View Full Version : In Plushenko's mind (and website), he's the platinum medal winner

Viva Las Espuelas
02-23-2010, 02:07 PM
:lol what a maroon :lol
In Plushenko's mind (and website), he's the platinum medal winner (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/In-Plushenko-s-mind-and-website-he-s-the-plat;_ylt=AnQM0m2ojWtmiW68a5cmey5otLV_?urn=oly,221 408)

By Maggie Hendricks (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal;_ylt=AmmPVia23PPMnyM4pJS6BPhotL V_?author=Maggie+Hendricks)
Evgeni Plushenko (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/rus/evgeni+plushenko/1000897/;_ylt=AlIu5E9CDERgcU.QVAfvb5RotLV_)'s long, delusional journey continues. Just days after the silver medalist for men's figure skating denied that Evan Lysacek (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/usa/evan+lysacek/1023659/;_ylt=AsSR2r5dWarhFaLb2sfJj8RotLV_) is the true champion of men's figure skating (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Sorry-Plushenko-It-wasn-t-artistry-that-won-th;_ylt=ApnGZ074o6RwfHuSEWCAvYpotLV_?urn=oly,22084 0), he has apparently awarded himself a platinum medal. From his official website (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AtCwyBK05j9hnQOo5GcAHsJotLV_/SIG=111rglfb3/**http%3A//evgeni-plushenko.com/):

It reads, "Silver of Salt Lake, Gold of Torino, Platinum of Vancouver." What's impressive here is that not only has Plushenko's website team fabricated an Olympic medal, it designed a platinum medal, too. Bravo. That's commitment to a delusion.
Previously, Plushenko ripped gold medalist Evan Lysacek (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Sorry-Plushenko-It-wasn-t-artistry-that-won-th;_ylt=AtBpFESEyJabnCMMcmXxFY1otLV_?urn=oly,22084 0) for not attempting a quad jump, and even Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin weighed in (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/figure_skating/news;_ylt=AoQB0dyKa9rCSaz6HQsnIydotLV_?slug=reu-figure_skatingplushenkoreaction&prov=reuters&type=lgns) on the controversy, saying Plushenko "performed the most accomplished program on the Vancouver ice." Lysacek responded to the criticism with class (http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/blog/fourth_place_medal/post/Lysacek-gracious-despite-Plushenko-s-comments;_ylt=AvEkABi.SwF7A3zzNoAMGfNotLV_?urn=oly ,220954), but Plushenko clearly hasn't come to grips with the fact that the gold medal eluded him in Vancouver.

02-23-2010, 02:11 PM
What a douche. :lol

Viva Las Espuelas
02-23-2010, 02:13 PM
i mean the dude didn't land his first triple lindy jump that he did all that great. i think it was his first two that were shaky. whatever.

02-23-2010, 02:15 PM
Why not a uranium medal? It's rarer and more expensive than platinum, and for enough vodka there's probably some general in his homeland that's willing to part with some.

02-23-2010, 02:16 PM
What a maroon? You mean moron? I agree.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-23-2010, 02:20 PM
What a maroon? You mean moron?

um, no.

02-23-2010, 02:23 PM
:baby Dude is going for the gold in the "Crybaby downhill race".

02-23-2010, 02:25 PM
What a maroon? You mean moron? I agree.


http://www.nonstick.com/sounds/Bugs_Bunny/ltbb_052.mp3 )

Viva Las Espuelas
02-23-2010, 02:26 PM

http://www.nonstick.com/sounds/Bugs_Bunny/ltbb_052.mp3 ):tu

02-23-2010, 02:39 PM


02-23-2010, 03:19 PM
Some people don't accept 2nd place very well. :lol

02-23-2010, 06:18 PM
If the quad is all that mattered, why wan't the program 30 seconds long instead of 4 1/2 minutes?

02-23-2010, 07:12 PM
who cares? that ain't a sport as much as it is a bunch as gay dudes just wanting to dance in girly tights on ice skates. real homo!

02-24-2010, 10:01 AM
If he had skated cleanly, he would have won. His routine was not smooth at all. It was not as good as he was 4 years ago.

They also all know the point system and how it works now.

Viva Las Espuelas
02-24-2010, 10:03 AM
Stupid commie.

02-24-2010, 10:04 AM
Why not a uranium medal? It's rarer and more expensive than platinum, and for enough vodka there's probably some general in his homeland that's willing to part with some.

If he's going to make up medals, why not an Unobtainium medal.
