View Full Version : Rush Limbaugh : "I will leave US and move to Costa Rica if Health bill passes"

03-09-2010, 03:10 PM

funny thing?

Costa Rica has universal health care to all of it's citizens :P

03-09-2010, 03:14 PM
I literally laughed at loud at this!!

03-09-2010, 03:15 PM
We would miss him, wouldn't we?

03-09-2010, 03:15 PM
If he left, would we have to create another one?

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 03:15 PM

funny thing?

Costa Rica has universal health care to all of it's citizens :P
That may be true, but I think Rush is more concerned of the extra tax burden he would have. I doubt he would uses their health care system other than routine things. He has the ability to fly back here at a whim and have any necessary surgery, etc. performed here.

Why are the democrats doing all they can to relocate rich tax payers out of the USA, and therefore get less revenue?

03-09-2010, 03:16 PM
must be some little boy clubs there.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 03:16 PM
We would miss him, wouldn't we?
Do you think it would stop him from doing his radio show?

You know... We can communicate all over the world. Costa Rica would be more than glad to have such a rich person live and work there.

03-09-2010, 03:17 PM
Ya think this is why he has his condo in Manhattan up for sale? does he know something we don't?

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 03:19 PM
Ya think this is why he has his condo in Manhattan up for sale? does he know something we don't?
He has talked about NY taxes several times, and I'm sure that's why he's selling there.

George Gervin's Afro
03-09-2010, 03:21 PM
That may be true, but I think Rush is more concerned of the extra tax burden he would have. I doubt he would uses their health care system other than routine things. He has the ability to fly back here at a whim and have any necessary surgery, etc. performed here.

Why are the democrats doing all they can to relocate rich tax payers out of the USA, and therefore get less revenue?

Rich people will always have access to the best doctors and healthcare in the world. Why don't you acknowledge that Rush represents 1% of the country? We don't live in his world... I hope this thing passes now...:lmao

03-09-2010, 03:24 PM
He has talked about NY taxes several times, and I'm sure that's why he's selling there.

Wow, WC, I'm impressed! You know what Costa Rica would be happy about, and you know why Rush Limbaugh does what he does.

Many of us are not that good at reading the minds of those we haven't met, much less the the values of a nation of folks!

George Gervin's Afro
03-09-2010, 03:25 PM
Wow, WC, I'm impressed! You know what Costa Rica would be happy about, and you know why Rush Limbaugh does what he does.

Many of us are not that good at reading the minds of those we haven't met, much less the the values of a nation of folks!

Where have you been? That is the conservative way..they read the minds and motives of democrats.. ..Reading motives and minds is the only way they can score political points..

03-09-2010, 03:26 PM
By the way, WC, I am not in favor of this particular health care bill. I DO believe that we need to reform health care in this country, but I am not in favor of the bill as it currently exists because it does not pay for itself.

Having said that, I just can't get unhappy about the notion of a Limbaugh-less U.S.

03-09-2010, 03:28 PM
This is almost tempting enough for me to support this disastrous health-care bill.

Rush wouldn't need a plane or a boat to get there, he could just float the whole way since he's filled with nothing but hot air

03-09-2010, 03:33 PM
Why are the democrats doing all they can to relocate rich tax payers out of the USA, and therefore get less revenue?

Why do rich people hate America?

03-09-2010, 03:45 PM
Good question (http://blogs.wsj.com/wealth/2010/03/09/us-millionaire-population-soared-16-in-2009/).

The millionaire population is still far short of the 9.2 million counted by the Chicago wealth-research firm at the peak in 2007. But the trend shows that the recovery is well underway–at least for the wealthy.

“The nation’s millionaires–together with its Ultra High Net Worth households–are bouncing back from the recession,” said George H. Walper Jr., president of Spectrem Group.

In addition to the millionaire groups, the broader affluent population, those with a net worth of $500,000 or more, climbed 12% in 2009 to 12.7 million.

jack sommerset
03-09-2010, 04:08 PM
Good for him for taking a stance.

George Gervin's Afro
03-09-2010, 04:13 PM
Good for him for taking a stance.

When are you going to move jackie? Need some help?

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 04:43 PM
Rich people will always have access to the best doctors and healthcare in the world. Why don't you acknowledge that Rush represents 1% of the country? We don't live in his world... I hope this thing passes now...:lmao
I do acknowledge that. However, I'm not jealous of him for that. Successes like his makes me proud to be an America. Few other countries offer such ability for people to do as he has.

Sorry you are limited in the concept of the American Dream.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 04:44 PM
Wow, WC, I'm impressed! You know what Costa Rica would be happy about, and you know why Rush Limbaugh does what he does.

Many of us are not that good at reading the minds of those we haven't met, much less the the values of a nation of folks!
Yes... I stated the obvious. It seemed to me necessary, as some people here don't get it.

03-09-2010, 04:45 PM
Yeah fucking right. Rush aint going anywhere.

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 04:46 PM
Having said that, I just can't get unhappy about the notion of a Limbaugh-less U.S.
Why? What is your motivation? Him living here or there has no impact on your life or mine.

Is your motivation of a dark hearted nature?

Wild Cobra
03-09-2010, 04:46 PM
Yeah fucking right. Rush aint going anywhere.You never know. I think he's been getting fed up with the tax rates here.

03-09-2010, 04:52 PM
That may be true, but I think Rush is more concerned of the extra tax burden he would have. I doubt he would uses their health care system other than routine things. He has the ability to fly back here at a whim and have any necessary surgery, etc. performed here.

Why are the democrats doing all they can to relocate rich tax payers out of the USA, and therefore get less revenue?

