View Full Version : Modern generation of males

02-24-2010, 11:48 PM
I saw this commercial for male hair care the other day, and it reminds me of all the metrosexumuals like zac effron, poster boys for today's emasculated male.

Why is the current male accepting this... FEMININE lifestyle? Men are not supposed to be pretty! We are not supposed to act like women!

For instance, we shouldn't LIKE to shop, we are supposed to just get what works. Need some everyday casual, outdoor clothes? Blue jeans, work boots. Done. I'm out of here, leaving the store. That is why the men's department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door, so we can go in, go out. What is wrong with these guys spending all this time mixing and matching colors, looking at themselves in the mirror??

and hair care! I am shocked at this nowadays. You have men who spend the same amount of time on their hair as some women do. I bet you could go to their bathrooms, and you would see a carefully lined up large array of beauty products. All you need is shampoo, lots of soap, a wash rag, and a comb. Although, if you are like me, you run your hand through your hair and let nature blow dry it.

I don't know what the hell is up with these men nowadays, but it's not manly.

Guys nowadays spend a small fortune on cosmetic products. Back where I grew up, we would have been worried about being called “gay” if we used fake tan and styled and moussed up our hair in front of the mirror, but that has changed now.

At the risk of sounding like a Grumpy Old Man, I do find this trend pretty reprehensible.

02-24-2010, 11:51 PM

You like it when men are manly?

02-24-2010, 11:52 PM
We are not supposed to act like women!

The Bible tells you so.

02-24-2010, 11:55 PM
At the risk of sounding like a Grumpy Old Man, I do find this trend pretty reprehensible.

And I find the idea of rigidly defined and heavily policed gender roles pretty reprehensible.

The super metro/emo look isn't really my cup of tea, but it doesn't bother me if guys want to use hair products and look in mirrors. Neither you nor I have to date guys like that if we're not interested.

02-24-2010, 11:56 PM
It is always better to look good than to feel good. Take it from me..I look mahvelous!!!

02-24-2010, 11:57 PM
Yea, man, the accessorization of the male species has been slowly taking over since this century began. It's so when NWO comes into power, men will be so weak and fragile that they won't fight back. We will be too worried about hair product, skin moisturizer, pedicures/manicures -- women will eventually take over fighting armed conflicts for us.

Book it! :downspin:

02-25-2010, 12:01 AM
It is always better to look good than to feel good. Take it from me..I look mahvelous!!!

Works for me.

02-25-2010, 12:05 AM
And I find the idea of rigidly defined and heavily policed gender roles pretty reprehensible.

The super metro/emo look isn't really my cup of tea, but it doesn't bother me if guys want to use hair products and look in mirrors. Neither you nor I have to date guys like that if we're not interested.

:lmao win win win

02-25-2010, 12:48 AM
my hair looks better when its dirty anyway wgaf

02-25-2010, 12:50 AM
I just shave my head. Saves money.

02-25-2010, 12:51 AM
I just shave my head. Saves money.

I lost a bet when Indy lost the Super Bowl and had to shave my head. It's not a bad look. And I didn't have to pay for a hair cut. :tu

02-25-2010, 12:53 AM
I don't use any hair products, but I don't like my hair to look shitty either.

02-25-2010, 12:53 AM
:lmao win win win

Dude they need to give us a subforum here dedicated to discovering the identities of the two girls kissing in your sig.

I want to direct the sequel.

02-25-2010, 12:55 AM

02-25-2010, 12:57 AM


02-25-2010, 01:02 AM
:lol That's great

Reheated Pizza
02-25-2010, 01:12 AM
+ fucking 1 on this thread. Don't forget about those fags that think they look cool driving a Beamer, like it's a chick magnet or something.

02-25-2010, 01:14 AM
+ fucking 1 on this thread. Don't forget about those fags that think they look cool driving a Beamer, like it's a chick magnet or something.

It is as long as they bought it and not their daddy.

Reheated Pizza
02-25-2010, 01:16 AM
It is as long as they bought it and not their daddy.

I mean it's a decent car. But can any of them say they got something like this with theirs?


02-25-2010, 01:20 AM
It used to be that hair coloring was the exclusive domain of women. Then older men started coloring their hair, and then the punk guys started seriously coloring their hair, and now men bleach some of their hair...

Ear rings used to be the domain of women and seafarers. Then celebrity males would wear ear rings, and the masses followed suit.

Same goes for long hair...

Men do it in large part because they want to get laid. Many women find men who 'keep nice' attractive.

