View Full Version : Undefeated..

03-20-2010, 08:38 PM


03-20-2010, 08:50 PM

03-21-2010, 12:04 AM
LOL @ his resume

03-21-2010, 12:28 AM









Ashy Larry
03-25-2010, 04:43 PM
I could be undefeated if I fight 1st graders..... dude has been at 147 for 4 years now and this is his first fight against a top 147er??? Love Floyd but about time he grow some balls at welterweight.

03-25-2010, 05:41 PM
I could be undefeated if I fight 1st graders..... dude has been at 147 for 4 years now and this is his first fight against a top 147er??? Love Floyd but about time he grow some balls at welterweight.

props to Floyd fighting a 38 year old Shane Mosely. :lol

Ashy Larry
03-25-2010, 05:59 PM
props to Floyd fighting a 38 year old Shane Mosely. :lol

Floyd's resume is decent but not good enough to claim the best in the world. He says he tried to fight Shane in 1999-2000. I mean, if I'm Shane do I fight a guy who's professional career is three years old or boxing's cash cow in Oscar de la Hoya .........

then once Shane lost twice to Forrest and Winky Wright, Floyd wasn't trying to fight Shane then because people thought his career was on the downward slope.

Floyd has been at 147 for 4 years and made Hatton come up in weight, fought an inactive and shot de la Hoya, made Marquez come up two weight classes, 10 loss Baldomir and undisciplined Zab Judah. Names worthy of greatness.

Now I can see why he didn't fight Margarito or Cotto; if you know the politics of boxing, those are Bob Arum fighters and he knows that Arum and King are boxing's biggest crooks. But not every fight at 147 is under Arum or King. Hell, he should fought Paul Williams when he was at 147 but you know that wasn't gonna happen.......

03-25-2010, 07:21 PM
What a stupid excuse..he DID try to fight Mosley at that time, and there were reports that he wanted to fight him following the Vargas fights too..NOW he's fighting him..what else do you want from him?..

Of course Floyd fought De La Hoya, look how much money that fight made..while DLH was over the hill, he was still a big name that helped generate a lot of money..

He "made" Hatton come up LOL..Hatton had a lot of hype at the time, he had a huge following..there was a decent amount of people that thought he could win..yes, he's at a disadvantage, but it was a fight that had to happen..of course Hatton would be the one that would take Floyd's demands, he's stepping in with the best boxer of his generation, he's making more money than he would with anybody else..no-brainer for him..good decision for Floyd..he made more money and got more exposure internationally by fighting Hatton..

You already explained why he didn't fight Cotto or Margarito, and he'll probably never fight an Arum fighter other than Pacquiao(I believe the fight will eventually happen)..

I would love to see him fight Williams, but I don't see the point for him..Williams has a lot of hardcore boxing hype, but he can't draw anything..he's also more effective at his own weight class, so when Mayweather beats him, everybody would talk about how he was weight drained..

Mayweather has only fought 2 fighters that had to come up in weight, and Hatton had already done it before..Marquez was clearly a fight to get the rust off after a long lay-off, smart decision..

why don't people accuse Pacquiao for fighting weight drained fighters?..why don't people shit on Pacquiao for "ducking" Yuri Foreman?..

So I want to know who exactly should Mayweather have been fighting this entire time?..the haters say he ducks other fighters, but who exactly should he have been fighting?..

03-26-2010, 09:05 AM

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 09:32 AM
NOW he's fighting him..what else do you want from him?..I give Floyd big props for "finally" fighting a top 147er. I mean, damn, it's only been four years. Don't get me wrong. I love Floyd but dude could have faced stiffer competition. I mean if you look at the fighters from Castillo on, who in that collection could you have said will beat Floyd? Not a one. Hatton? A brawler who got fat off of fighting cab drivers and made his name over beating an over-the-hill Tszyu. And hell no there wasn't a decent amount of people who thought Hatton could win that fight. The ones who did kept singing that stupid ass "There's only one Ricky Hatton" song.

Oscar? Inactive and smart move by Floyd because it was an easy pay day. Very smart move. Get a big check from the cash cow even when he's clearly over-the-hill.

