View Full Version : Would missing the playoffs be disappointing?

03-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Strange season. Spurs could easily move up to 5th or miss the playoffs entirely.

This upcoming schedule is the most brutal they've had all season. 5 B2B's in a span of a month and then 2 within the closing week.

Resting Duncan could mean missing the playoffs. While him playing could mean too much fatigue when the playoffs start if they make it.

I contend it will be bitter sweet whether they make the playoffs or not.

But one's gotta love the heart this team has been exhibiting lately. If they make the playoffs it'll be like cheering for the underdog instead of expecting them to win.

If they don't make the playoffs...I'd be OK with that too having great expectations for a couple of good picks in the draft.

In your heart of hearts...How do you feel at this point?

Regardless....Go Spurs Go!!!

03-06-2010, 12:59 PM
"We will make the playoffs"
Signed Tony Parker

03-06-2010, 01:01 PM
Making the lottery and moving up in the lottery with some luck would be better for the future of this team then getting beat in the first or 2nd round.

Man In Black
03-06-2010, 01:03 PM
Fuck that...they make they the playoffs. Anything can happen in the playoffs...shit happens, and sometimes...it happens more to your opponent.

03-06-2010, 01:06 PM
Fuck that...they make they the playoffs. Anything can happen in the playoffs...shit happens, and sometimes...it happens more to your opponent.

They would need major injuries to about 7 teams in the playoffs. Keep dreaming they are a legitimate contender.

baseline bum
03-06-2010, 01:13 PM
If the 06 Heat can come together in the playoffs and win a title, then anyone can. The very low chance that the Spurs come together and win a title this year is still a hell of lot greater than the chance they win one when Duncan's gone.

03-06-2010, 01:21 PM
The spurs will make the playoffs. Not saying they are gonna have a high seed, but they are at least 5 games up on the 9th place team last time I checked. Hate to burst you guys is bubble, but the spurs are not gonna get a lottery pick. :nope

03-06-2010, 01:25 PM
They would have a better shot next year with an impact top draft pick this year.

Get a top draft pick and get a starting center and next year they are back in the hunt.

They are not winning this year.

Man In Black
03-06-2010, 01:25 PM
They would need major injuries to about 7 teams in the playoffs. Keep dreaming they are a legitimate contender.
Considering that 1st round draft picks aren't a lock for a superstar and given the history of Spurs picking up solid players in later picks...then why is the lottery looked upon with such great favor? It's too easy to say the draft will cure what ails. This current team has much potential...will they reach it? It doesn't look favorable, but what if they do? Will you be pissed or pleasantly astounded?

03-06-2010, 01:26 PM
The spurs will make the playoffs. Not saying they are gonna have a high seed, but they are at least 5 games up on the 9th place team last time I checked. Hate to burst you guys is bubble, but the spurs are not gonna get a lottery pick. :nope

I do expect the spurs to make the playoffs and an early exit.

03-06-2010, 01:32 PM
The spurs will make the playoffs. Not saying they are gonna have a high seed, but they are at least 5 games up on the 9th place team last time I checked. Hate to burst you guys is bubble, but the spurs are not gonna get a lottery pick. :nope

And most likely a 1st round matchup with the lakers. LOL the worst possible scenario...

03-06-2010, 01:33 PM
Making the lottery and moving up in the lottery with some luck would be better for the future of this team then getting beat in the first or 2nd round.


The Spurs have not demonstrated they can beat any of the top-tier teams in the NBA. Their piss-poor record against those teams has proven that. Face facts. This team is mediocre. We've seen it all year long. There isn't any reason for anyone to think that is magically going to change in the playoffs.

Speaking of the playoffs, there is absolutely no merit or reward for going in as a 7th or 8th seed and then ceremoniously getting bounced in the 1st round. Of course, Houston and Memphis are not helping the cause.

Meanwhile, the FO's 2-yr plan to make a run at a title has failed miserably. That failure, in itself, calls for immediate change, rather than delaying the inevitable for another year. Missing the playoffs would serve as yet another mandate for some sweeping changes. Changes in the roster and perhaps changes in the thoughts of the coaching staff. Missing the playoffs would also mean the highest draft position since 1997 - the beginning of the Duncan era.

I agree with Rascal. A lottery pick would benefit the long-term health of the team. That clearly outweighs another a short-lived playoff berth and first-round out.

03-06-2010, 01:40 PM
And most likely a 1st round matchup with the lakers. LOL the worst possible scenario...

The Spurs have a shot at the 2nd round but not much further. On draft day I would rather see the spurs picking in the top 10 or 15 then knowing they made the playoffs only to get beat by LA again.

The spurs need to regroup for next year, add some good interior players and a top draft pick will work towards that. Next year the spurs should have a better shot then this year but only if they make some impact moves to upgrade the roster.

03-06-2010, 01:45 PM
Considering that 1st round draft picks aren't a lock for a superstar and given the history of Spurs picking up solid players in later picks...then why is the lottery looked upon with such great favor? It's too easy to say the draft will cure what ails. This current team has much potential...will they reach it? It doesn't look favorable, but what if they do? Will you be pissed or pleasantly astounded?

If the spurs get an earlier draft pick(maybe top 10 with some lottery luck) and blow it by not getting a player that makes an immediate impact in the rotation then you are saying you do not believe in the spurs front office.

03-06-2010, 01:56 PM
spurs will make the playoffs......Im all about the positives not the negatives:)

03-06-2010, 03:35 PM
Spurs will make the playoffs...the teams below them suck worse than they do.