And me, I haven't shaved or gotten a hair cut in 9 months... ;) I am so lumberjack right now...

02-25-2010, 02:42 AM
wtf happened to nick cage

02-25-2010, 02:46 AM
If girls didn't care then guys wouldn't care. It's all to impress the modern generation female. They don't like the hairy chest non product soaked hair type anymore...unfortunately

02-25-2010, 04:36 AM
I never quite understood what it meant to be "a guy." The social expectations escape me. Believe me, I tried when I was younger. I fought and indulged certain media and behavior I thought I was supposed to exhibit. I experimented with facials and I moisturized. I've never been given a manicure, unless delivered by a girl I was sleeping with. I shave my head because I can't rectify the bald spot forming and BoRics finally priced me out of a haircut. In short, I don't care what the top of my head looks like--get over it.

I am, by all accounts, a slob. I like porn. I like to read literature and philosophy, no poetry. I like to watch the news so that I know what's going on in the world. I like to watch basketball (this includes women's basketball), but football (simulated warfare) and hockey (just too violent) and NASCAR (pointless and dangerous) and professional wrestling (stupid) are on my never-to-do list. I don't like them because I don't want to see a person carted away from the playing surface on a regular basis, muttering things like "just a part of the sport." It's just a game. Have some respect for yourself.

I like to volunteer. I like to work-out. I like cats, but not dogs. I like to go for walks. I like people to know themselves, to be themselves, and share whatever it is that is on their mind. Bonus points if it makes me think. I will express my emotions. I don't attend church or subscribe to any religion. I still miss my dad. I usually can't cry over any circumstances I have to face in life, but empathy of someone else's gets me there. I think attitude--the badass, want to kick everyone's ass, I'm hard--yeah, I see a scared human being when I see that. I see someone who needs to prove something...to everyone. It's like watching a heroin addict shoot up--it just makes me pity them, especially when they say memorable lines like "I ain't no punk." The hole is never full; they have to prove to as many people as they can that they are a man. He could beat the shit out of me, I still see a scared human being. Be rationale. Be secure in who you are. You don't have to prove a damn thing.

I'd much rather watch something with realistic, intelligent dialouge, rich themes, and good characters than popping on something with special effects or a romantic movie for the sake of it. I can watch "The Holiday" and enjoy it as much as JJ Abrams "Star Trek." I like my music to make sense. I want it to go somewhere, to make me think, to be organic so I can appreciate the musicians, and I want it to get my heart. I don't play video games because I don't find them interesting. No principle to stand on; just don't like them. I don't curse all that often, but when I do, I'm mad. I vent my anger by screaming and hitting inadament objects.

I wanted to be a writer when I was growing up, but realizing I had no game, I just decided to take something that pays the bills. I have never hated my job or resented the jobs I've had because of that. However, I've never loved my job, either. It also means I don't mind journaling and I don't mind taking my time to come into a place like Spurstalk and editing what I say. It gives me an out-let for something I have great appreciation for--the written word. It is a tool that allows us to pass on what we said, exactly how we said it, even the unintended interpretations of it. The fact that we have this way to share with one another, to deepen our bonds and communicate our needs--it's fantastic.

Do I like sex? Yes. Do I like bragging to my friends about every woman (or man for that matter) that I have ever had sex with? No. Do I want to talk about which celebrities I'd fuck? No. And I don't want to hear about your preferences and experiences either. It's the quickest path to getting me to lose respect for you.

Part of the experience for me is the emotions. If it isn't there, I'll tell the person I'm with. If it's with someone I love, it's not simply the act of sex and it is something shared between the two of us. I don't want to talk about her like she's some bitch that has me by the balls and the only reason I'm around is because she's a good lay. This is someone I love. I wouldn't do that with my family, or my friends, or anyone else in my life. And in this particular instance, I would shout it from the rooftop that I would do anything for her. If I care for you, I'll overlook a lot. And if you want to talk about that, I know how overwhelming it is, and by all means, chew my ear off about what's making you happy.

This "we need yesterday's man" crap is insulting. The human race is supposed to evolve. We only have so much slack in the tension between us, our development, and our instincts, but we do need to think, and not rely upon society to define how we should behave. We should define society by looking for what works best, what is functional.

02-25-2010, 05:39 AM
but football (simulated warfare) and hockey (just too violent) and NASCAR (pointless and dangerous) and professional wrestling (stupid) are on my never-to-do list. I don't like them because I don't want to see a person carted away from the playing surface on a regular basis, muttering things like "just a part of the sport."

