View Full Version : Kevin Pritchard the next one to go?

03-18-2010, 04:51 PM
Might be a good time for Kevin Pritchard to wipe his computer hard drive clean. And he should probably get a second cellular telephone for non-business calls, and also, be careful who he talks to about his future as the Trail Blazers general manager.

Note to KP: Watch your back.

The people who work at Vulcan Inc. are busy working behind the scenes again with owner Paul Allen's basketball operation, and those following the curious firing of vice president Tom Penn this week are looking at Pritchard wondering if his shelf life as the franchise Golden Boy is expiring.

"They can't do Kevin in the middle of the season, but they can do a drive-by on someone close to him," said Warren LeGarie, the agent for Penn and Pritchard. "But guess who would be next?"

The message from One Center Court has been a consistent: "Philosophical differences," and the Vulcans are apparently steamed because they believe Penn bluffed the Blazers into a promotion and raise 10 months ago using a phantom offer from Minnesota.

But bigger questions hit on Wednesday.

Have the Vulcans lost their minds?

Could Pritchard really be next to go?

And what of that bluff job by Penn?

I'll take them in reverse order.

A league executive confirmed late Tuesday that higher-ups in Allen's operation were steamed after they believed they got played by Penn last summer when he "misrepresented" the offer from Minnesota to get a raise and promotion in Portland.

"I'm not guessing on this, there's no speculation here, the resentment over the Minnesota thing is real," the source said, "the Vulcans can be vindictive."

They can also apparently be wrong.

The Oregonian has obtained evidence that the Timberwolves indeed made a four-year offer to Penn on May 12, 2009 that would have made Penn the team's Vice President of Basketball Operations.

Penn turned down that offer to stay with the Blazers, where he got a new title and a raise. Of course, Minnesota's ownership didn't help Penn by perpetuating the idea that David Kahn, the guy who later got the job, was their first choice. The Vulcans are apparently buying that. Never mind that organizations rarely admit that the person they hired was their second or third pick.

I reached Penn late Tuesday. He said he was surprised and disappointed by his firing. He thanked Allen for the opportunity and said, "I loved working here." Then, I asked Penn how he could go so quickly from the guy everyone viewed as a rising star in the organization to packing his desk in what seemed like a cruel joke.

"You were their guy," I said, "what the heck happened?"

Penn started to answer, but then stopped and I could hear him choking back the emotion. Ultimately, Penn said he'd rather just let his comments stand.

So is Pritchard the next to go?

The Blazers general manager has the 2010-2011 season left on his contract. After that, there's a one-year option held by the organization. And Penn's firing on Tuesday was alarming because it hit so close to the guy who shows up at fan gatherings to the chorus: "In KP we trust."

Penn was Pritchard's top guy. And Pritchard gets a wide berth around the organization. So it was curious on Tuesday that when the individual Pritchard leaned so heavily on to work with the salary cap and collective bargaining agreement was thrown out as if he was no longer useful.

When the Blazers were a lottery team the people who worked for Allen at the mothership in Seattle viewed the organization as his little basketball hobby. But after making the playoffs last season, and looking as though they could be a factor, there was some internal jockeying at Vulcan that left the Blazers as a more important piece of the pie.

They've become more visible and active in and around One Center Court.

"The panderers," said a source familiar with Vulcan, "are all around Paul trying to justify their existence right now."

Those guys are intelligent and well educated, but not basketball smart. And that makes them dangerous.

It's those individuals that Pritchard needs to be most careful about in the coming months. Because they're blaming the decision to pick Greg Oden instead of Kevin Durant on Pritchard and Penn. And they're blaming the failure to secure a first-choice free agent last summer on the duo, too.

Pritchard needs the Blazers to win games late this season. He got some help when Andre Miller had a nice second half and Nic Batum began to look as though he could make a difference. But there isn't a person in the organization who could benefit more from Portland moving up in the playoff seedings over the next 13 games than Pritchard.

It could save him.

Now, are the Vulcans nutty?

Allen owns the team, but Pritchard has been the primary architect of the franchise. He's fostered healthy culture, worked with coach Nate McMillan, pulled Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge out of the same draft. He wooed free agent Joel Przybilla when they needed him most, saw something in Batum and Jerryd Bayless, and deserves to keep his job.

Firing Pritchard would be absurd, and I suspect throw the fan base into a tizzy. Fans need to have Pritchard's back. The Blazers season ticket renewal has passed, but I suspect Allen underestimates Pritchard's popularity and influence with the fan base.

