull your head out of your ass and actually watch basketball, homer.

He has been terrible all year last year too. It doesn't make sense to let 2 7 footers ride the pine when we are getting raped in the paint. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or amatuer basketball fanatic like myself to figure out that Michael Finely is not going to outplay a PF in the league. What gives now? Bogans and Bonner in the starting line-up WTF?

02-21-2010, 03:23 AM
He has been terrible all year last year too. It doesn't make sense to let 2 7 footers ride the pine when we are getting raped in the paint. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or amatuer basketball fanatic like myself to figure out that Michael Finely is not going to outplay a PF in the league. What gives now? Bogans and Bonner in the starting line-up WTF?

exactly jazzman. the more people who see the truth the better.

02-21-2010, 03:25 AM
He has been terrible all year last year too. It doesn't make sense to let 2 7 footers ride the pine when we are getting raped in the paint. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or amatuer basketball fanatic like myself to figure out that Michael Finely is not going to outplay a PF in the league. What gives now? Bogans and Bonner in the starting line-up WTF?

When smallball exploded into the NBA in 2006 pop gave a quote about how the Spurs needed to run and not be a typical halfcourt team or something to that effect. He said that they'd still occasionally trot out a conventional lineup.

He thought the league was trending to tiny ball. He missed that one big time. All the contenders play large lineups. Small ball died as a real strategy with the death of phoenix run-and-gun championship contention.

Back in 06 a ton of teams played small lineups, including the one that bounced us. Problem is, Pop has failed to realize that it wasn't the future.

Doesn't matter since we don't have the personnel to play tall or small ball well, especially on the defensive end.

But yeah, Pop did a 180 with that quote back in 06 as far as how the team plays goes.

02-21-2010, 03:28 AM

02-21-2010, 03:53 AM
Basketball is pretty basic game.

You play guards at guard, forwards at forward and centers at center - unless you're Pop.

You start your five best players - unless you're Pop.

You play the same rotation in the playoffs that won 63 regular season games - unless you're Pop.

You call a timeout when the other team is going on a run - unless you're Pop.

When a player is hot, you leave them in the game - unless you're Pop.

When you give up 70 points in the last 26 minutes of a game against Denver, you realize your defense is a problem - unless you're Pop.

You realize that Keith Bogans is not Bruce Bowen - unless you're Pop.

You impose your will on inferior teams - unless you're Pop.

You let your best players play enough minutes to win a game - unless you're Pop.

You don't bring Tim Duncan off the bench to try to get him rest - unless you're Pop.

You never say that your team can't win without one of your players - unless you're Pop.

You don't put Michael Finley in the game and tell him to front Lamar Odom - unless you're Pop.

There are literally hundreds of high school coaches in the United States that know all the above truths about basic basketball. At some point, you put your players in the best position to win, line them up and get out of the way. All the Spurs need is someone to get out of the fucking way.

Damn , Obstructed_View, you got it all figured out. I vote OP to replace Pop. Just think OP, since your the Spurs head coach, you can finally start Mahimni, who you want starting and averaging 35 minutes a game, like you you posted in another thread(30 games remain: Make your predictions here, #78). My fearless forcast would be Mahimni MVP of the 2nd half of the season, and OP coach of the half year. But seriously O V, you need to go to Walmart and see if they have clues on sale.

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-21-2010, 04:00 AM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



Fuck you.

Find me one coach in the league who would start Bonner as part of their starting five. Find me one who would start Bogans. For kicks, show me one who would start *both*.

And that's not even touching strategy, that's just talking personnel 101.

02-21-2010, 05:45 AM
Damn , Obstructed_View, you got it all figured out. I vote OP to replace Pop. Just think OP, since your the Spurs head coach, you can finally start Mahimni, who you want starting and averaging 35 minutes a game, like you you posted in another thread(30 games remain: Make your predictions here, #78). My fearless forcast would be Mahimni MVP of the 2nd half of the season, and OP coach of the half year. But seriously O V, you need to go to Walmart and see if they have clues on sale.

Wow, all those facts and you can't seem to refute a single one, so I guess I'm stuck addressing what you actually had the balls to challenge me on:

I want all the starters averaging at least 35 minutes a game, and I want the best players starting at their natural position (because 35 minutes of Bonner and Bogans is about as bad as most of your posts). If Mahinmi can't play 35 minutes a game, then Theo Ratliff can back him...oops.

By the way, where you always fail is in thinking the Spurs need Mahinmi to be the MVP of anything. All he has to do is be in position and get back on defense, block some shots and rebound. Basically you make Ian a DVD of Rasho highlights as a Spur and you tell him that's how he needs to pattern his game if he wants minutes. It might take him a weekend of watching it over and over. The Spurs don't need superstars, they need role players. One of the roles they need is someone to help Timmy in the paint. Playing Ian every game until he fouls out would improve the defense on this team.

02-21-2010, 08:46 AM
This season is over anyway.

There is still a chance next year with Pop IMO :
- TP will rest this summer whatever he says (contract year)
- Pop (with RC) is really good at drafting player and we will have our best draft pick in the Duncan era this year (18 or 19).
- Pop will have another chance at finding the Bowen replacement and the defensive big we need. They failed with Bogans, and Dice and I think they know it

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-21-2010, 10:21 AM
With all this being said about pop and his crummy job...

What if Manu continues to improve

What if The Spurs eek into the 5Th spot

What if Manu goes Kobesque and carries the Spurs to the Western Conference Finals...

And saves Pop Fucking Rep, Job, and legacy....

Wouldn't that be just Grand?

Again, Bonner and Bogans.... teams would just double Manu, Tony, or Tim, and make those two beat them. That ain't happening in a 7 game series.

02-21-2010, 10:24 AM
Pop isn't the problem.

He's trying everything he can to fix the REAL problem.

Pop is responsible for getting the team he has.

02-21-2010, 10:26 AM
Pop is the best we have. We should be glad with him. As J.T. said in his op, he is indeed the best together with jackson.

The time when pop decides to retire, that's the time when I will really be worried, that's the time the nightmare starts.

02-21-2010, 10:31 AM
No, Pop does some stupid shit.

02-21-2010, 10:33 AM
I heartily endorse the OP. The coach's job is to prepare the players, but it is the player's job to get the game plan done, and they simply aren't doing that right now.

Pop has not had his greatest season, but it's not his fault that the team hasn't gelled, nor that he doesn't have the horses he needs for the system to succeed. I can't see how replacing him with Generic Coach X will improve things.

Pop is responsible for putting this team together.

For getting a player, Jefferson who is not a good fit for the way he wants to use him, for failing to get a true center and being stuck with Bonnner getting too many minutes, for getting Bogans as a type of Bowen replacement.

