View Full Version : if there is such a thing as a good loss, this is it

03-21-2010, 09:55 PM
Manu and Tim continue to show they are capable of bringing all-star level play against the top level competition.

The supporting cast was right there with a very good team.

We took them to OT in Atlanta, where they have an excellent record.

I think this game should contribute to the general confidence of the team. They are playing well together.

I would prefer to see blair getting more of the Bonner minutes, though; that would have helped the offensive rebounding I think.

When Parker comes back, we will have plenty of fire-power and should win some games, even against Lakers, Denver or Dallas.

03-21-2010, 09:56 PM
Moral victories don't count in the standings..

This was a game the Spurs should have won, they didn't, it counts as a loss in a tight WC race..

03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
The Schedule of Death!

Spurs Brazil
03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
Worst loss of the season

We had that game and TOs and boards killed us and we have NO legs for tomorrow

03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
Fuckin stupid we were up 14

03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
WTF you talkin bout, this was worst case scenario. Manu got 44 minutes, Tim got 41, and we've got a game tomorrow

03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
I would have rather lose by 50.

This tight game guarantee us a loss tomorrow.

03-21-2010, 09:58 PM
If there's such a thing as a bad loss, this was it.

03-21-2010, 09:59 PM
Typical for this season and this year. There is no silver lining. We can't win close games-haven't all season and will continue to get our asses handed to us.

03-21-2010, 10:00 PM
We came in hot, and they countered. They are a much better offensive rebounding team than us.

Manu and Duncan had to play his A+ game to keep us in it, I don't think we "should" have won.

Unless you consider we were up 4 with one minute left. :(

Anyway, I think we are playing at our top level offensively, and just could not prevent the offensive rebound. Atlanta is deadly on the fast break off the turnover, or even missed long ball as well.

03-21-2010, 10:01 PM
Worst loss of the season

Oh, you must not have seen the Cleveland game.

I agree that at the very least, this game shows that the Spurs have actually improved their quality of play and aren't just feasting on the chump teams. I wasn't so sure about that after the Orlando game.

And yeah, playing this many minutes on the front end of a B2B is going to suck. Tomorrow may be ugly.

03-21-2010, 10:01 PM
Spurs Fked up
Defensive stops were non-existance and those lousy passes [lack of concentration]and turnovers that hat made it

03-21-2010, 10:02 PM
If anything this was a back breaker. Manu/Duncan heavy minutes.

03-21-2010, 10:06 PM
They better fucking man up and play hard tomorrow too... they put themselves in this position... no one else to blame. Now they face the consequences.

03-21-2010, 10:07 PM
This was one of their worst losses of the season...pretty much guarantees we don't win another game the rest of the week.

03-21-2010, 10:08 PM
If anything this was a back breaker. Manu/Duncan heavy minutes.

03-21-2010, 10:09 PM
All of you drama queen spurs fans need to stop being bitches.

You should have expected a loss here and tomorrow, that is what the odds said.

The fact the spurs played this well is a good sign.

Yes, the long minutes do suck, but its is not like the other team did not lose tonight also, just had a back to back too, and won't be tired also. They have a flight back as well.

We probably lose tomorrow, but if we keep it close, that will again show the spurs are playing very well and improving their chemistry. The offense was great, they just needed better rebounding really.

Best case scenario this year: Spurs were 5th seed. They would play the lakers in the 2nd round.

WGAF if they win the first round if they die in the 2nd anyway? I don't.

Just enjoy watching the team play WELL. The rest this year is meaningless unless they beat the Lakers.

03-21-2010, 10:10 PM
How is it a good sign?..

This moves the Spurs closer to the 8th seed and getting swept by the Lakers..the Spurs are trying to WIN games, not ALMOST win games..they need to move up in the standings to get to the best possible position..nobody remembers when you almost win games..

Playing better and not winning won't matter if the Spurs get the Lakers in the 1st round..

03-21-2010, 10:10 PM
haha op is retarded

03-21-2010, 10:11 PM
All of you drama queen spurs fans need to stop being bitches.

You should have expected a loss here and tomorrow, that is what the odds said.

Stopped reading after this, being up 4 with less than a minute to go = expected win.

Sean Cagney
03-21-2010, 10:11 PM
Yo this shyt crushed us, this was not a good loss with your schedule coming up nor is there good coming out of it. This is not a good loss, this one here just crushed us.