I mean, that whole post was pretty bad, but just for that part right there, you oughta turn in your dick. Turn it in.

02-25-2010, 05:45 AM
I just shave my head. Saves money.

Me too. :tu

02-25-2010, 05:49 AM
Me too. :tu

Me three.

02-25-2010, 09:42 AM
I mean, that whole post was pretty bad, but just for that part right there, you oughta turn in your dick. Turn it in.Brah, church!

02-25-2010, 09:43 AM
I never quite understood what it meant to be "a guy." The social expectations escape me. Believe me, I tried when I was younger. I fought and indulged certain media and behavior I thought I was supposed to exhibit. I experimented with facials and I moisturized. I've never been given a manicure, unless delivered by a girl I was sleeping with. I shave my head because I can't rectify the bald spot forming and BoRics finally priced me out of a haircut. In short, I don't care what the top of my head looks like--get over it.

I am, by all accounts, a slob. I like porn. I like to read literature and philosophy, no poetry. I like to watch the news so that I know what's going on in the world. I like to watch basketball (this includes women's basketball), but football (simulated warfare) and hockey (just too violent) and NASCAR (pointless and dangerous) and professional wrestling (stupid) are on my never-to-do list. I don't like them because I don't want to see a person carted away from the playing surface on a regular basis, muttering things like "just a part of the sport." It's just a game. Have some respect for yourself.

I like to volunteer. I like to work-out. I like cats, but not dogs. I like to go for walks. I like people to know themselves, to be themselves, and share whatever it is that is on their mind. Bonus points if it makes me think. I will express my emotions. I don't attend church or subscribe to any religion. I still miss my dad. I usually can't cry over any circumstances I have to face in life, but empathy of someone else's gets me there. I think attitude--the badass, want to kick everyone's ass, I'm hard--yeah, I see a scared human being when I see that. I see someone who needs to prove something...to everyone. It's like watching a heroin addict shoot up--it just makes me pity them, especially when they say memorable lines like "I ain't no punk." The hole is never full; they have to prove to as many people as they can that they are a man. He could beat the shit out of me, I still see a scared human being. Be rationale. Be secure in who you are. You don't have to prove a damn thing.

I'd much rather watch something with realistic, intelligent dialouge, rich themes, and good characters than popping on something with special effects or a romantic movie for the sake of it. I can watch "The Holiday" and enjoy it as much as JJ Abrams "Star Trek." I like my music to make sense. I want it to go somewhere, to make me think, to be organic so I can appreciate the musicians, and I want it to get my heart. I don't play video games because I don't find them interesting. No principle to stand on; just don't like them. I don't curse all that often, but when I do, I'm mad. I vent my anger by screaming and hitting inadament objects.

I wanted to be a writer when I was growing up, but realizing I had no game, I just decided to take something that pays the bills. I have never hated my job or resented the jobs I've had because of that. However, I've never loved my job, either. It also means I don't mind journaling and I don't mind taking my time to come into a place like Spurstalk and editing what I say. It gives me an out-let for something I have great appreciation for--the written word. It is a tool that allows us to pass on what we said, exactly how we said it, even the unintended interpretations of it. The fact that we have this way to share with one another, to deepen our bonds and communicate our needs--it's fantastic.

Do I like sex? Yes. Do I like bragging to my friends about every woman (or man for that matter) that I have ever had sex with? No. Do I want to talk about which celebrities I'd fuck? No. And I don't want to hear about your preferences and experiences either. It's the quickest path to getting me to lose respect for you.

Part of the experience for me is the emotions. If it isn't there, I'll tell the person I'm with. If it's with someone I love, it's not simply the act of sex and it is something shared between the two of us. I don't want to talk about her like she's some bitch that has me by the balls and the only reason I'm around is because she's a good lay. This is someone I love. I wouldn't do that with my family, or my friends, or anyone else in my life. And in this particular instance, I would shout it from the rooftop that I would do anything for her. If I care for you, I'll overlook a lot. And if you want to talk about that, I know how overwhelming it is, and by all means, chew my ear off about what's making you happy.

This "we need yesterday's man" crap is insulting. The human race is supposed to evolve. We only have so much slack in the tension between us, our development, and our instincts, but we do need to think, and not rely upon society to define how we should behave. We should define society by looking for what works best, what is functional.

Did you copy/paste that from your social networking page? Hows it working for you?

Mr. Fix It
02-25-2010, 10:04 AM
Men have become so pretty these days that I have to complain twice as loud as before to properly conceal my attraction to them.