The only reason Rush has any money is because he profits off of the dummies that like what he has to say. The man's life story, the fall and resurrection, is simply something out of a TV movie. He is a lucky dude, and if he's scared to lose money when he knows in his heart he shouldn't even be worth that much, then he's a greedy son of a gun and I want them to pass the health care bill NOW and condemn us all to death panels if it means Rush will desert his country and move to Costa Rica. Such pussiness.

I'm not worried about rich tax payers leaving the country, they will find ways to not lose too much money whether its a loophole or some of that offshore account funny business you always hear about in the movies. Fuck 'em if they wanna leave, they can go to to Europe and sort through that mess.

America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don't root for the home team get the fuck out of the arena. :toast

03-09-2010, 04:56 PM
You never know. I think he's been getting fed up with the tax rates here.

Just out of curiosity, since I'm ignorant on the topic, can you show me if the current tax trend is higher than what it was Pre-Bush tax policy. I'm just wondering if the levels are about the same as opposed to noticeably trending above previous Administration's. If Rush is bitching over things going back to Pre-Bush tax policy, he needs to change his tampon.

03-09-2010, 04:57 PM
The only reason Rush has any money is because he profits off of the dummies that like what he has to say. The man's life story, the fall and resurrection, is simply something out of a TV movie. He is a lucky dude, and if he's scared to lose money when he knows in his heart he shouldn't even be worth that much, then he's a greedy son of a gun and I want them to pass the health care bill NOW and condemn us all to death panels if it means Rush will desert his country and move to Costa Rica. Such pussiness.

I'm not worried about rich tax payers leaving the country, they will find ways to not lose too much money whether its a loophole or some of that offshore account funny business you always hear about in the movies. Fuck 'em if they wanna leave, they can go to to Europe and sort through that mess.

America is the greatest country on Earth, and if you don't root for the home team get the fuck out of the arena. :toast

Right on. Fuck all these greedy rich bastards that keep sucking americans dry. A lot of people are tired of the rich/poor divide in this country, the gap has only gotten bigger over the years.

Let them leave NOW, that will open up possibilities for smaller businesses to grow and take their place. Fresh blood.

George Gervin's Afro
03-09-2010, 04:57 PM
I do acknowledge that. However, I'm not jealous of him for that. Successes like his makes me proud to be an America. Few other countries offer such ability for people to do as he has.

Sorry you are limited in the concept of the American Dream.

I'm not jealous either but to hold him up as some sort of champion for the common folk is laughable.. he has every right to make an honest living and I don't fault him for that. What I do fault him for is duping his dumb listeners ..

03-09-2010, 05:19 PM
Let them leave NOW, that will open up possibilities for smaller businesses to grow and take their place. Fresh blood.

Speaking of taking "their place" - When those assholes onWall Street started complaining about not getting bonuses or pay raises to work on fixing whatever they broke, all I thought to myself was..."muthafuckaz, you make 3-4x as much money as I do, and work in a cleaner environment than I do, and YOU think you need more dinero? Let's fire your ass and get someone that actually wants to do the job, gtfo!" If leaders aren't going to realize how bad it is for a decent percentage of America that needs access to healthcare to prevent chronic illness from setting in, that needs a savings account to somewhat enjoy the fruits of labor, etc...gtfo and let someone else do your job.

03-09-2010, 05:25 PM
"more the government intrudes in our lives, the harder it is to become successful in the long run."

adam8065 announces him/her/itself as one the Truly Duped Ones. :lol

You've bought the Repug/conservative/St Ronnie Big Lie that govt is the entire problem (when the problem is really corporations and capitalists, who finance The Big Lie).

03-09-2010, 05:33 PM
Speaking of taking "their place" - When those assholes onWall Street started complaining about not getting bonuses or pay raises to work on fixing whatever they broke, all I thought to myself was..."muthafuckaz, you make 3-4x as much money as I do, and work in a cleaner environment than I do, and YOU think you need more dinero? Let's fire your ass and get someone that actually wants to do the job, gtfo!" If leaders aren't going to realize how bad it is for a decent percentage of America that needs access to healthcare to prevent chronic illness from setting in, that needs a savings account to somewhat enjoy the fruits of labor, etc...gtfo and let someone else do your job.

Apologies for the tangent, but seeing someone mention Wall Street and healthcare in the same post reminded me how utterly sad it is that 14 months into Obama's administration he and congress have spent over a year bickering about healthcare and we've barely heard a peep about legislation reforming the financial sector.

Healthcare has had countless town hall meetings, speeches, conferences, television commercials and a whole slew of congressional action with votes and amendments and such.

Major financial reform? We've got a powerless "pay czar" and a couple of bills that haven't even made it out of committee.

03-09-2010, 05:40 PM
I think for $600, Rush can sign up for CR's national health plan as a foreigner, then it's like $50/month for the insurance.

Prostitution is legal, probably for both sexes, and whatever sex Rush is.

Strange he should choose CR, but he can afford his own walled, guarded compound and private, armed escorts.

03-09-2010, 05:41 PM
"barely heard a peep about legislation reforming the financial sector"

Wall St and US CoC is spending 100s of $Ms to gut financial reform, and Congress will oblige them.

03-09-2010, 05:50 PM
Of course, Rush is lying about leaving USA. Lying is reflexive, in the DNA of conservatives, Repugs, hate media.

03-09-2010, 05:53 PM
Why? What is your motivation? Him living here or there has no impact on your life or mine.

Is your motivation of a dark hearted nature?

My motivation for a Limbaugh-less U.S. is that I prefer a more civil tone of discourse than that which Limbaugh encourages. I have said before in this forum that the man is a hate-monger, and I believe that he incites verbal and physical violence.