03-21-2010, 10:12 PM
Hell if we're going by almost won games then Spurs would get the 1 seed.

03-21-2010, 10:12 PM
The loss is disappointing but it sure is nice to see Manu at a 100%. This team can do some damage in the playoffs if Parker comes back healthy and well rested.

03-21-2010, 10:12 PM
Spurs need to play the Lakers eventually. Playing to avoid them is meaningless. We just need to be playing consistently well, with our role players and our defense.

Wins are nice but will not make a difference, they will not make our front court taller.

03-21-2010, 10:13 PM
You should have expected a loss here and tomorrow, that is what the odds said.

We're better than the Hawks, this game should have been down as a W but we let them get back into the game after exposing them in the 1st quarter. Horrible loss, but I must say even when we were winning early I started to miss TP. Then in OT I really missed him. :(

Tired of the Blair/Bonner combination, it's such bullshit but once in awhile it'll work in a way that doesn't kill us and therefore Pop will just continue to use it as a pacifier line-up in games.

03-21-2010, 10:14 PM
Sing me up for a bad win over a good loss any time of the week. This was a very bad loss with what is coming up tomorrow. They should have let the young guns handle this game instead of tomorrows.

03-21-2010, 10:14 PM
"Spurs need to play the Lakers eventually."

Lakers? :lol

Spurs will be out of the playoffs after the Lakers game Wed, and will depend totally on Portland doing worse than the Spurs in the Spurs' Death Run to get 8th seed.

03-21-2010, 10:15 PM
Stopped reading after this, being up 4 with less than a minute to go = expected win.

Sure, I agree, on the micro-level, that is true. But did you think that after the 2nd any time until that moment?

Spurs were lucky to get back into that position, and atlanta earned that (although there were some no-calls there that sucked.)

Whatever. You guys can be all negative, then fine. Don't bother to watch the rest of the season, they are not going to win the championship anyway so what is the point.

if you can't enjoy the Spurs simply playing good basketball this season will be a fail then no matter what.

03-21-2010, 10:16 PM
"Spurs need to play the Lakers eventually."

Lakers? :lol

Spurs will be out of the playoffs after the Lakers game Wed, and will depend totally on Portland doing worse than the Spurs in the Spurs' Death Run to get 8th seed.

You can't add. Port will change places with us from 8 to 7. We would need to be ousted by Houston or Grizz to be out of the playoffs. Drama queen fail.

03-21-2010, 10:17 PM
Sure, I agree, on the micro-level, that is true. But did you think that after the 2nd any time until that moment?

Spurs were lucky to get back into that position, and atlanta earned that (although there were some no-calls there that sucked.)

Whatever. You guys can be all negative, then fine. Don't bother to watch the rest of the season, they are not going to win the championship anyway so what is the point.

if you can't enjoy the Spurs simply playing good basketball this season will be a fail then no matter what.

What the fuck kind of comparison is that? Spurs were down 2 at the half, that's hardly a huge gap.

03-21-2010, 10:17 PM
this season will be a fail then no matter what.

This is the most logical thing you have said in this thread...

03-21-2010, 10:17 PM
yeah spurs should of won tonight but they didn't......stop crying its just a game.......spurs will get back on track 2 morrow

03-21-2010, 10:18 PM
As bad as this loss sucks in the standings, if this were a month or 2 ago, the Spurs get blown out by 20 against this team in ATL. The good signs were that Manu looks like Manu, TD played like TD, and RJ contributed in every way possible..from scoring a little to rebounding to defending, and the overally team defense seemed to look alot better than what it has been over the season. The only thing that still gets me is how George Hill is so hit and miss on those corner 3's. One game he's absolute money on those, and the next he sucks...I don't get it. So yes does this suck as far as the standings are concerned yes, but the Spurs as a TEAM looked better overall as well..

03-21-2010, 10:18 PM
No, this was a bad loss, we had this game pretty much the whole way.

03-21-2010, 10:21 PM
What the fuck kind of comparison is that? Spurs were down 2 at the half, that's hardly a huge gap.

My point is, you should not have had the feeling this was a won game by any means. After they gave back the 12+ point lead in the 2nd, and were back and forth, often down in the 3rd, you should have felt positive about gettting into OT.