02-21-2010, 10:35 AM
Pop is the best we have. We should be glad with him. As J.T. said in his op, he is indeed the best together with jackson.

The time when pop decides to retire, that's the time when I will really be worried, that's the time the nightmare starts.

Thats because Duncan will be gone and the team will be rebuilding and looking for another franchise player. Not because of Pop.

02-21-2010, 10:38 AM
If we get Butler and Haywood we are in the mix. Wizards are so retarded. They trade for Josh Howard. Anyway we can get Oberto back if he's waived? How about kurt Thomas?

02-21-2010, 10:44 AM
Pop doesn't need to be fired. He needs to transition out of the head coaching job. He is no longer getting the best out of his players, and hasn't for some time.

This team should be contending for a Championship. Last year's team should have contended as well. Pop has had a great run, but almost every coach reaches this point at some time in his career. Whether it's because of boredom or age, he's gotten away from what made him such a successful coach in the past and I don't have any confidence that he can regain that focus.

02-21-2010, 10:59 AM
With all this being said about pop and his crummy job...

What if Manu continues to improve

What if The Spurs eek into the 5Th spot

What if Manu goes Kobesque and carries the Spurs to the Western Conference Finals...

And saves Pop Fucking Rep, Job, and legacy....

Wouldn't that be just Grand?As far as I'm concerned that is the Key. I mean Manu was playing lights out when he got hurt last year, also Timmy has to stay healthy and Tony has to get healthy. And strangely maybe that's what Pop is trying to do, but then we see a game like philly's where it was painfully obvious Tony was hurting and he kept him in the game and ran him down some more. That I don't understand.

02-21-2010, 11:31 AM
nice thread, but do you really think that those who think pop should be fired are going to stop and be reasonable or rational?

02-21-2010, 12:12 PM
The chemistry on this board sucks.

02-21-2010, 12:15 PM
nice thread, but do you really think that those who think pop should be fired are going to stop and be reasonable or rational?

Yeah, facts and evidence and stuff. Jerks.

02-21-2010, 12:17 PM
Pop doesn't need to be fired. He needs to transition out of the head coaching job. He is no longer getting the best out of his players, and hasn't for some time.

I'm personally hoping for this. I'd like to see him hand the reins of coaching over to someone else and continue to have a hand in personnel decisions. I'd be perfectly happy with Pop being associated with the team in perpetuity, but his time as the coach is long since passed.

02-21-2010, 03:02 PM
Wow, all those facts and you can't seem to refute a single one, so I guess I'm stuck addressing what you actually had the balls to challenge me on:

I want all the starters averaging at least 35 minutes a game, and I want the best players starting at their natural position (because 35 minutes of Bonner and Bogans is about as bad as most of your posts). If Mahinmi can't play 35 minutes a game, then Theo Ratliff can back him...oops.

By the way, where you always fail is in thinking the Spurs need Mahinmi to be the MVP of anything. All he has to do is be in position and get back on defense, block some shots and rebound. Basically you make Ian a DVD of Rasho highlights as a Spur and you tell him that's how he needs to pattern his game if he wants minutes. It might take him a weekend of watching it over and over. The Spurs don't need superstars, they need role players. One of the roles they need is someone to help Timmy in the paint. Playing Ian every game until he fouls out would improve the defense on this team.

Something is obstructing you view. I'm calling out your idea that Mahimni can be a starter. Mahimni is not talented enough to be a starter. How can anyone think that Mahimni can start and actually average 35 minutes a game? What do you base that on? Because hes tall? My neighbor's son is 6'11", maybe he can start for the Spurs. You make it sound so easy Coach Obstructed View. Along as someone is 6'10", or better, they can watch your coaching DVD, and after a weekend of watching it over and over, they will be ready to start for the Spurs, or at least be a solid role player. OMG why didn't Pop think of this?

02-21-2010, 03:20 PM
Something is obstructing you view. I'm calling out your idea that Mahimni can be a starter. Mahimni is not talented enough to be a starter. How can anyone think that Mahimni can start and actually average 35 minutes a game? What do you base that on? Because hes tall? My neighbor's son is 6'11", maybe he can start for the Spurs. You make it sound so easy Coach Obstructed View. Along as someone is 6'10", or better, they can watch your coaching DVD, and after a weekend of watching it over and over, they will be ready to start for the Spurs, or at least be a solid role player. OMG why didn't Pop think of this?
What makes you think Mahimi can't be a starter? What do you base this on?
I personally don't know because I have yet to see him for a good stretch of games to know one way or another what he can do, yet you know with the same information we all have here spurstalk.

Pop doesn't need to be fired. He needs to transition out of the head coaching job. He is no longer getting the best out of his players, and hasn't for some time.

Pop has even said he can't get through to them, this IMO is the most disturbing thing about this year. The players seem to be playing out the string for the most part, which really frustrates me, which in turn I think is causing Pop to say to hell with this season, and has coused him to pretty much right off the season, who knows.

02-21-2010, 03:39 PM

Just because no one out there is better on paper than Pop doesn't mean that he's above criticism or error; a 15+ year tenure with one team, the vast majority of which residing at head coach while assuming some GM duties, will no doubt have a few controversial decisions.

02-21-2010, 03:48 PM
What makes you think Mahimi can't be a starter? What do you base this on?
I personally don't know because I have yet to see him for a good stretch of games to know one way or another what he can do, yet you know with the same information we all have here spurstalk.

I base this on Mahimni only playing in garbage time. Based on what little time I've seen of Mahimni, he does look like starting material. And the fact that hes not playing meaningful minutes and, for whatever reason, has not cracked the rotation. To go from the 12th man to starter would be pretty unusual don't you think? I base my opinion on Mahimni because the Spurs FO decided not pick pick up his option for next year.

02-21-2010, 03:59 PM
lots of diehard homers with their heads in the sand in this thread.

02-21-2010, 04:03 PM
For the record, I don't think Pop should be fired. If he stepped away from coaching, that would signal the end to this era.

That said, I just can't defend the moves he's made this season. It's by far the worst coaching job I've seen him do. From beginning the season with Finley and Bonner in the starting lineup to his post-All-Star break "adjustments", he just hasn't pushed a right button all year.

Hall of Fame coach. Bad season.