He shows virtually no respect for anyone who disagrees with him in the slightest. I mean, he accuses people of crimes when he has no idea what he is talking about (e.g. accusing the Clintons of having Vince Foster killed), he accuses people of being motivated by the meanest of motivations (e.g., accusing Michael J. Fox of 'pretending' to be sicker than he was from his Parkinson's to garner support for stem-cell research), and he is a verbal bully.

People with whom I have to have contact from a professional standpoint proudly say that they believe that 'so-and-so politician' should be shot, and they know it because Limbaugh said it. They use him to justify their desire to see others in pain or hurt because they are 'beneath' him.

So he does in fact impact me and life directly and indirectly, and I believe the U.S. would be better off without his vitriolic voice in the airwaves.

If you thought I meant him any harm, ...no, that is not who I am, nor would I ever wish that on anyone. I don't what else you might mean by a 'dark motive'.

03-09-2010, 05:55 PM
Did I mention that I think that Limbaugh is one of the most arrogant human beings I have ever heard and that he doesn't have anything to be arrogant about?

03-09-2010, 06:06 PM
Hmmm... who cares?

03-09-2010, 06:11 PM
Hmmm... who cares?

about which thing?

03-09-2010, 06:14 PM
about which thing?

This 'story'...

baseline bum
03-09-2010, 06:51 PM
LMAO @ the right wing defending this tub of crap when they were all over Alec Baldwin for saying the exact same thing about Bush's election.

Marcus Bryant
03-09-2010, 06:53 PM
He has talked about NY taxes several times, and I'm sure that's why he's selling there.

As if taxes in NYC weren't high 10 or 20 years ago.

03-09-2010, 07:39 PM
Wow, WC, I'm impressed! You know what Costa Rica would be happy about, and you know why Rush Limbaugh does what he does.

Many of us are not that good at reading the minds of those we haven't met, much less the the values of a nation of folks!

These are things rush brings up alot.

Duff McCartney
03-09-2010, 08:32 PM
I do acknowledge that. However, I'm not jealous of him for that. Successes like his makes me proud to be an America. Few other countries offer such ability for people to do as he has.

Sorry you are limited in the concept of the American Dream.

Successes like him make me shameful that I am an American. I'm ashamed that a fat slob who spouts nothing but hate and bigotry can make so much money while people in Africa or Latin America or Asia are forced to live off of a dollar a day.

03-10-2010, 02:27 AM
Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin -- who has gone to great lengths to hype the supposed dangers of a big government takeover of American health care -- admitted over the weekend that she used to get her treatment in Canada's single-payer system.

"We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," Palin said in her first Canadian appearance (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/sarah-palin-sees-eye-to-eye-with-albertans-in-calgary-speech/article1492634/) since stepping down as governor of Alaska. "And I think now, isn't that ironic?"

(damn, that's one stupid fucking bitch :lol That's the way Repugs and conservatives like their women :lol )

The irony, one guesses, is that Palin now views Canada's health care system as revolting: with its government-run administration and 'death-panel'-like rationing. Clearly, however, she and her family once found it more alluring than, at the very least, the coverage available in rural Alaska. Up to the age of six (http://washingtonindependent.com/78624/palin-growing-up-i-hustled-over-the-border-for-health-care), Palin lived in a remote town near the closest Canadian city, Whitehorse.

Officials at several hospitals in that area declined to give out information on patient visits.


03-10-2010, 03:06 AM
That may be true, but I think Rush is more concerned of the extra tax burden he would have. I doubt he would uses their health care system other than routine things. He has the ability to fly back here at a whim and have any necessary surgery, etc. performed here.

You say that, but Rush seemed to love his experience with socialized healthcare in Hawaii...well, at least until he found out it was socialized.

03-10-2010, 03:22 AM
Let Rush show his patriotism by emigrating to Costa Rica. Maybe a bunch of dittoheads will follow him.

03-10-2010, 04:09 AM
Good riddance. If he wants to leave the country, let him. I won't shed tears.

03-10-2010, 04:10 AM
Major financial reform? We've got a powerless "pay czar" and a couple of bills that haven't even made it out of committee.

I don't expect any progress on this front whatsoever. I wouldn't get your hopes up CG.

03-10-2010, 05:09 AM
The time was last year, when everyone was still clenching hard. Now, the millionaire sector is recovering. We're fucked.

Obama proceeded in the wrong order. Fix the mess first, social reform later.

03-10-2010, 05:21 AM
The siren song of his adoring public could sway Rush to stay.

*comeback* tour? :rollin

03-10-2010, 05:27 AM
The time was last year, when everyone was still clenching hard. Now, the millionaire sector is recovering. We're fucked.

Obama proceeded in the wrong order. Fix the mess first, social reform later.

You're assuming he planned on fixing it in the first place... :toast

03-10-2010, 05:29 AM
Putting it off so long does not inspire confidence, to put it mildly.

03-10-2010, 05:35 AM
Putting it off so long does not inspire confidence, to put it mildly.

Again, "putting it off" assumes he actually plans on fixing it. You're being very optimistic tonight WH. :lol

I will be amazed if this isn't swept under the rug.

03-10-2010, 05:38 AM
Muhammed Ali:Canada::Rush Limbaugh:Puerto Rico?

03-10-2010, 05:44 AM
Again, "putting it off" assumes he actually plans on fixing it.If damning by faint praise is too close to common understatement, I'll offer that I actually believe the fix is already in, but that for the sake of levity or conversation I may occasionally let on otherwise. :toast

03-10-2010, 07:05 AM
Don't toy with me, Rush. We get to solve this part of the economic puzzle and get rid of you? 216 here we come!!!

