View Full Version : Did he really suck...

03-17-2010, 08:41 PM
...so bad there are no Obamorons, jumping in here, telling us how President Obama pwnd Fox News in his interview?

Maybe I missed the thread.

I don't know, I didn't watch the interview but, from what I read, it sounds like he got his panties in a wad a bit -- contentious -- was how I heard the interview described by a couple of sources.

I also heard he favors the "Louisiana Purchase" deal staying in the final legislation because it will help Hawaiians recover from their devastating earthquake.

Hawaii had and earthquake? Who knew?

03-17-2010, 09:40 PM
Maybe I missed the thread...I don't know... I didn't watch the interview ...it sounds like ...was how I heard [it] described ...I also heard...Sounds like you've established a solid foundation for a thoughtful, informed opinion, as usual. :lol

03-17-2010, 09:49 PM
Sounds like you've established a solid foundation for a thoughtful, informed opinion, as usual. :lol
So, he sucked, eh?

03-17-2010, 09:56 PM
I'm not a fan. I didn't see it.

03-17-2010, 10:08 PM
Gosh the one night I DON'T watch Fox News....

03-17-2010, 10:51 PM
So, he sucked, eh?

Actually he did ok. He filibustered every question, Bret tried to press for a straight answer but never got one.

If Obama was hoping to win over more support for his healthcare I don't think he did it but he didn't suck.

jack sommerset
03-17-2010, 11:09 PM
Did he really suck?

Yeah he did. He acted like a spoiled baby. "quit interupting me"? Obama put his little head down at the end as if he was attacked and man handled.

03-17-2010, 11:15 PM
Despite being utterly partisan and obscene otherwise, this forum is exponentially more couth when that heap of flesh and waste of oxygen, yonivore, isn't starting threads. The moron manages to utterly dumb-down and chafe what's an already ridiculous place, to no small extent. Fuck you Yoni.

03-17-2010, 11:40 PM
Yoni wants Obama to fail because he hates America.

Why do you hate America and why don't you support our troops?

Wild Cobra
03-17-2010, 11:55 PM
Yoni wants Obama to fail because he hates America.

I kind of doubt that. If he thinks like me in this regard, I want Obama to fail because I love America, and don't want to witness it's destruction.

03-18-2010, 12:02 AM
I want Obama to fail because I love America

reread that.

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 12:03 AM
reread that.
Yes, I want his policies to fail that will destroy our lifestyle.

03-18-2010, 12:10 AM
Yes, I want his policies to fail that will destroy our lifestyle.

Oh, because the opposite of his policies, Bush policies, were so great. :rolleyes

03-18-2010, 12:20 AM
Yes, I want his policies to fail that will destroy our lifestyle.

you mean your lifestyle of being a welfare baby and continuing to cheat the system as an adult?

03-18-2010, 08:27 AM
Oh, because the opposite of his policies, Bush policies, were so great. :rolleyes

Please. Obama's policies are damn near identical to Bush's. Obama is just Bush, the sequel. Only with better speeches and bigger deficits.

03-18-2010, 08:44 AM
"Obama's policies are damn near identical to Bush's"

Way too close for comfort, but dubya criminally lied his way into Iraq-war-for-oil. MN is nowhere close.

In fact, Magic Negro is only stuck with trying to clean up dubya's shitpiles while wrestling with the MIC and Pentagon that profit from dubya's shitpiles.

Gotta give MN credit for going into the Repug lion's den one-on-one with a Fox asshole who, true to form, kept stepping all over and interrupting MN's attempts to speak. He was gonna show that uppity nigga where niggas' place is.

Never woulda seen dubya and his handler Rove even imagining letting chickenhsit dubya show as much courage.

03-18-2010, 10:14 AM
Please. Obama's policies are damn near identical to Bush's. Obama is just Bush, the sequel. Only with better speeches and bigger deficits.

precisely. there really has not been a variance in the oval office (in regards to policy) for several decades now. but one would think that people actually consider some of the past presidents to be no where near on the same page when it comes to how they have run this country. i can not figure how they have come to such conclusions.