02-21-2010, 04:17 PM
Dear Fucksticks,


BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA!!!, LOOK AT yourself first [in the mirror], BEFORE INSULTING others[/B]!!! When someone starts insulting, the logic says he "HAS NOTHING VALUABLE TO SAY!" YOU CANNOT LIVE WITH THE PAST, bonehead, you would need TO LIVE WITH THE PRESENT and the FUTURE! Pop already RECEIVED a BIG GLORY and Money for what he has done in the past! His name as a coach will remain forever in the NBA history - he will be "hall of fame coach", yes! But, as any other job, you would need to perform NOW, this is why he is getting paid BIG $$$ NOW (eh?), so, take your "Pop's glasses" OFF and see the reality - and the reality is WE HAVE NO TEAM right now to win a title, PERIOD, we (even) have NO team to pass the 1st round in the Playoffs, as someone else here said, if Timmy gets injured, we WILL NOT even make the Playoffs; And after spending so much money [the 1st time in the Spurs history!!!], someone has to take the responsibility [as Pop said himself!!!] for mismanaging the team, playing time, plays, etc., everything, and this one, unfortunately, is the Coach...We got Ratliff and Haislip - and then, we benched them!??? SO FOOLISH! Pop SIMPLY LOST IT this time around! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! Time to go, Pop!, Time to go, buddy...

02-21-2010, 04:18 PM
The saddest part is: a new coach who simply uses a different philosophy actually sounds pretty welcome right now. It's not like Pop's trotting out the lineups or we even possess the pieces to play consistent top 5 defense anymore.

What I really want is the old Pop back. I wish he would be stubborn about playing two bigs on the floor entire games for a while, if only for "shits and giggles." Maybe we'd even get a look at Ian.

02-21-2010, 04:33 PM
The saddest part is: a new coach who simply uses a different philosophy actually sounds pretty welcome right now. It's not like Pop's trotting out the lineups or we even possess the pieces to play consistent top 5 defense anymore.

What I really want is the old Pop back. I wish he would be stubborn about playing two bigs on the floor entire games for a while, if only for "shits and giggles." Maybe we'd even get a look at Ian.

Most teams already figured out Pop - J. Sloan is 4:0 against the Spurs this year, Denver with George as a coach also beat us 2 times at the ATT center, needless to say Rick Carlisle and the Mavericks can beat us easily as well - Butler, Haywood, and Stevenson are just too much...do I need to say more?

02-21-2010, 04:46 PM
It seems pretty simple on offense and defense to me. Duncan 6-11 / Mcdyess 6-9 / Blair 6-7 / Mahinmi 6-11 and I dont count Bonner even though he is 6-10 for obvious reasons. As long as you have either Duncan and another big out there AT THE SAME TIME then you should be ok defensively provided the wings ( RJ/Hill/Manu/Parker/Bogans ) get up on their man and force them to the side an not give up middle. Thats on defense! On offense Parker has to take heat, RJ has to produce as a spot-up shooter when playing w/ TP. Its kinda hard to be aggressive standing behind the 3pt line while your PG dribbles away. Rather some give and take would be nice. Let TP do his thing while RJ stands around, and then give RJ some mid-post iso plays and clear out for him. That way he can still be effective even of his 3pt shot isnt falling, cause he'll most likely get 8-10 FT a night with a consistent iso feed in that midpost area.

02-21-2010, 05:03 PM
Pop doesn't need to be fired. He needs to transition out of the head coaching job. He is no longer getting the best out of his players, and hasn't for some time.

This team should be contending for a Championship. Last year's team should have contended as well. Pop has had a great run, but almost every coach reaches this point at some time in his career. Whether it's because of boredom or age, he's gotten away from what made him such a successful coach in the past and I don't have any confidence that he can regain that focus.
:lmao that's horse shit, find me a coach that will take this injured Tony Parker, this inconsistent Ginobili, this worn out Tim, this pussified RJ, this half a season Dice and make them a contending team.....:nope

02-21-2010, 05:49 PM
:lmao that's horse shit, find me a coach that will take this injured Tony Parker, this inconsistent Ginobili, this worn out Tim, this pussified RJ, this half a season Dice and make them a contending team.....:nope

agree - this team is NOT a contending team by NO means!

02-21-2010, 07:35 PM
:lmao that's horse shit, find me a coach that will take this injured Tony Parker, this inconsistent Ginobili, this worn out Tim, this pussified RJ, this half a season Dice and make them a contending team.....:nope

How about Gregg Popovich 2005 edition.

There was a time when almost every player we acquired became a better player as a result of joining the Spurs. It's been difficult to find examples of this in the past few years. RJ didn't just suddenly turn into a pussy overnight. He deserves the criticism he's received but if this same RJ joins the 1999-2007 Spurs I doubt we'd be seeing the same absolute ineptitude.

I'm tired of the excuses being made for Tim, Tony and Manu too. At some point the coach has to ask for more from his best players. Pop2005 would have done that. Pop2010 continues to give them permission to settle for mediocrity.

As far as being a contender, why the hell not? You really think the best we could do last year was losing in 5 to the Mavericks in Round 1?? You think 31-22 is an acceptable record for this group of players?

02-21-2010, 07:41 PM
good D hill

02-21-2010, 07:42 PM
oops wrong thread lol

Dr. Gonzo
02-21-2010, 09:10 PM
I give a bit :tu to J.T.

02-21-2010, 09:10 PM
I base this on Mahimni only playing in garbage time. Based on what little time I've seen of Mahimni, he does look like starting material.
And yet you have said just the opposite.

I'm calling out your idea that Mahimni can be a starter. Mahimni is not talented enough to be a starter.

02-21-2010, 09:13 PM
And yet you have said just the opposite.

Yes, I made a typo. I meant to say that Mahimni doesn't seem to be starting material.

02-21-2010, 09:18 PM
You do know that in 2005 the big 3 were 5 years younger. You can't turn back father time.

My point was if you take Pop from 2005 and make him the coach of this team, he would have higher expectations.

02-21-2010, 09:25 PM
For all those calling for Pop's head, what do you think another coach could do with this group? Stir in a new coach & the Spurs become the team of 2005, 2007?? Think we win another championship, like, next year?

Whatever Pop is doing thus far isn't working thus far but I'm not ready to give up on him. After all, he coached most of these guys to 4 rings.....can't beat that. Still, it seems as if the players aren't getting it or are tuning him out.....or it could simply be a combination of everything....from coaching-injuries-lack of talent in key positions-age has caught up with this team.

02-21-2010, 09:57 PM
How 'bout them colts?

02-21-2010, 10:03 PM
3/4 of the coaches int his league could do a much better job than Pop has this year. It's hilarious to see the lineups he trots out there. Most sensible coaches would be playing 2 bigs, and probably giving Ian and Hairston some more playing time earlier in the season.

Pop is a joke and needs to go the Dunleavy route.

02-21-2010, 10:36 PM
For all those calling for Pop's head, what do you think another coach could do with this group? Stir in a new coach & the Spurs become the team of 2005, 2007?? Think we win another championship, like, next year?

