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03-24-2010, 10:07 PM
Do you people here have to get gas if you fill up each time? I actually tried this week to make it a whole week and couldn't do it even with limited driving. Anyone here who does normal driving, to and from work and everyday errands, and can still make it a whole week before filling up again?

03-24-2010, 10:11 PM
Normal work to and from it's two weeks. Now, with home visits (from one side of the city to another and back at least twice a week), court, school meetings, going to therapy, etc. (all reimbursable) 2-3 times a week. And that's with the '04 Jetta. PS come to game chat.

03-24-2010, 10:27 PM
Normal work to and from it's two weeks. Now, with home visits (from one side of the city to another and back at least twice a week), court, school meetings, going to therapy, etc. (all reimbursable) 2-3 times a week. And that's with the '04 Jetta. PS come to game chat.

I cant I am at work from my phone. Lol This 6 cylinder goes thru some gas. But even with my 4 it still seemed like I was finding myself filling up on the 5th day right before I could make it a full week.

03-24-2010, 10:35 PM
1 a week or every 8-9 days

03-24-2010, 11:16 PM
Every two to three weeks for me, depending on how much I go out. When I first moved up here and didn't know anyone or have much of a social life, though, I could easily go two months without getting gas.

03-24-2010, 11:20 PM
This thread is not what I thought it was going to be.

03-24-2010, 11:23 PM
I have an FJ-62 Cruiser that averages about 11 mpg, but because it only gets about 11 mpg I try to bike as much as possible. I probably only fill up about once every couple months or so.

When I was a kid who was driving to school and houses all over the valley, it was probably more like once a week though. Of course, gas was like a buck a gallon back then.

03-24-2010, 11:25 PM
This thread is not what I thought it was going to be.

That was my exact reaction when I read the first post.

03-24-2010, 11:26 PM
I never fill up the whole tank, usually just halfway.
My truck needs like $20 get 1/2 full, and I pump every 2 or 3 days. My car only needs $10 to get 1/2 full.

03-25-2010, 12:02 AM
That was my exact reaction when I read the first post.

Well if Kim K were anyway involved it would be somewhere around 60+ a week for me.

03-25-2010, 12:04 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about masturbating.

03-25-2010, 12:12 AM
drive about 300 miles a week...work,pick up kid from school and regular errands.

35$ once a week.

03-25-2010, 12:13 AM
That was my exact reaction when I read the first post.

Oh, so that explains this:

Every two to three weeks for me, depending on how much I go out. When I first moved up here and didn't know anyone or have much of a social life, though, I could easily go two months


EDIT: without getting gas

03-25-2010, 01:16 AM
Oh, so that explains this:

Whoa. Eerily accurate.

03-25-2010, 07:45 AM
I think I remember Funt saying she walked to alot of her classes. But for you people here who can drive you car daily to school, work, errands, entertainment, etc, and only have to fill up once every week and a half or so are in good shape.

03-25-2010, 09:15 AM
Usually once every 2 weeks ... but now that it's softball season (practice, games) it's about once a week. :fro

03-25-2010, 09:16 AM
What do you guys drive hybrids or something? lol

03-25-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm a little busy looking at florige's sig. What was the question?

03-25-2010, 09:57 AM
400 miles a week, but only get 300 a fillup at 40 bux per.

so 1.3 fillups per week.

03-25-2010, 09:59 AM
Just going to and from work, I fill up about once a week. My car only gets 22 MPG, but I live about 10 minutes from my job, so it's that commute plus lunches.

However, I live in North Austin, so going downtown or hanging out with any of the southtowners can easily turn that into a twice-a-week chore.

panic giraffe
03-25-2010, 10:06 AM
worst thread title in a few weeks.

but once every ten days on a fill up.

however that fill up was at least 60 bucks.

03-25-2010, 10:09 AM
Just going to and from work, I fill up about once a week. My car only gets 22 MPG, but I live about 10 minutes from my job, so it's that commute plus lunches.