Damn, if you can't enjoy the Spurs taking a VERY good home team to OT, who everyone said would be killed by the top teams, then stop watching so the real fans can talk.

03-21-2010, 10:22 PM
Most fans have already admitted this season is a failure (me included), that doesn't mean I don't expect them to win games like this.

03-21-2010, 10:23 PM
The only thing that still gets me is how George Hill is so hit and miss on those corner 3's. One game he's absolute money on those, and the next he sucks...I don't get it.

It's pretty much dictated by how terrible the team is the Spurs are facing. He shows up for the Minnesota's and Golden State's of the NBA...the playoff teams...not so much.

03-21-2010, 10:23 PM
Stopped reading after this, being up 4 with less than a minute to go = expected win.

You think a 4 pt lead inside a minute is a sure win?? You obviously haven't watched much NBA basketball.

03-21-2010, 10:24 PM
Damn, if you can't enjoy the Spurs taking a VERY good home team to OT, who everyone said would be killed by the top teams, then stop watching so the real fans can talk.

I guess "realfansenjoylosses.com" was taken?

03-21-2010, 10:24 PM
My point is, you should not have had the feeling this was a won game by any means.

Yes I should, any fan of any team (be it Lakers or even the Nets) should expect a win when you're up 4 with under a minute to go.

03-21-2010, 10:24 PM
Here comes the real fans argument. I just love it. When all else fails, pull the real fans card.

Sean Cagney
03-21-2010, 10:25 PM
All of you drama queen spurs fans need to stop being bitches.

You should have expected a loss here and tomorrow, that is what the odds said.

The fact the spurs played this well is a good sign.

Yes, the long minutes do suck, but its is not like the other team did not lose tonight also, just had a back to back too, and won't be tired also. They have a flight back as well.

We probably lose tomorrow, but if we keep it close, that will again show the spurs are playing very well and improving their chemistry. The offense was great, they just needed better rebounding really.

Best case scenario this year: Spurs were 5th seed. They would play the lakers in the 2nd round.

WGAF if they win the first round if they die in the 2nd anyway? I don't.

Just enjoy watching the team play WELL. The rest this year is meaningless unless they beat the Lakers.

We had a 4 pt lead late tonight, let JJ score easily and then a stupid TO right after to let them tie it up, we should have won tonight after that 14 pt lead and that late 4 pt lead, period. There is no sugar coating this loss here, you call them drama queens but some are realists, we blew this one.

03-21-2010, 10:25 PM
I don't get it.

Spurs fans are crazy. Most feel only a championship makes a success because of your pedigree and our past success. I understand that.

We were under-performing all year, losing (usually not close) against top teams. Injured most of the year. Did not integrate RJ well.

Then we lost one of the big 3 for the rest of the regular season. Chance of recovery for title: 0.

So, let me give you a clue. Enjoy not the wins, but just the spurs playing WELL. Sure, I was disapointed that the spurs lost, but the fact they played so well has me positive for the rest of the season, and they will play hard in the playoffs too.

TD 21
03-21-2010, 10:25 PM
Manu and Tim continue to show they are capable of bringing all-star level play against the top level competition.

The supporting cast was right there with a very good team.

We took them to OT in Atlanta, where they have an excellent record.

I think this game should contribute to the general confidence of the team. They are playing well together.

I would prefer to see blair getting more of the Bonner minutes, though; that would have helped the offensive rebounding I think.

When Parker comes back, we will have plenty of fire-power and should win some games, even against Lakers, Denver or Dallas.

You're not serious, are you? A "very good team", isn't that something the Spurs are supposed to be? Hawks came in with two less losses and a slightly worse point differential while playing in a weaker conference and the Spurs had a double digit lead early, yet you think this is acceptable that they lost this game? You're looking for moral victories 67 games into a season that once had high expectations that are continually getting reduced? Unbelievable.

Moral victories don't count in the standings..

This was a game the Spurs should have won, they didn't, it counts as a loss in a tight WC race..

Correction, it counts as two losses in the standings, because of the amount of minutes/energy expended by Duncan/Ginobili, you can rule out a win tomorrow against a young, athletic team that will be probably be highly motivated coming off a loss to the lowly Pacers earlier today. I wouldn't be surprised if Pop sits Duncan or (similar to the Magic game) plays them both, watches as the Spurs get annihilated early, then sits them the rest of the way.

