View Full Version : Same old story, one guy showed up.

03-24-2010, 11:38 PM
Pau is eating Tim for lunch right now. We have to double team him and still can't shut him down. Meanwhile Gasol plays Duncan straight up and Tim can't do anything.

Hill scores 20 in the first half, then the Lakers get serious about playing D on him and he disappears.

Bonner shoots like 90% against the New Jerseys of the world, but against a good team he keeps getting the yips. If that's not enough, Odom dominates him at both ends and keeps getting offensive rebounds. Bonner can't box out anybody. Gasol and Odom cherry pick second chances all day.

Jefferson makes one bonehead play after another, whether it's taking long twos, not having any clue how to run a 3-on-2 fast break or being completely lost on defense. He left Kobe completely alone, by 20 ft, in a half court set. How do you not keep track of KOBE FUCKING BRYANT?

And of course, there's Mason. The biggest proof of all that Pop is a stubborn dope who will NEVER EVER EVER CHANGE. What basketball skills does Mason have that are superior to Hairston's besides supposedly his 3 pt shooting?

Hairston rebounds better, on both ends.
Hairston defends WAY better.
Hairston goes to the rim and finishes better.
Hairston even handles the ball better.

Why does Hairston sit and Mason play?

Because Hairston has that D-League stench on him. Once a guy goes to the D-League, he's dead in Pop's eyes and Gregg will never take him seriously as a player. We could have the worst record in the league and neither Hairston nor Mahinmi would ever get a serious look with this team.

People ask all the time, what's wrong with Tim, why does he look so passive out there, why does he look like he doesn't care?

I think it's because Tim has just given up on Pop. He knows the FO has surrounded him with shitty ass role players (Dice, RJ, Mason, Bogans, Fin before he left) and wasted his last good year. The team has drafted well these past two years, but they've made some disastrous moves otherwise.

The sad thing is, as bad as we are, we shouldn't be THIS bad. If Hairston and Mahinmi played all year in the rotation and were allowed to gain experience and confidence, their athleticism would've majorly improved this defense and gotten us a few extra wins.

Imagine a 2nd unit with Manu playing with Mahinmi, Blair, Hairston and Hill. Four athletes to get out, run, gobble up every board and hustle their tails off and a guy to orchestrate the show. You're telling me that'd be worse than Mason and Bogans and Bonner?

Yeah Pop's a genius.

03-24-2010, 11:42 PM

03-24-2010, 11:54 PM
Pau is eating Tim for lunch right now. We have to double team him and still can't shut him down. Meanwhile Gasol plays Duncan straight up and Tim can't do anything.

Hill scores 20 in the first half, then the Lakers get serious about playing D on him and he disappears.

Bonner shoots like 90% against the New Jerseys of the world, but against a good team he keeps getting the yips. If that's not enough, Odom dominates him at both ends and keeps getting offensive rebounds. Bonner can't box out anybody. Gasol and Odom cherry pick second chances all day.

Jefferson makes one bonehead play after another, whether it's taking long twos, not having any clue how to run a 3-on-2 fast break or being completely lost on defense. He left Kobe completely alone, by 20 ft, in a half court set. How do you not keep track of KOBE FUCKING BRYANT?

And of course, there's Mason. The biggest proof of all that Pop is a stubborn dope who will NEVER EVER EVER CHANGE. What basketball skills does Mason have that are superior to Hairston's besides supposedly his 3 pt shooting?

Hairston rebounds better, on both ends.
Hairston defends WAY better.
Hairston goes to the rim and finishes better.
Hairston even handles the ball better.

Why does Hairston sit and Mason play?

Because Hairston has that D-League stench on him. Once a guy goes to the D-League, he's dead in Pop's eyes and Gregg will never take him seriously as a player. We could have the worst record in the league and neither Hairston nor Mahinmi would ever get a serious look with this team.

People ask all the time, what's wrong with Tim, why does he look so passive out there, why does he look like he doesn't care?

I think it's because Tim has just given up on Pop. He knows the FO has surrounded him with shitty ass role players (Dice, RJ, Mason, Bogans, Fin before he left) and wasted his last good year. The team has drafted well these past two years, but they've made some disastrous moves otherwise.

The sad thing is, as bad as we are, we shouldn't be THIS bad. If Hairston and Mahinmi played all year in the rotation and were allowed to gain experience and confidence, their athleticism would've majorly improved this defense and gotten us a few extra wins.

Imagine a 2nd unit with Manu playing with Mahinmi, Blair, Hairston and Hill. Four athletes to get out, run, gobble up every board and hustle their tails off and a guy to orchestrate the show. You're telling me that'd be worse than Mason and Bogans and Bonner?