Whatever Pop is doing thus far isn't working thus far but I'm not ready to give up on him. After all, he coached most of these guys to 4 rings.....can't beat that. Still, it seems as if the players aren't getting it or are tuning him out.....or it could simply be a combination of everything....from coaching-injuries-lack of talent in key positions-age has caught up with this team.

The Spurs have only slightly less talent now than they had at the beginning of the season when many people picked them to contend for a title, and that's only because of the scorched earth policy Pop seemed to employ before the trade deadline.

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-21-2010, 10:59 PM
JT needs to take that starting lineup from tonight vs. Detroit and shove it up his ass.

02-22-2010, 03:42 PM
Pop doesn't need to be fired. He needs to transition out of the head coaching job. He is no longer getting the best out of his players, and hasn't for some time.

Pop should be removed from gm responsibilities.

02-22-2010, 03:55 PM
You do know that in 2005 the big 3 were 5 years younger. You can't turn back father time.

This is it. Injuries have made the so called big 3 a shell of what they were in the past, the last couple of years. Other teams have also improved since their last title. The league is ever changing and the spurs just did not keep up.

And not addressing getting a true starting quality center has hurt the interior defense.

02-22-2010, 04:59 PM
What's pretty scare is that the thought that Pop tries to resign all or most of the players on our current roster this summer. Imagine that!?

Sean Cagney
02-22-2010, 06:14 PM
Most teams already figured out Pop - J. Sloan is 4:0 against the Spurs this year, Denver with George as a coach also beat us 2 times at the ATT center, needless to say Rick Carlisle and the Mavericks can beat us easily as well - Butler, Haywood, and Stevenson are just too much...do I need to say more?

They could not seem to figure out Pop though when we had the talent to beat the hell outta them though did they? Their teams are better now, sure the others coaches have coached well against us and Pop for some reason plays the wrong lineups alot of times this year! Still I think the team is just older now and needs new pieces around the big three (Young athletic), the team just isn't that great anymore and the others came up.

Pop is a HOF coach like someone said, sure his lineups baffle us all, but he didn't make RJ play like UTTER SHYT and a few other injuries like Parker have hurt the flow of the team.

This teams core is just not what they used to be when we were winning titles, sometimes it boils down to that sides the stupid rotations and lineups at times.

Sean Cagney
02-22-2010, 06:16 PM
What's pretty scare is that the thought that Pop tries to resign all or most of the players on our current roster this summer. Imagine that!?

I would cry then, seriously! Mason still on the books next year? I know Finley is not and Bonner is off (Hope to GOD). I seriously don't care if I see any of them again on the Floor after this year, it's been enough and it's over with.

How long is Bogans on BTW? I hope just one year as well? Gino needs to be resigned and these guys need to be let go and they need to try and bring in Splitter or Gist, or both! Gist is athletic and can play the 3, he is a good shooter who can rebound as well, he would be great here.

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-22-2010, 07:29 PM
They could not seem to figure out Pop though when we had the talent to beat the hell outta them though did they? Their teams are better now, sure the others coaches have coached well against us and Pop for some reason plays the wrong lineups alot of times this year! Still I think the team is just older now and needs new pieces around the big three (Young athletic), the team just isn't that great anymore and the others came up.

Pop is a HOF coach like someone said, sure his lineups baffle us all, but he didn't make RJ play like UTTER SHYT and a few other injuries like Parker have hurt the flow of the team.

This teams core is just not what they used to be when we were winning titles, sometimes it boils down to that sides the stupid rotations and lineups at times.

The core is only different because you have a coach who is so damn dense he thinks he can win with Bonner, Finley, and Jefferson logging significant time at the 4/5 spots.

It is Popdamn ridiculous that the franchise that won multiple titles with the Twin Towers anchoring the front court is trotting out the likes of Richard Jefferson and Michael Finley for any minutes, let alone significant minutes, at the four spot.

Pop always used to be great at adapting to what's going on in the league (albeit typically in the off-season as opposed to real-time in playoff series), yet he's been stuck on small ball since 2007. It's no coincidence this team hasn't sniffed a title since Pop fell in love with playing Nellieball, and unfortunately if this season is any indication it appears Smallball will also have to be written in the epitaph of the Tim Duncan era as the cause of death.

02-22-2010, 10:14 PM
Hell, I still believe. With Manu playing better & getting his shot back, I believe. With Tim consistantly 20/10, I believe. With Tony getting healthy before the play offs, I believe.
With RJ growing a pair? Well, not so much....
But I still BELIEVE this team is capable in a 7 game series.

03-07-2010, 01:39 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



+1346728 (+@1346728)

The fucksticks are like:

Fire Pop!

Replace him with.....er someone.

If you ever wanted to see crystalized stupidty, the fire Pop fucksticks exemplify it.

Do they honestly think that qualifies as basketball discussion? Intelligent insight?

They do not care who Pop is replaced with, they simply think he is an idiot who does stupid things and firing him will automatically be an improvement.

They do not realize all coaches do stupid things.

They do not realize Pop has always done stupid things.

They do not realize that whether Pop does stupid shit or not, he is still an organizational genius, way fucing more than merely a coach for the Spurs.

They literally think he is the only stupid coach in the NBA and whoever he is replaced with will not be as stupid.

Ironically enough, this mindset, this lack of foresight, this lack of knowledge of Pop's role on the Spurs, as well as the lack of knowledge that all coaches do seemingly stupid shit, clearly marks them as much stupider than Pop will be on his stupidest day on the planet. And pointedly proves why they should not be listened to.

Want to fire Pop? Then who do you replace him with? Idiots.

I guarantee you that most of the names you will select will have little or no evidence to lead anyone to believe they will be as successful as Pop is even now.

It's simly a bunch of overly emotional non-thinking vaginas reacting to the Spurs substadard w-l and wildly swinging the blame.

You do not fire Pop, the most successful Front Office Exec, as well as Coach, that the Spurs have ever had, will ever have, without having a clear view of who his replacement will be, and reasons why they will be better.

And I am sorry but, my grandmother would be smart enough not to play small ball, is not a suitable basis for this decision, it just means you are an overly emotional reactionary idiot, whose esteem is tied way to closely to the Spurs w-l record and result of their last game played, whining on a message board.

Why don't you fire Pop crew simply go find another team to root for, you know, one with a coach who doesn't make stupid decisions? Like the Spurs and Pop used to be.

Yeah I know, you've been a fan forever etc, whether that is true or not, you damn sure haven't done as much for the Spurs as Pop has, and you probably aren't as smart or as good of a coach or GM as he is, even now, either.

Besides, it will be good for you to search for a non-stupid coach.

You don't fire Gregg Popovich's for the reasons and in the way that you guys want to do it, you're simply a bunch of idiots whining on a message board.