However, I live in North Austin, so going downtown or hanging out with any of the southtowners can easily turn that into a twice-a-week chore.

Yeah me and you are pretty much in the same boat.

03-25-2010, 10:18 AM
I drive a Nissan X Terra.

But the mall job has always been no more than ten minutes away from where I was living so a tank a gas would normally last me a week and a half to two weeks- depending on how much socializing I did.

Even though I go to church/ church activities three times a week, it still takes almost no gas at all because I live close to my church.

When the Spurs are in season, I commute farther and so have to fill up the gas tank more frequently.

03-25-2010, 10:20 AM
I drive a Nissan X Terra.

But the mall job has always been no more than ten minutes away from where I was living so a tank a gas would normally last me a week and a half to two weeks- depending on how much socializing I did.

Even though I go to church/ church activities three times a week, it still takes almost no gas at all because I live close to my church.

When the Spurs are in season, I commute farther and so have to fill up the gas tank more frequently.

An X-Terra? What did you own the stand you worked at? lol

03-25-2010, 10:27 AM
An X-Terra? What did you own the stand you worked at? lol


My car is one we got used. It is a 2002. If memory serves we bought in 2007. And God blessed us with a great deal on it- $8,000 ( I believe it was... we paid cash so I only thought about the price when we bought it) all fees included.

03-25-2010, 10:30 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about masturbating.

3 times

03-25-2010, 10:35 AM
3 times

I said week not hour.

03-25-2010, 10:39 AM
I said week not hour.

Well thats 3 times during 24 when Ex Agent Walker is on the screen.

03-25-2010, 10:43 AM
Well thats 3 times during 24 when Ex Agent Walker is on the screen.


03-25-2010, 10:59 AM
I get gas like every day, all day long.

I think I need to stop eating Mexican food.

03-25-2010, 02:40 PM
If we're not doing a weekend trip to SA (from Austin) to see the family or go to games, I can/usually go 3-4 weeks between fill ups, but I also cheat by having a hybrid...

03-25-2010, 02:43 PM
If we're not doing a weekend trip to SA (from Austin) to see the family or go to games, I can/usually go 3-4 weeks between fill ups, but I also cheat by having a hybrid...

Yeah you guys DEF don't count! lol

03-25-2010, 03:54 PM
1x week

03-25-2010, 03:58 PM
I think flo's 24 inch rims take away from his gas efficiency.

Dr. Gonzo
03-25-2010, 04:00 PM
I think flo's 24 inch rims take away from his gas efficiency.

It's the combination of the rims and the multiple large subwoofers.

03-25-2010, 11:28 PM
So, what are you all going to do as the price of oil skyrockets over the next decade? I'd recommend starting to reduce your dependence on petrol now so that the shock doesn't hit you so hard. How do you do that? A combination of:
*planning trips better so you take fewer or shorter trips,
*car pooling to work, and outside of work whenever possible,
*using public transport for some of your trips where possible,
*getting a bike or walking for short trips (cars are least efficient when cold and used for short trips),
*driving 'smoothly' (that is, using the accelerator and brakes less by anticipating what is happening 500m+ in front of you - good for your vehicle, and a funner and more comfortable way to drive than stomping on the peddles like so many people do),
*making sure your car is properly tuned and the tires are properly inflated (to 32-35psi),
*if possible, live closer to where you work and play,
*replace your commuting vehicle with a more efficient model...

Any more ideas?

I fill my LPG tank (~75L) once a month, if that. In 2003 I used a tank (~60L) of petrol a week (or about 240L/month). I point this out just to prove that it can be done. I've effectively reduced my dependence on oil for transport by nearly 70%, and my greenhouse footprint for transport by nearly 80% (my LPG car produces about 25% lower emissions per km than my old car). If the whole world did this we could lengthen the time oil reserves will last by about 60 years (we are currently set to use it all in 35-40 years), and probably prevent the collapse of the global economy by providing time for the switchover to new transport models.

Good luck.

03-26-2010, 12:25 AM
Learn to read, dipshit:

I point this out just to prove that it can be done.

