View Full Version : Blazers games missed due to injury

03-14-2010, 08:41 PM
TLongII or anyone who can link to the stats:
How many total games have the Blazer players missed?

Just had a moron tell me Parker being out is equal to Oden-Pryz being out.
Even if that is true, how about all the other Blazers out this season?

03-14-2010, 09:23 PM
This one kept track up until Jan 21st.
204 games and counting.
At that point: Brandon Roy, Nicolas Batum, Travis Outlaw, Joel Przybilla and Greg Oden.

03-14-2010, 09:25 PM
Yah, it's well over 200. I don't know where an official stat for this is kept though.

03-15-2010, 12:25 PM
After Sunday's game, the Blazers' players games missed due to injuries stands at 280.

Brian T. Smith
Sports Writer
The Columbian

Wonder how that compares with the Spurs?
41-28 Portland
39-25 Popovich :rolleyes