When this change is made, if it isn't a decision Pop makes for himself, which is something he has earned btw, you need to find the replacement first, then fire, not the other way around. The other way around is stupid, and pretty much what every franchise does on it's way down.

03-07-2010, 01:53 PM
But but, Pop isn't as good as Phil Jackson and the Spurs won't beat the Lakers this year. Clearly because of this the Spurs are the worst team in the NBA and anything would be an improvement, because every other team has a coach that beats Phil Jackson and the Lakers.

I mean every other coach in the NBA could make Dice and Blair big enough to match up with the Lakers or Mavs frontlines, or they would have signed a decent big from the abundance of franchice C's playing down in the d-leagues and merely waiting for an opportunity.

It's just like when any C who couldn't shut Shaq down was a giant pussy and the worst center in history who needed to be traded and dumped immediately, because of every other C on every other team in the NBA was shutting Shaq down nightly. Remember how we taught all those pussie C's who bent over for Shaq a lesson by trading them for better C's, and we have never looked back. Let's do the exact same thing with our coach, and the guy who built the franchise.

03-07-2010, 02:27 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



What happens with players who get up in age? They lose what they had, Pop was a great coach now he is average, it happens to players and coaches, they lose it..Fuckstick!

03-07-2010, 02:44 PM
Dear Fucksticks,

I, along with a growing number of real Spurs fans on this site, am growing tired of your bullshit. By openly accusing Pop of all the problems on the Spurs and by extension insinuating that him being fired and replaced (hint: the only better coach than Pop in the NBA right now is Phil Jackson and good luck with that) will make this team perform better, you are either admitting your status as a fairweather fuckstick or have overdosed on the greatness of Tim Duncan and the four championships he has delivered to this team.

Many of us remember the days before Pop and don't see it as an improvement. Many of us remember what it was like to not have a championship, let alone four. Three NBA franchises have more rings than the Spurs, and since you probably don't know who they are, it's the Celtics, Lakers and Michael Jordan. That's some pretty fucking good company if you ask me.

This team needs a Bowen clone and another dominant big man next to Duncan to succeed. Not a new coach. If you believe otherwise, you must be shrooming.


Those of you who have had enough of this bullshit feel free to sign in below. If you truly believe Pop is the problem, explain how any other coach available in the NBA (i.e. not already coaching another team) can make this team capable of dominating the Lakers or any other good team in the West. If the Spurs make the playoffs they'll probably get swept and it has everything to do with the lack of a big man, which has been a big problem here since '08.

Get a mother fucking clue for Christ's sake.



great post. for all pop's faults it has gotten four rings in sa.

03-07-2010, 03:26 PM
This is it. Injuries have made the so called big 3 a shell of what they were in the past, the last couple of years. Other teams have also improved since their last title. The league is ever changing and the spurs just did not keep up.

I call it "championship arrogance" or even "complaceny". It's easy to sit back and rest after you've just won it all. GMs and front office folks aren't as motivated to change/adjust or even address weaknesses. Meanwhile, the competition is getting better.

03-07-2010, 03:54 PM
I call it "championship arrogance" or even "complaceny". It's easy to sit back and rest after you've just won it all. GMs and front office folks aren't as motivated to change/adjust or even address weaknesses. Meanwhile, the competition is getting better.

Exactly, if Pop was a good coach the Spurs would have won a championship the past 3 years like every other team in the NBA has and the Spurs wouldn't now be dead last in championships won in NBA history.

Pretty obviously the Spurs are now the worst team in NBA history and Pop the worst coach. We are so behind every other team in the NBA it is a disgrace and Pop should be immediately fired for allowing this to happen.

It's brilliant insight like this that makes SpursTalk the cutting edge of basketball discussion on the internet.

Pop should go so we can be as good as every other team in the NBA, and win a championship every year like they do.

03-07-2010, 03:56 PM
I say we fire Pop and hire AJ or PJ, because those guys don't make stupid decisions and they win championships every year.

Fire Pop immediately! The genius brain trust of SpursTalk demand it!

03-07-2010, 04:01 PM
I'll add this too...

Any Spurs player that fails to shut down Kobe Bryant is complete shit, the reason we don't win a title, and should be immediately traded for one of the many players in the NBA that can shut down Kobe Bryant, like every other team in the NBA has.

Any player that fails to dominate Dwight Howard/Pau Gasol/Dirk Nowitzki etc is also complete shit, a pussy, and should also be traded for one of the many other players in the NBA that dominate and shut those guys down nightly.

It's really not that hard to fix all these things and win a championship every year, it's simply a matter of firing Pop and hiring a guy who wins a championship every year and trading for players that dominate the Howards, Kobe's and LeBrons of the league, like all the other teams have and do.

03-07-2010, 04:05 PM
We should also probably add a couple of 20ppg scorers. I figure we could up our offensive output about 40ppg by adding 2 20ppg scorers. Easy championship. Probably the most dominant team in NBA history. If we really want to dominate we could trade for 3 or 4 20ppg scorers and increase our PPG total by about 80ppg.

03-07-2010, 04:18 PM
The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. I mean all we have had to do the past 3 years is get the best players in the NBA to get the best team, and hire a coach that wins a championship every year.

Goddamn it's sickening how we have wasted Tim Duncan's career.

If only we spent more money, aquired better players than Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard, and hired a coach that won a championship every year, we'd be the greatest team in NBA history.

Fuck this sucks.

And Scola, if we'd only kept Scola we'd now have the 7ft defense oriented shotblocker we need to turn the Lakers frontline into a skidmark. Instead of Scola we have all these 6'7-6'10 garbage man, midrange and 3 shooter types that simply don't have the size and speed to match up with Gasol and Nowitski defensively like Scola does.

Plus, I am so fucking sick of looking up at the Rockets in the standings and watching them win a championship every year. It hurts every time I do it. It's all we have done since the day we traded Scola :depressed

Fuck this sucks!

03-07-2010, 04:26 PM

03-07-2010, 07:02 PM
I call it "championship arrogance" or even "complaceny". It's easy to sit back and rest after you've just won it all. GMs and front office folks aren't as motivated to change/adjust or even address weaknesses. Meanwhile, the competition is getting better.

The Spurs have been stuck in 2nd gear for these last few years. It has been disapointing to watch. Having said that I don't think he should be fired but I also wont defend his decisions either. Small ball, Bogans and Bonner starting, Finley at the 4, trying to make RJ into a premier defender and a half court player...etc. The Spurs would/could/should be better but there have been circumstances effecting that. Some due to Pop/RC and some not. Kinda of like debating the "what ifs" scenarios. And this isn't a negative beatdown of Pop and the FO. They did make some good moves, too.