02-25-2010, 10:34 AM
Do what you gotta to do to get the girl.

It's pretty simple.

A couple genius's decided to get pretty and ruin it for the rest of us, made it on E!, girls got used to it and now expect it.

02-25-2010, 11:00 AM
Masculinity is about so much more than physical appearance and grooming habits. I've been attracted to men who range from "delicate" to extremely rugged. And while I appreciate a little plucking of the unibrow, I can't get into the waxed eyebrows, it just looks odd to me.

02-25-2010, 11:14 AM
I was having this same conversation with my herbalist/tanning coach & I agree…Men should not color their hair…

02-25-2010, 11:34 AM
The OP made me think of this, especially the bolded part.


These days there's dudes getting facials
Manicured, waxed and botoxed
With deep spray-on tans and creamy lotiony hands
You can't grip a tacklebox

With all of these men lining up to get neutered
Getting out of being feminized
I don't highlight my hair
I've still got a pair
Yeah honey, I'm still a guy

Oh my eyebrows ain't plucked
There's a gun in my truck
Oh thank God, I'm still a guy

02-25-2010, 11:36 AM
Ahh! Mrs. Maalox beat me!

02-25-2010, 11:43 AM
John Wayne wore a toupee.

02-25-2010, 12:22 PM
I never quite understood what it meant to be "a guy." The social expectations escape me. Believe me, I tried when I was younger. I fought and indulged certain media and behavior I thought I was supposed to exhibit. I experimented with facials and I moisturized. I've never been given a manicure, unless delivered by a girl I was sleeping with. I shave my head because I can't rectify the bald spot forming and BoRics finally priced me out of a haircut. In short, I don't care what the top of my head looks like--get over it.

I am, by all accounts, a slob. I like porn. I like to read literature and philosophy, no poetry. I like to watch the news so that I know what's going on in the world. I like to watch basketball (this includes women's basketball), but football (simulated warfare) and hockey (just too violent) and NASCAR (pointless and dangerous) and professional wrestling (stupid) are on my never-to-do list. I don't like them because I don't want to see a person carted away from the playing surface on a regular basis, muttering things like "just a part of the sport." It's just a game. Have some respect for yourself.

I like to volunteer. I like to work-out. I like cats, but not dogs. I like to go for walks. I like people to know themselves, to be themselves, and share whatever it is that is on their mind. Bonus points if it makes me think. I will express my emotions. I don't attend church or subscribe to any religion. I still miss my dad. I usually can't cry over any circumstances I have to face in life, but empathy of someone else's gets me there. I think attitude--the badass, want to kick everyone's ass, I'm hard--yeah, I see a scared human being when I see that. I see someone who needs to prove something...to everyone. It's like watching a heroin addict shoot up--it just makes me pity them, especially when they say memorable lines like "I ain't no punk." The hole is never full; they have to prove to as many people as they can that they are a man. He could beat the shit out of me, I still see a scared human being. Be rationale. Be secure in who you are. You don't have to prove a damn thing.

I'd much rather watch something with realistic, intelligent dialouge, rich themes, and good characters than popping on something with special effects or a romantic movie for the sake of it. I can watch "The Holiday" and enjoy it as much as JJ Abrams "Star Trek." I like my music to make sense. I want it to go somewhere, to make me think, to be organic so I can appreciate the musicians, and I want it to get my heart. I don't play video games because I don't find them interesting. No principle to stand on; just don't like them. I don't curse all that often, but when I do, I'm mad. I vent my anger by screaming and hitting inadament objects.

I wanted to be a writer when I was growing up, but realizing I had no game, I just decided to take something that pays the bills. I have never hated my job or resented the jobs I've had because of that. However, I've never loved my job, either. It also means I don't mind journaling and I don't mind taking my time to come into a place like Spurstalk and editing what I say. It gives me an out-let for something I have great appreciation for--the written word. It is a tool that allows us to pass on what we said, exactly how we said it, even the unintended interpretations of it. The fact that we have this way to share with one another, to deepen our bonds and communicate our needs--it's fantastic.

Do I like sex? Yes. Do I like bragging to my friends about every woman (or man for that matter) that I have ever had sex with? No. Do I want to talk about which celebrities I'd fuck? No. And I don't want to hear about your preferences and experiences either. It's the quickest path to getting me to lose respect for you.

