View Full Version : Are the Spurs really a smart team?

03-25-2010, 12:23 AM
First of all, sorry to make another thread about the game.

I in no way claim to know more about basketball than the coaches or players of the NBA, that being said, how do the Spurs not attack the basket when the Lakers are into penalty early in the 4th.

I am not very experienced in playing organized basketball, but I am pretty sure when you have a team against the ropes and missing 1 of their rotation bigs while being in penalty, you attack the rim. At least that is the smart thing to do. 4 minutes or so of jump shots is a squandered opportunity. Why Manu was on the bench during that stretch is pretty ridiculous.

Either the Spurs are not as smart as they think they are, or they flat out threw this game away.


03-25-2010, 12:25 AM
Mason RJ Dice Bogans all have low BB IQ.

In the past we've had smart players like Bowen Horry and Fab.

03-25-2010, 12:30 AM
Mason RJ Dice Bogans all have low BB IQ.

In the past we've had smart players like Bowen Horry and Fab.

Jefferson wasn't in that game during the stretch, it was Mason. I think RJ would have understood the situation and try to go top shelf a couple times to look good. I will also say that I think Mason should be out of the rotation for good.

I understand that Pop is probably trying to do Mason a favor by giving him time to improve his value, however, he is only hurting his value right now. He should have been out of the rotation after he had his decent game in Atlanta to save face.

Do Mason a favor and bench him Pop. He is only hurting his chances of landing a decent contract next year.

03-25-2010, 12:32 AM
Jefferson wasn't in that game during the stretch, it was Mason. I think RJ would have understood the situation and try to go top shelf a couple times to look good. I will also say that I think Mason should be out of the rotation for good.

I understand that Pop is probably trying to do Mason a favor by giving him time to improve his value, however, he is only hurting his value right now. He should have been out of the rotation after he had his decent game in Atlanta to save face.

Do Mason a favor and bench him Pop. He is only hurting his chances of landing a decent contract next year.

I agree. I said in another thread Mason is either back next year or he will not be signed by any team next season. He has been very unimpressive lately. I dont even think the Nets want him.

03-25-2010, 12:37 AM
First of all, sorry to make another thread about the game.

I in no way claim to know more about basketball than the coaches or players of the NBA, that being said, how do the Spurs not attack the basket when the Lakers are into penalty early in the 4th.

I am not very experienced in playing organized basketball, but I am pretty sure when you have a team against the ropes and missing 1 of their rotation bigs while being in penalty, you attack the rim. At least that is the smart thing to do. 4 minutes or so of jump shots is a squandered opportunity. Why Manu was on the bench during that stretch is pretty ridiculous.

Either the Spurs are not as smart as they think they are, or they flat out threw this game away.


A.) It's hard for Manu & Hairston to attack when there sitting on the bench.
B.) Nobody covers Bogans on offense so the other team can easily clog the lanes. He also sucks on Defense but don't tell that to Pop.
C.) Jefferson, Mason, McDyess all Like to play like crap in crunch time. They all tend to settle for jumpers down the stretch.
D.) Are Defensive Big stopper is Bonner? :( who also tends to fold in big games!
E.) Were extremely undersized, that's why Gasol & Odom just love to shoot over us. We do have a tall athletic Frenchman on the bench, but for whatever reason pop-hole doesn't give him a chance.
F.) Did I mention Bogans plays too much. 17 minutes, 0 points, 1 rebound! What the hell! It would of been easier playing 5 on 4, at least he would of been out of the way!

03-25-2010, 12:39 AM
no were a dumb team..

03-25-2010, 12:41 AM
The smart ones are gone, and all we're stuck with is a bunch of dumbasses like Bogans, Jefferson, Mason, and Bonner! They just stand there like Genital Warts, and can't play defense of shoot! Bowen is so missed! :nope

03-25-2010, 12:42 AM
They must be because they decided to shoot nothing but jumpers to begin the final two quarters, even when they stopped falling, and not to mention Pop insists on killing the momentum once a game with unnecessary timeouts.

03-25-2010, 12:43 AM
IQ won't help that much if we have no legs. Don't expect bogans and mason to attack the rim, they are spot up shooters (should i say fucked up shooters).

03-25-2010, 12:44 AM
The smart ones are gone, and all we're stuck with is a bunch of dumbasses like Bogans, Jefferson, Mason, and Bonner! They just stand there like Genital Warts, and can't play defense of shoot! Bowen is so missed! :nope

Wouldn't that warrant Pop telling them what to do? It seemed like even he wasn't doing anything to change the tempo. That is why I think they threw this game.

03-25-2010, 01:28 AM
In order to have a smart team, you must have a majority of smart players. Same thing with being a good defensive team. To have that, you need a roster of better defensive players.

The mere fact that the question was asked at all, should provide an answer.

03-25-2010, 01:41 AM
No, we aren't. Too much Forrest Gumps in our team.

03-25-2010, 08:28 AM
The glaring difference, from this season's spurs to teams like the celtics, cavs , Magic and offecourse the lakers ? They are talented enough but lack basketball smarts. The guys letting the team down have to wake the hell up.

03-25-2010, 09:03 AM
I agree. I said in another thread Mason is either back next year or he will not be signed by any team next season. He has been very unimpressive lately. I dont even think the Nets want him.

I seriously doubt Bogans would be in the league either if we didn't sign him up.