View Full Version : LeBron Provides an Alternate Take on the Celtics: They’re Bored

03-15-2010, 01:22 PM
LeBron Provides an Alternate Take on the Celtics: They’re Bored (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-lebronprovidesanalte&prov=tsn&type=lgns)

Every new Celtics’ loss this season seems to confirm their general inferiority to the Cavs and Magic (and even the Hawks) at the top of the East. This is a talented team that can a win a playoff series, but not a squad anyone should expect to make a big run into late spring.

That’s the conventional wisdom, at least. But after yesterday’s loss to Cleveland, no less an authority than LeBron James gave an alternate take on the Celtics. From Julian Benbow of The Boston Globe (http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/articles/2010/03/15/pick_up_game_cavaliers_james_notices_that_celtics_ look_bored/?rss_id=Boston.com+--+Boston+Celtics+news):

“To me, the Celtics look bored,’’ he told the [Cleveland Plain-Dealer]. “I’m not saying they’ve tanked the regular season, I’m just saying an experienced team like Boston has so much talent, they know how to win in the playoffs. Just looking at them, they look like they’re ready for a new challenge.’’ […]

“It’s a veteran ball club, they know what it takes to win,’’ James said. “They’re going to do what it takes to win. They’ve got guys that have been through everything … It’s a good team.’’

By this account, Boston’s treating the regular season like an extended preparatory period for the "new challenge" of the postseason. That’s something many teams have done in the past—the Spurs, most notably—and the Celtics certainly have the profile of a veteran team capable of not going all-out in every regular season game and then making noise in the playoffs.

Of course, those Spurs teams didn’t just wander into the playoffs and turn it on—they gradually improved over the course of the season and entered the postseason among the handful of obvious favorites in either conference. The Celtics would need to turn on a switch where other teams have employed a dimmer.

We’re now only 33 days away from the start of the playoffs and the Celtics still look like a team with very little chance of making the conference finals. LeBron could just be politicking by giving veterans credit for their past playoff success. But if Boston were really capable of making noise in the postseason, we’d have seen it by now.

03-15-2010, 01:27 PM
Not really LeBron, they are older and more washed up than the Spurs and are in contract hell for next season. 40 million on Garnett and Pierce alone? DAMN.

John Hollinger
03-15-2010, 01:38 PM
Boston clearly has an interest rating of 4.733 which is indeed far lower than most teams at this point, but their overall playoff-adjusted interest rating which factors in shoe size, squirrel consumption, and typical bowel activity shows that their adjusted rating only bumps them up to a 5.2003 which is a clear indicator that Boston is in big trouble come playoff time.

03-15-2010, 01:44 PM
Doc Rivers doesnt seem to want to give the starters big minutes right now & is saving them for the playoffs I think..They are older but he'll play the big three 5-7 more minutes a game during the playoffs..They were actually in the game for the most part yesterday with the starters in..When Doc put Sheed & Big Baby in they lost all momentum hahaha..If I were Boston I would run the offense through Allen & Pierce more..Rondo dribbles way too damn much & commits a lot of stupid turnovers.

03-15-2010, 04:08 PM
I know Lebron deep down knows the Celts are done. He is bsing and I would be stunned if he was actually being serious.

There is a damn good chance the Celts will lose in round 1.

03-15-2010, 04:20 PM
celts better move out of that 4 seed. milwaukee will boot them out.

03-15-2010, 04:23 PM
celts better move out of that 4 seed. milwaukee will boot them out.

Their chances don't get any better if they have to face the Bobcats either. Their best chance at advancing is getting Miami or Toronto in round 1. That means they would need to 1st or 2nd seed...:lmao:lmao

03-15-2010, 04:24 PM
Even Boston's championship year had their playoff series going down to the 7th game including the first couple of rounds. Last playoffs without KG, both of their rounds also went to the 7th game.

It is hard to count out a team loaded with talent and experience like Boston's but Sheed is just a fat fuck nowadays and KG is still questionable but looks like he's declining badly. But even with younger and healthier guys...they barely made it out of the East.

03-15-2010, 04:44 PM
sheed/kg/perkins/big baby has evolved into one of the worst front lines in the NBA.

03-15-2010, 04:50 PM
I'm loving this Hollinger troll.

03-15-2010, 05:20 PM
Rasheed Wallace will do that to a team.

He probly brought pounds of the good shit from his Oregon fields.

03-15-2010, 05:30 PM
Their chances don't get any better if they have to face the Bobcats either. Their best chance at advancing is getting Miami or Toronto in round 1. That means they would need to 1st or 2nd seed...:lmao:lmao

Yeps, because the Bobcats have been easily beating Boston.

03-15-2010, 05:40 PM
I'm loving this Hollinger troll.

+1 for clever trollage instead of thoughtless trolling for the mere sake of trolling

03-15-2010, 06:07 PM
Yeps, because the Bobcats have been easily beating Boston.

Yeah, Boston has killed Charlotte every time they've played by an average of, what- 25 points? That seems to be a good match-up for them.

I'd like to see the Celtics play Milwaukee just because it would bring back memories of the annual playoff wars between those teams back in the day. Bird v. Moncrief.

03-15-2010, 06:09 PM
Boston clearly has an interest rating of 4.733 which is indeed far lower than most teams at this point, but their overall playoff-adjusted interest rating which factors in shoe size, squirrel consumption, and typical bowel activity shows that their adjusted rating only bumps them up to a 5.2003 which is a clear indicator that Boston is in big trouble come playoff time.

LOL this is classic ...best post in a while!!!

03-15-2010, 06:28 PM
LJ stop clowning.

03-15-2010, 06:51 PM
sadly, it appears the celtics may have adopted rasheed wallace's way of thinking. he said a week or so ago they were just waitin for the playoffs... not a good sign at all. rasheed thinks he can turn it on and turn it off whenever they want and you can't win that way.

the celtic team that won the title had the motor going the whole season. they never let up because they knew thats what it took to be champions.