View Full Version : POLANDS PERSPECTIVE vol. III – bitching time

03-20-2010, 10:47 AM
Rising the bar?

My a$$h !

Again I’m on the spurs forum – looking at the titles of the threads and saying nahh, maybe something wrong with me? I lost some interest and all but this situation is not good here on ST.
I’m getting bored faster then I used to. All emotions that I had right now are flat – I’ve experienced everything, every emotion that was there in my life was tested. I can bitch all I want about it but my thread is rather about other people bitching, not me bitching although I can be big time bitcher.
Fans are bitching about Pop, his plan and his small ball(s), not playing Ian who is Jesus himself but Pop does not know it yet. Good there are fans that can tell it to Pop through the internet board! True blessing for the spurs front office. :tu
RJ is a waste, so big that he should give all his money to the people who says he sucks – it probably would help the case and solve the problems. Parker is stupid cause he played basketball all his life. Damn what a jackass – he should listen to fans coaches, wives, children - HEY TP DO NOT PLAY BALL !
Bonner sucks – why he even touches the ball? He should just eat sandwiches with ham, cheese and other superstuff, burp and watch tv .
And Timay, Tim? Tim Duncan.
Timothy Theodore Duncan – the guys is soft and is worthless now. The team is getting worse and worse with him. The team is gonna die basketball death having him in the roster. Duhh he was 1/10 against Orlando. Spurs were demolished. Cleveland game? 4th quarter Timmy makes bad decisions spurs fail.

OK – that should be enough. Maybe I will start to talk some basketball?
Well I have not much to talk about – I struggled to watch the spurs games. Some highlights and some halfs – sleepless nights. All the last week was a disaster – what does rest mean anyway?
However I got some points just for you. Hopefully I will not beat a dead horse …


Team as a whole – Say what you want, but this team somehow could gather themselves and are playing better the last few weeks. No Tony Parker, some easy wins and all of sudden people thinks the spurs are better without him. Umm nope. Easy wins were against easy opponents that for one. Two – offense still mostly is run through TP. Without him we need to use RJ sometimes to bring the ball up court and then team start to play the play. Ofcourse Ginobili is phenomenal in playmaking we all knew that from 2004 season. He makes this team better. It’s like when Gino is not on the floor – WTF we are going to do now ?
All in all they come closer to the better play no matter if Tony was there or was not.
Mindset is there. Hopefully talent-wise and with determination they can do some fine things in a postseason. I’m happy about them and what they achieved.
Orlando game was a failure – but I think that was more about players been drained, physicly and emotionally. Tough day. Still they can use next game against Orlando to verify the status of an elite team. Hmm they need to use those remaining games as good as possible.

Defense – Team defense is better. Players knows now where to go and rotate better without thinking where to be. It is still the process, the time has got no mercy. There is also no mercy for Timmay, Orlando used many iso plays where they destroyed the spurs one on one defense. Especially when they isolate a player against Tim. Knowing that the spurs actually got nobody inside as a help defender they are setting mobile guy against Tim and Tim is/was not great recently guarding on close perimeter. So easy to play against the spurs. That’s why McDyess is so much important for our interior defense. I would love to see all the Orlando game – I saw just the 2nd half and Magic were doing whatever they wanted.
Transition is better, so Pop can use small ball in more occasions. IMO small ball is not that bad when it comes to certain situations. Wait a second – spurs used some zone defenses. Something I was giving huge :tu all the time.

Offense – on transition without TP is worse but at least the players can handle it better then earlier. Halfcourt still stiff and archaic. Tough to do anything when it seems like every player got it’s own conception. 4-down for example when Tim gets the ball in not comfortable zone and other team can close the passing lanes. Two bad things happens mostly – Tim forcing himself to push the ball towards the basket or passes the ball to the perimeter player who is pushed away and must collect himself an figure a new play. 7 seconds left on a shot clock …
Still there were some nice plays when spurs share the ball and have good spacing. There is a light in the tunnel. Did I mentioned that Manu is crucial for our creativity on offense? When you breaking the schemes you are better as a team as a player. Let other figure you out. Is Matt Bonner riddle the basket at will?

Doghouse – On a previous voltage I mentioned or asked a question if the doghouse exist?
Pop threw a bone there and told Matty to go get it! Bonner did just that and is out of the doghouse. With his 3pointers the spurs are dangerous and are tough to cover. Spurs can suck the defense better then few months ago, when it was almost impossible for them to break other defenses. All in all we need Bonner to produce. If McDyess is off. We need to use him (Matt) and his offense.

Bogans vs Mason - to me Mason was the guy to bet on. Right now Bogans is a must. Pop played him through all the different situationsall season long. He still is inconsistent as hell on O and on D as well. But now it seems that Roger is in slump , a major one, an un-useful one. Good that Hairston has occurred on horizon. Guy is a ‘hustler’ – unfortunate word but what can I do? All in all Bogans must to be in shape of his life for the spurs to not get ashamed in the playoffs.

Richard – It’s been month or so when Jefferson started to play more relaxed ball. His offense was and it is still not there but at least he is not forcing so much action now. His defense is as good as you want at that stage of spurs raising. He also works hard on getting rebounds. It was tough for him to get going when he wanted to and was unable cause he was in uncomfortable spots. Now he is finding his spots and the guy was never on a shooting slump as I remember correctly, that’s a plus. This is RJ we need no matter what people say – that’s my opinion. He is not going to get 20pts/game to make everybody happy. His other contributes are more worthy, at least now, at least for me. The offense will come. His traveling in Cleveland game was nice. Not as funny as JR missed dunk against us. But worthy happening.