03-21-2010, 10:25 PM
You think a 4 pt lead inside a minute is a sure win?? You obviously haven't watched much NBA basketball.

If you don't give away dumbass turnovers then yes, wind down the clock and put pressure on the D. Atlanta had no fouls to give..

03-21-2010, 10:26 PM
Hell those New Jersey Nets sure do have the best fans in the league!!

03-21-2010, 10:29 PM
So, let me give you a clue. Enjoy not the wins, but just the spurs playing WELL. Sure, I was disapointed that the spurs lost, but the fact they played so well has me positive for the rest of the season, and they will play hard in the playoffs too.

When the NBA starts awarding partial credit in the standings for not being blown out, I will enjoy losses as much as you. Until then, they are just a sign of a mediocre team finding more ways to beat themselves.

03-21-2010, 10:31 PM
I do enjoy the Spurs playing well, what I don't enjoy is

1) Dumbass technical fouls
2) Giving up 20 offensive boards when your best rebounder is on the bench
3) Being up 4 with under a minute to go and choking it away

03-21-2010, 10:32 PM
Yes, 4 points up at the 1 minute is a good position, but not won by any stretch. We messed up by giving up the turnover, yes.

No sugar coating that.

.4? Not that bad.

Spurs playing VERY well? yes. Ok. take that for something.

03-21-2010, 10:33 PM
I do enjoy the Spurs playing well, what I don't enjoy is

1) Dumbass technical fouls
2) Giving up 20 offensive boards when your best rebounder is on the bench
3) Being up 4 with under a minute to go and choking it away

Well, not sure who you think our best rebounder is, but I think he was on the floor then, his name starts with a T.

03-21-2010, 10:34 PM
Spurs playing VERY well offensively? yes. Ok. take that for something.


The Spurs couldn't get a crucial defensive stop and secure a bigtime rebound to save their (playoff) lives.

TD 21
03-21-2010, 10:34 PM
When the NBA starts awarding partial credit in the standings for not being blown out, I will enjoy losses as much as you. Until then, they are just a sign of a mediocre team finding more ways to beat themselves.

They can't pull out a close game against a credible team, can't come up with the big play or the big shot, they're a fucking joke. This is why they're more than likely not going to win a round, even though they should be more than capable of doing so and often show flashes and glimpses of doing so. If you can't execute in close games, then you can't win in the playoffs, it's that simple.

I know this is a different team than the championship teams of yesteryear, but I'm still surprised at how terrible they are in the aforementioned situation, given what they have on their team and bench. It literally seems like all of the games that they should have lost last season that went their way, like it's all evening out this season. They just can't seem to break through.

03-21-2010, 10:35 PM
When the NBA starts awarding partial credit in the standings for not being blown out, I will enjoy losses as much as you. Until then, they are just a sign of a mediocre team finding more ways to beat themselves.

Get used to the Spurs not being title contenders; they will be a longshot next year by all odds. If you can't enjoy a good game, you will not be able to enjoy much spurs basketball the next 5 years.

03-21-2010, 10:36 PM
Get used to the Spurs not being title If you can't enjoy a good game, you will not be able to enjoy much spurs basketball the next 5 years.

If enjoying Spurs basketball = fawning over losses to good teams...I agree with your assessment.

03-21-2010, 10:37 PM
Worst loss of the season

We had that game and TOs and boards killed us and we have NO legs for tomorrow

^this. This loss means +2 in the loss column

03-21-2010, 10:37 PM
Well, not sure who you think our best rebounder is, but I think he was on the floor then, his name starts with a T.

McDyess had 10 rebounds in 16 minutes, Duncan had 13 in 41 minutes, Bonner had 6 in 32 minutes.

03-21-2010, 10:44 PM
i don't get it.

Spurs fans are crazy. Most feel only a championship makes a success because of your pedigree and our past success. I understand that.

We were under-performing all year, losing (usually not close) against top teams. Injured most of the year. Did not integrate rj well.

Then we lost one of the big 3 for the rest of the regular season. Chance of recovery for title: 0.

So, let me give you a clue. Enjoy not the wins, but just the spurs playing well. Sure, i was disapointed that the spurs lost, but the fact they played so well has me positive for the rest of the season, and they will play hard in the playoffs too.


03-21-2010, 10:48 PM
If enjoying Spurs basketball = fawning over losses to good teams...I agree with your assessment.

