View Full Version : So Im going to turn 30 next month....

02-22-2010, 02:25 AM
My younger brother just got home from 2 tours in Iraq, he is 2 years younger than me. He tried to suprise me but I was awake when he was making reservations for South Padre during Spring Break college week. I dont mind all the tittly flashing and general atmosphere on the beech but I dont want to party hordcore the whole time. I drink alot but binge drinking that hardcore is beyond me at this point.

I can still hang (I stay up regularly until 2am on workdays when I have to be in by 8am) but I was kind of hoping to relax and chill for my 30th. Anyway, his goal is to get me laid with as many chics as possible between the 18th and 21st of March.... which I also have no problem with... :toast

The thing is, I told my brother I want to have a "Chill" day when there.... Be it fishing or something else.... Does anyone know a cool spot to go to just to hang out and chill on South Padre? I know thats going to be hard during spring break, but still....

I'm an adventurus person, I was thinking about doing wind sailing or some crazy shit like that. Ideas are welcome...

fucking 30.... :hat

I still feel like an 18yr old. :lol

March 10th looms. 30 years old... :depressed

02-22-2010, 08:49 AM
Swim with the dolphins? :lol

02-22-2010, 09:14 AM
I'd recommend y'all charter a boat and go game-fishing in the Gulf. You can focus on getting laid after you catch a giant fish. Or at least a giant buzz.

02-22-2010, 09:30 AM
If you have never windsurfed you might not want to try learning then...It takes more than a day to get proficient. since you are looking for a one day "cool" thing to do I would sugest parasailing....It's not technically difficult but still "exciting". you should probably make your reservation on line now.

As for the suggestion to charter an offshore boat...that's REALLY expensive unless you do one of the big party boats for bottom fishing and it's typically a really rough time of year to go offshore. Unless you are confident you don't get seasick you may end up puking your guts out for 10 hours.

I. Hustle
02-22-2010, 09:34 AM
That time of the year is perfect for clam diving.

02-22-2010, 09:42 AM
Parasailing sounds like a great idea. And, of course, the clam diving ;)

02-22-2010, 09:44 AM
As for the suggestion to charter an offshore boat...that's REALLY expensive unless you do one of the big party boats for bottom fishing and it's typically a really rough time of year to go offshore. Unless you are confident you don't get seasick you may end up puking your guts out for 10 hours.

The price really depends on the type of boat you hire out, but I absolutely concede that it's a tough time of year to be out on the water... I hadn't really taken that into account.

02-22-2010, 09:50 AM
Bring a bunch of viagra pills. Then you won't want a chill day.

02-22-2010, 10:43 AM
Bring a bunch of viagra pills. Then you won't want a chill day.

If boner lasts more than four hours, call more ladies.

02-22-2010, 10:48 AM
If you have never windsurfed you might not want to try learning then...It takes more than a day to get proficient. since you are looking for a one day "cool" thing to do I would sugest parasailing....It's not technically difficult but still "exciting". you should probably make your reservation on line now.

As for the suggestion to charter an offshore boat...that's REALLY expensive unless you do one of the big party boats for bottom fishing and it's typically a really rough time of year to go offshore. Unless you are confident you don't get seasick you may end up puking your guts out for 10 hours.

Actually I disagree about parasailing. I thought it was boring. Basically all you're doing is sitting down way up in the sky.

02-22-2010, 10:51 AM
Oh let the heavens help me, I agree with tlong. I went parasailing in Hawaii. Nice view. Kind of cool... I guess. But, frankly, I found it boring. You're up there in the sky with nothing to do but look around and twiddling your thumbs waiting for it to be over. Really, really boring.

The Reckoning
02-22-2010, 10:59 AM
the south padre area is the only place in Texas where you can land some serious snook and tarpon. go for it.

02-22-2010, 11:29 AM
Oh let the heavens help me, I agree with tlong. I went parasailing in Hawaii. Nice view. Kind of cool... I guess. But, frankly, I found it boring. You're up there in the sky with nothing to do but look around and twiddling your thumbs waiting for it to be over. Really, really boring.