Tim Duncan – This man was taken for granted many years, now when he is not there with his stable game people of sudden noticed it and blaming him for losing games. Well he seems never to be a problem in peoples minds, he was an anchor, he was “the man”. I do not know what to write. I wanted to write about him more but nothing good comes to my mind now.. He looked bit slower, bored and his concentration was not there with him on the court. He is not looking fine so his knees might be the reason, IMO they are. Good that spurs could find a way to drop his minutes. Tough games ahead. Lately he was totally off, on offense and on defense. In the past it used to be when he was bad on O his D was on a high level. That was not the case those last games. Anyway I would like to wait and see his production those next few games -> Atlanta, Oklahoma, Lakers, Cleveland.


It was badly written I know – it was a fast write.
There were few vacant seats in AAA @ Miami, I would put my butt on one at least
I’m not getting entertained by anything now. I can’t get up and fix my life like I would like to.
Where is Shaq?
Blair still the beast Ian still raw meat
Express News – epic fail -> from business standpoint they buried themselves.
Damn I made a bet that the spurs will win a title
The last – might be my last voltage here

03-20-2010, 12:49 PM
do they have tamales in poland?

03-20-2010, 12:56 PM
I think it comes down to this:

While the team is finally coming together, team defense is improving, RJ is playing awesome, Manu is playing out of his mind... failure to find wins against elite teams is ruining any type of confidence the team needs to progress mentally towards being a playoff contender.

03-20-2010, 01:01 PM
After these next few games, we will see what the Spurs are all about.

03-20-2010, 01:30 PM
do they have tamales in poland?

If you wanna come I might gonna find specialy for you.

This team might not have winning against the best in their blood, but if they are going to play with agression and up to their potential or beyond - they do have a chance IMO.

One problem though - which I forgot to add -> The spurs got major problems when opponents rising their intensity on defense. Spurs getting lost. The problem is that in playoffs all games are on full intesity.

Solid D
03-20-2010, 09:44 PM
Good stuff polandprzem! Quality and heart. You've got both. Stay strong to your core beliefs, bro. and look for the good in everything.

03-20-2010, 09:52 PM
Isn't this the retard who thinks tim duncan took steroids?

03-20-2010, 11:41 PM
good stuff polandprzem! Quality and heart. You've got both. Stay strong to your core beliefs, bro. And look for the good in everything.


03-21-2010, 05:49 AM
A nice enthusiastic analysis. Well done.

And this is the key question on Tim/Team health "wait and see his production those next few games -> Atlanta, Oklahoma, Lakers, Cleveland."

Bill (A Spurs fan in Ukraine!)

03-21-2010, 03:05 PM
Good stuff polandprzem! Quality and heart. You've got both. Stay strong to your core beliefs, bro. and look for the good in everything.

Thank you very much :toast

You are one of few guys here I have big respect for, so thanks once again.

When I read it once again it's still chaotic and the sentences are too simple too short. But I guess nvm, here are worse threads and really my contribution is not read by many :)

okay atlanta game @ 1am :flag:

03-21-2010, 03:06 PM
Brazil & Bill :tu

03-23-2010, 01:28 AM
Nice write-up, poland; both substantive and entertaining.:tu

I've slacked considerably and failed to come through when it comes to RTB, but life's settled a bit and I should be able to start pulling my own weight again here shortly.

Thanks for the kick in the ass.:toast

03-24-2010, 06:40 AM
Matt Bonner would be the most trusted 3-point shooter on the team now. He's getting it done on the offensive end. You can tell Manu is on the look-out for Bonner on the perimeter the most. An added bonus has been his off the dribble game which has come up trumps more often than not, getting teammates involved as well as scoring.

Very Good summary Poland. You have a funny way of putting things but all of it makes sense.

03-24-2010, 10:32 AM
It's kind you you guys :fight

I've noticed a trend that everybody like to whine and bitch and makes critics about others. Not just here on ST and not just a fan thing. It's everywhere.

I like better to take the situation like it is - if you can't change it don't bitch. This is bad that is bad, I would do this and that better. Hmm so do it better.

I know we are here to point out the mistakes to point out the bad things, but at least make it constructive, somehow.
I don't know if I making any sense. But I'm just fed up by many things now.

As for Bonner, he is a force when it comes to make a 3 poiter and give some breathing to our main guys.
The is only one other guy that is making 3 pointers consistent - George Hill (Manu is another story)
Right now I don't know how much we can trust Roger Mason. His confidence is off and he cannot find rythym and positions to score.

Every sp[urs ofensive play looks like a hard and tough. It seems like players have to put maximum to make a score. In winning teams the ofense looks easy and ball goes in right positions not making stops in one players hands. Liquid ball movenment.

Timmy feeds of Parker like on guy said on a diferent thread. True that.
Parker to our offense is realy needed. Not only he can drill to the basket but he can run and make plays on transition. Also he can use screens better then any other spur on the team.

TAke a look vs the laker team how effective are our pick and rolls. [btw. I wonder how the p&pop playes gonna work out and if JAx will try to stop Bonner or lt him shoot and double on Gino]

ps. blackjack great work with your rtb :tu

03-24-2010, 11:46 AM
Poland, one of the mma forum's finest. Good stuff man.