03-10-2010, 08:25 AM
I don't expect any progress on this front whatsoever. I wouldn't get your hopes up CG.

The time was last year, when everyone was still clenching hard. Now, the millionaire sector is recovering. We're fucked.

Obama proceeded in the wrong order. Fix the mess first, social reform later.

Agree with you both. I would have thought that the "greatest economic crisis since the great depression" would have merited a somewhat stronger response than just giving the banking industry a blank check with no strings attached. But apparently I am mistaken.

03-10-2010, 10:05 AM
agree with you both. I would have thought that the "greatest economic crisis since the great depression" would have merited a somewhat stronger response than just giving the banking industry a blank check with no strings attached. But apparently i am mistaken.


03-10-2010, 10:06 AM
the time was last year, when everyone was still clenching hard. Now, the millionaire sector is recovering. We're fucked.

Obama proceeded in the wrong order. Fix the mess first, social reform later.


03-10-2010, 10:54 AM
You naive clowns haven't realized there won't be any significant regulation of the financial sector, because the financial sector has (continued to) spend 100s of $Ms to buy off Congress.

An proposal to cap payday loan usury rates has been deleted because

1) it would hurt payday loan sharks profits (awww, snif)


2) the payday loan assholes say they didn't cause The Banksters Great Depression anyway


03-10-2010, 10:56 AM
lucky basterd. Costa Rica is the bomb diggiddy

win win situation IMO

03-10-2010, 10:57 AM
Costa Rica Offers Good-Quality Health Care

Costa Rica has universal health care, one of the best health systems in Latin America. As always with nationalized health care, expect red tape and long waits, but the quality of Costa Rica's health care is excellent. Private health care is also available, very affordable, and high quality. Many doctors speak English and have received training in Europe, Canada, or the U.S. There are three large, private hospitals that most expatriates use: CIMA hospital in Escazú, Clinica Biblica in San José, and Clinica Católica in San José-Guadalupe.

Statistics from the World Health Organization frequently place Costa Rica in the top country rankings in the world for long life expectancy, often even ahead of Great Britain and the United States, even though the per-capita income of Costa Ricans is about one-tenth that of the U.S. and the U.K. Arguably, one reason for this is the slower pace of living in Costa Rica. And, of course, the healthy, fresh, non-preservative-laden foods found there, and the welcoming tropical climate. Costa Rica just seems to be a healthy place to live.

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

03-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Haha f'ing stupid Rush.

Wild Cobra
03-10-2010, 01:53 PM
Just out of curiosity, since I'm ignorant on the topic, can you show me if the current tax trend is higher than what it was Pre-Bush tax policy. I'm just wondering if the levels are about the same as opposed to noticeably trending above previous Administration's. If Rush is bitching over things going back to Pre-Bush tax policy, he needs to change his tampon.
If you combine taxes, fees, etc. I would say yes. However, I could be wring as I haven't tried to quantify it. I know in my case, even though the federal taxes have lowered, combined with the city and state, I pay more of a percentage.

The federal income tax rate itself is lower. Next year, the Bush Tax cuts expire. I haven't figured out the formulations, and can only guess where the margins will break at, but it will affects me by over $150 a month at the marginal rate change. That's how much less money I will be able to contribute to the economy. I'm looking at this, and how the democrats are crafting in other things that will raise consumer prices.

I say they can go to hell.

If you watch cities and states, you find that they continually raise local taxes and fees. Property tax rates fluctiate as well as voters approve bondmeasures. In the end, it isn't just the federal and state taxes. When you look at all the ways local ft the federal government generates money, they take a serious part of our earnings already.

Wild Cobra
03-10-2010, 01:56 PM
On a side note. Why should any small business look at hiring more people when they know next year they will pay more taxes?

03-10-2010, 09:09 PM
Haha f'ing stupid Rush.
Haha, f'ing stupid SpursTalk.com liberal posters...

I listened to Rush yesterday because he was interviewing Karl Rove on his new book; (interesting interview, by the way) Apparently, he got a big kick out of the "Rush is going to move to Costa Rica if Obamacare passes," nonsense.

First, let's look at the story Miami Heat misquoted in his thread title. (By the way, when you put something in "quotations," it should be a verbatim quote, MH. Just a tip.

Here's an addendum to that article, added after Miami Heat started the thread.

Correction, March 10, 1:16 pm An earlier version of this story mistakenly reported that Rush Limbaugh had threatened to move to Costa Rica if Congress passed health care reform. Instead, Mr. Limbaugh said that he would travel to Costa Rica for medical care if the bill was passed while continuing to reside in this country.

Yes, he also addressed the fact that Costa Rica has socialized medicine. Limbaugh explained there are also doctors who will take their practices international, if Obamacare passes. Costa Rica was mentioned to him as a likely place for these doctors to open shop...and, even though Costa Rica has socialized medicine, the practices could exist independent of government control -- just like the private hospital (not part of Hawaii's socialized medicine) where Limbaugh sought treatment when he suffered his cardiac event while on vacation.

Unfortunately, under Obamacare, private practices will not be allowed and, eventually -- probably sooner rather than later -- private/commercial insurance companies will be out of business because of how Obamacare is structured....hence, the reason medical professionals and those that can afford to, will be going to places like Costa Rica to provide and receive top notch medical care while the rest of us are left behind to receive rationed care (decided on by death panels) from government doctors that only dream of the kind of medical practice that will retire their medical school debts.

03-10-2010, 09:37 PM
Yes, he also addressed the fact that Costa Rica has socialized medicine. Limbaugh explained there are also doctors who will take their practices international, if Obamacare passes. Costa Rica was mentioned to him as a likely place for these doctors to open shop...and, even though Costa Rica has socialized medicine, the practices could exist independent of government control -- just like the private hospital (not part of Hawaii's socialized medicine) where Limbaugh sought treatment when he suffered his cardiac event while on vacation.