I think you enjoy the drama of losing actually. You will come on here, complain and decompress, not about a legitimate letdown from a championship hope year, but about one, stupid regular season loss when ONE OF THE BIG THREE IS OUT AND WE HAVE NO BUSINESS BEATING A TOP 5 TEAM TODAY ANYWAY.

BEING IN A GAME WITHOUT TP AGAINST A TOP 5 TEAM THAT IS AT HOME IS A VICTORY. Otherwise, there might not be any victories for you the rest of the season and stop watching.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you like to come in here to blame the coach and complain, and blame role players that got too many minutes, when the savior was a rookie player on the bench. sorry, let me get out of your way. complain away.

03-21-2010, 10:54 PM
I think you enjoy the drama of losing actually. You will come on here, complain and decompress, not about a legitimate letdown from a championship hope year, but about one, stupid regular season loss when ONE OF THE BIG THREE IS OUT AND WE HAVE NO BUSINESS BEATING A TOP 5 TEAM TODAY ANYWAY.

BEING IN A GAME WITHOUT TP AGAINST A TOP 5 TEAM THAT IS AT HOME IS A VICTORY. Otherwise, there might not be any victories for you the rest of the season and stop watching.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you like to come in here to blame the coach and complain, and blame role players that got too many minutes, when the savior was a rookie player on the bench. sorry, let me get out of your way. complain away.

I've complained plenty about the Spurs blowing a great year by Duncan with poor personnel decisions and an unwillingness to make a move before the deadline. I hate to break it to you but all the "stupid" regular season losses is what is causing the Spurs team as a whole to show why they are not contenders.

I know you like coming to the forum and throwing out "believe" schtick to try and make yourself feel better about Spurs losses but I'm afraid not everyone shares your love for moral victories. Enjoy your "participation" trophies, the Spurs have earned plenty this year.

03-21-2010, 11:00 PM
Spurs had injuries to TP and Manu for much of the year.

They made a big trade this summer.

They integrated and played a rookie and a sophmore in the regular rotation.

They have gotten much, much younger.

They added the best bigman on the market this summer.

You are fooling yourself if you think there was some magical deal that the Spurs could have made that would have landed the mythical athletic, scoring/defensive big, or a scoring/defending 3. It was not available for what we have.

Duncan had a great year, but sometimes injuries fuck stuff up. Hakeem's last contending year with Houston with Barkley and Pippen was fucked up when Barkley got injured. They would have contended that year too.

Other years we lost because of injuries. Manu has JUST gotten back from his injury fully.

Now TP is down.

What did you want? If they had everything PERFECT all year, this would still have failed b/c of the parker injury. It was not meant to be this year.

TD 21
03-21-2010, 11:06 PM
Spurs had injuries to TP and Manu for much of the year.

They made a big trade this summer.

They integrated and played a rookie and a sophmore in the regular rotation.

They have gotten much, much younger.

They added the best bigman on the market this summer.

You are fooling yourself if you think there was some magical deal that the Spurs could have made that would have landed the mythical athletic, scoring/defensive big, or a scoring/defending 3. It was not available for what we have.

Duncan had a great year, but sometimes injuries fuck stuff up. Hakeem's last contending year with Houston with Barkley and Pippen was fucked up when Barkley got injured. They would have contended that year too.

Other years we lost because of injuries. Manu has JUST gotten back from his injury fully.

Now TP is down.

What did you want? If they had everything PERFECT all year, this would still have failed b/c of the parker injury. It was not meant to be this year.

I don't want to hear that shit. The entire league is dealing with injuries, many of them significantly more than the Spurs (supposedly one of the deepest teams in the league) have and they continue to win and why? At least in the case of the good teams, because they know how to pull out tight games down the stretch, something this team used to be good at. Even with all you said, think about it, if they're even .500 in these types of games this year, they're a top four seed in the West.

I'm sick and tired of people making excuses for this team. They should have a better record than they do (I don't have the stats at the moment, but I assume they still have the biggest gap between actual and expected record in the league) and the only reason they don't, aside from generally awful coaching, is because they beat themselves. It's either turnovers, or missing a wide open shot off a perfectly executed play, or not securing a rebound, or inexplicably blowing a defensive rotation, it's always something.