Funny thing is Shane had no problem fighting both Margarito and Cotto. Even though they're Arum fighters, you're telling me Floyd can't fight at least one of those two in their prime? And we know damn well Floyd wasn't trying to fight Shane in 2005-2006. Floyd will admit to trying to fight him in the late 90s, early 2000s but based on who Floyd has fought he wasn't trying to see Shane. Hell, it took at earthquake and many people dying (Haiti) in order for Floyd to get in the ring with Shane. And if that fight had gone down between Berto and Shane, Floyd was schedule to lock up with KO king, Paulie Malignaggi (5 KOs). Are you kidding me???

why don't people shit on Pacquiao for "ducking" Yuri ForemanLOL @ Manny ducking the boxing Rabbi...... first of all, Manny might as well duck Paulie Malignaggi since he and the Rabbi have a combined 13 KO's between them ....... LOL ....... I think Manny has much to fear there. They were talkin' about putting Manny in the ring with either one of those two but Manny fought a top five 147er in Clottey. Who would have imagined Clottey would fight like a bitch?

Secondly, Manny did fight a drained de la Hoya but compare Floyd's and Manny's last 15 fights; you can clearly see who has the better resume. Manny fights everyone and the competition is easily better than what PBF faces.

I would love to see him fight Williams, but I don't see the point for himI do. Decent competition. Means Floyd would actually have to fight and face someone who has the possibility of beating him. I just wanna see the Floyd that worked "Chico" Corrales. Williams could be easy pickings for Floyd after watching that great fight against Sergio Martinez but you see Williams fought a top 154er. We gotta beg Floyd to get in the ring with the best. And sometimes, you have to take less money to actually cement a legacy and faced decent competition. Leonard, Hearns, Hagler and Duran fought one another multiple times and fought one another because they were the best of the best at that time. Floyd could have easily said, Fuck you Arum - I'll fight Cotto, then when I'm done whippin' his ass, I'll fight Margarito. I mean making a little more cash to fight Sharmba Mitchell instead of tougher competition doesn't cement a legacy. Hell, Ali fought Frazier and Norton three times.

03-26-2010, 10:07 AM
LOL at Manny "ducking" a 154 pounder. Really HarlemHeat? Really? HAHHAA. HarlemHeat is fucking hilarious!! Harlemheat is a Floyd fan so he likes weight mismatches. hahahha

LOL at Floyd retiring at 147 when he could have fought Mosely, Williams, Cotto, Clottey, Margarito and Berto. THATS WHO HE COULD HAVE BEEN FIGHTING.

LOL at Floyd coming back, picking on a LIGHTWEIGHT named Marquez, telling him to come up to "145" from 130 and Floyd breaking his contract by coming in at "147".

LOL at Sharmba Mitchell

LOL at Harlemheat saying Manny fought DLH and Hatton too, but forgot to consider that he was moving up in those weight divisions for the first time and followed it up with beat downs to Tops 5 fighters in those weight divisions.

LOL Split decision against De La Hoya

LOL 10 rounds against Hatton

LOL 12 rounds against Marquez at 147.

LOL Pussy ass Floyd Mayweather

03-26-2010, 10:51 AM
-I don't think Pacquiao ducked anybody..my point was that if you're going to use weak examples for Floyd "ducking" fighters, I can use similar stupid examples to say Pacquiao was "ducking" fighters too..

-You guys still haven't named anybody that Floyd "should" have fought other than the guys I already addressed..he's not going to fight guys that don't draw anything, why would he do that when he can make more money fighting bigger draws like he has been doing?..he isn't going to fight Arum's fighters..he clearly hates him..Mayweather isn't just in it for competition and pride, he's obviously in it for the money too, he obviously looks at it as a business, and he doesn't want to be involved with a crook like Arum anymore..

-I never said Mayweather has fought better competition than Pacquiao, he clearly hasn't..so I don't know why you're getting defensive..that doesn't change the fact that I believe PBF is the better boxer..

-Mayweather's "legacy" is going to be criticized either way..when he moves up in weight class, DLH is "too old"..when he fights hyped fighters that are smaller than him, he gets shitted on..when he decided to fight Mosley, he's criticized for doing it too late, even though he already asked to fight him years earlier..

-Pacquiao is a fan favorite because he's a slave of boxing promoters..he appeals to fans because his fights are exciting and he's extremely ugly, he's a regular guy..if Mayweather pulled this HGH shit and the you flipped the sides, there would be an outrage about it..obviously since it's Pacquiao, it'll be ignored though..

Fortunately for myself, I fully believe this fight will eventually happen..we'll see what they say about Mayweather when it's done..they will come up with a new excuse to diminish him..

03-26-2010, 02:49 PM
He doesnt fight guys that dont draw anything? ahhh that explains fighting marquez since marquez is crazy at drawing people. lol

Fight the best in your weight division and you'll be known as a great fighter. Simple as that.

with you being a Floyd fan Harlem, i would expect you to want him to fight the best fighters out there.

