View Full Version : Ann Althouse is grateful for Barack Obama

03-08-2010, 10:41 PM

... and yet still the wars go on.

Obama, what have you done to the hope of the hopeful folk who sewed banners with your face inside a heart? I am not one of them. In fact, I'm making a list of Things I Like About Obama:

1. By continuing to fight the wars that George Bush started, he has crushed the hope of the people who bought into the campaign abstraction "hope."

2. By putting his name on many of the policies that George Bush was condemned for adopting, he has rehabilitated the reputation of George Bush .

3. ...
Yeah, I'm pretty much stumped after that, too.

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 10:52 PM
By continuing to expand government intervention in the health care industry.

By continuing the bullshit stimulus expansion of government.

By continuing to provide socialism to Wall Street.

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Yeah, they're so different.

But no, fascism is in our midst.

Obama is as fascist as Bush was. The problem for Yanni, Cobra Commander, and suckncockboys is they recognize this, yet are afraid of manning up and admitting it.

03-08-2010, 11:06 PM
They'll never, never admit that Bush was just as bad, and maybe even worse. They'll just continue to point to deficit figures as justification, know what I mean?

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 11:12 PM
Yeah, somehow Bush is absolved of TARP.

Not to mention that the mofo creamed himself to sign bills sponsored by the USS Teddy Kennedy as much as Barack did.

03-08-2010, 11:16 PM
Let this be a lesson to all

There is no real choice in america anymore. Democrat or republican, pick a puppet.

They all work for the same powerful and wealthy corporations and businessmen who really run the world.

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 11:42 PM
They'll never, never admit that Bush was just as bad, and maybe even worse. They'll just continue to point to deficit figures as justification, know what I mean?

Why is the full monty when it comes to liberty so unwanted? That is the question of contemporary American politics. I guess it's easier to scare people.

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 11:52 PM
Bush destroyed conservatism's resurgence. It would appear that Obama is doing the same for liberalism. I guess we'll end up with 100% pure americanism.

I am a one hundred percent American
I am, God damn, I am!

Marcus Bryant
03-08-2010, 11:58 PM
Shit, I'm so old I remember when Republicans and conservatives weren't about the New Testament, y'know? Or when Democrats and liberals weren't about global warming and homosexuality....

03-09-2010, 01:09 AM
I'm amazed how fucking retarded you all are.

Obama never promised to end the war in Afghanistan. In fact, he promised to escalate it.

The war in Iraq IS ENDING. Why do you think troop levels are at an all time low since the invasion? Why do you think a timetable for withdrawal is in place and in action?

lol, repugs getting desperate. :lmao

03-09-2010, 01:51 AM
During a recent visit to Washington, D.C., Army Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, signaled he might ask Obama to keep one combat brigade, about 3,000 troops, in the powder-keg city of Kirkuk, after Sept. 1. If he does need the troops, he's expected to ask for them this summer, defense officials said.http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2011270673_iraqelex06.html

Obama never promised to end the war in Afghanistan. In fact, he promised to escalate it.True, but wars of "infinite justice" do not always redound to the credit to those who wage them.

See, Iraq.

Our inability to arrange things suitably for our own withdrawal from Afghanistan within a near decade, does not particularly inspire confidence in this wino. But maybe that was never the point. Maybe the contracts to build the bases tell the tale there.

I'm just guessing recent interventions in Somalia and Yemen were intelligence related. This is dangerous, dangerous territory, DMX.

We wouldn't want to start something the Ethiopians or the Saudis might have to involve themselves in, by accident.

Yemen is a Iran-Saudi proxy war, and our alliance with Ethiopia respecting Somalia...well, I don't know what exactly to say about that.


It's often said that war makes strange bedfellows, but that it makes bedfellows strange is seldom publified.

03-09-2010, 02:11 AM
I'm amazed how fucking retarded you all are.

Obama never promised to end the war in Afghanistan. In fact, he promised to escalate it.

The war in Iraq IS ENDING. Why do you think troop levels are at an all time low since the invasion? Why do you think a timetable for withdrawal is in place and in action?

lol, repugs getting desperate. :lmao

If it's an unjust war, put your money where your mouth is and pull out completely.

Any moron can spout talking points.

03-09-2010, 04:02 AM
If it's an unjust war, put your money where your mouth is and pull out completely.

Any moron can spout talking points.

Any moron can over-simplify the conditions, too. On the one hand, immediately evacuating from Iraq would destabilize the region for years to come, all to our great inconvenience. On the other, why abandon Bush's pirate scheme for assimilating Iraq and its copious energy reserves when you can blame it on the selfsame Midland Yankee?

Bottom line is we want that oil, and we want it cheap.

03-09-2010, 04:16 AM
Shit, I'm so old I remember when Republicans and conservatives weren't about the New Testament, y'know? Or when Democrats and liberals weren't about global warming and homosexuality....
I was so young when Republicans and Conservatives weren't about the new testament so I don't think I'm righted to say a word about how the gov worked during my childhood.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 10:42 AM
Yeah, they're so different.

But no, fascism is in our midst.

Obama is as fascist as Bush was. The problem for Yanni, Cobra Commander, and suckncockboys is they recognize this, yet are afraid of manning up and admitting it.
Come on Marcus, be realistic. You can take just about any head of state, and correlate them to a tenant of fascism. A major thing I see is the attempt of nationalizing corporations, or corporatism, like president Obama and the democrats clearly wants to do. This is a US leftist thing. Not a republican or conservative thing.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 10:44 AM
Yeah, somehow Bush is absolved of TARP.