Part of the experience for me is the emotions. If it isn't there, I'll tell the person I'm with. If it's with someone I love, it's not simply the act of sex and it is something shared between the two of us. I don't want to talk about her like she's some bitch that has me by the balls and the only reason I'm around is because she's a good lay. This is someone I love. I wouldn't do that with my family, or my friends, or anyone else in my life. And in this particular instance, I would shout it from the rooftop that I would do anything for her. If I care for you, I'll overlook a lot. And if you want to talk about that, I know how overwhelming it is, and by all means, chew my ear off about what's making you happy.

This "we need yesterday's man" crap is insulting. The human race is supposed to evolve. We only have so much slack in the tension between us, our development, and our instincts, but we do need to think, and not rely upon society to define how we should behave. We should define society by looking for what works best, what is functional.

Wow, is this a joke? Damn, the OP was more spot on than I thought

02-25-2010, 02:09 PM
I mean, that whole post was pretty bad, but just for that part right there, you oughta turn in your dick. Turn it in.


02-25-2010, 02:18 PM
It's the quickest path to getting me to lose respect for you.

The quickest way for me to lose respect for you is to be a tool, which you achieved by the end of the first paragraph.

How many Gs do you drop on your shrink each year?

02-25-2010, 02:23 PM
MiamiHeat, you really are the dumbest motherfucker I've ever had the displeasure of conversing with.

02-25-2010, 02:41 PM
I feel like we should all be doing the slow clap after reading that lengthy post.

The Gemini Method
02-25-2010, 03:00 PM
Real men drive PT Cruisers...

02-25-2010, 03:13 PM
I feel like we should all be doing the slow clap after reading that lengthy post.


Some men are old school, some are new school.

Personally, I would never remove my body hair unless I was in body-building competitions.

I dont have hair to manipulate, so thats out too.

I got a manicure once for my wedding at the behest of my bride (photos, I guess). First and last time.

Shaving is sort of an option, always rockin' the goatee (yes, I realize its "out", but I look 16 without it and having a full beard and a bald head isnt cool).

I dont cook (grill only, anyway), I rarely clean, I dont vocalize my emotional state and I barely give a fuck about "your day". I enjoy silence, reverance and quiet contemplation.

Anyway, I kind of understand what MH is saying. I do question men who spend more than 3 minutes in front of a mirror. If the type of girl youre trying to attract doesnt dig the old school, youre barking up the wrong tree anyway, IMO.

Outdoors, hunting, off-roading, bullshitting, spitting, fighting, cussing and generally making fun of everything and everyone you know and see with no consideration for their feelings or emotional hangups...their problem(s), not mine.

02-25-2010, 03:28 PM
That Brad Paisley song may have set humanity back 50 years. Nice going, Brad.

The Reckoning
02-25-2010, 04:46 PM
i dont get the point of taking care of yourself besides for work. you have to do the same shit every morning, afternoon and night just to look shiny.

the daily routine is only good for capitalism...

02-25-2010, 04:59 PM

:rolleyes I should've just turned this on and made some joke about how maybe they have the man's bathroom. :downspin:

02-25-2010, 05:07 PM
I have to admit I got the horse shears after my chest hair a couple of weeks ago...I plucked one that was hanging out of the vee in my shirt collar and it was 7" long...:wow

I decided it was definitely time to thin it out...

The Gemini Method
02-25-2010, 05:09 PM
I have to admit I got the horse shears after my chest hair a couple of weeks ago...I plucked one that was hanging out of the vee in my shirt collar and it was 7" long...:wow

I decided it was definitely time to thin it out...

Are you serious? Wow...I don't even know what to say to that...

02-25-2010, 05:15 PM
Are you serious? Wow...I don't even know what to say to that...

Because I have chest hair?

The Gemini Method
02-25-2010, 05:15 PM
No, the 7 inch hair...that's long!

02-25-2010, 05:23 PM

Some men are old school, some are new school.

Personally, I would never remove my body hair unless I was in body-building competitions.

I dont have hair to manipulate, so thats out too.

I got a manicure once for my wedding at the behest of my bride (photos, I guess). First and last time.

Shaving is sort of an option, always rockin' the goatee (yes, I realize its "out", but I look 16 without it and having a full beard and a bald head isnt cool).

I dont cook (grill only, anyway), I rarely clean, I dont vocalize my emotional state and I barely give a fuck about "your day". I enjoy silence, reverance and quiet contemplation.

Anyway, I kind of understand what MH is saying. I do question men who spend more than 3 minutes in front of a mirror. If the type of girl youre trying to attract doesnt dig the old school, youre barking up the wrong tree anyway, IMO.