So your saying Rush checked the hospital's background first before deciding what emergency room should save his life? Dumbass...

03-10-2010, 09:41 PM
So your saying Rush checked the hospital's background first before deciding what emergency room should save his life? Dumbass...
No, I'm saying Rush Limbaugh received treatment for which he paid cash. He didn't received free "socialized" medical care and he didn't use Medicare or private insurance.

03-10-2010, 09:46 PM
So your saying Rush checked the hospital's background first before deciding what emergency room should save his life? Dumbass...

Maybe I should have just said, "Yes, he did"

Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized: Taken To Hospital In Hawaii After Suffering Chest Pains (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/30/rush-limbaugh-hospital-ta_n_407869.html)

Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital Wednesday during a vacation.

"He is being treated today, continues to rest comfortably, and remains in good spirits," The Queen's Medical Center said Thursday in a news release. "Mr. Limbaugh appreciates the prayers and well wishes of his many fans and supporters."

The Queen's Medical Center (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Queen%27s_Medical_Center)

The Queen's Medical Center, originally called Queen's Hospital is an acute private non-profit hospital in downtown Honolulu founded in 1859 by Queen Emma and King Kamehameha IV.

03-10-2010, 09:48 PM
No, I'm saying Rush Limbaugh received treatment for which he paid cash. He didn't received free "socialized" medical care and he didn't use Medicare or private insurance.

...did he bring his own equipment too? Geez, I know the elite aren't like you and me but...

03-10-2010, 09:50 PM
It is the only level one trauma center in the state of Hawaii.


03-10-2010, 09:55 PM
And, it's private. Imagine that! Hawaii doesn't even trust itself to run a Level I Trauma Center.

03-10-2010, 10:03 PM
And, it's private. Imagine that! Hawaii doesn't even trust itself to run a Level I Trauma Center.

And it will stay private under a public option. Imagine that! :rolleyes

03-10-2010, 10:10 PM
And it will stay private under a public option. Imagine that! :rolleyes
But, not under Obamacare...sad, isn't it?

03-10-2010, 10:38 PM
Damn, Yoni really doesn't know anything about the health care bill or Hawaii's health care system.

He's incredibly ignorant.

03-10-2010, 10:45 PM
Damn, Yoni really doesn't know anything about the health care bill or Hawaii's health care system.

He's incredibly ignorant.

Why don't you explain it to all us uninformed people CD. I just know you
have all the information at your fingertips.....

Especially the panels that will be established to set standards and
medical practices.

03-10-2010, 10:47 PM
Why don't you explain it to all us uninformed people CD. I just know you
have all the information at your fingertips.....

Especially the panels that will be established to set standards and
medical practices.Yoni is trying to act like there is a single payer system in the bill.

There isn't.

It's that simple.

Do you understand?

03-10-2010, 10:56 PM
He is also trying to act as if there is a single payer system in Hawaii.

There isn't.

Yoni is also conflating his single payer lie with Sarah Palin's "Lie of the Year" regarding "death panels" in another thread.

What's one more lie to him?

Do you understand?

03-11-2010, 12:13 AM
The left is so full of fools and liars, it's become a national joke.


RUSH: This is yesterday afternoon and last night, a montage of a bunch of media people, all pure propagandists. Every one of these people said what you're going to hear them say after I said specifically I was not moving, I was simply leaving the country for health care if Obamacare passes and then coming back. Not moving. I said that before all these people say this.

RATIGAN: Rush Limbaugh, threatening to leave our country for good.

HALL: Rush Limbaugh vowing to leave the country if Democrats manage to pass their health care reform bill.

GEIST: Rush Limbaugh. Now he's threatening to do something if the President succeeds with this health care reform. He's threatening to leave the country.

MOULITSAS: I definitely look forward to Rush Limbaugh leaving the country.

FERGUSON: Do you know that Rush Limbaugh said that if the health care bill passes, he will leave the country.

SHUSTER: Rush Limbaugh says that if health care reform passes, he will leave the country.

LENO: Radio host Rush Limbaugh says he will leave the United States if health care reform passes.

BEHAR: Rush Limbaugh has said that if health care goes through in the country, he is moving out of the country. Hey, hello, good news?


03-11-2010, 12:16 AM
Woo-hoo! Another transcript!

03-11-2010, 12:16 AM
Promptly regurgitated, in this forum, by Miami Heat, et al.

03-11-2010, 03:34 AM
Rush is just pissy because he is reminded how many people dislike him.

Awww poor Rushie! Did you get your feewings hurt? The big bad Democwats made fun of you, didn't they?

03-11-2010, 10:54 AM
Right on. Fuck all these greedy rich bastards that keep sucking americans dry. A lot of people are tired of the rich/poor divide in this country, the gap has only gotten bigger over the years.

Let them leave NOW, that will open up possibilities for smaller businesses to grow and take their place. Fresh blood.

What you really mean is the "poor" are tired of this divide, don't you? I have yet to hear any rich person gripe about it/

03-11-2010, 11:12 AM
Rush is just pissy because he is reminded how many people dislike him.

Awww poor Rushie! Did you get your feewings hurt? The big bad Democwats made fun of you, didn't they?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 million listeners - daily; yeah, I'm sure he's bothered by the haters. :rolleyes

03-11-2010, 11:15 AM
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 million listeners - daily; yeah, I'm sure he's bothered by the haters. :rolleyesHe certainly catalogs everything they say about him.