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 10:59 AM
Oh, because the opposite of his policies, Bush policies, were so great. :rolleyes
Wow... That's a new one on me. You act as if there are only two choices. I like to believe the world isn't black and white. I always thought there were millions of shades between, and on either side.

Am I wrong?

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 11:00 AM
you mean your lifestyle of being a welfare baby and continuing to cheat the system as an adult?
What's wrong Clam?

Your panties bunched up again?

Oh, Gee!!
03-18-2010, 11:00 AM
didn't watch (or even know) about the interview. I'm sure the pundits, bloggers, talk radio hosts, foxnews "anchors" will dissect every word in the fairest manner possible

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 11:02 AM
didn't watch (or even know) about the interview. I'm sure the pundits, bloggers, talk radio hosts, foxnews "anchors" will dissect every word in the fairest manner possible
I only saw a few minutes of it, but SnakeBoy's description is dead accurate to what I saw.

Oh, Gee!!
03-18-2010, 11:07 AM
I only saw a few minutes of it, but SnakeBoy's description is dead accurate to what I saw.

if snakeboy said it and WC agreed to it, then it must be the truest statement ever uttered in the history of the universe.

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 11:08 AM
if snakeboy said it and WC agreed to it, then it must be the truest statement ever uttered in the history of the universe.
I could give a flying fuck weather you agree or not.

03-18-2010, 11:14 AM
lol, I wonder weather all self proclaimed autodidacts are so stupid.

03-18-2010, 11:15 AM
What's wrong Clam?

Your panties bunched up again?

please stop thinking about my junk.

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 11:25 AM
please stop thinking about my junk.
I thought you wanted me to. After all, you are obsessed with me, aren't you?

03-18-2010, 11:27 AM
What's wrong Clam?

Your panties bunched up again?

please stop thinking about my junk.

I thought you wanted me to. After all, you are obsessed with me, aren't you?

George Gervin's Afro
03-18-2010, 11:27 AM
I could give a flying fuck weather you agree or not.

or that you are right or not.. but hey as long as you believe it it must be true:toast

Wild Cobra
03-18-2010, 12:05 PM
or that you are right or not.. but hey as long as you believe it it must be true:toast
You know, I didn't say it was true. I indicate I only saw a short segment. that doesn't mean it all went that way.

You can keep trying to make me in the devil's image all you want. All you do is make yourself look foolish.

I try to say what I mean. I don't always accomplish that, but if you agree or not with me isn't as important to me as hoping you see that I do have integrity. That is something I do strive to achieve. I think if you notice who I snap at, it is those who impugn my integrity rather than just disagreeing with me.

Remain ignorant if you must. I can only ask so many times that people ask me what I mean if there is a misunderstanding.

03-18-2010, 12:53 PM
he said something like this....and I am paraphrasing.

"bret, your biased, your network is biased, you can't help but ask biased questions so there for you suck, and health care reform will pass no matter how much health insurance company dick you network sucks"

"god bless america"

Barak Obama.......President of the United States.

03-18-2010, 02:15 PM
He is still spitting out 1 yr old campaign bullshit lines.

What a dope.

03-18-2010, 02:22 PM
Looking forward to Cali claiming natural disaster.

Surely Texas can get in on dat once Hurricane season comes around.

lol "We are not trying to take over 1/6 of the economy in one fell swoop"

George Gervin's Afro
03-18-2010, 03:08 PM
He is still spitting out 1 yr old campaign bullshit lines.

What a dope.

and the GOP is still spouting talking points as well.. but hey their on my team so it's ok!

George Gervin's Afro
03-18-2010, 03:09 PM
Looking forward to Cali claiming natural disaster.

Surely Texas can get in on dat once Hurricane season comes around.

lol "We are not trying to take over 1/6 of the economy in one fell swoop"

they are not going to take over 1/6 of the economy. you have proof? or is this one of those talking points you are accusing of Obama of spouting..