03-26-2010, 03:06 PM
If Floyd and Manny ever do get it on i have no idea what the excuse will be why Manny got beat but i am sure the Floyd haters will think of something.. :lol

03-26-2010, 03:13 PM
If Floyd and Manny ever do get it on i have no idea what the excuse will be why Manny got beat but i am sure the Floyd haters will think of something.. :lol

Are you just a major Manny hater? I remember you laughed at everyone on ST for picking him over DLH.

I just tip my hat to Manny. He beat all the Mexican fighters. I used to hate him, though, and I still root against him.

03-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Are you just a major Manny hater? I remember you laughed at everyone on ST for picking him over DLH.

I just tip my hat to Manny. He beat all the Mexican fighters. I used to hate him, though, and I still root against him.

Are you just a major Floyd Hater? I never see you give him an ounce of respect.. No i like Manny fine but too many people on here act like he is some god compared to Floyd and i find that hilarious. Manny fought 2 wars with Marquez and barely escaped. Tons of people gave both fights to Marquez.. Floyd humiliated him. They both have wins over Oscar and Hatton. I expect Floyd to murder Shane. We'll see what happens when and if they fight. You know i want to see it, I was right here begging for it to happen when the deal fell apart a few months back.. People are very emotional when it comes to Floyd, so i expect lots of Manny fan excuses if he gets beat down..

03-26-2010, 06:21 PM
He doesnt fight guys that dont draw anything? ahhh that explains fighting marquez since marquez is crazy at drawing people. lol

Fight the best in your weight division and you'll be known as a great fighter. Simple as that.

with you being a Floyd fan Harlem, i would expect you to want him to fight the best fighters out there.

I clearly said Marquez was a fight to take the rust off..why would Floyd fight a big name after an extremely long lay-off?..the best boxer in the world needs to get back in a rhythm too, 2 years is a long time, even for him..

Of course Pacquiao probably wouldn't need that type of fight, he would just get one of his injections to prepare..

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 07:04 PM
You guys still haven't named anybody that Floyd "should" have fought other than the guys I already addressed.

Like I previously stated, he could have fought Cotto or Margarito if he wanted even though they're Arum fighters. He could have fought Clottey right after he smacked Judah upside the head. Dude is not the only fighter that had to go up against a boxer who had a shady promoter. I mean hell, people didn't wanna deal with Don King but he had all the top fighters and if you claim to be the best boxer, you have to beat the best boxers out there.

I never said Mayweather has fought better competition than Pacquiao, he clearly hasn't. So I don't know why you're getting defensive. That doesn't change the fact that I believe PBF is the better boxer.

Not getting defensive. Just spitting facts. And you can't be the better boxer especially when you haven't faced the best the better competition. That's something Manny has done continuously. Ali's legacy is set. Why? Liston twice. Norton and Frazier thrice. Foreman, Shavers and Holmes. Leonard's legacy is set? Why? Hearns twice. Duran twice, six months apart. Hagler and Wifredo Benitez. What legacy has Floyd left since reaching 147?

Mayweather's "legacy" is going to be criticized either way

It will not if he faces the top fighters even if they are Arum or King fighters. Problem with Floyd is he's so fucking concern about being undefeated. Ali has five losses and Floyd has none. Who has the greater legacy? Clearly Ali. When Floyd was at 130, 135 and 140, his legacy was already set. Look at the people he defeated: Genaro Hernandez, Angel Manfredy, his best win against Diego Corrales. A masterful beatdown. This fight was so important to his career because he was going up against what many thought was the best fighter at 130. And he dominated. I want that Floyd back. Jesus Chaves and JL Castillo twice. Those are great names. But it's like as soon as he moved up to 147, his balls slid into his tummy and hid.

Pacquiao is a fan favorite because he's a slave of boxing promoters..he appeals to fans because his fights are exciting and he's extremely ugly, he's a regular guy..if Mayweather pulled this HGH shit and the you flipped the sides, there would be an outrage about it.

Why is he a fan favorite? Why is he hated (more so respected) by Latinos? Because he gets in the fucking ring and throws his hands and kicks ass and takes a beating in the process. You can't help but respect that shit. Floyd really made himself look bitch made because he didn't ask not one of the previous 39 fighters (Castillo twice) to test this way. Now when he finally decide to grow some balls and get in the ring, he decides we need to test this way. That's bullshit. When did Floyd start working for the Nevada State Athletic Commission? Manny's a draw because he fights. His fight with de la Hoya was exciting, while Floyd's fight with de la Hoya was a yawn fest. And that's Floyd's style so I don't fault him but if you're gonna have boring fights, at least fight the best and be boring.