Outdoors, hunting, off-roading, bullshitting, spitting, fighting, cussing and generally making fun of everything and everyone you know and see with no consideration for their feelings or emotional hangups...their problem(s), not mine.

This is how darrin's post should have read. Instead it was just gay.

02-25-2010, 05:24 PM
Did you copy/paste that from your social networking page? Hows it working for you?

exactly what I thought too, though I didn't make it past the second paragraph.

02-25-2010, 06:38 PM
This is how darrin's post should have read. Instead it was just gay.


02-25-2010, 06:39 PM
:rolleyes I should've just turned this on and made some joke about how maybe they have the man's bathroom. :downspin:


02-25-2010, 06:48 PM


"I yelled, 'PEE FIGHT'!"


02-25-2010, 07:11 PM
MiamiHeat, you really are the dumbest motherfucker I've ever had the displeasure of conversing with.


02-25-2010, 07:54 PM
This is how darrin's post should have read. Instead it was just gay.


02-25-2010, 08:11 PM

Not that anyone would be interested, but this cartoon is used in a documentary called For the Bible Tells Me So that is very good.

02-25-2010, 08:18 PM
That is why the men's department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door, so we can go in, go out.

That line did make me laugh. Did you steal it from somewhere?

02-25-2010, 08:22 PM

panic giraffe
02-25-2010, 08:23 PM
i dont get the point of taking care of yourself besides for work. you have to do the same shit every morning, afternoon and night just to look shiny.

the daily routine is only good for capitalism...

if i didn't have to look good for work, cut my hair, product in it, shirt/slacks/tie/wingtips, shaved and fresh. i probably still would do it.
at least the tie.
ties are fucking awesome.
would probably let my hair go to shit, could give a fuck about it.
so yeah dreads, nikes, and a tie even if it weren't for the "capitalist grind"
had to always play dress-up for work, so now its kinda just in me. when my co-workers see me on a day-off in jeans, cap, nikes, they don't even recognize me, think i'm 12 or some shit.
when i met my wife, it was cause i hired her, so the spiffy look worked, fooled her into thinking i had money. boy did i trick her hot ass..................but yea if you're not the type to dress like that, then just expect to get a girl that looks just as shitty as you.
the best advice i recieved regarding male appearance came my second week of college. at the time i had long dyed hair, chingos de piercing, and dressed accordingly as a stoner. dude about to graduate drunkenly walks up to me and says. "what the fuck are you doing? you're doing it all wrong. sure people might want to have you around if you look different, but if you want to get laid, cut your fucking hair, take that shit out your nose and ears, dress like you got money. if you look like you're better then the girl you're trying to fuck then you'll get her" and then he got picked up by two hot blonds in a bmw, so i took his advice, thats when college became a fuckfest.

but seriously MH why does what another man do bother you?

02-25-2010, 08:23 PM
ah yes,


The poster child of all idealists gone wrong. Deluded wannabe thinkers, who think, that these things are 'progress'

Who deny what humans really are, and believe that humans should adopt a hedonistic mindset

02-25-2010, 08:25 PM
but id have to agree though

panic giraffe
02-25-2010, 08:29 PM
that cartoon was great.

i especially liked the swipe at bob jones. fuck that school.

02-25-2010, 09:30 PM
Agree w/ OP,

I'm old-school and hate Metro guys.



02-25-2010, 10:46 PM
horrible.....well at least his collar isn't up.

Duff McCartney
02-25-2010, 10:52 PM
Need some everyday casual, outdoor clothes? Blue jeans, work boots. Done. I'm out of here, leaving the store.

Everyday casual outdoor clothes are blue jeans and work boots? What kinda freaking redneck are you?

What does that even mean everyday casual outdoor clothes? It's like asking what is good music? Everyone is different and likes different things. Just like I think wearing work boots as "casual" is redneck. I never ever wear boots. I've never owned a pair either.

02-25-2010, 10:57 PM
I think I'm too old to be modern and too old to give a damn.

02-25-2010, 11:15 PM
Everyday casual outdoor clothes are blue jeans and work boots? What kinda freaking redneck are you?

What does that even mean everyday casual outdoor clothes? It's like asking what is good music? Everyone is different and likes different things. Just like I think wearing work boots as "casual" is redneck. I never ever wear boots. I've never owned a pair either.

To each their own. I personally like old, comfortable T-Shirts, sweatpants, jeans, and mesh shorts. I wear tennis shoes as casual. The centerpiece of my wardrobe, the same thing I've had for 9 years, is a gray fleece hoodie.