03-18-2010, 03:25 PM
"take over 1/6 of the economy"

You Lie

03-18-2010, 04:58 PM
"take over 1/6 of the economy"

You Lie

boutons_part deuce_part corn

03-18-2010, 05:05 PM
they are not going to take over 1/6 of the economy

in one fell swoop.

03-18-2010, 05:51 PM
Wow... That's a new one on me. You act as if there are only two choices. I like to believe the world isn't black and white. I always thought there were millions of shades between, and on either side.

Am I wrong?

You are right, but in politics and media there is only black and white. A gray individual sends "mixed messages" and doesn't really have a base. In this grand political theatre, only a full would believe Obama's failure would usher in a quality answer to this country's problems. It's not politicians that ruin this country, and the President in only a symbol...what really matters is Americans realizing the government was never intended to be a nanny state, that most of the taxes they already pay are bullshit so there's no reason to act like Obama is evil (because it only reinforces their stupity and ignorance, which makes the GOP and Dems very happy), that we can't just war out of desire without figuring out how to pay for it and having a quality military objective, that education is ultimately the best chance we have at moving toward a more self-sufficient, critical thinking, problem solving community of citizens that aren't going to always agree but won't waste breathe arguing because they respect the Constitution, have the intelligence to solve generational problems, and realize that our grasp on the world is slipping and we must find a way to preserve our relevance through ingenuity.

As for Obama destroying our lifestyle, I remember consumer life being awesome during the Clinton years, then money was put away from the wave of good fortune, then it was squandered playing "whack a mole" in the Middle East based on false pretenses. Nothing important ever gets done for the American people because if the tug of war is won by either side, then the politicians have no issues to run on, to make you afraid of, to make you angry about.

03-18-2010, 07:17 PM
Gee...did Bush push for a govt takeover of Healthcare like Obama is doing? Did Bush takeover GM?

Just alike?

Too funny.

George Gervin's Afro
03-18-2010, 08:20 PM
in one fell swoop.

so you don't know either? that's ok..you've heard it alot and you hate obama....kind of easy to figure out

03-18-2010, 09:32 PM
"govt takeover of Healthcare"

You Lie

"Bush takeover GM"

No, but socialist firebrand St Ronnie bailed out Chrysler! :lol

03-18-2010, 09:43 PM
Fox News host interrupts Obama 16 times in testy interview

By David Edwards and Sahil Kapur

Thursday, March 18th, 2010 -- 10:14 am

When President Obama agreed to be interviewed by Fox News, he surely didn't expect to be soft-balled. But he probably didn't foresee the interviewer interrupting him more than a dozen times, and having to repeatedly point that out.

Host Bret Baier insisted on discussing the parliamentary procedures Democrats are mulling in order to squeeze the health care bill through, and a visibly frustrated Obama kept urging him to focus the substantive issues.

"The reason that I think this conversation ends up being a little frustrating is because the focus, entirely, is on Washington process," he said. "And yes, I have said that is an ugly process. It was ugly when Republicans were in charge, it is ugly when Democrats are in charge."

Interrupted at 16 different points during the exchange, Obama demanded he be allowed to fully respond to the questions. "Bret, let me finish," he repeated a number of times.

When Baier accused the president of dodging his questions, the president responded, "Well, I'm trying to answer your questions and you keep on interrupting."


Several sites have juxtaposed Fox interviewing/sucking ass dubya with Fox inteviewing/trashing Magic Negro

03-19-2010, 07:28 AM
Boo hoo! Fox was mean. Waaaa!

03-19-2010, 08:51 AM
TeaFauxRepugBecKKK News Network never intended to interview seriously, only to beat up on the President.

TeaFauxRepugBecKKK fell for Magic Negro's face-to-face trap, as they were exposed yet again as a 100% illegit news org, and as a 100% Repug propaganda tool.

panic giraffe
03-19-2010, 10:46 AM
Agree with the guy or not you just don't interrupt and disrespect a sitting POTUS like that.
its okay to disagree but you do it with respect for the office.
anyone with a military background knows this. your CO can be a complete idiot and total douche, and whatever you want to say about him when he's not around is your right, but you don't just argue with him just because you don't like him.
guess the right-wing was too busy sending other peoples kids to war to learn this on their own...

