View Full Version : Your Thoughts On Refs.....

05-02-2005, 12:02 AM
As I have sat and watched all the playoff games the last two things one thing has really stood out in my mind. This year, more than any other year I can remember refs are having dramatic effects on games. Now dont take this as ref bashing/bitching. That is not what I mean to do. What i mean is never before have I seen the way refs call a game have such a drmatic effect on the outcome of the games and series. Our series has been very poorly officated on both sides.

The Seattle-Sacto series seems mighty out of wack. I dont think its skill or a fluke that Jerome James is all of a sudden this huge post presence when he couldnt stay out of foul trouble long enough to do it in the regular season.

In the Miami-NJ series I saw the Heat getting away with numerous jersey tugs andthe now notorious shoulder dips by Shaq. Then to watch as the Nets got called for fouls for doing the exact same thing.

I could go on and on but I dont want this to sound any mor elike bitching. What I am really wondering was if any of you had noticed this as well? The NBA came out and said the post-season wouldnt be officiated any differently but it sure seems they are letting some teams get away with some very rough play that would not have been kosher in the regular season.

05-02-2005, 12:17 AM
The NBA has the best refs in sports. Less than 1% of games are won/lost by the officials. It's just the easiest thing for fans to point at and place blame on.

So they do.

T Park
05-02-2005, 12:18 AM
Give me a break TIMVP.

Your buying into the BUllshit so bad.

The refs can keep up, and they blow obvious calls in front of them.

Sell that 1% BS to someone else.

05-02-2005, 12:20 AM
The NBA has the best refs in sports. Less than 1% of games are won/lost by the officials. It's just the easiest thing for fans to point at and place blame on.

So they do.


05-02-2005, 12:26 AM
There is no doubt in my mind that there's a difference between regular season and playoff officiating, you can tell they are letting things go even though officially there should be no difference.

05-02-2005, 12:41 AM
There is no doubt in my mind that there's a difference between regular season and playoff officiating, you can tell they are letting things go even though officially there should be no difference.

Of course.

But to insinuate that there is a conspiracy against certain teams is weak. There is no secret, underground alliance to make sure certain teams advance in the playoffs.

If you believe that, then the WWF is more your cup of tea.

T Park
05-02-2005, 12:42 AM
My contention isn't that their is conspiracy.

The refs suck for both teams.

05-02-2005, 12:46 AM
there's been a lot of spurs hatred for quite a while now.
they say we're getting a lot of calls (or no calls) but i say

1. the spurs are playing physical ball (the same shit that K-mart says he's going to do to duncan (holding, grabbing, slapping etc)

2. the nuggets are dumb enough to be forced baseline.
i swear can't they see the spurs are rotating hard when they drive baseline

05-02-2005, 12:58 AM
add another coach to the list.

Now we got Karl, adleman, and now van gundy on the refs ass for there crap jobs.


T Park
05-02-2005, 01:00 AM
all three teams lose recently cause their teams stink.

Im gonna say that is the pattern there skippy.

05-02-2005, 01:08 AM
warri0r the single biggest fuck up call far and away was the blown call on the flop that Martin got away with on Duncan taking Duncan out of the game for the entire second quarter, destroying his rhythm. The single most pathetic flop by a pussy far and away was the pussy flop Martin pulled on Duncan because he wasn't man enough to play TD straight up. Spare us the indignation.

05-02-2005, 01:20 AM
I think NBA officials are great, but they seem to be afraid of the crowds this year, and they aren't handling it properly. Last night in Denver and again today in Memphis, the crowds expected every call and got more and more venemous as it went, to the point where the officials didn't want to have to call anything and then the game got out of control. Back in the day they would whistle everything for about five minutes and really ratchet down on both teams to establish control. They are pussing out now.

And the biggest fuck up by the refs in the Spurs Nuggs game was not Teeing up Buckner or ejecting him for throwing the 'bow. That gave the Nuggets the bravado and righteous indignation to pull that bush league shit at the end of the game.