The Franchise
02-25-2010, 11:31 PM
Masculinity is about so much more than physical appearance and grooming habits. I've been attracted to men who range from "delicate" to extremely rugged. And while I appreciate a little plucking of the unibrow, I can't get into the waxed eyebrows, it just looks odd to me.

A man getting his eyebrows waxed is not a man.

02-26-2010, 08:24 AM
Men SHOULD have shaven heads and wear V-neck shirts?

The Reckoning
02-26-2010, 10:31 AM
men should look like me.

02-26-2010, 12:33 PM
Pretty boys get pussy

It's not rocket science guys

Duff McCartney
02-26-2010, 01:32 PM
To each their own. I personally like old, comfortable T-Shirts, sweatpants, jeans, and mesh shorts. I wear tennis shoes as casual. The centerpiece of my wardrobe, the same thing I've had for 9 years, is a gray fleece hoodie.

I agree with you there. Except for the hoodie part..I like them but they do get old after a while.

And tennis shoes are what I wear for casual too.

Kool Bob Love
02-26-2010, 02:49 PM

Dont worry about what the next man is doing....
Just worry about your fucking self....

02-26-2010, 02:54 PM
I don't get this topic at all. Who the fuck cares what other guys look like? If you want to look a certain way, then fine, you control your own appearance.

Don't worry, guys, metro and gay men aren't out to rape you.

02-26-2010, 04:43 PM
That Brad Paisley song may have set humanity back 50 years. Nice going, Brad.

Actually that song is a pretty good representation of what a man should be.

In it, he sings about a man being a supportive provider (holding her purse), caring/affectionate lover (holding her hand, writing her love songs), and protector (knocking out some dude who copped a feel).

I don't necessarily correlate a man's grooming habits with any of the things listed above, but to each his own.

By the way, Brad Paisley's last two hit songs (Welcome to the Future and American Saturday Night) praise the progress and embrace the cultural diversity of our society. If anything, Paisley's songs have done more to push country music forward than push society backward.

Kyle Orton
02-26-2010, 04:56 PM
This is what men should look like, not like that pink gayness.


v necks are a sure sign that you like cocks in your rear end.

If a man wants to look like a man, and not a homo while still being stylish, this is what they should look like.


JJ Hickson
02-26-2010, 05:32 PM
I don't get this topic at all. Who the fuck cares what other guys look like?

Guys who like to have sex with other guys care what they look like. Miami Heat having homosexual tendencies is nothing new.

02-26-2010, 05:38 PM
I like scratching somestimes too. It's ok you don't have to feel all bad about it

The Reckoning
02-26-2010, 07:30 PM
v necks are a sure sign that you like cocks in your rear end.

If a man wants to look like a man, and not a homo while still being stylish, this is what they should look like.


so a v-neck sweater?

now you can look stylish while having a cock in your rear?

Cry Havoc
02-26-2010, 10:31 PM

I think the gayest thing I've ever heard is a man worried about what another man looks like or how he dresses.

02-26-2010, 10:57 PM
At first I agreed with the OP, but then I realized nothing has changed but the marketing. Before man mousse and all that shit there was Lucky Tiger, pomade, Brillcreme, The Dry Look, Just For Men and the Gipper's favorite, Grecian Formula. On the smell side, we were told Cicotrol, Aqua Velva, Old Spice, musk, English Leather, etc would drive the ladies nuts. And deodorant/antiperspirant has remained a constant.

We're being sold the same crap, but the way they're selling it now seems more of an appeal to masculine insecurity and less to our sense of power, IMO.

Cry Havoc
02-26-2010, 11:04 PM
"Real" men throughout history:


Might have required just a little grooming.


I'm sure he could wake up and throw this on.


The list goes on.

02-26-2010, 11:06 PM
so a v-neck sweater?

now you can look stylish while having a cock in your rear?


02-26-2010, 11:14 PM
I think the gayest thing I've ever heard is a man worried about what another man looks like or how he dresses.

+1 Men who are bothered by other men's grooming products and routines aren't too secure in their sexuality.

02-27-2010, 03:18 PM

About 130 pounds of nothing bu stud.

02-27-2010, 04:03 PM
Real men don't wear earrings. The fashion-statement line is crap.
Earrings are for chicks. Period.

Nothing more "girly" than this.

02-27-2010, 04:37 PM
Real men don't wear earrings. The fashion-statement line is crap.
Earrings are for chicks. Period.