03-21-2010, 11:08 PM
What did you want? If they had everything PERFECT all year, this would still have failed b/c of the parker injury. It was not meant to be this year.

Accepting failure because of injuries does not mean fans do not have the right to complain about losses that could have been wins if not for the individual performance of players and coaches.

Does the entire team and coach get a pass from criticism because 1 player is out?

Alot of teams are dealing with injuries and are overcoming them much more effectively than this team has...just look at the Cleveland game last week. Using Parker's injury as a crutch too write off obvious mistakes by the coach and bad performances by certain players is silly IMO.

Like I said though...enjoy your moral victories, who am I to take your pacifier away.

03-21-2010, 11:13 PM
enjoy your perpetual disappointment for the rest of the season (and the next 5+ years) and the opportunity to bitch about it.

03-21-2010, 11:17 PM
enjoy your perpetual disappointment for the rest of the season (and the next 5+ years) and the opportunity to bitch about it.

I don't enjoy losses, I would much rather be here gloating about this team being in a position to contend for a title. That said, if losing now equates to giving this team an opportunity to improve for next year, I'm all for it.

What I won't do though is sit here and throw out "silver lining" BS and expect everyone to follow suit or have their "real fan" card revoked. Have fun rallying the troops and leading them over the cliff...

03-21-2010, 11:23 PM
I don't enjoy losses, I would much rather be here gloating about this team being in a position to contend for a title. That said, if losing now equates to giving this team an opportunity to improve for next year, I'm all for it.

What I won't do though is sit here and throw out "silver lining" BS and expect everyone to follow suit or have their "real fan" card revoked. Have fun rallying the troops and leading them over the cliff...

Losing NOW doesn't do shit. We would get a mediocre talent at best. TANKING A MONTH AGO WOULD ALSO BE POINTLESS.

But go ahead and doom and gloom it up. ohh, we should have tanked. Why oh why didn't we tank. Last time we tanked we got Tim. Damn. Should have tanked. Let's tank now! Thats a GREAT idea.


03-21-2010, 11:26 PM
damn tough loss

03-21-2010, 11:26 PM
Losing NOW doesn't do shit. We would get a mediocre talent at best. TANKING A MONTH AGO WOULD ALSO BE POINTLESS.

But go ahead and doom and gloom it up. ohh, we should have tanked. Why oh why didn't we tank. Last time we tanked we got Tim. Damn. Should have tanked. Let's tank now! Thats a GREAT idea.




Capt Bringdown
03-21-2010, 11:27 PM
Best chance at this point to get back to championship contention is for us to miss the playoffs and see what we can get out of being in the lottery. We haven't improved, we can't beat good teams, we can't put together an effective lineup-this team is toast.

Oh, Gee!!
03-21-2010, 11:29 PM
stfu--I thought the spurs won. I turned on MSNBC to watch the votes on health reform with the Spurs up by 4 and less than a minute (I think) remaining. I counted this one as a win. WTF?

03-21-2010, 11:29 PM


OTOH, that rolly smiley made me realize it was I that was wrong. My bad.

03-21-2010, 11:31 PM
Best chance at this point to get back to championship contention is for us to miss the playoffs and see what we can get out of being in the lottery. We haven't improved, we can't beat good teams, we can't put together an effective lineup-this team is toast.

not listening. lottery at number 19 is shit. being just out of the playoffs is non-regular rotation talent.

tanking now or a month ago would not make a dent in the young talent this team has. get over that.

We will need to be really bad all year to get real talent. you have to earn your lottery.

03-21-2010, 11:35 PM
Best chance at this point to get back to championship contention is for us to miss the playoffs and see what we can get out of being in the lottery. We haven't improved, we can't beat good teams, we can't put together an effective lineup-this team is toast.

Brainless post.

Capt Bringdown
03-21-2010, 11:39 PM
We will need to be really bad all year to get real talent. you have to earn your lottery.

We can take whatever talent is available, bundle it up in a package and see what we can get. That's one option among others.

You seem to be complacent merely to be first-round cannon fodder, why not set your sites a little higher and start looking to the future?

There's no evidence that this team has even the slightest chance to contend, you have to earn that distinction.

It'd be nice to think that we could draw parallels between this year and previous year's squads, but it ain't happening. We're finished, therefore let the rebuilding begin.

03-22-2010, 12:36 AM
Good game? yes, Good loss? absolutely not, the worst possible scenario.