Fortunately for myself, I fully believe this fight will eventually happen..we'll see what they say about Mayweather when it's done..they will come up with a new excuse to diminish him.
What can they say to diminish him beating Manny??? Not a damn thing can be said. You know why? (1) he faced the best pound for pound fighter and beat him. (2) he defeated great competition. (3) he talked his shit and backed it up. (4) and everyone saw it. His legacy from 130-140 is beautiful. From 147 is bullshit until now. I give him big props for fighting a top three 147er. That's all I ask. If you're going to move up in weight, fight the best. Cement yourself and he hasn't at 147.

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 07:07 PM
He doesnt fight guys that dont draw anything? ahhh that explains fighting marquez since marquez is crazy at drawing people. lol

Marquez = huge Mexican following

Hatton = huge English, Irish and British following

de la Hoya = huge Hispanic and chick following

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 07:08 PM
If Floyd and Manny ever do get it on i have no idea what the excuse will be why Manny got beat but i am sure the Floyd haters will think of something.. :lol

there will be nothing Floyd haters can say. The one thing I love about Floyd is he has a big mouth and for the most part he backs it up. There will be no excuse.

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 07:15 PM
Manny fought 2 wars with Marquez and barely escaped. Tons of people gave both fights to Marquez.. Floyd humiliated him. They both have wins over Oscar and Hatton.

Manny fought Marquez twice at the same weight. 126 and 130. Those were Marquez's natural weight. Floyd dominated the dude after having him go from 135 to 144 and being in his mid 30s. Bad combination. Just like you said Floyd humiliated JMM, make sure you state Manny murdered Oscar and Hatton while Floyd damn near went the distance with both.

03-26-2010, 08:49 PM
Manny fought Marquez twice at the same weight. 126 and 130. Those were Marquez's natural weight. Floyd dominated the dude after having him go from 135 to 144 and being in his mid 30s. Bad combination. Just like you said Floyd humiliated JMM, make sure you state Manny murdered Oscar and Hatton while Floyd damn near went the distance with both.

This is what i mean about Manny fans getting ready for an excuse. I can hear it already. Floyd was too big for Manny. That is how they sugarcoat the JMM fights by comparison and ignore that Oscar fought Floyd at close to his normal weight while Manny had Oscar drain himself to the point of death just to make weight. Does Manny beat a prime Oscar fighting at 154? See two can play the excuse game..

Lets just not make any..

And BTW Floyd almost went the distance with Hatton but was kicking his ass every min of the fight.. Any version of JMM at any weight he does the same thing too..

Ashy Larry
03-26-2010, 09:47 PM
This is what i mean about Manny fans getting ready for an excuse. I can hear it already. Floyd was too big for Manny. That is how they sugarcoat the JMM fights by comparison and ignore that Oscar fought Floyd at close to his normal weight while Manny had Oscar drain himself to the point of death just to make weight. Does Manny beat a prime Oscar fighting at 154? See two can play the excuse game..

Lets just not make any..

And BTW Floyd almost went the distance with Hatton but was kicking his ass every min of the fight.. Any version of JMM at any weight he does the same thing too..

First of all, I'm not a Manny fan. I'm a boxing fan. Second, I call it like I see it. Both Floyd and Manny worked Oscar who was well passed his prime. Oscar has been a shell of himself after damn near losing the Strum - a fight he should have lost.

And thirdly, Manny doesn't fight Oscar at 154. Roach already said he's going no higher than 147. They're having a hard enough time keeping the weight on him. If Floyd beat Manny, I have no excuses for Manny - I just want to see them both fight.

Floyd would work JMM at any weight but having a mid 30s lightweight come up the welterweight when you already have great competition in the division is not cool. Hell, take a tune up against a decent welterweight then go to Berto or Shane or Manny. Not work a blown up lightweight then fight the great Paulie Malignaggi. An earthquake had to come for Floyd to actually fight a 147er.

03-27-2010, 02:12 AM
This is what i mean about Manny fans getting ready for an excuse. I can hear it already. Floyd was too big for Manny. That is how they sugarcoat the JMM fights by comparison and ignore that Oscar fought Floyd at close to his normal weight while Manny had Oscar drain himself to the point of death just to make weight. Does Manny beat a prime Oscar fighting at 154? See two can play the excuse game..

Lets just not make any..

And BTW Floyd almost went the distance with Hatton but was kicking his ass every min of the fight.. Any version of JMM at any weight he does the same thing too..

dude JMM went from 135 (maybe even 130, which manny fought him at)to fight PBF at 147. If your gonna try to make an example to prove your point, atleast get a closer comparison.

Back to Oscar...who chose who to fight? If i recall, Oscar was the one who hand picked Manny to fight him. And the smaller Pacquiao, who was the Underdog whooped his ass. Another bad comparison of you are trying to say its similar to Marquez/Mayweather.