03-11-2010, 11:17 AM
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 million listeners - daily; yeah, I'm sure he's bothered by the haters. :rolleyes

Since 1991, Limbaugh has had the most-listened-to radio talk show in the United States, with 14.25 million listeners a week as of March 2009.[139] In 2003, he peaked with an audience of nearly 20 million a week.[140] In a March 2007 Rasmussen Reports poll, 62% of those surveyed had an unfavorable opinion of Limbaugh, while 33% had a favorable opinion.[141] More recently, in a February 2009 Public Policy Polling poll, 46% had a favorable opinion of Limbaugh, while 43 percent viewed him negatively, with 10% being unsure.[142] In a February Gallup poll, 45 percent of respondents said they had an unfavorable view of Limbaugh, to 28 percent with a favorable opinion. The partisan divide was steep, with Republicans favoring Limbaugh 60-23, while Democrats disapproved 63-6.[143]

Rush Limbaugh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rush_Limbaugh)

03-11-2010, 11:27 AM
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 million listeners - daily; yeah, I'm sure he's bothered by the haters. :rolleyes

He cares enough to whine on his radio station, it seems. "Wahhh they said I was leaving the country, but I said I was leaving the country FOR HEALTH CARE! See? They're big liars! NEENER NEENER NEENER! Pass me another hot dog..."

03-11-2010, 12:09 PM
He cares enough to whine on his radio station, it seems. "Wahhh they said I was leaving the country, but I said I was leaving the country FOR HEALTH CARE! See? They're big liars! NEENER NEENER NEENER! Pass me another hot dog..."

He seemed bemused to me...but, what do I know, I rarely listen.

03-11-2010, 12:10 PM
Since 1991, Limbaugh has had the most-listened-to radio talk show in the United States, with 14.25 million listeners a week as of March 2009.[139] In 2003, he peaked with an audience of nearly 20 million a week.[140] In a March 2007 Rasmussen Reports poll, 62% of those surveyed had an unfavorable opinion of Limbaugh, while 33% had a favorable opinion.[141] More recently, in a February 2009 Public Policy Polling poll, 46% had a favorable opinion of Limbaugh, while 43 percent viewed him negatively, with 10% being unsure.[142] In a February Gallup poll, 45 percent of respondents said they had an unfavorable view of Limbaugh, to 28 percent with a favorable opinion. The partisan divide was steep, with Republicans favoring Limbaugh 60-23, while Democrats disapproved 63-6.[143]

Rush Limbaugh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rush_Limbaugh)
So, he has a lot of listeners, right? More than you or LnGrrr have readers in the forum, I would imagine.

George Gervin's Afro
03-11-2010, 02:08 PM
let's just hope that peice of crap moves.. the Country will be much better off when he leaves this earth...

03-11-2010, 03:04 PM
So, he has a lot of listeners, right? More than you or LnGrrr have readers in the forum, I would imagine.

I'm merely pointing out that he's far from 40 million daily listeners... your claim, not mine.

03-11-2010, 06:13 PM
I'm merely pointing out that he's far from 40 million daily listeners... your claim, not mine.
I guess I should have just said a bazillion. The point was -- because I have no idea how many people listen to Rush Limbaugh -- he has a following and, as your Wikipedia link says, he's the most listened to radio show in the Universe!

Yes, more hyperbole.

03-11-2010, 07:44 PM
I guess I should have just said a bazillion. The point was -- because I have no idea how many people listen to Rush Limbaugh -- he has a following and, as your Wikipedia link says, he's the most listened to radio show in the Universe!

Yes, more hyperbole.

You had no idea but that didn't prevent you from talking out of your ass...
Which is the norm in your posts, Yoni

03-11-2010, 07:53 PM
You had no idea but that didn't prevent you from talking out of your ass...
Which is the norm in your posts, Yoni
20 Million is a lot of listeners... More, apparently, than other shows. You're quibbling over nothing.

I was merely responding to the ludicrous assertion Rush Limbaugh is universally hated. At the moment, his approval rating rivals Obama's and beats the Democrat Congress, hands down.

Have fun with it.

George Gervin's Afro
03-11-2010, 07:56 PM
20 Million is a lot of listeners... More, apparently, than other shows. You're quibbling over nothing.

I was merely responding to the ludicrous assertion Rush Limbaugh is universally hated. At the moment, his approval rating rivals Obama's and beats the Democrat Congress, hands down.

Have fun with it.

amongst his audience?:lmao

03-11-2010, 08:06 PM
I'm merely pointing out that he's far from 40 million daily listeners... your claim, not mine.

After he returned to his radio show after five weeks in rehab he has consistantly had between 35 and 40 million listeners - twice what he normally has

03-11-2010, 08:10 PM
Why Costa Rica? Easier access to meds?
Seriously, why not Chile or Puerto Rico?

Wild Cobra
03-11-2010, 08:41 PM
Why Costa Rica? Easier access to meds?
Seriously, why not Chile or Puerto Rico?
I figured he was going to buy the property that Jurassic Park is built on.

His Florida home is on the beach, maybe he likes the Costa Rica coatline?


03-11-2010, 08:47 PM
20 Million is a lot of listeners... More, apparently, than other shows. You're quibbling over nothing.

I was merely responding to the ludicrous assertion Rush Limbaugh is universally hated. At the moment, his approval rating rivals Obama's and beats the Democrat Congress, hands down.

Have fun with it.

His paycheck reflect the success he has had with a segment of the population.
Among those I guess I have to count you. And I quoted what his approval ratings are, and again you're talking out of your ass.

03-11-2010, 08:48 PM
wikipedia has it's ethnicity as 80% caucasian. It's a constitutional democracy. climate is tropical year round.