I'm not being smug at all. I have no interest in being smug, I'm trying to help people and to get others to contribute ideas.

Why do you have to be such a tool about every fucking thing I post?

03-26-2010, 10:33 AM
I get 14 city 18 highway and fill up once a week. I'm driving ~80%highway/20%city. I usually put in 18 gallons into a supposedly 26 gallon tank.

Truck is paid off 100% so it's all gravy baby.

03-26-2010, 10:41 AM
Once a week, Chrysler 300. 15 miles to work each way. I fill up whenever I hit 1/4 tank left, so I could go longer, I suppose.

SFIE and I commute together and only have the one vehicle. Living closer to work isn't possible short of changing careers and getting new jobs. A more fuel-friendly car isn't a bad idea (though I love our car) but we still hold out hope that we might produce a living child (I know. Hold the laughter.) which was the biggest factor in our decision to buy a full-size sedan - we believed back then we were going to have kids soon.

03-26-2010, 10:48 AM
Once a week, Chrysler 300. 15 miles to work each way. I fill up whenever I hit 1/4 tank left, so I could go longer, I suppose.

SFIE and I commute together and only have the one vehicle. Living closer to work isn't possible short of changing careers and getting new jobs. A more fuel-friendly car isn't a bad idea (though I love our car) but we still hold out hope that we might produce a living child (I know. Hold the laughter.) which was the biggest factor in our decision to buy a full-size sedan - we believed back then we were going to have kids soon.

You will be on here in no time talking about having to buy a van because of all the kids. I actually test drove one of them. Was pretty impressed. But I had my mind made up on a Fusion. lol

03-26-2010, 10:48 AM
I get 14 city 18 highway and fill up once a week. I'm driving ~80%highway/20%city. I usually put in 18 gallons into a supposedly 26 gallon tank.

Truck is paid off 100% so it's all gravy baby.

I had a car paid off once.:rolleyes

03-26-2010, 12:09 PM
Not what I thought this thread was going to be about.

03-26-2010, 12:21 PM
You will be on here in no time talking about having to buy a van because of all the kids. I actually test drove one of them. Was pretty impressed. But I had my mind made up on a Fusion. lol

Heh, I doubt that a lot. Though I've always wanted a van - The 300 can fit 3 carseats.

03-26-2010, 12:33 PM
How many people here don't fill up their tank when they stop for gas?

When I was younger, I used to fiddle with that 10 dollar, 20 dollar nonsense. Then I got tired of having to stop for gas every two days.

I think about gas very much the same way I think about beer when I'm at the store...if it's gonna get used eventually, might as well buy it now.

03-26-2010, 12:55 PM
How many people here don't fill up their tank when they stop for gas?

When I was younger, I used to fiddle with that 10 dollar, 20 dollar nonsense. Then I got tired of having to stop for gas every two days.

I think about gas very much the same way I think about beer when I'm at the store...if it's gonna get used eventually, might as well buy it now.

:lol Same here! I used to do that dumb crap all the time when I was younger. Now I just wait until I am on E and fill up from there. Newer cars are cool because they tell you how many miles you can go before you run out completely. The only time I will put maybe 5 or 10 bucks in the tank will be if I am almost out, and the gas station I am near is a no name gas station.

Duff McCartney
03-26-2010, 01:09 PM
Once every two weeks maybe 1.5 weeks. Haven't really calculated how much by Honda Civic gets. Maybe 33-34 MPG.

03-26-2010, 01:43 PM
seems like i used to fill up every 2 weeks or so..now here lately it's been more like every week, sometimes not even lasting a week. i consciously try to push it to a week and a half but can't usually make it that far anymore.

i think a lot of it is because i'm so damn active and busy now every day of the week, and each one of those activities involves me coming back home before driving back out to the next place.

commute 25 min to school, come home for lunch and change into work clothes

drive to work, then come home for dinner

head back out to the gym, then drive back home

other than that it's just driving to go hoop, parties, bank, or whatever random place i need to go.