What if:

Josh Howard had been drafted back in '03 rather than passed over because RC thought he was a Manu clone. Another dynamic wing player that this team has needed for many years.

RC had drafted Nocioni rather than messed up his B'day, thinking he was a year younger and not eligible for the draft. Another quality player not a Spur that could have been.

Ian wasn't so damn injury prone and foul happy. Then the Spurs would have that big at he 5 replacing Rasho & Nazr from the '05 team. And by the '08 season he might have proven productive if not sooner.

Scola had come over and not been traded to the Rockets just to dump Butler and get some cap relief. But he could have come over much sooner but he has signed that monster contract with Tau back in the summer of '02 (same year he was drafted by the Spurs) with an impossible buyout IIRC. Then the Spurs would have a nice complement to TD, be it starting along side or coming off the bench.

Splitter had come over rather than taking that big fat contract Tau offered him. Can't blame him on that one though. Then the Spurs would have that defensive big at the 5 and Pop could be able to implement his defensive scheme that won those 4 rings. Or at least get closer than he is as of now.

Those are some situations that many of us here would have liked to see - Ian playing more, Scola here. Splitter here...etc. I'm sure others can come up with more. Pop's defensive scheme is predicated on a twin tower approach complimented by a preimeter stopper. Quality bigs are very hard to come by and the FO hasn't been able to replace the Rasho/Nazr duo. Though the Spurs won the title in '07 I think that circumstances and not the very superior Spurs team we saw in the other three titles helped them win that one. Dallas's defeat in the 1st round along with Wallace's total meltdown in Detroit left the Spurs facing a woefully unprepared Cavs team. Of the four title teams for the Spurs I would rate the '07 last one on the list.

It's been a tough season and unless we get that big at the 5 - Splitter coming over or getting another one in the league through trade/FA (which is highly unlikely) things will continue pretty much the same. We just don't have all the pieces needed to win it all at this time.

But Timvp said it best - Hall of Fame coach - bad season.

03-07-2010, 07:51 PM
The Spurs have been stuck in 2nd gear for these last few years. It has been disapointing to watch. Having said that I don't think he should be fired but I also wont defend his decisions either. Small ball, Bogans and Bonner starting, Finley at the 4, trying to make RJ into a premier defender and a half court player...etc. The Spurs would/could/should be better but there have been circumstances effecting that. Some due to Pop/RC and some not. Kinda of like debating the "what ifs" scenarios. And this isn't a negative beatdown of Pop and the FO. They did make some good moves, too.

What if:

Josh Howard had been drafted back in '03 rather than passed over because RC thought he was a Manu clone. Another dynamic wing player that this team has needed for many years.

RC had drafted Nocioni rather than messed up his B'day, thinking he was a year younger and not eligible for the draft. Another quality player not a Spur that could have been.

Ian wasn't so damn injury prone and foul happy. Then the Spurs would have that big at he 5 replacing Rasho & Nazr from the '05 team. And by the '08 season he might have proven productive if not sooner.

Scola had come over and not been traded to the Rockets just to dump Butler and get some cap relief. But he could have come over much sooner but he has signed that monster contract with Tau back in the summer of '02 (same year he was drafted by the Spurs) with an impossible buyout IIRC. Then the Spurs would have a nice complement to TD, be it starting along side or coming off the bench.

Splitter had come over rather than taking that big fat contract Tau offered him. Can't blame him on that one though. Then the Spurs would have that defensive big at the 5 and Pop could be able to implement his defensive scheme that won those 4 rings. Or at least get closer than he is as of now.

Those are some situations that many of us here would have liked to see - Ian playing more, Scola here. Splitter here...etc. I'm sure others can come up with more. Pop's defensive scheme is predicated on a twin tower approach complimented by a preimeter stopper. Quality bigs are very hard to come by and the FO hasn't been able to replace the Rasho/Nazr duo. Though the Spurs won the title in '07 I think that circumstances and not the very superior Spurs team we saw in the other three titles helped them win that one. Dallas's defeat in the 1st round along with Wallace's total meltdown in Detroit left the Spurs facing a woefully unprepared Cavs team. Of the four title teams for the Spurs I would rate the '07 last one on the list.

It's been a tough season and unless we get that big at the 5 - Splitter coming over or getting another one in the league through trade/FA (which is highly unlikely) things will continue pretty much the same. We just don't have all the pieces needed to win it all at this time.

But Timvp said it best - Hall of Fame coach - bad season.

Pretty fucking pathetic that you are in total denial in such a myopiclly homeristic fashion and to such an extreme degree.

It's been 2 years since the Spurs last hoisted the trophy, that is a joke. You know many other teams in NBA history, not to mention currently, have gone 2 years without a title?

None. Pop and the Spurs are the only coach and team in history to go 2 years without a title.

No other coach, no other team, has ever gone that long.

Not Phil
Not Red
Not Doc Rivers...
Pat Riley? Nope.

Not the Lakers
Not the Celtics
Not the Bulls...

And not any other teams or any other coaches in history. Only Pop, and the Spurs.

Do you realize that at least one other time in his career Pop has been so pathetically inept to go 3 years without a title? One other time this complete retard idiot has gone more than a year without a winning a title.

Did Phil the Lakers Bulls ever do that? Never.
Did Pat and the Lakers Heat?
Red and the Celtiics?

Any other teams or coaches in NBA history, or currently?

None whatsover. Only the Spurs have sucked that badly as they did then and do now.

What really pisses me off is that we are sitting here jacking around with Pop while there are some fantastic coaches available...

Avery "The Chemist" Johnson
P.(and that P stands for players' coach)J. Carleisimo.
That assistant coach for the Grizz.

Pathetic, here the Spurs are setting records for medioctiry(unmatched by Phil, Red, Pat and Lakers Celtics Bulls and every other team and coach ever and currently) while we're fucking around with this complete idiot RC Buford hired(incindetally, he should be fired for that too, he's part of this disgrace of an organization).

I deserve better than this, I am used to better than this, and if they don't give it to me? I will continue to bitch relentlessly on message boards about there stupidity. Fuck this shit, I expect a championship because I am used to it.

Fire! for better.
Trade! for betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Or fuck it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

The Truth #6
03-07-2010, 08:14 PM
Our players aren't as good as they were a few years ago. Not surprisingly, the team isn't as good. It's a players league.

Nontheless, as our players have gotten older Pop hasn't been very good at adapting.

03-07-2010, 09:06 PM
we could have easily had a dominant big man about 3x this year but pop didnt want them now were done!!!!! and yes for you information that was pops fault for not getting or obtaining those big men while we had a great chance and the trades to do so!!!!