03-11-2010, 08:49 PM
His paycheck reflect the success he has had with a segment of the population.
Among those I guess I have to count you. And I quoted what his approval ratings are, and again you're talking out of your ass.
Nope, I'm not a regular listener. I only listened Wednesday for the Rove interview. His local time slot isn't convenient for me.

And, his paycheck reflects the success he has with advertisers. They pay the bills, not the listeners.

03-11-2010, 08:51 PM
wikipedia has it's ethnicity as 80% caucasian. It's a constitutional democracy. climate is tropical year round.

Interesting. I am surprised I do not hear more about this place.

03-11-2010, 08:53 PM
After he returned to his radio show after five weeks in rehab he has consistantly had between 35 and 40 million listeners - twice what he normally has

If it's twice what he normally has, then that amounts to about 8 million a day (I don't know much about his show, but I'm assuming here he works Mon-Fri). That's probably a fairly good number for radio, but hardly the popularity Yoni is pandering about. Furthermore, the fact that he doubled it because of a special occasion means that half of those listeners are basically casual.

03-11-2010, 08:56 PM
Nope, I'm not a regular listener. I only listened Wednesday for the Rove interview. His local time slot isn't convenient for me.

Good, one less person that counts on the statistics.

And, his paycheck reflects the success he has with advertisers. They pay the bills, not the listeners.

Advertisers pay for popular shows that reach large audiences. If he had 10 regular listeners, then he wouldn't have the advertisers he has, and he wouldn't get the check he gets.

03-11-2010, 08:57 PM
wikipedia has it's ethnicity as 80% caucasian. It's a constitutional democracy. climate is tropical year round.

At least, unlike the imbd bio you linked, they quote their sources.

03-12-2010, 03:02 AM
So, he has a lot of listeners, right? More than you or LnGrrr have readers in the forum, I would imagine.

Yes, I'd say that's probably a given. However, I'm pretty happy with my life anyways. :)

03-12-2010, 03:40 AM
I predicted the comeback; only it came a little sooner than I expected. :lol

03-12-2010, 12:49 PM
must be some little boy clubs there.
this :lol

Didn't he already pay big silence bucks Jerkaldo Rivera style to get out of a scandalous Boi Club he was caught at?

03-12-2010, 01:11 PM
:lmao saying taxes in this country are some sort of burden on the rich. Other than the 50 year period of 1930-1980, this country has always been set up to hurt the middle class and shift wealth towards the rich via deregulation and tax cuts. If Rush were to move to a real socialist country then he'd be in for a rude awakening about how much better paying taxes were for him in this country.

03-12-2010, 07:10 PM
Yes, I'd say that's probably a given. However, I'm pretty happy with my life anyways. :)
It wasn't your life on which you were commenting.

03-12-2010, 09:07 PM

Rush’s medical gotcha (http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/10560)

Rush Limbaugh laid a trap when he said that he would get his medical treatment in Costa Rica if Obamacare passes.

The compassionate liberals at Think Progress typified the reaction (http://thinkprogress.org/2010/03/09/limbaugh-exile-health-care/): “Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform’s most vociferous opponents, warning that ‘human beings will die earlier than normal’ under the ‘freedom killing’ and ‘life threatening’ plan, and calling for it to be ‘aborted.’ Yesterday, Limbaugh put his money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes and all his fears are realized, he’ll leave the country.”

A few liberals pointed out that Costa Rica has universal health care.


But Chrissie Long of the Christian Science Monitor pointed out (http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100311/wl_csm/286856): “But Limbaugh’s choice may also serve to advertise what many Americans traveling here for medical treatment already know: Costa Rica is a fabulous place for medical tourism… But the Cadillac-style private hospitals at Chevy Aveo prices are what really draw 25,000 Americans to Costa Rica every year.”

Now I have pointed out medical tourism is the coming wave.

Obamacare will push that by driving down compensation to doctotrs.

That means Filipino, Indian and other foreign doctors will stay home, set up shop and rich Americans will come to them.

For the rest of us? Welcome to Zimbabwe.

Thank you, Rush, for pointing that out.

03-13-2010, 12:50 AM
Now I have pointed out medical tourism is the coming wave.

Obamacare will push that by driving down compensation to doctotrs.Don't doctors in Costa Rica make less?

03-13-2010, 12:57 AM
Like Medical Tourism doesn't already happen... :rolleyes

03-13-2010, 10:19 AM

Rush’s medical gotcha (http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/10560)

good find yoni. prepare for this to be marginalized, instead of it's merits discussed.

George Gervin's Afro
03-13-2010, 12:58 PM
good find yoni. prepare for this to be marginalized, instead of it's merits discussed.

so some blogger 'thinks' she knows what rush is trying to do and it's a gotcha?:lmao

let's debate the merits of some right wing blogger's opinion..

03-13-2010, 01:52 PM
Wealthy people who can afford US medical care do.

People who face the difficulty or the impossibility of affording US medical, with usurious medical financing, impoverishment, bankruptcy, the homelessness of "de facto" "death panel" of profit-health care, are the ones who shop for cheaper care outside of US.

Sorber is the typical right-wing fuck, like Yoni and SnC, who probably knows the score, but insists on lying about it.

The practice of medicine is so expensive to obtain (years of debt of 100s $K) and so unrewarding (a significant percentage of doctors say they wouldn't do medicine again) that US has to import foreign doctors, foreign nurses, etc. and now still suffers from an serious shortage of general practitioners, esp in rural areas.

What's Sorber/Yoni/SnC's alternative to the current refrom plan? Jeez, I really hate to put you shit-throwing monkeys on the spot. :)

03-13-2010, 05:36 PM
so some blogger 'thinks' she knows what rush is trying to do and it's a gotcha?:lmao

let's debate the merits of some right wing blogger's opinion..
Of course, you have first-hand knowledge of every position you post, right?

