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View Full Version : mmm mmm mmm humble pie

05-03-2005, 05:58 AM
Every once in awhile I have to admit I am wrong. I said the Spurs were going to have trouble with this series. I said Pop couldn't make a good coaching move to save his life. And while I still think Pop is still very lacking as a coach, he is great with personel. His move of starting Barry and bringing Manu off the bench is just plain great. It has given the Spurs that shot of adrenaline they have needed so much. Tim looks like he was A: playing possum, B: got a hold of some Gold (Barry) Bonds cream for his ankle, or C: got pissed off over his performance in game 1. He looked like he had cement in his shoes in game 1. Now with some much energy coming off the bench for the Spurs, he looks like he's almost 100%.

It was also a good mid-game switch he made to bring big dog in to guard Mello. I don't think it was a decision of necessity. I think he felt Big Dog is a good enough defender to keep Mello in check long enough for Bowen to sit on his fouls.

So props to Pop. He made some good moves that should see us to the second round....and Krying Martin out once again.

Props to SOME of the Nuggets for showing some class this game. I saw Camby telling Nazr sorry for catching him in the head on a foul. I also saw some other guy (sorry beer goggles fuzzy) doing the same to Parker later on. I also noticed Camby helping Manu up after a collision. Good to see there is still a little sportsmanship left in Denver. It's just too bad that losers like Kry Mart and Crymello Anthony bring that teams class down.

05-03-2005, 06:10 AM
can i taste some of that humble pie what is it made of :fro :smokin :elephant :pctoss