I believe it was outside his expertise, that he relied on those around him, and made the wrong choice.

I blame congress. 535 minds should come to a proper solution.

03-09-2010, 10:50 AM
I believe it was outside his expertise, that he relied on those around him, and made the wrong choice.

I blame congress. 535 minds should come to a proper solution.So Bush is absolved by you.

03-09-2010, 10:54 AM
I believe it was outside his expertise, that he relied on those around him, and made the wrong choice.

I blame congress. 535 minds should come to a proper solution.

Since presidents aren't experts in anything other than being politicians, the same applies to Obama and everyone else. Bush doesn't get a free pass on tarp just because he's not a financial guru.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 11:10 AM
So Bush is absolved by you.
Absolved, no. I'm only saying it's understandable. At least TARP 1 was a high risk loan only. The bailouts the democrats are doing is unforgivable.

Are you perfect?

Didn't think so. Nobody is.

03-09-2010, 11:17 AM
Absolved, no. I'm only saying it's understandable. At least TARP 1 was a high risk loan only. The bailouts the democrats are doing is unforgivable.

Are you perfect?

Didn't think so. Nobody is.:lmao

Now TARP is my fault. Anyone but Bush.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 11:31 AM

Now TARP is my fault. Anyone but Bush.
I see you are in idiot mode again.

I'm done with you for the day.


03-09-2010, 12:45 PM
Almost all the democrats are voting for socialized health care.

Almost all the Republicans are voting against it.

Of course there's a difference.

And no, it's not because the GOP weren't the ones proposing this bill that they are not supporting it...they never would have proposed this bill in the first place.

The only real reason some are trying to compare them is that they know Obama sucks. So, the obvious response it..."yeah, he sucks...but so do 'fill in the blank.'"

Not saying the GOP are great, they did their own spending and increases. But they would never propose something like this.

So, yes...there is a difference. I just wish it were a bigger one...but there is a difference

...and so it goes.

03-09-2010, 01:19 PM
And no, it's not because the GOP weren't the ones proposing this bill that they are not supporting it...they never would have proposed this bill in the first place.Right. They would never do anything.

...and so it goes.Yes, Linda.

George Gervin's Afro
03-09-2010, 02:43 PM
Almost all the democrats are voting for socialized health care.

Almost all the Republicans are voting against it.

Of course there's a difference.

And no, it's not because the GOP weren't the ones proposing this bill that they are not supporting it...they never would have proposed this bill in the first place.

The only real reason some are trying to compare them is that they know Obama sucks. So, the obvious response it..."yeah, he sucks...but so do 'fill in the blank.'"

Not saying the GOP are great, they did their own spending and increases. But they would never propose something like this.

So, yes...there is a difference. I just wish it were a bigger one...but there is a difference

...and so it goes.

I'd like to see the bill that will socialize the healthcare industry..

03-10-2010, 02:06 AM
Almost all the democrats are voting for socialized health care.

Almost all the Republicans are voting against it.

You do realize every Republican member of congress HAS socialized health care...

They know a public option is good but they also know how "reactionary" republicans like you are, so they keep telling you it's bad because you're dumb enough to believe it and because the health care lobby keeps their lousy asses in office.

03-10-2010, 04:23 AM
Why is the full monty when it comes to liberty so unwanted? That is the question of contemporary American politics. I guess it's easier to scare people.

I blame it on the boomers. :)

I can only hope that the generation that voted Obama in (Millenials) continues to be pissed off at our current choices, and run in the future on platforms of liberty and less nation-building. Shoot, the situation today almost makes me want to run for politics after I get out of the military!

03-10-2010, 04:42 AM
Bush destroyed conservatism's resurgence. It would appear that Obama is doing the same for liberalism.http://www.netministry.com/clientfiles/69050/bullseye.jpg

03-10-2010, 04:55 AM
At least Bush destroyed it by going ultra-conservative. Obama is destroying liberalism by going liberal-lite. (Cue comments from conservatives about socialized healthcare... :rolleyes

03-10-2010, 05:01 AM
Bush had nerve; Obama is adaptable. For good and for ill, both ways.

03-10-2010, 05:26 AM
Bush had nerve; Obama is adaptable. For good and for ill, both ways.

How's that saying go? "Stand up for nothing and you'll fall for anything?" I haven't seen alot of standing on Obama's part. Funny that; it's what made him so popular on the Left. He wasn't apologetic about being liberal, when he was a candidate.

03-10-2010, 05:57 AM
Apologetic? For example, on the public option Obama frankly contradicts his former stance.

03-10-2010, 06:11 AM
Apologetic? For example, on the public option Obama frankly contradicts his former stance.

Which only goes to prove my point. The "old" Obama would have stood his ground on this issue; this one doesn't. Also see: Waterboarding, detention, marijuana, etc etc

03-10-2010, 06:20 AM
I'm not so sure the old Obama was as solid as you make him out to be. He was still a Senator when he immunized the telecoms.

Who's being too optimistic tonight? :lol

03-10-2010, 06:46 AM
I'm not so sure the old Obama was as solid as you make him out to be. He was still a Senator when he immunized the telecoms.

Who's being too optimistic tonight? :lol

Ha! Pessimistic tonight obviously, and optimistic before he was elected! :toast

I think the telecom vote was the first noticeable "back-down", and would seem to not be an isolated incident.