Yeah Pop's a genius.

Cosigned. I couldn't have said it any better.

It's frustrating because this isn't Pop being stupid, as much as it's him being stubborn. There's absolutely no excuse to justify keeping the hustle/energy guys glued to the bench. Meanwhile, we're stuck watching Bonner, Mason, Dice, RJ and Bogans stink up the joint.

Manu is overtaxed and tired. Tim is declining and Tony is hurt. Outside of that, there's not much else. Pop really should roll the dice, change the pace and try something different. However, that's not his way.

We can all see what this team is and more importantly, we see what this team is not. This team is not a playoff-ready basketball team. All of which is why I'd rather not see the Spurs earn a 7th or 8th seed and an automatic death match with the Fakers or Nuggets. However, we all know how it's going to play out.

03-25-2010, 12:15 AM
I agree with all your points in the 2nd half of your post, but the Spurs sent only 1 or 2 double teams on Gasol and it was to pressure the ball, which resulted in a turnover..Gasol was 4-11 with 5 turnovers, mostly caused by Duncan, so I don't understand that point..

03-25-2010, 12:22 AM
I thought McDyes was our answer for Lamar Kardashian...Apparently is was wrong there...And I thought Jefferson was the answer for Artest...I was wrong..again. Damn, we are screwed..

03-25-2010, 12:28 AM
I thought McDyes was our answer for Lamar Kardashian...Apparently is was wrong there...And I thought Jefferson was the answer for Artest...I was wrong..again. Damn, we are screwed..

Why did people think Dice was the answer? He couldnt catch up with Odom. I thought RJ matched up evenly with Artest but i guess he doesnt.

03-25-2010, 12:32 AM
Can anyone agree with me that Richard Jefferson is a tota waste of 14 million dollars? :downspin:

TD 21
03-25-2010, 01:20 AM
Pau is eating Tim for lunch right now. We have to double team him and still can't shut him down. Meanwhile Gasol plays Duncan straight up and Tim can't do anything.

I don't think it was a matter of Duncan "not showing up", it's clearly his knees. This dumb organization took him for granted, particularly in the first half of the season when they often had him closing with foul smalls and literally counted on to do everything: sprint out to set myriad high screens, guard the pick and roll and recover to the rim in time, guard the basket alone, rebound alone, carry the offense for long stretches and sometimes full games, serve as the help defender to all of the undersized Spurs getting abused in the post, guard the opposition's best post player, etc. and it inevitably took it's toll. He's 33, has bad knees and a ton of mileage and this was what they called "getting him more help"?

It's frustrating because if they didn't wear him out, I know he could still take Gasol easily. You saw in the first game, even though Gasol didn't play, Bynum played about as well as Gasol usually does and yet still Duncan was far and away the best player in that game.

03-25-2010, 01:35 AM
I don't think it was a matter of Duncan "not showing up", it's clearly his knees. This dumb organization took him for granted, particularly in the first half of the season when they often had him closing with foul smalls and literally counted on to do everything: sprint out to set myriad high screens, guard the pick and roll and recover to the rim in time, guard the basket alone, rebound alone, carry the offense for long stretches and sometimes full games, serve as the help defender to all of the undersized Spurs getting abused in the post, guard the opposition's best post player, etc. and it inevitably took it's toll. He's 33, has bad knees and a ton of mileage and this was what they called "getting him more help"?

It's frustrating because if they didn't wear him out, I know he could still take Gasol easily. You saw in the first game, even though Gasol didn't play, Bynum played about as well as Gasol usually does and yet still Duncan was far and away the best player in that game.

This. And the same thing will happen to Manu unless somebody helps him out.

03-25-2010, 01:40 AM
This. And the same thing will happen to Manu unless somebody helps him out.

Maybe Pop is hoping it happens... Might be the only way to resing him.

03-25-2010, 01:40 AM

silverblk mystix
03-25-2010, 09:41 AM
The statement regarding Tim being pissed at what Pop has surrounded him with....

I don't buy it...

Tim either has NEVER questioned Pop---out of respect,loyalty---or laziness/indifference...who the fuck knows?????


Tim has actually SIGNED OFF on all these bullshit moves and should also be called out...

I don't know the answer...(I GUESS NONE OF US DO)


the hope, I guess, is that somehow...Pop ENDS UP being right and these players end up becoming a good to great defensive team----JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME....

It is quite a stretch---but I guess the alternative is gonna have to be ----

that we are royally fucked and Pop is a dumbfuck!

03-25-2010, 09:46 AM
Senor hit it on the head, Pop is too damn stubborn to change his ways.