03-19-2010, 11:05 AM
...that education is ultimately the best chance we have at moving toward a more self-sufficient, critical thinking...

First off, good post.

But I have highlighted the areas which are diametrically opposed by our government, which by groupthink and party loyalty, extends to millions of Americans.

Counting the Americans who "side" with one or the other shows a vast majority of the country are sheep intimately adoring his chosen shepherd.

So, in essence, not only is our government completely against the ideals of personal independence, but so are a majority of the people you walk by on the street.

The problems of this country, IMO, are unresolvable, both in application and philosophy. We truly are a house divided.

03-19-2010, 11:59 AM
so you don't know either? that's ok..you've heard it alot and you hate obama....kind of easy to figure out

Actually I only heard it once...from Obama.

George Gervin's Afro
03-19-2010, 12:09 PM
Actually I only heard it once...from Obama.

you heard obama say that govt was going to take control of 1/6 of the economy?

03-19-2010, 12:22 PM
you heard obama say that govt was going to take control of 1/6 of the economy?

Are you having trouble with reading comprehension?

I heard Obama say....

they are not going to take over 1/6 of the economy

in one fell swoop.

George Gervin's Afro
03-19-2010, 12:35 PM
Are you having trouble with reading comprehension?

I heard Obama say....

You heard Obama say that the govt was going to take over 1/6 of the economiy in one fell swoop.

George Gervin's Afro
03-19-2010, 12:35 PM
Actually I only heard it once...from Obama.

what did you hear?

03-19-2010, 12:41 PM
what did you hear?

I guess you are having trouble with reading comprehension today. Either that or you're doing a very poor Chumpdumper impersonation.

George Gervin's Afro
03-19-2010, 12:56 PM
I guess you are having trouble with reading comprehension today. Either that or you're doing a very poor Chumpdumper impersonation.

Now you're going to make me waste my time:

I said

they are not going to take over 1/6 of the economy. you have proof? or is this one of those talking points you are accusing of Obama of spouting..

You said

in one fell swoop.

I then posted:

so you don't know either? that's ok..you've heard it alot and you hate obama....kind of easy to figure out

Actually I only heard it once...from Obama.

you heard obama say that govt was going to take control of 1/6 of the economy?

Are you having trouble with reading comprehension?

I heard Obama say....

still nothing..so I'll ask again, what did you hear Obama say?

03-19-2010, 02:09 PM
So, in essence, not only is our government completely against the ideals of personal independence, but so are a majority of the people you walk by on the street.

/rant mode on

I saw a news segment on the term "Generation We," the next in line after Generation X and Generation Y. It does appear that we're steering in a direction of the other "nanny states" on the world stage, but I believe it's not 100% a bad thing if used as a reminder that cleaning up the messes of irresponsible, self-sabotaging citizens is not how to solve our problems...but rather prevention of them screwing up and stopping problems before they start while not overtly shitting in anyone's freedom cornflakes. It's a thin line that requires brave people to consider and act on it, but even as we go farther and farther away from our mission statement as a country - no one wants to sacrifice, no one wants to pick up the torch left by previous generations. It's much too heavy for us, and that's OUR problem, not the government.

Despite our flaws, we are the greatest country in the world, but the majority of the people on the street don't have a concept of the world - all they know is the routine of school and work, they aren't encouraged to be vocal problem solvers. Which is where modern politics (this grand theatre) comes into play because if problems DID get solved the politicians wouldn't know what to do with themselves...the whole system is based on extremes in the media and message, and it just coincidentally works in politicians favor that people are getting dumber and dumber.

When I was in Europe, even though people don't like the American government, they respect what America represents. It still means something good to be an American, and my fear is that the extreme weakness and hostility shown domestically and internationally over the last two Presidential administration has confused the new generation, "Generation We," and is going to turn them into "Generation WTF" where they don't even care about leading anything because this country's identity is so scrambled that the only ones that remember what America was supposed to be about are the people on the outside, in other countries, and they're governments use it against us to show how much better they are than us. That downfall won't be on Bush or Obama, it'll be the people we walk by on the street. *Glenn Beck cry*

/rant mode off :p:

03-19-2010, 02:18 PM
"they respect what America represents."

