View Full Version : Sarah Palin on the Tonight Show just now ...

03-03-2010, 12:17 AM
in jeans looking yummy

03-03-2010, 12:55 AM
I thought you had your hands full with Becky...

03-03-2010, 01:34 AM
The Dems best hope in 2012!

03-03-2010, 03:49 AM
Did she show some deep cleavage? Red-state/rural dumbfuck bubbas would vote for her tits. She's very nice from the neck down, good proportions, not Wal-mart fat, but pure shit from the neck up. Run, pitbull bitch, Run! :lol The teabaggers, "patriots", militiamen, KKK will elect you like they elected Medina in TX. :lol

03-03-2010, 04:51 AM
I thought you had your hands full with Becky...

son you are right

03-03-2010, 04:52 AM
Did she show some deep cleavage? Red-state/rural dumbfuck bubbas would vote for her tits. She's very nice from the neck down, good proportions, not Wal-mart fat, but pure shit from the neck up. Run, pitbull bitch, Run! :lol The teabaggers, "patriots", militiamen, KKK will elect you like they elected Medina in TX. :lol

sons obviously someone wasn't hugged enough as a child

03-03-2010, 04:57 AM
Shit, I missed it. I was too busy using my bible to masturbate into the barrel of my gun.

03-03-2010, 06:44 AM
Palin Lies on Leno http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-dunn/palin-lies-on-leno_b_483546.html?view=print

03-03-2010, 07:17 AM
poor, pitiful pitbull bitch, the eternal, silenced victim. sniff

03-03-2010, 08:43 AM
sons obviously someone wasn't hugged enough as a child
Would you hug that steaming pile of excrement?

I'm absolutely convinced boutons_deux's mother thought she'd just taken a dump after giving birth to bd but, since it made noise, she was amazed at her own pile and kept it around -- much like the goat's head-shaped potato chip she found in her lunch, in Junior High, and has been worshiping ever since.

03-03-2010, 08:46 AM
LOL at the left calling conservatives intolerant and full of anger. Just read the responses of boutons and DMX7.

03-03-2010, 11:04 AM
pussyeater's whining because boutons bitch slaps every time he posts his shit.

pussyeater's adoration of pitbull bitch is his extremely sensitive hot bouton.

03-03-2010, 02:07 PM
pussyeater's whining because boutons bitch slaps every time he posts his shit.

Delusional post of the year contender.

Runner-up "Most inscrutable" post of the year.


03-03-2010, 05:15 PM
pussyeater's whining because boutons bitch slaps every time he posts his shit.

pussyeater's adoration of pitbull bitch is his extremely sensitive hot bouton.

I didn't know calling a guy a pussyeater was considered an insult. Next you can call him voluptuousbreastlover, that'll really piss him off.

03-03-2010, 05:24 PM
I didn't know calling a guy a pussyeater was considered an insult. Next you can call him voluptuousbreastlover, that'll really piss him off.


03-03-2010, 05:30 PM
"pussyeater was considered an insult"

Why do you think pussyeater is an insult? I don't.

03-03-2010, 05:39 PM
"pussyeater was considered an insult"

Why do you think pussyeater is an insult? I don't.

So somewhere in between Yoni saying your mother confused you with a turd, and you responding with boasts about "bitch slapping him every time he posts his shit" and getting on him about his love for "pitbull bitch" you decided to give Yoni a compliment by calling him a pussyeater? :lol

03-03-2010, 06:14 PM
So somewhere in between Yoni saying your mother confused you with a turd, and you responding with boasts about "bitch slapping him every time he posts his shit" and getting on him about his love for "pitbull bitch" you decided to give Yoni a compliment by calling him a pussyeater? :lol

Hence, inscrutable. :lmao

03-03-2010, 06:26 PM

I was actually responding to BRHornet45. I have bouton_deux on permanent ignore and only see his putrid rants when someone quotes them. Even then, I rarely read them...but, BR's response to one of bd's posts was too inviting to ignore.

Hug boutons_deux? Seriously :lmao I don't think the stench would ever come out.

03-03-2010, 09:39 PM
whatever, BR, GFY.

y'all's girlfriend is still a stupid, lying, money-grubbing, ditzy, quitting little bitch, and her national polling is still in the toilet like it was after America got a good look at her during the campaign. You radical right fringe fucktards really know how to pick a winner.

03-03-2010, 09:43 PM
I didn't know calling a guy a pussyeater was considered an insult.
Depends on the pussy...

03-03-2010, 10:00 PM
Depends on the pussy...
You bet'cha it does.

Wild Cobra
03-04-2010, 11:57 AM
I didn't know calling a guy a pussyeater was considered an insult. Next you can call him voluptuousbreastlover, that'll really piss him off.

I was considering to respond in a similar matter, but I get tired of responding to dipshits.

03-04-2010, 12:23 PM
tacky pitbull bitch and her trailer park entourage like a swarm of locusts on the swag. How Biblical of them:

Palin and entourage ‘like locusts’ at Oscar gift benefit

By Raw Story (http://rawstory.com/2009/author/admin/)

Thursday, March 4th, 2010 -- 9:09 am


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can't get enough of politics. And, apparently, thousands of dollars in free goods at the Oscar gift suite.

According to E! News (http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/the_awful_truth/b169997_sarah_palin_grabby_entourage_like.html#ixz z0hBpQmN0W), Palin showed up to Silver Spoon's Oscar Suite in West Hollywood Tuesday, benefiting the Red Cross, with about 20 others in her "entourage" and made off with myriad free goods, including 40 pairs of ear phones and a free "blowout" hairstyling for her daughter from the salon that services Jennifer Aniston. Palin said that she was donating all the gifts back to charity, but reports differ on whether she actually did.

"They were like locusts," one vendor told E!. "She showed up with like 20 people, and they immediately swarmed the place taking everything!"

According to reports, Palin graced the event two hours early and demanded that no photographers or videographers be present.

"They told us last minute to get here super early for [Palin]," E! quoted a vendor as saying. "Then, she wouldn't let anyone take her picture or do any interviews."



Class is as class does. :lol

03-04-2010, 01:22 PM
Class is as class does. :lol

03-04-2010, 01:43 PM
sons obviously someone wasn't hugged enough as a child

And hugs too many these days.

03-05-2010, 12:39 AM

03-05-2010, 01:19 AM
LOL at the left calling conservatives intolerant and full of anger. Just read the responses of boutons and DMX7.

So should people characterize the "Right" by the racist posters who congregate at Tea Party events?