You stop, and think about it, you look at the game, at the boxscore, at the last quarter and the overtime, and you'll see Manu and Tim playing his asses off to make a score, running on defense, only to let Bonner box out no one, Bogans foul on every posession.

You think what Duncan and Ginobili can rescue from this game, about their talents? sure, they must be proud of that and their efforts, leading both by example and on the court. But lord, they must be feeling a lot of pressure by now, knowing that against top teams they are alone. Realising that what seemed a good group of players around them are actually a bunch that cannot help them win even when they both play at their best.

Did they make mistakes? Sure, but there was no one there helping them. Can i blame Manu for that late turnover? sure can. But he controlled the tempo of the Spurs pretty much all game long. Hill was scared, it was really obvious, he, Mason, Bogans and Jefferson had a VIP pass for a TD-Manu show for the 4th and overtime. Shame on the players when Bonner is the 3rd best player on today's Spurs team.

You see Manu quote, "this one was on me" sad as it sounds, he is taking responsability for the loss on his last turnover in regulation. Yet he shouldn't. Those guys (our leaders) are so classy that they take the blame for others sucking for little mistakes. Duncan saying Horford dominated him.. Well he had help when he looked around and that encourages you... Timmy? not so much to look forward...

What good can i take out from this game? Our leaders, they won't let us fall without a good fight. Be it on the PO or out of it, no team will swap us, not even the lakers.
What can i hope to be good about this game? That tomorrow when the other guys review the tape, realise the kind of people they have leading the team and go all out, play their best game of the season, and show them they have their backs. Be it a W or a L. But i am sure for now Tim and Manu need some signs that they are not alone. Or the load their shoulders will be unbareable.

I hope some of the other Spurs take notice and show up tomorrow.

03-22-2010, 01:16 AM
I'll take the moral victory because that's this team's ceiling this season. Enough excuses on how we aren't playing as good as we can be, this is as good as we can be. You're silly if you're going down in flames to the lakeshow in round 1 still muttering that.

I'll be honest. I enjoyed the game and mailed it in as a loss after we blew the early lead. They have done it all year. Why is this day any different? This team was up by 4? That means nothing. We have blown leads in nearly every game this season. The exact same song and dance. No defense, everyone is inconsistent, and our biggest players are gassed by the end of the game.

I guess I find it difficult to be disappointed after feeling that way the prior five straight months. We were supposed to lose this game and we are supposed to lose all the upcoming games. The season is lost with no TP and no consistency. I'm ready for 2010-2011, these games are just an extended preseason. Not even close to the worst loss of the season.

03-22-2010, 01:47 AM
Spurs get better treatment over on the Lakers forum.

03-22-2010, 01:51 AM
Moral victories are reserved to Mavs fans. Pass.

03-22-2010, 02:47 AM
At this point, the victories count more than moral victories. The Spurs fucked around too much early in the season. The highest seed they'll get at this point is the 7 seed which means Dallas or Denver in the first round. We're losing to both of them.

The fact that this team gave 2 home games to Utah, a home game to Chicago, a home game to Houston, a loss to the Pistons on the road, and a home game to Portland, this moral loss doesnt mean shit. We gave away 6 games we should have won and could be standing right now at the 2 seed. But whatever the OP is right, we know we're not winning shit this year so one more loss just makes the season end faster.

03-22-2010, 02:49 AM
It's pretty much dictated by how terrible the team is the Spurs are facing. He shows up for the Minnesota's and Golden State's of the NBA...the playoff teams...not so much.

i like Hill and right now he gets a pass because he's still new to the NBA but if in the future he plays like this I want him off the team. We dont need more Bonners. We need people that show up all the time.

03-22-2010, 06:54 AM
No, this was a bad loss, we had this game pretty much the whole way.


Are you fucking blind! We trailed for most of the second half . . .

03-22-2010, 10:30 AM
Moral victories are reserved to Mavs fans. Pass.

Post of the day ...LOL

nothing against te Mavs but THAT is funny!

03-22-2010, 10:34 AM
Yes I should, any fan of any team (be it Lakers or even the Nets) should expect a win when you're up 4 with under a minute to go.

i have to agree. Yes teams do lose sometimes when up 4 with a minute to go ...but most title contenders do not. You get the ball to your play-makers, hit your Ft's take high percentage shots and you have to "choke" to lose in that situation ...