05-02-2005, 01:31 AM
hey come on now..buckners elbow didn't even connect.

game 1 manu's elbow connects right into the jaw of buckners face

05-02-2005, 01:37 AM
hey come on now..buckners elbow didn't even connect.

game 1 manu's elbow connects right into the jaw of buckners face

Dude, I don't make the rules. The refs could have called a foul on Ginobili for his elbow, but it was, at best, incidental contact. By rule, Buckner should have received either a technical foul or an ejection for throwing a dangerous elbow. They tee guys up just for acting like they are about to throw an elbow. Buckner actually threw it, and if you watch the replay it looked like he intended to land it. Throw into that the fact that he has already taken an elbow from Ginobili and delivered a flagrant foul he should be punished by the league office. Again: I don't make the rules.

05-02-2005, 01:41 AM
I never get into blaming refs or anything like that, but this year in the playoffs, they have let travelling go to a whole new level.

I've seen Tony Parker get away with quite a few, not to mention Camby, as well.

05-02-2005, 02:10 AM
Obstructed_view, thank you for saying pretty much exactly what I meant in a better way.

"conspiracy against certain teams"
"underground alliance"


Your ass must feel much better now that you have pulled both of those out of it because thats not even close to the point I was trying to make.

If you believe there is no favoritism in the NBA and no players or teams get calls their way then you are dillusional. Just to make an example; Shaq has made a living camping in the lane yet never gets called for the violation. He regularly lowers his shoulder or throws his elbows to create seperation and it is next to never called. On numerous occasions he has jumped "over the back" of an opponent to put back a rebound when the other player obviously had position. These are some of the most obvious glaring inefficiencies from the refs for a player. I will know if you argue these that you really are just playing the part of "referee advocate" and this will never be a real discussion.

05-02-2005, 02:13 AM
I never get into blaming refs or anything like that, but this year in the playoffs, they have let travelling go to a whole new level.

I've seen Tony Parker get away with quite a few, not to mention Camby, as well.

Hell Tim Duncan looks like he is gonna just walk into the lane sometimes. I dont think I have ever seen him catch the ball at the top of the key and not take three steps before passing. As for Tony Parker they did catch him a couple times for forgetting whicg foot he was pivoting with, :lol.

Uh oh, did I just say the Spurs get away with bad calls too? There goes all that conspiracy BS.... :rolleyes

05-02-2005, 02:16 AM
i think the hawks got reffed out of their game against the spurs yesterday :depressed :blah :oops :lol :rolleyes :spin :angel :elephant :king :princess :smokin :fro :drunk :hat :pctoss

05-02-2005, 02:17 AM
Warrior i'm sure you can tell the difference between Manus incedental elbow and buckner purposely leading with both his elbows or are you a typical retard nugg fan.

05-02-2005, 02:19 AM
i think the hawks got reffed out of their game against the spurs yesterday :depressed :blah :oops :lol :rolleyes :spin :angel :elephant :king :princess :smokin :fro :drunk :hat :pctoss

you missed some smilies.... ;)

05-02-2005, 02:20 AM
Warrior i'm sure you can tell the difference between Manus incedental elbow and buckner purposely leading with both his elbows or are you a typical retard nugg fan.

I dont know if you guys caught it but before the high elbow Buckner threw he threw a low elbow that missed as well to get some seperation from Manu.

05-02-2005, 08:18 AM
I'm with timvp on this one. Unlike most of you (I suspect) I've actually spent the last few years studying officials and trying to understand the way that most of them (particularly the big-name officials) call the game. That takes watching many games, not just Spurs games. I find that when you view the officials over time, they are remarkably consistent and exceedingly good at what they do. Far better than most of us would be able to do, I think.