Ultimately, the basketball will go on, but whether the winning does depends on who is in charge.

The Blazers have overcome injuries and distraction this season and salvaged what could have been a disaster. The organization has been on a volatile ride -- week to week -- and just when things calmed down the Vulcans created a massive distraction and anxiety in the front office with the firing of Pritchard's top lieutenant.

It was a message to Pritchard.

Watch your back, guy.

http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=8&c2=2115&c3=755413&c4=755413&rn=1636002 http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=8&c2=2115&c3=765492&c4=765492&rn=65484505


03-18-2010, 04:52 PM
No more Pritchslaps.

03-18-2010, 04:52 PM
Remember that thread tlong posted about him getting Pritchslapped? det was funny

03-18-2010, 04:54 PM
Remember that thread tlong posted about him getting Pritchslapped? det was funny

:lol T-long never posts the negative stuff

03-18-2010, 04:57 PM

03-19-2010, 08:12 AM
The better Kevin Durant plays, the more likely Pritchard's gonna get fired.

03-19-2010, 01:26 PM
If he does get fired, some other team gets damn lucky with a new GM.

03-19-2010, 02:02 PM
Check the thread about Penn, I had already suggested this there.

The better Kevin Durant plays, the more likely Pritchard's gonna get fired.

Paul Allen wanted Oden and shut down any discussion about getting Durant. Now he's mad that nobody stopped him. Millionaires have big egos, they don't like those who witnessed their weaknesses and mistakes around them.

But without the benefit of hindsight, Pritchard made more serious strategic mistakes than drafting Oden.

03-19-2010, 03:40 PM
Remember when pritchard and allen where both torn between deron and cp3? Ended up trading the pick and going with martell instead lol

03-19-2010, 05:28 PM
Remember when pritchard and allen where both torn between deron and cp3? Ended up trading the pick and going with martell instead lol
lol i remember that. but if they had drafted williams or cp3, they might never have been able to grab roy, aldridge, and potentially durant.

03-19-2010, 05:31 PM
The better Kevin Durant plays, the more likely Pritchard's gonna get fired.

You can't blame Pritchard for that. Almost all GMs would have taken Oden over Durant at the time. He was widely regarded as the player with more upside while everyone was harping on Durant not being able to do 1 rep of 185.

03-19-2010, 06:13 PM
You can't blame Pritchard for that. Almost all GMs would have taken Oden over Durant at the time. He was widely regarded as the player with more upside while everyone was harping on Durant not being able to do 1 rep of 185.

agreed, unless the team laready had a C, but even then they would take oden and trade for durant + filler to gain advantage.

03-20-2010, 08:15 AM
Sources: Penn's firing causes concerns
By Henry Abbott

After a mysterious firing of his key aide, the Portland Trail Blazers are at risk of losing general manager Kevin Pritchard, according to NBA sources.

A few days ago, the Blazers fired assistant general manager Tom Penn. Around the league Penn is prized as an attorney who mastered the NBA's collective bargaining agreement.

The firing of Penn concerns many fans who are troubled by the potential loss of Pritchard, who orchestrated the team away from a troubled Blazer past, on and off the court.

"I think their fears are justified," said Warren LeGarie, agent for both Pritchard and Penn. "We've been given no indication that this team sees Kevin as somebody who will be there on a long-term basis. All we've seen is them taking away people that Kevin feels are important to his ability to do his job successfully.

"I've been a Blazer fan from early on. I've been involved in some way with the team for many many years. I want them to be successful. They gave Kevin an unbelievably wonderful opportunity. But in order to make that opportunity work, he still needs to have people who believe in him around him, and people that he'd like to have, and that's certainly not the case anymore."

Perhaps the worst news for Blazer fans is, according to sources, last summer LeGarie became so convinced the Blazers would not commit to Pritchard that the agent has spent the better part of a year looking for another team to take on Pritchard and Penn. The firing of Penn only confirmed his suspicions.

Blazers team president Larry Miller was non-committal about Pritchard's future.

"Kevin is the GM here," Miller said. "I can never commit to anybody being around long term. I don't know that I'll be here long term. That's just not the way it works. To me, Kevin is our GM, and my feeling is we should focus on finishing out the season, trying to win games, trying to have a successful run in the playoffs. That should be our focus right now. The situation with Tom was an isolated incident. It's unfortunate, but hopefully we can put it behind us."