Bullshit. Europeans are terrified by the level of violence and murders and drug abuse in USA, they are terrified of living with the anxiety of bankruptcy from medical catastrophe, they like their 5,6 week annual vacations + national holidays. They think the USA 2-week vacations are barbaric, along with the absence of employee rights, and the workaholic employees who get little reward. Work your ass off for 40 years as a wage-slave for two weeks a year, health insecurity, and a shitty pension.

The Dec of Ind and Const remain among of the world's great political documents, but American society today is very far from those ideals and is being destroyed by the unstoppable corporatocracy. Throw in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the American-driven globalization (aka "fuck our citizens, we're buying from poor countries"), and the abject failures of American capitalism and economic leadership.

03-19-2010, 02:47 PM
"they respect what America represents."

Bullshit. Europeans are terrified by the level of violence and murders and drug abuse in USA, they are terrified of living with the anxiety of bankruptcy from medical catastrophe, they like their 5,6 week annual vacations + national holidays. They think the USA 2-week vacations are barbaric, along with the absence of employee rights, and the workaholic employees who get little reward. Work your ass off for 40 years as a wage-slave for two weeks a year, health insecurity, and a shitty pension.

Um, all that sounds like a disgruntled American rather than a terrified European. Me thinks they have their own problems over there.

03-19-2010, 03:02 PM
I lived in Europe for 30 years (non military). I know a better than your "me thinks".

03-19-2010, 09:14 PM
I lived in Europe for 30 years (non military). I know a better than your "me thinks".

Of course you know better! The paranoia you described seems to be on the same level as the Tea Party folks, so nobody can blame you for not liking them when you basically lived with them for 30 years. I'd sound crazy too. :p:

Duff McCartney
03-19-2010, 09:21 PM
Yes, I want his policies to fail that will destroy our lifestyle.

What is our lifestyle? Being last in the developed world to have health care for everyone? Eating cheeseburgers and worshipping celebrities?

We have no lifestyle that any President could ever destroy. No President, Congress, or any politician could ever take away our rights to kill each other with our automatic weapons, eat as many cheeseburgers as we want, degrade and not give a damn about each other, or worship any celebrity like they are gods.

03-19-2010, 09:39 PM
What is our lifestyle? Being last in the developed world to have health care for everyone? Eating cheeseburgers and worshipping celebrities? the developed world created their healthcare system from the marshall plan. if their wasn't a profitable industry for healthcare everything would be alot different. we wouldn't have a profitable h.c. industry if not for the american economy.

We have no lifestyle that any President could ever destroy. No President, Congress, or any politician could ever take away our rights to kill each other with our automatic weapons, eat as many cheeseburgers as we want, degrade and not give a damn about each other, or worship any celebrity like they are gods.
you have such a high appreciation for the american citizen.

03-20-2010, 09:55 AM
What is our lifestyle? Being last in the developed world to have health care for everyone? Eating cheeseburgers and worshipping celebrities?

To be fair, I think you have to ask how the rest of the developed world can afford to have universal healthcare. Hint: It isnt about taxation, its about presence.

When I think of Universal Healthcare, I think of Europe, Japan and Canada. Coincidentally, they all fall under the American protection blanket by treaty or capitulation. I am sure they have nothing to do with one another, though.

Duff McCartney
03-20-2010, 12:36 PM
the developed world created their healthcare system from the marshall plan. if their wasn't a profitable industry for healthcare everything would be alot different. we wouldn't have a profitable h.c. industry if not for the american economy.

you have such a high appreciation for the american citizen.

Yeah Canada really benefited from the Marshall Plan. A profitable health care industry? So you're saying the lives and health of people comes down to just profit?