Nothing more "girly" than this.

That's a pretty caucasian-centric POV. Earrings are extremely prevalent in the black/hiphop culture, even expected and approved of.

02-27-2010, 04:41 PM
I wear earrings, hater LOL..nice earrings are nice to have as an accessory, just like a nice watch or chain or whatever other kind of jewelery..I don't see the big deal..

As for this thread, I use "products" too..I'm not into the whole metrosexual shit, but there's nothing wrong with looking fresh and taking care of your skin and whatever else..unless you want to spend a lot of time fucking yourself..

02-27-2010, 06:10 PM
That's a pretty caucasian-centric POV. Earrings are extremely prevalent in the black/hiphop culture, even expected and approved of.

This is a Man's POV.
Hip-Hop Shmip-Pop. It's a Girl thing to do and I don't care what color you are.

It's as gay as it gets. To be honest with you it even looks more hilarious on older men like that idiot on 60 minutes (Ed Bradley, I think). A man of his stature and education wearing a faggoty, homosexual, girly-girl earring.

Sorry. I don't buy it and have been very vocal to anyone wearing one.

02-27-2010, 06:20 PM
Yeah, because nothing says "Real Man" like someone going around accosting people for how they dress.

02-27-2010, 06:42 PM
Dude they need to give us a subforum here dedicated to discovering the identities of the two girls kissing in your sig.

I want to direct the sequel.

Seriously. I think the one on the right might be a little hotter, but damn, they're hot.

02-27-2010, 06:51 PM
Real men don't wear earrings. The fashion-statement line is crap.
Earrings are for chicks. Period.

Nothing more "girly" than this.

Mr. Clean could whoop some ass. Nothing manlier than that.

02-27-2010, 06:52 PM
This is a Man's POV.
Hip-Hop Shmip-Pop. It's a Girl thing to do and I don't care what color you are.

It's as gay as it gets. To be honest with you it even looks more hilarious on older men like that idiot on 60 minutes (Ed Bradley, I think). A man of his stature and education wearing a faggoty, homosexual, girly-girl earring.

Sorry. I don't buy it and have been very vocal to anyone wearing one.

You're an idiot. Real talk.

02-27-2010, 07:29 PM
You're an idiot. Real talk.

An idiotic man that is. Not a girly-girly, earring wearing psuedo-man thank you.

JJ Hickson
02-27-2010, 07:29 PM
This is a Man's POV.
Hip-Hop Shmip-Pop. It's a Girl thing to do and I don't care what color you are.

It's as gay as it gets. To be honest with you it even looks more hilarious on older men like that idiot on 60 minutes (Ed Bradley, I think). A man of his stature and education wearing a faggoty, homosexual, girly-girl earring.

Sorry. I don't buy it and have been very vocal to anyone wearing one.

You strike me as the intellectual type. A real deep thinker.

03-01-2010, 07:30 PM
I am, by all accounts, a slob. I like porn. I like to read literature and philosophy, no poetry. I like to watch the news so that I know what's going on in the world. I like to watch basketball (this includes women's basketball), but football (simulated warfare) and hockey (just too violent) and NASCAR (pointless and dangerous) and professional wrestling (stupid) are on my never-to-do list. I don't like them because I don't want to see a person carted away from the playing surface on a regular basis, muttering things like "just a part of the sport." It's just a game. Have some respect for yourself.

I like to volunteer. I like to work-out. I like cats, but not dogs. I like to go for walks. I like people to know themselves, to be themselves, and share whatever it is that is on their mind. Bonus points if it makes me think. I will express my emotions. I don't attend church or subscribe to any religion. I still miss my dad. I usually can't cry over any circumstances I have to face in life, but empathy of someone else's gets me there. I think attitude--the badass, want to kick everyone's ass, I'm hard--yeah, I see a scared human being when I see that. I see someone who needs to prove something...to everyone. It's like watching a heroin addict shoot up--it just makes me pity them, especially when they say memorable lines like "I ain't no punk." The hole is never full; they have to prove to as many people as they can that they are a man. He could beat the shit out of me, I still see a scared human being. Be rationale. Be secure in who you are. You don't have to prove a damn thing.

Right on Darrin. :toast

03-01-2010, 07:42 PM
I don't get this topic at all. Who the fuck cares what other guys look like? If you want to look a certain way, then fine, you control your own appearance.

Don't worry, guys, metro and gay men aren't out to rape you.


Great post and agree 100%.

Im always amazed at the amount of how much people go out of their way to worry about other people or their business.