03-27-2010, 02:33 AM
dude JMM went from 135 (maybe even 130, which manny fought him at)to fight PBF at 147. If your gonna try to make an example to prove your point, atleast get a closer comparison.

If you read my post this portion of your reply makes my point for me.. No fuckin excuses. You slammed on me for making excuses for Oscar when he fought Manny so you get it just the same from me right here.. Floyd is bigger than Manny he has also beat the shit out of one fighter that IMO beat Manny not once but twice. So if it happens when he fights Floyd i don't want to hear a bunch of bullshit.. Stop talking about weight and lame excuses and stick to the facts. Can Manny beat Floyd? That's all that matters.. Who has he ever fought in his prime of that size and skill level. Truth is odds of Manny beating Floyd are pretty damn slim. The JMM fight should have been proof enough for you.. He was the closest and he won both fights according to almost every sports writer that scored the fight.. Manny is not hard to hit. Hell everytime Clottey let go he hit Manny. Floyd is one of the most elusive and accurate punchers to ever fight. Manny's agressive style is just gonna get him whooped against Floyd.. Manny is not beating him..

03-27-2010, 02:52 AM

03-27-2010, 10:02 AM
If you read my post this portion of your reply makes my point for me.. No fuckin excuses. You slammed on me for making excuses for Oscar when he fought Manny so you get it just the same from me right here.. Floyd is bigger than Manny he has also beat the shit out of one fighter that IMO beat Manny not once but twice. So if it happens when he fights Floyd i don't want to hear a bunch of bullshit.. Stop talking about weight and lame excuses and stick to the facts. Can Manny beat Floyd? That's all that matters.. Who has he ever fought in his prime of that size and skill level. Truth is odds of Manny beating Floyd are pretty damn slim. The JMM fight should have been proof enough for you.. He was the closest and he won both fights according to almost every sports writer that scored the fight.. Manny is not hard to hit. Hell everytime Clottey let go he hit Manny. Floyd is one of the most elusive and accurate punchers to ever fight. Manny's agressive style is just gonna get him whooped against Floyd.. Manny is not beating him..

Yes, lets stick to the facts. Can Manny beat Floyd? Hell yea. Floyd doesnt have punching power. Who has Floyd fought that matched his speed and has the strength to back it up. He will try to go 12 rounds and get a split decision. Lets go back to Marquez since you LOVE comparing those two fights. Marquez/Pacquiao was a great fight. Thats why it was so close. Great fights tends to be close. People easily pick rounds differently. In order to win the close fights, fighters needs to make sure they get "technical" points. Points like knockdowns, which Manny has done to Marquez 4 times. Which were the deciding factors to Manny "not losing".

Back to Floyd. Once again, Floyd has speed and defense. Manny has speed, offense and strength. Manny is gonna be winning the first few rounds cuz just by agression using his angles and speed. Floyd will be so busy trying to duck and find a time to counter that he'll be behind on the scorecards. From then, either he opens up or becomes a bitch like Clottey.

By the way, you are right. Manny got hit by Clottey alot...and by Cotto alot....and walked right thru them. You think he's gonna be scared of Floyds hands. lol.

Manny wins this one easily.

03-27-2010, 10:04 AM
Also dbreiden83080, you say what are pacman fans excuses he loses to Floyd. I havent seen one excuse yet, but looks like Mayweather fans are already doing there.


Ashy Larry
03-27-2010, 01:39 PM
Also dbreiden83080, you say what are pacman fans excuses he loses to Floyd. I havent seen one excuse yet, but looks like Mayweather fans are already doing there.

gotta blame his pops for that shit ...... maybe Floyd Sr. is still pissed that Freddie Roach went through Hatton (who Sr. was training at the time) like nothing.

Can't turn a brawler into a boxer especially after 40 fights .....

03-27-2010, 03:14 PM
yup..when Manny dropped his ass, Sr was probably thinking..."that fucker MUST be on roids...no way he can drop Hatton 3 times in two rounds. He cant be THAT GOOD". lol

Ashy Larry
03-27-2010, 03:17 PM
yup..when Manny dropped his ass, Sr was probably thinking..."that fucker MUST be on roids...no way he can drop Hatton 3 times in two rounds. He cant be THAT GOOD". lol

Senior and Roach doesn't get along ..... I mean anyone in boxing can see that Roach and Pacquiao is the top team at this point.

I do love Roger Mayweather, the original Black Mamba. Dude is just funny as shit.

Hopefully Roach can have the same success with Amir Khan .....

Ashy Larry
03-27-2010, 03:21 PM
SHOWTIME and HBO have two decent cards tonight ........