You discuss health with the President before posting an opinion, I'm sure. We all wish we had access like you!

The blogger makes a sound and reasonable argument. Agree or disagree -- on the merits of the proposition -- but showing your ass is just pure entertainment and doesn't advance the debate a bit.

George Gervin's Afro
03-14-2010, 07:28 AM
Of course, you have first-hand knowledge of every position you post, right?

You discuss health with the President before posting an opinion, I'm sure. We all wish we had access like you!

The blogger makes a sound and reasonable argument. Agree or disagree -- on the merits of the proposition -- but showing your ass is just pure entertainment and doesn't advance the debate a bit.

so let's see..you want me to buy into a biased blogger's opinionated argument and assumptions to justify rush's statement..and I'm the ass.. Ok Yoni....:lmao

Go find me a poll Yoni..

03-15-2010, 03:59 AM
It wasn't your life on which you were commenting.

And I originally wasn't commenting on the number of people listening or reading my thoughts, was I?

Cmon Yoni, let's keep up, shall we?

Cry Havoc
03-22-2010, 03:37 AM
:flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:

We're finally rid of Rush!

03-22-2010, 03:39 AM

03-22-2010, 03:39 AM
Come again? Is there an update?

Cry Havoc
03-22-2010, 03:49 AM
I'm being sarcastic, WH. :P

03-22-2010, 03:54 AM
( stolidly and deliberately drinking his bubbly)

03-22-2010, 04:28 AM
Rush is like the president of the confederate states of america.

king andoks
03-22-2010, 04:38 AM
Alright I am a PT Assistant and I make around $39k. Since this bill has passed, how deep are you all gonna go to take my money? Since there is money to be saved from Medicare, where I get my salary. I'm contemplating the fact that you all don't know how much of a devastating choice this was. On another note, why aren't your congress men and women in this health care plan? It's free right? Don't they trust this Health Care plan?

03-22-2010, 04:53 AM
What's going to happen to you, KA?

03-22-2010, 06:58 AM
see ya later fat ass, junky.

George Gervin's Afro
03-22-2010, 07:09 AM
Alright I am a PT Assistant and I make around $39k. Since this bill has passed, how deep are you all gonna go to take my money? Since there is money to be saved from Medicare, where I get my salary. I'm contemplating the fact that you all don't know how much of a devastating choice this was. On another note, why aren't your congress men and women in this health care plan? It's free right? Don't they trust this Health Care plan?

who is going to take your money? how do you know you know the medicare cuts are going to include your salary? are you ripping off medicare?

03-22-2010, 08:52 AM
Wealthy people who can afford US medical care do.

People who face the difficulty or the impossibility of affording US medical, with usurious medical financing, impoverishment, bankruptcy, the homelessness of "de facto" "death panel" of profit-health care, are the ones who shop for cheaper care outside of US.

Sorber is the typical right-wing fuck, like Yoni and SnC, who probably knows the score, but insists on lying about it.

The practice of medicine is so expensive to obtain (years of debt of 100s $K) and so unrewarding (a significant percentage of doctors say they wouldn't do medicine again) that US has to import foreign doctors, foreign nurses, etc. and now still suffers from an serious shortage of general practitioners, esp in rural areas.

What's Sorber/Yoni/SnC's alternative to the current refrom plan? Jeez, I really hate to put you shit-throwing monkeys on the spot. :)

Too bad the Middle class, not the "middle class", but the actual Middle class will have a hard time getting seen even though they have the money.

Of course multi-millionaires will still have no problem, in any system. The middle class, not the "middle class", but the actual middle class...not quite.

03-22-2010, 11:28 AM
lol @ Rush thinking that his threats to leave the country would help push support for defeating this bill. Now, more than ever, it looks like the passage of this bill was more of a referendum on Rush than health care. See ya later, bro, may you be freer in Costa Rica than this prison of a country.

03-23-2010, 03:06 AM
The more time Rush spends out of America, the better, IMHO. Oh, and I can't wait for the more extreme liberals to document every time Rush goes to the doctor in the states and call him out for it. That will be fun. :D

03-23-2010, 11:14 PM
Oddly, Rush Limbaugh has not kept his pledge to move to Costa Rica if the health care bill passed. As of this morning, when President Obama signed the historic legislation, Limbaugh still appeared to be transmitting a radio broadcast from his U.S. studio.

“The sick feeling in the pit of the stomach. We all feel it!” he assured a caller on his show.

No one should have to feel that way. And today, a travel agency called Joan’s Travel Partners has volunteered to put Limbaugh out of his misery, offering to pay for a one way ticket to Costa Rica.

Said Joan LaPore, the travel agency owner, “As a service to the country my travel agency is more than willing to send Rush Limbaugh ONE WAY to Costa Rica or the country of his choice –as long as it is off American soil.”

Alertnet (http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2010/03/23/travel-agency-gives-rush-limbaugh-one-way-ticket-to-costa-rica)

03-23-2010, 11:23 PM
When can we expect boutons calling in to Rush's show and shouting "You lie!"?

03-23-2010, 11:43 PM
I think republicans and democrats alike can agree. Fuck this guy. I hope he leaves

03-23-2010, 11:48 PM
Has he said anything else about moving? And did anyone buy the condo he put up for sale?

03-23-2010, 11:52 PM
There could be serious political consequences here...these are the same gas-bags who are shouting out about a GOP rout in the 2010 Congressional election too, and they can't defeat a major bill based on its own merits? Wing-nut radio anger failed to produce votes in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008 and if the pattern holds true, it will fail in 2010 and 2012 too....