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View Full Version : From the non-racist RNC "adults" who gave us "Magic Negro"

03-04-2010, 04:54 PM
"What about seeing a black President of the United States in whiteface?

And what if that insult emanated not from a meaningless talent show down under but from the Republican National Committee's (RNC) official fundraising presentation."



Fucking Joe College frat rat azzholes are more mature than the RNC jerkoffs, who are as childish and "ready to govern" as the crap people we saw in the CPAC circle jerk.

"You Stay Classy, Right Wing Nuts"

03-04-2010, 05:01 PM
The term "Magic Negro," as relates to Barack Obama, was a term coined by a liberal Los Angeles Times columnist.

Just sayin'

03-04-2010, 05:26 PM
Magic Negro was on a cdrom a candidate for the RNC leadership circulated around the RNC mucky mucks. I figure this guy knows his old white guy country club audience's tastes in mocking the nigras.

03-04-2010, 05:31 PM
`Magic Negro' returns (http://articles.latimes.com/2007/mar/19/opinion/oe-ehrenstein19)

03-04-2010, 05:50 PM
Never attained the notoriety of the satirical vid and does not threaten it now.

The Ehrenriech article might be the ultimate headwaters of the moniker, but the headwaters ain't the mighty Mississip'.

03-04-2010, 05:52 PM
Is it ok to say negro now? I read somewhere you can't say african american, that the new term that was ok'd was black. Did it change again?

03-04-2010, 05:55 PM
Never attained the notoriety of the satirical vid and does not threaten it now.

The Ehrenriech article might be the ultimate headwaters of the moniker, but the headwaters ain't the mighty Mississip'.
The video was created to mock Ehrenreich. I can't help that it became more popular.

03-04-2010, 06:00 PM

03-04-2010, 06:06 PM
The video was created to mock EhrenreichTenuous. I thought Obama was the target.

Did Ehrenreich appear in the vid, Yoni? I forget.

03-04-2010, 06:21 PM
As a liberal, but a white one, I never even thought about that. I thought it was attempting to show of his apparent callousness and power to manipulate us, and reference the scene where, apparently, the tea-partiers are Harvey two-face. I thought it was to show that this "doctor" of the country, is really a sociopath with deceptive intent.

On another note, I am offended by the "post-racial" term. Just visit one of our segregated school districts to dispel that notion. Just look at the lack of access and the fact that the poverty rate is 15.7% among African-Americans. Look at the top-wage earners in this country. Look at the 50% population in our jails to dispel that. Look at the drop-out rate. Look at the race riots in Cincinnati eight years ago. Children aren't dreaming of board-rooms and politics, but Kobe Bryant and Jamie Foxx. Listen to some of us cheer to talk of literacy tests and bashing immigrants. A President is a step-forward.

It says that this country was able to overwhelmingly support someone with even a smidgen of African blood, after our history, means they can hope. It does not mean the fight for equality over. It does mean that whites get to applaud their "open-mindedness" and naively move on. You can tell your kids. You can tell your students that we are changing, ever-so-slowly, and they should dream of running that business or becoming an elected leader. People will trust you to lead us. So prepare for that life. It is a tool, a small one, to overcome giving up. To give them someone to look-up to. And the Tea-Partiers should think that kid--not the liberal media--idolizing the first African-American President, when they stand before that overt racism at their meetings. They may find all that hope just turned our ugly under-belly right back up, and turned that hopeful child bitter and/or hopeless.

"I forgot he was black" :bang How insulting is that? What exactly made you forget he was black? Was it articulation, his dress, his leadership skills, his dialect, his presence, his policies? What would he do that would remind you that he's black? This isn't a state-of-mind. He didn't suddenly become white. He is, and always will be, the child of the same father and mother.

Do you want him to chew on some watermelon while he gives shout-outs to his peeps in baggy jeans, ice dangling from his neck? Is that what you are referring to? Or is it the fact that he's not an elected leader focuing on morality and specifically focusing on African-American Rights in the mold of MLK or Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?

Which of your stereotypes did he not fit into?

03-04-2010, 06:34 PM
Personally, I'm really looking forward to the day when this nation elects it's first competent black president.

03-04-2010, 06:38 PM
Personally, I'm really looking forward to the day when this nation elects it's first competent black president.

Congratulations! He's in the Oval Office right now.

03-04-2010, 06:42 PM
As a liberal, but a white one, I never even thought about that. I thought it was attempting to show of his apparent callousness and power to manipulate us, and reference the scene where, apparently, the tea-partiers are Harvey two-face. I thought it was to show that this "doctor" of the country, is really a sociopath with deceptive intent.

On another note, I am offended by the "post-racial" term. Just visit one of our segregated school districts to dispel that notion. Just look at the lack of access and the fact that the poverty rate is 15.7% among African-Americans. Look at the top-wage earners in this country. Look at the 50% population in our jails to dispel that. Look at the drop-out rate. Look at the race riots in Cincinnati eight years ago. Children aren't dreaming of board-rooms and politics, but Kobe Bryant and Jamie Foxx. Listen to some of us cheer to talk of literacy tests and bashing immigrants. A President is a step-forward.