03-07-2010, 09:10 PM

03-07-2010, 11:31 PM
I peeked in on this thread :47 seconds ago as sober as a new born baby and now I am feeling as drunk as a skunk.

Oh well, carry onward and upward!:toast

03-08-2010, 01:24 AM
Dude, Pop owes all his success to Tim Duncan he rode Duncan's coattails his whole career..

03-08-2010, 01:49 AM
Dude, Pop owes all his success to Tim Duncan he rode Duncan's coattails his whole career..

What a bold statement. Phil jackson owes all his success to Micheal Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Shaq. Talent breeds success. No coach succeeds without talent. I fail to see your point.

03-08-2010, 02:19 AM
Pretty fucking pathetic that you are in total denial in such a myopiclly homeristic fashion and to such an extreme degree.

It's been 2 years since the Spurs last hoisted the trophy, that is a joke. You know many other teams in NBA history, not to mention currently, have gone 2 years without a title?

None. Pop and the Spurs are the only coach and team in history to go 2 years without a title.

No other coach, no other team, has ever gone that long.

Not Phil
Not Red
Not Doc Rivers...
Pat Riley? Nope.

Not the Lakers
Not the Celtics
Not the Bulls...

And not any other teams or any other coaches in history. Only Pop, and the Spurs.

Do you realize that at least one other time in his career Pop has been so pathetically inept to go 3 years without a title? One other time this complete retard idiot has gone more than a year without a winning a title.

Did Phil the Lakers Bulls ever do that? Never.
Did Pat and the Lakers Heat?
Red and the Celtiics?

Any other teams or coaches in NBA history, or currently?

None whatsover. Only the Spurs have sucked that badly as they did then and do now.

What really pisses me off is that we are sitting here jacking around with Pop while there are some fantastic coaches available...

Avery "The Chemist" Johnson
P.(and that P stands for players' coach)J. Carleisimo.
That assistant coach for the Grizz.

Pathetic, here the Spurs are setting records for medioctiry(unmatched by Phil, Red, Pat and Lakers Celtics Bulls and every other team and coach ever and currently) while we're fucking around with this complete idiot RC Buford hired(incindetally, he should be fired for that too, he's part of this disgrace of an organization).

I deserve better than this, I am used to better than this, and if they don't give it to me? I will continue to bitch relentlessly on message boards about there stupidity. Fuck this shit, I expect a championship because I am used to it.

Fire! for better.
Trade! for betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Or fuck it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

LA - 2002
Next ring - 2009

so instead of 2 years, you meant seven, right?

not trying to troll, but just wanted to point that out.

03-08-2010, 02:48 AM
No I don't mean that, because that would mean Phil Jackson would have gone like 5 years without a winning a title, which is longer than Pop has ever gone, that would be like a stretch of 2 and 3 years, combined...and obviously that would never happen since every coach other than Pop wins a title every year, most especially Phil Jackson.

Every knows Phil won a title every year, whether he ditched his HOF C or not, unlike Pop who took full year, like a fucking idiot, to win another title after losing his HOF C.

03-08-2010, 05:28 AM
Pop has lost it, and he has lost his team. Players like Jefferson, TP and Mason are not going to go balls to the walls for Pop and his idiotic schemes.

And Manu is playing for money at this point.

Firing Pop is the only thing that is going to save the Spurs until TD retires.

These are intelligent grown ass men who happen to be NBA players that Pop is sending out there to play with the likes of Bonner and Bogans.

If the players thought it was that simple, then why don't we just go down to the local YMCA and grab the best set shot 3pt shooter and a guy that stoops on defense but still can't keep his man in front of him and start them.

The Spurs players know this man is full of shit and you are seeing the effort on the court.

And for those of you who defend Pop with 4 rings, I would say we had real NBA players, and we played them.

Bowen, Stephen Jackson, Horry and Mohammed are real NBA players who actually played defense. You can't replace these guys with YMCA bums.

03-08-2010, 05:35 AM
Pretty fucking pathetic that you are in total denial in such a myopiclly homeristic fashion and to such an extreme degree.

It's been 2 years since the Spurs last hoisted the trophy, that is a joke. You know many other teams in NBA history, not to mention currently, have gone 2 years without a title?

None. Pop and the Spurs are the only coach and team in history to go 2 years without a title.

No other coach, no other team, has ever gone that long.

Not Phil
Not Red
Not Doc Rivers...
Pat Riley? Nope.

Not the Lakers
Not the Celtics
Not the Bulls...

And not any other teams or any other coaches in history. Only Pop, and the Spurs.

Do you realize that at least one other time in his career Pop has been so pathetically inept to go 3 years without a title? One other time this complete retard idiot has gone more than a year without a winning a title.

Did Phil the Lakers Bulls ever do that? Never.
Did Pat and the Lakers Heat?
Red and the Celtiics?

Any other teams or coaches in NBA history, or currently?

None whatsover. Only the Spurs have sucked that badly as they did then and do now.

What really pisses me off is that we are sitting here jacking around with Pop while there are some fantastic coaches available...

Avery "The Chemist" Johnson
P.(and that P stands for players' coach)J. Carleisimo.
That assistant coach for the Grizz.

Pathetic, here the Spurs are setting records for medioctiry(unmatched by Phil, Red, Pat and Lakers Celtics Bulls and every other team and coach ever and currently) while we're fucking around with this complete idiot RC Buford hired(incindetally, he should be fired for that too, he's part of this disgrace of an organization).

I deserve better than this, I am used to better than this, and if they don't give it to me? I will continue to bitch relentlessly on message boards about there stupidity. Fuck this shit, I expect a championship because I am used to it.

Fire! for better.
Trade! for betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Or fuck it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

Feel better now? I hope so since it only leads to bad things when you keep those negative thoughts and emotions locked inside. Stastically it's been shown that those who let out their inner frustrations live longer and more productive lives. Hate to hear of someone literally dropping dead from their pent up feelings and anger here at ST. :toast

But total denial? Really? Denial that IMHO I think this has been a bad season for Pop? Sometimes things don't work out the way you would like them to but you totally went off the deep end on this one. And sometimes you don't have the right pieces to the puzzle. This season the Spurs will be lucky to make the 2nd round and winning the trophy is about nonexistent. That is the way I see it but that doesn't mean I'm in denial, just realistic. I never will defend Pop simply by saying "4 rings". Now if you want to experience a pathetic comeback then that is one. That was never part of the point and if you think it's important then so be it. Frankly I don't. To be critical of Pop doesn't mean that I want him to be fired or that I don't appreciate what he has done over the years. To paraphrase something from above - "Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug". As it stands now the SPurs compared to the slite teams in the league they are the bug more so than not.