I've also found that there is a method to their seeming madness, but the method is generally aimed at getting it right. Most of the high-profile officials (guys like Steve Javie, Dick Bavetta, Bob Delaney, Joey Crawford, Danny Crawford, Joe Derosa, Mike Callahan, even Ron Garretson, Tom Washington, Greg Willard and Bernie Fryer) are remarkably good at seeing things that distinguish a charge and a block or incidental contact from a foul-worthy action. They do that at high-speed without the benefit of replays. Do they occasionally miss calls? Sure. Do they generally get it right? Yes.

What more can you ask? They are human -- they occasionally miss things. Complaining about some occasional irregularities in officiating is

05-02-2005, 08:20 AM
The NBA has the best refs in sports. Less than 1% of games are won/lost by the officials. It's just the easiest thing for fans to point at and place blame on.

So they do.
Funniest thing I have read... ever.

05-02-2005, 08:27 AM
Not to negate anything that you just said, FWD, but it's still a fact that the rules are not applied equally to all players. The main one that stands out in my mind is Shaq. Anyone who thinks that he doesn't get away with more offensive fouls and three-seconds than other players just isn't paying attention. It's not just about missing calls, it's about certain players getting special treatment. That, IMO, is the must legitimate complaint about NBA officiating.

05-02-2005, 08:34 AM
Back in the day they would whistle everything for about five minutes and really ratchet down on both teams to establish control. They are pussing out now.

I totally agree with this...refs have the ability to send a message to players to settle down, shut up, and play basketball...and I haven't seen them doing that yet this year in the playoffs...and all the Denver articles and all the quotes from Denver players are just BEGGING for the officials step up and take charge of this game tonight...

and it's just totally stupid on Denvers part because lots of whistles and game stoppages with controlled inbounds play right into the Spurs half court game...

05-02-2005, 08:41 AM
Rules aren't applied equally to all players in any sport, BronxCowboy.

MLB umpires, for years, have given wider strike zones to certain pitchers (cough, cough, Tom Glavine and Greg Maddux) and have narrowed the zone for certain hitters (this was particularly true of, say, Wade Boggs and Tony Gwynn in the late 80's and early 90's). NFL officials give the benefit of the doubt to certain DB's (Deion Sanders) and to certain WR's (Michael Irvin), resulting in inconsistent calls.

All things considered, I think NBA officials (in my experience) do a remarkably good job of staying consistent. I don't think most fans view it that way, but I also think that most fans bring very subjective viewpoints to the game and don't appreciate just how consistent most of the NBA officials are.

05-02-2005, 08:43 AM
Its really amazing that people actually think the refs get together and say "hey...let's hose this team tonight" :rolleyes

The refs don't make you miss shots, throw the ball away, not get back on defense or miss free throws. Do the refs miss calls? Certainly. Do Superstars get away with some calls? Yes. But David Stern does not have some cadre of little old men sitting up in an ivory tower playing puppet strings with the officials.

05-02-2005, 09:00 AM
Exactly, mikey.

The officials didn't hold the Nuggets under 80 in the last two games or cause them to accumulate the lowest FG% in these playoffs so far. The officials also didn't make the Spurs miss 17 straight shots in the 4th Quarter of Game 1.

And they don't have some contractual obligation to home fans to bail out teams that aren't playing well.

05-02-2005, 10:15 AM
Rules aren't applied equally to all players in any sport, BronxCowboy.

OK, I'll concede that, because I don't really watch any other sport. NBA refs probably are as good as any out there, but I still think the practice of giving some players preferential treatment sucks. *Disclaimer: I don't think that there is a conspiracy to help any particular teams win.*

05-02-2005, 10:42 AM
I'd say the NFL, hands down, has the best refs in any sport. they see so much with so few. they are watchin 22 players run around in a huge field of play and catch most things. the nba only watches 10 on a small field and miss tons of shit not on the ball. basic things like shaq in the paint for 5-6 secs a time, and duncan's jersey always being almost pulled of.. nba refs generally suck compared to nfl refs.