It says that this country was able to overwhelmingly support someone with even a smidgen of African blood, after our history, means they can hope. It does not mean the fight for equality over. It does mean that whites get to applaud their "open-mindedness" and naively move on. You can tell your kids. You can tell your students that we are changing, ever-so-slowly, and they should dream of running that business or becoming an elected leader. People will trust you to lead us. So prepare for that life. It is a tool, a small one, to overcome giving up. To give them someone to look-up to. And the Tea-Partiers should think that kid--not the liberal media--idolizing the first African-American President, when they stand before that overt racism at their meetings. They may find all that hope just turned our ugly under-belly right back up, and turned that hopeful child bitter and/or hopeless.

"I forgot he was black" :bang How insulting is that? What exactly made you forget he was black? Was it articulation, his dress, his leadership skills, his dialect, his presence, his policies? What would he do that would remind you that he's black? This isn't a state-of-mind. He didn't suddenly become white. He is, and always will be, the child of the same father and mother.

Do you want him to chew on some watermelon while he gives shout-outs to his peeps in baggy jeans, ice dangling from his neck? Is that what you are referring to? Or is it the fact that he's not an elected leader focuing on morality and specifically focusing on African-American Rights in the mold of MLK or Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?

Which of your stereotypes did he not fit into?

Do you live in Detroit?

03-04-2010, 06:44 PM
Tenuous. I thought Obama was the target.

Did Ehrenreich appear in the vid, Yoni? I forget.
What I should have said is video was made to mock the idea first raised by Ehrenreich.

Are you suggesting there wasn't a certain amount of "Magic Negro" syndrome (as described by Ehrenreich) involved in the election of Barack Obama?

03-04-2010, 06:48 PM
Personally, I'm really looking forward to the day when this nation elects it's first competent black president.
Yes, a conservative one.

03-04-2010, 06:48 PM
Congratulations! He's in the Oval Office right now.

03-04-2010, 06:55 PM
Neo-cons have been using fear as a way to achieve means for at least 30+ years. It's hight time they get called on it.
Rumsfeld has been seeing imaginary soviet weapons, in a scene scarily reminiscent of prelude to Iraq war, back in 76. And he got his military build-up.

From 26th minute on:


03-04-2010, 07:11 PM
Neo-cons have been using fear as a way to achieve means for at least 30+ years. It's hight time they get called on it.
Rumsfeld has been seeing imaginary soviet weapons, in a scene scarily reminiscent of prelude to Iraq war, back in 76. And he got his military build-up.

From 26th minute on:


global warming, "crisis", welfare,

03-04-2010, 07:23 PM
I'm LMAO at this exact thing on Chris Matthews right now!

He keeps saying "whiteface" "whiteface"

What the fuck? It's joker face - nothing to do with race. Joker=villain Obama=Villain to these people. Race baiting losers.

LOL Whiteface. :lmao

03-04-2010, 07:43 PM
Are you suggesting there wasn't a certain amount of "Magic Negro" syndrome (as described by Ehrenreich) involved in the election of Barack Obama?No, Sir.

You are suggesting that. Again.

03-04-2010, 07:48 PM
What I should have said is video was made to mock the idea first raised by Ehrenreich.Yes, you should have. The way you said it was literally wrong and misleading too.

03-04-2010, 07:50 PM
Personally, I'm really looking forward to the day when this nation elects it's first competent GOP president.


03-04-2010, 08:16 PM
Yes, you should have. The way you said it was literally wrong and misleading too.
Well, I corrected myself. If that bothers you, cut my pay.

03-04-2010, 08:43 PM
Steel :lol is trying to distance RNC from this horseshit, like they tried to distance themselves from the Magic Negro cdrom

03-04-2010, 10:10 PM
Do you live in Detroit?

No. Why?

03-04-2010, 10:11 PM
No. Why?
Because you were whining like you do.

George Gervin's Afro
03-04-2010, 10:16 PM
What I should have said is video was made to mock the idea first raised by Ehrenreich.

Are you suggesting there wasn't a certain amount of "Magic Negro" syndrome (as described by Ehrenreich) involved in the election of Barack Obama?

are you suggesting there was?

03-04-2010, 10:17 PM
Because you were whining like you do.

Fuck You.

03-04-2010, 10:18 PM
Fuck You.
Sorry, you're not my type.

03-04-2010, 10:20 PM
are you suggesting there was?
No, I'm not suggesting it at all. I believe the Ehrenriech article and Chris Matthew's comments ("I forgot he was black") prove the sentiment existed on the left.

03-05-2010, 06:56 PM
McCain being portrayed as an Avatar character in his opponent's online ads.

Race Blueface!!!!!


03-05-2010, 07:03 PM
I just wanted to say that I watched it again, and I was wrong. Ratigan crossed the line. He was more than unprofessional, he was inflammatory. I'm sorry for sticking up for him.