View Full Version : LMAO Jazz

02-25-2010, 03:52 AM

99.9% chance of making the playoffs
46.6% of winning the division
23.6% chance of making the finals
12.5% of being champs

8,7% of winning the lottery

:lmao I am laughing because i am so annoyed at the fact that the Jazz are a great team and yet they will get even better thanks to the trainwreck Knicks :bang

Props to the Jazz FO for pulling it all off :toast

Ode to Triple Ocho
02-25-2010, 03:56 AM
And they'll get even worse when Boozer and then Deron bails from that shithole of a city.

02-25-2010, 08:40 AM
D Will won't stick around. Boozer's just extending his welcome and when playoffs come around he'll choke again and be hated by Utah again.

02-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Please...Deron's not going anywhere. He can say whatever he wants but we all know he's not gonna turn down an extra $20-$30 million to go somewhere else. So he was a little butthurt that his buddy was traded. Big deal. Brewer wasn't going to be on the Jazz after this season anyway. Might as well get something for him. It was a smart move by the Jazz FO and Deron will realize it over time. Same thing happened when we didn't resign Dee Brown. DWill's buddy was gone and he was upset for a while until he realized that Brown sucked ass and didn't belong in the NBA.