And as far as I'm concered it isn't as important to me to chant how many titles this team or that team has. Or when they won them, either. We hear that LA has 15. So? Five of them where won when the team was in Minnesota and not LA but they will claim them as their own. Same franchise but different cities. No big deal. Anyway most fans couldn't care less what happened last decade or for that matter five years ago. To them that's ancient history. And I'm quite aware of how many titles and in what year the Spurs won theirs, too. As for the rant about mediocrity well unless we get some better pieces to this team that will be the Spurs destiny. Though I believe that if/when Splitter comes over this will help aleviate the problem in the middle. No one knows for sure if he will be that missing piece but as a fan one can only hope he fills that role.

As for winnig that is expected in this city when you have been this consistent at competing for and winning championships. Though I would like to win it every year that is completely unrealistic. And when TD retires this run may never be repeated here ever. Getting both DRob and TD in the lottery is an unbelievable feat. I think some people just don't understand the odds of getting those dominant bigs in the lottery. And the Spurs have only gotten there three times. I'm just happy to be a witness to this incredible run. I started following them when they first came to the city. I suffered through all those seasons where they just couldn't get over the hump and to being totally pathetic in the mid to late '80s.


03-08-2010, 08:56 AM
The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. I mean all we have had to do the past 3 years is get the best players in the NBA to get the best team, and hire a coach that wins a championship every year.

Goddamn it's sickening how we have wasted Tim Duncan's career.

If only we spent more money, aquired better players than Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard, and hired a coach that won a championship every year, we'd be the greatest team in NBA history.

Fuck this sucks.

And Scola, if we'd only kept Scola we'd now have the 7ft defense oriented shotblocker we need to turn the Lakers frontline into a skidmark. Instead of Scola we have all these 6'7-6'10 garbage man, midrange and 3 shooter types that simply don't have the size and speed to match up with Gasol and Nowitski defensively like Scola does.

Plus, I am so fucking sick of looking up at the Rockets in the standings and watching them win a championship every year. It hurts every time I do it. It's all we have done since the day we traded Scola :depressed

Fuck this sucks!


03-08-2010, 11:00 AM
What a bold statement. Phil jackson owes all his success to Micheal Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Shaq. Talent breeds success. No coach succeeds without talent. I fail to see your point.

Some coaches manage to lose despite having talent by thinking the NBA is "changing" to the point where you need to play 4 guards and a small-forward to get stops against taller teams or that you need to have one or more guys starting who can't score to make up for the loss of Bruce Bowen.

03-08-2010, 12:48 PM
what a stupid thread.

03-08-2010, 03:24 PM
what a stupid thread.

There are no stupid threads, only stupid posters who stupidly click on them and then stupidly post something that in no way contributes to the discussion.

It's like they are too stupid to just, go to another thread they actually want to read...they stay stupidly trapped making stupid posts never realizing they could go somewhere else with merely a click.

Stupid indeed.

These are the people that actually get on rafts to get into Cuba. Luckily there aren't many of them.

03-08-2010, 04:31 PM
i disagree but have no logical argument to refute the facts given.

03-08-2010, 04:47 PM

Whottt back with a vengeance. Good to see.

But you're wrong here. Most of the animosity towards Pop isn't necessarily about the fact that he hasn't won either of the last two titles. It's that, over time, he has gone from getting the best out of his players to actually getting in the way.

For evidence, let's look at Dallas. Over the past 3 years, Dallas has achieved mental ownership of the Spurs. Fucking Dallas! One of the softest elite teams in NBA history.

It started in 2006 when Pop went small against them... Whether you agreed with the strategy or not, it showed that Dallas dictated the matchup. They were the leaders and we had to pull out our bag of tricks to beat them. We handed them a mental edge they didn't have before the series. And they still almost blew it.

Now they look forward to playing San Antonio and expect to whip our butts. The 2009 first round was an embarrassment and should never have played out that way, Manu or no Manu. The Dallas Fucking Mavericks should not have a mental edge over any of the relevant teams in the NBA, but they have it against the Spurs. They expect to beat us if we face them in the Playoffs, and Pop will coach as if he expects to lose.

Maybe he needs a change of scenery. It's hard to think of any coach that has stayed with the same team for 10+ years and kept them at an elite level. Who knows what might have happened to Phil Jackson if he had stayed with the Bulls for five more years. But whether it's out of boredom or a de-evolution in philosophy, Pop 2010 is not the same coach as Pop 2005, even when you factor in the caliber of players those teams had.

03-08-2010, 05:14 PM
Whottt back with a vengeance. Good to see.

Yup, it's always good to see whottt. :)

03-08-2010, 06:37 PM
Pop has been playing small ball because we have nobody good enough to play legit tall ball. Why the fuck else would Tim Duncan be playing center?

Dr. Gonzo
04-26-2010, 08:47 PM

04-26-2010, 08:48 PM

04-26-2010, 09:02 PM
Yep, it's pretty clear that this team needs a Bowen clone and a dominant big next to Duncan in order to succeed rather than less Keith Bogans and less smallball like some of us have been saying all year.

06-29-2013, 11:41 AM
Lol 2010

06-29-2013, 08:34 PM
I am sick of all the blame is on pop
he got the team to shoot better % from the stripe
(most spur fans wanted spurs to shoot better)
spurs were a couple of breaks from being champs this year
knicks,lakers and the rest of the nab would glady change places
even mark cuban would

06-29-2013, 08:34 PM
Lol obstructed_view

Just lol

06-29-2013, 08:36 PM
Yep, it's pretty clear that this team needs a Bowen clone and a dominant big next to Duncan in order to succeed rather than less Keith Bogans and less smallball like some of us have been saying all year.

spurs have his name is kl
but kl is better on o then bowen

06-29-2013, 08:39 PM
Lol 2010

:lol yup another year Pop choked away

06-29-2013, 08:41 PM
Lol obstructed_view

Just lol


06-29-2013, 09:37 PM
:lol yup another year Pop choked away

You're stupid.

Now change my quote, puppet.

Clipper Nation
06-29-2013, 09:57 PM
In fact, Pop was so bad he help the Bulls see what a really bad coach looked like and they kept Del Negro.

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

06-29-2013, 10:00 PM
You're stupid.

Now change my quote, puppet.

SA210 can't cope with the fact that nobody likes him or agrees with his dimbass statements, so he changes people's quotes in order to feel better about himself.

06-29-2013, 10:07 PM
I can never change the fact that Pop had no trust in Tim Duncan, neither did I

06-29-2013, 10:07 PM
My wife, you know what to do, just go to town

06-29-2013, 10:09 PM
Boring = 4 rings

06-29-2013, 10:12 PM

06-29-2013, 10:39 PM
Preach it! This is the truth!