Spain also has universal healthcare, and it took nothing from the Marshall Plan. Again I ask what's the point of you bringing up the Marshall Plan? That has nothing to do with the topic of universal healthcare. A point I ask is if other nations can do it, why can't the U.S.? Because our lifestyle is in love with capitalism, maximum profit on ANYTHING, life, health, cheeseburgers.

And I have no appreciation for the American Citizen. Regardless of whether I am one, the majority of us are just idiots.

George Gervin's Afro
03-20-2010, 12:38 PM
Yeah Canada really benefited from the Marshall Plan. A profitable health care industry? So you're saying the lives and health of people comes down to just profit?

Spain also has universal healthcare, and it took nothing from the Marshall Plan. Again I ask what's the point of you bringing up the Marshall Plan? That has nothing to do with the topic of universal healthcare. A point I ask is if other nations can do it, why can't the U.S.? Because our lifestyle is in love with capitalism, maximum profit on ANYTHING, life, health, cheeseburgers.

And I have no appreciation for the American Citizen. Regardless of whether I am one, the majority of us are just idiots.

he usually makes things up..

03-20-2010, 02:20 PM
Yeah Canada really benefited from the Marshall Plan. A profitable health care industry? So you're saying the lives and health of people comes down to just profit? Canada's healthcare policy should be "Go to America". Health care is not a right. it is a service. a service that historically is profitable. People want to become doctors, and are willing to go through all the years of school because they want a good paying job.
To have universal health care, you have to have to govt. pay the large bills of doctors or make laws to not allow doctors to charge as much. both outcomes will set precedence that the govt. can take over industries for the better good of the citizens. both will take away innovative minded people.
Soon with less people wanting to be doctors ( as happens with all countries who have socialized medicine) the libs will say that colleges for doctors is also a right. Then the owning of hospitals will be a govt. right.

If this happens, the quality will go down. lawsuits will go up and the innovative R&D for healthcare equipment, accessories and medicine will dwindle.

Spain also has universal healthcare, and it took nothing from the Marshall Plan. Again I ask what's the point of you bringing up the Marshall Plan? That has nothing to do with the topic of universal healthcare. A point I ask is if other nations can do it, why can't the U.S.? Because our lifestyle is in love with capitalism, maximum profit on ANYTHING, life, health, cheeseburgers.

And I have no appreciation for the American Citizen. Regardless of whether I am one, the majority of us are just idiots.
All these other countries you use as examples, are a. going bankrupt bcuz of this and
b. not nearly half the size of america and has no where near the economy of the us.
finally no one disputes the fact that we need to fix medicaid and medicare. this would just make it bigger.

Duff McCartney
03-20-2010, 03:57 PM
If this happens, the quality will go down. lawsuits will go up and the innovative R&D for healthcare equipment, accessories and medicine will dwindle.

Again you are just using baseless rhetoric that means nothing. All these countries that have so called socialized medicine have enormous quality of healthcare. Lawsuits don't go up and innovation is still there. I know you like pulling shit out of your ass, but please do some research first.

It's no coincidence that these countries with socialized medicine consistently rank at the top of innovation, quality, and low cost.

As for Canada's health care policy...that's a joke. You know damn well they would never remove their universal health care coverage. None of these countries that have socialized medicine would ever dream of overturning it. Period. I've already stated this before with regards to Britain.

I've also state that not any system is perfect and nobody is arguing that any system is perfect. But to say health care is not a right is a freaking joke. Tell that to all the pregnant mothers out there. Health care is absolutely a right, not a service to be profited from.

Government taking over business for the better good of the people? That's the whole point of the government you jackass. The purpose of government is to do what's in the best interest of the people, not of the insurance companies or rich doctors. Sadly they are the ones that have the lobbying power and people like my mom, who can't afford health insurance, suffer from it.

03-20-2010, 04:39 PM
Despite being utterly partisan and obscene otherwise, this forum is exponentially more couth when that heap of flesh and waste of oxygen, yonivore, isn't starting threads. The moron manages to utterly dumb-down and chafe what's an already ridiculous place, to no small extent. Fuck you Yoni.

You post this crap, with a picture of the biggest hole in the earth? why?

he did not suck but pretty close