But i thought Spurs looked good last night. Defense was "sometimesy" ...but the offense looked good. You guys got pundedn on the boards ...i would of played dice more ...

03-22-2010, 10:39 AM
moral victories? :td

if you ain't first, you're last!

03-22-2010, 10:59 AM
Our team is turning it around, and many "fans" are continually ready to jump off a cliff. Most of you (including those with "elite" post counts) wrote this team off months ago.

There is another contingent who amounts to Parker fans (Spurs fans? notsomuch), and looks to the team to fail while he's out, so their main man's shortcomings aren't put on display like Pop's oldest boxers. Truth is, Parker's shortcomings are already being shown...

This team is coming together, playing good ball at the ideal time. If Parker contributes when he gets back, good for us. If Parker contributes and everyone else's production tanks, Parker is a problem to be dealt with.

However, if either of the top two paragraphs applies to you, no need to post on this forum. I'm sure there is a Laker thread somewhere, or a french national team board with your name on it. Do the real spurs fans a favor and post your drivel there. Let us cheer on the Spurs TEAM...

03-22-2010, 11:31 AM
This loss can potientially move the spurs up in the draft so it can work out for the better in the long run. There will be lots of teams bunched up vying for draft picks and a loss or two can make a big difference in the draft and what player the team ends up with.

After Duncan is gone and the spurs are rebuilding is the time to be excited with moral victories and close losses against good teams but not now.

03-22-2010, 11:36 AM
Our team is turning it around, and many "fans" are continually ready to jump off a cliff. Most of you (including those with "elite" post counts) wrote this team off months ago.

There is another contingent who amounts to Parker fans (Spurs fans? notsomuch), and looks to the team to fail while he's out, so their main man's shortcomings aren't put on display like Pop's oldest boxers. Truth is, Parker's shortcomings are already being shown...

This team is coming together, playing good ball at the ideal time. If Parker contributes when he gets back, good for us. If Parker contributes and everyone else's production tanks, Parker is a problem to be dealt with.

However, if either of the top two paragraphs applies to you, no need to post on this forum. I'm sure there is a Laker thread somewhere, or a french national team board with your name on it. Do the real spurs fans a favor and post your drivel there. Let us cheer on the Spurs TEAM...

The team is playing inconsistent and very average ball not good ball. They are beating bad teams and losing to good teams, that in not playing good ball.

The season was over for a title when the spurs did not pull off any deal to improve the team at the trade deadline. There was a chance the spurs could get back in the title hunt with a move but it didn't happen.

03-22-2010, 12:09 PM
Our team is turning it around, and many "fans" are continually ready to jump off a cliff. Most of you (including those with "elite" post counts) wrote this team off months ago.

There is another contingent who amounts to Parker fans (Spurs fans? notsomuch), and looks to the team to fail while he's out, so their main man's shortcomings aren't put on display like Pop's oldest boxers. Truth is, Parker's shortcomings are already being shown...

This team is coming together, playing good ball at the ideal time. If Parker contributes when he gets back, good for us. If Parker contributes and everyone else's production tanks, Parker is a problem to be dealt with.

However, if either of the top two paragraphs applies to you, no need to post on this forum. I'm sure there is a Laker thread somewhere, or a french national team board with your name on it. Do the real spurs fans a favor and post your drivel there. Let us cheer on the Spurs TEAM...

I really don't think so...
Most of the Parker's fans are also Timmy and Manu fans, and have followed the spurs for so long that they can't be happy with a loss, with or without Tony!!!
As one of them said once, Parkers fans never start a thread against Timmy or Manu, you only noticed them when they DEFEND him when there are some unfair criticts on the board.
We all want the best possible ranking, but the fact is that Tony's absence has (aside of allowing his body to rest) allowed some of the STalkers to open their eyes about what we miss when he is not there and the spectial skills he brings to the team...

If you wanna know, my only worry is that Timmy and Manu will be EXAUSTED coming the PO if they keep playing the way/minutes they do...

I hope Timmy doesn't play against OKC...

03-22-2010, 12:13 PM
no spurs have always been this good all season except our wins have been coming up against medium / mediocre teams.. we just haven't shown up against good teams.. that's not good for a potential 7th/8th seed in the western conference..

this loss just only proved my point alot more..