View Full Version : This is really obvious, whats going on - RANT

03-25-2010, 09:56 PM
Basically, the obvious explanation to all this "violence and hatred".....

1) First, The "tea party" movement was really backed, funded, and organized by Republican/Special interest groups.. Maybe the Tea Party was a real small one out of thousands little movement, but when Repubs/Special Interests need to destroy Democrats, they either create a movement, or even better..... they strengthen an already existing one? Fox News began talking about them 24/7, remember? So it was either a huge coincidence, or the powers that be planned this thing out.

Anyway, they began their campaign to start tearing down Democrats/Obama due to the landslide victories in the elections. Ol' Dubya Bush went too far in raping the country, and President Obama, and significant Dem majorities in the Senate and the House was the result.

So, once the snowball starts to roll, you get real, actual citizens who find it very easy to just show up and participate in Tea Party garbage. Movement grows and now it's legitimate. Artificially bloated. People manipulated.

2) Same deal right now with all this violence

I am pretty fucking sure that the special interests that are upset about this health care bill, the same ones who probably got those crazy people to yell and scream at the "Town Hall Meetings" last year, remember, well, they started another behavior pattern.

This violence garbage, get a few crazies to yell and scream and maybe even pay some muscle to go "Cut fuel lines" at a Senator's home to scare them.

Eventually, you get REAL citizens who might already be angry, and they do the traditional APE/MONKEY response - "YEAH!!" monkey see monkey do.

They join the snowball that's already rolling, and now you have real citizens leaving voice messages with threats and racism. Especially now with all of this news coverage, more people are going to join in.

So, there are real powers behind the scenes, orchestrating this garbage.

and it's sad to see people so easily manipulated, but that's nothing new. People have been manipulated for thousands of years. Old tricks.

What I would like to see, is investigations fired up against these powerful wealthy businessmen who think it's OK to do these things, to divide and conquer, to incite hatred and riots in the "mob" all because their profits and their cash cows are going to take a hit.

Fuck them.

We need a whole slew of new provisions in our government to protect our way of life, because this will never end. It is human nature to be greedy and to steal, to hurt others, etc. It's immoral to do it, but some people just decide not to care about being a good human being and do it anyway. So we need to limit power that wealthy people have, we need to do a lot of things.

03-25-2010, 10:01 PM
It's nothing more than the old political strategy of changing the subject to something that makes the opposition look bad. The media happily plays along as usual even though there hasn't been any violence.

03-25-2010, 10:05 PM
It's nothing more than the old political strategy of changing the subject to something that makes the opposition look bad. There hasn't been any violence.

A bullet accidentally going through a congressman's window?

Bricks going through windows?

03-25-2010, 11:04 PM
A bullet accidentally going through a congressman's window?

That's the only serious incident that has been reported. So your position is that special interests who are against obamacare got someone to fire a bullet at the office of a republican who helped lead the charge against obamacare.


it's sad to see people so easily manipulated

03-25-2010, 11:06 PM
That's the only serious incident that has been reported. So your position is that special interests who are against obamacare got someone to fire a bullet at the office of a republican who helped lead the charge against obamacare.


Did you even read what I wrote?

I said the special interests got the snowball rolling, and now actual citizens are getting in on it due to flock thinking, throwing bricks into windows.

03-25-2010, 11:08 PM
maybe even pay some muscle to go "Cut fuel lines" at a Senator's home to scare them.

So you believe special interests paid some thugs to go the house of a congressmans brother and cut the propane line on his outdoor bbq grill?

03-25-2010, 11:12 PM
Did you even read what I wrote?

Unfortunately the answer is yes.

03-25-2010, 11:29 PM
So you believe special interests paid some thugs to go the house of a congressmans brother and cut the propane line on his outdoor bbq grill?
I don't see anything there about bullets, so you prove yourself wrong.

what's your compulsion with fighting with me ?

03-25-2010, 11:42 PM
what's your compulsion with fighting with me ?

Wife didn't go shopping like she said she was going to do and I get irritable when I'm hungry. That and because your theory is stupid.

03-26-2010, 12:43 AM
so you're saying that the tea party movement was a small movement at first that politicians/foxnews/conservatives saw the potential in and helped grow it into a bigger movement by giving it publicity?


03-26-2010, 01:57 AM
yes, and now being orchestrated to turn into violence and hatred

they need to investigate the people behind this, i suspect it's going to be very wealthy old white men.

03-26-2010, 02:32 AM
"wealthy old white men"

Koch brothers, Richard MELLON Scaife, Pete Peterson, oil/gas, Wall St, entire financial sector, US CoC, etc, etc,

After Magic Negro's "victory" where he basically compromised away his dick only to get health reform barely passed, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy will now visit a even greater shitstorm on Magic Negro than they did on Slick Willie.

Their "defeat" is absolutely no reason for them not to keep the shitstorm blowin full force.