I agree that it's not physically or mentally challenging and not my idea of fun but a lot of people seem to like it. He mentioned sailboarding which I have done but he is NOT going to learn in one day and if he tries he will be too physically whipped to party/chase tail that night from falling down all day. If he does a full day inshore guided fishing trip (which is the only way for a rookie without a boat to go) he's looking at $500 and if he goes offshore on a 30+ foot rig he's looking at around $1000 or more. He could always rent a jetski for a couple of hours if he wants reasonably inexpensive excitement.

I. Hustle
02-22-2010, 11:34 AM
the south padre area is the only place in Texas where you can land some serious snook and tarpon. go for it.

The snook is a plenty during spring break but TARPONS? Really?! I mean that is cool if you have that kind of fetish but not for me bro. I mean it is one thing if he is married and doesn't mind that but with random chicks? No way Jose.

02-22-2010, 11:41 AM
Young pup ...


02-22-2010, 01:19 PM
Padre for Spring break when you are 30 is just going to make you feel really old, don't go. You should do sxsw in Austin instead

oh crap
02-22-2010, 01:22 PM
30 is the new 20. I can guarantee that there are plenty of people in their 30s hitting up padre these days.

02-22-2010, 11:36 PM
I just turned 30 Saturday (20th) and I still feel like I'm early 20s....see how long my body allows that.

02-22-2010, 11:47 PM
I just turned 30 Saturday (20th) and I still feel like I'm early 20s....see how long my body allows that.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I go kayaking, hiking, drinking, all kinds of stuff. For as much as I drink I feel pretty fit for my age, probably in better shape then I was at 20. :lol

Just 2 weeks ago I hiked Government Canyon with a friend. We did just over 19 miles of hiking in 4 hours, that was pretty brutal considering the terrain but I made it through just fine.

Thanks for all the responses. We will probably be doing the "spring break" thing on the 19th (a friday) then will go fishing off the jetties or something the next day. We are taking my friends 4-door Rubicon and we are trying to find some boards we can use to drag along behind the jeep and hit some dunes or some shit (take off the trucks from a skateboard or something like that, we dont know yet).

My brother reserved us some badass hotel right on the beach, he got us the suite. It looks fucking pimp in the pictures. Was just trying to find the name of the hotel but cant find where he wrote it down. Its going to be me, my brother and a really close friend who is living with us while going through a "friendly" divorce.

He's not an asshole and she isnt a bitch, they are still friends and are, so far, keeping it more than civil. Hopefully that keeps up.

I will be sure to upload pics of hot chics flashing for beads and all the other crazy shit that goes on there.... Wont post them here but will let you all know when and where I uploaded them so you can take a gander. :toast

Blue Jew
02-22-2010, 11:52 PM
you are only as old as you feel brah

02-22-2010, 11:59 PM
you are only as old as you feel brah

True enough, sometimes I get so wasted and post on Spurstalk as if Im a pre-teen. Any post I have after 5pm CST should be precieved as though Im drunk, because I most likely am. :toast

02-23-2010, 12:04 AM
This is how my 30th went, On Thursday my girlfriend called that her stomach hurt she called her Dr, they told her to go in. She calls me from the Dr and says they told her to go to the ER but she in too much pain to drive, my truck was being work on so I got a ride to her dr. and then took her to the ER around 4pm Thursday.

Took for ever to see her and it turns out its her gal bladder and it needs to come out so they got her a room and schedule to have it removed at 1pm Friday. So they remove it and the Dr. say it was really inflamed and they are going to keep her another night, keep in mind i never left her side and slept on those ugly ass hospital chairs.

So I woke up on my birthday in a hospital chair and was there till they let her go around 2pm......I was too tired to do anything after that but I know our 2 lil girls wanted to do something with me for the Bday so I took them to Peter Piper Pizza for about a hour and a half and then crash.

My friend made a small bbq the next day as a bday thing. My original plan was to have all my family and friends meet up a restaurant for a bday dinner.

It work out well, My gf is not in pain and thats all I wish for.

02-23-2010, 06:34 AM
You are exactly 2 years younger than me. :)

In other news, I got carded for beer the other day at Double Daves. Good stuff. :tu

02-23-2010, 11:57 AM
The thing is, I told my brother I want to have a "Chill" day when there....


don't do it...