View Full Version : Manu's flirting with Madrid / Barcelona

03-30-2010, 01:39 PM

"En San Antonio siempre me he sentido muy bien, pero cuando eres agente libre, tienes que ponerte a escuchar todas las ofertas que lleguen, ponerlas encima de la mesa y decidir", declaró Ginóbili a Eurosport, consciente de que a partir de julio su futuro puede llevarle a cualquier parte.

En ese sentido, el argentino no descarta volver a Europa y hacerlo en las filas de un grande. "No hay nada descartado. Prefiero quedarme en la NBA, pero si no me ofrecen lo que espero, no dudaría en poder ir a Madrid o Barcelona. A un buen equipo, un lugar donde merezca la pena", concluyó.


03-30-2010, 01:42 PM
The complete interview from Eurosport, translation needed:


El argentino Manu Ginobili sigue sin tener claro su futuro en San Antonio y deja abiertas todas las posibilidades, incluyendo Madrid y Barça.

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Venía de anotar más de 20 puntos en siete de los últimos ocho partidos. En las últimas semanas Manu Ginobili había encontrado su mejor estado de forma de la temporada cuando un pinchazo en la espalda en los últimos minutos de la victoria en Boston le dejó fuera de juego en la visita del equipo a New Jersey. Los Spurs notaron tanto su ausencia que terminaron cayendo (90-84) ante los Nets en un momento crucial de la temporada para ellos.

‘Manudo’ finaliza contrato al término de la presente campaña. Sin Parker y con Duncan atravesando un mal momento el argentino está siendo la pieza clave del resurgir texano justo en el momento en que su futuro despierta un enorme interés.

Después del partidazo en Boston, se te vio salir algo tocado.

Debí hacer un movimiento algo raro que me empezó a doler mucho. Un dolor que se fue agravando. Al acostarme me dolía y al levantarme por la mañana también. Ahora por ejemplo a la hora del partido ya no me duele tanto. Pero no, no estoy listo para jugar. Así que descanso hoy pero creo que el miércoles estaré ya para jugar.

Y eso ahora que físicamente ya parecías estar a tope.

Sí, me encuentro muy bien en todos los aspectos. Muy bien. Esto que me acaba de pasar ocurre en alguno de los 82 partidos y no pasa nada, es normal.

De forma se te ha visto perfecto además, en tu mejor momento del año. No sé cuándo notas que empiezas a sentirte mejor o por qué.

No hubo una razón en particular. Hubo un momento en que encadené tres o cuatro buenos partidos seguidos. Y sí, empecé a jugar mucho mejor. Luego se lesionó Parker y empecé a tomar decisiones y a tener más el balón en mis manos. Una cosa trajo la otra y en esas estamos.

Sé que no te gustan las disculpas pero este equipo también ha sufrido lo suyo.

Pero es algo que pasa en todos lados. Mira a Portland. Nosotros a su lado somos un equipo sanísimo. El nivel es muy duro en todos lados y las lesiones forman parte de esto. El secreto está en poder seguir ganando cuando te faltan jugadores por lesión.

Eso de dosificarse, ¿no va contigo?

Yo quiero jugar pero eso es algo que depende de las necesidades del equipo. Ya cuando vuelva Parker no tendré que tomar tantas decisiones ni tener tanto el balón en mis manos y lo mismo me puedo cuidar un poco más. Y además, es que quedan diez partidos para los playoffs y ni siquiera tenemos un lugar seguro en ellos. Así que es imposible pensar en dosificarse cuando se necesitan tanto esas victorias.

Parece que habéis sabido encontrar últimamente vuestro mejor nivel.

Eso es a lo que siempre aspiramos. Nosotros solemos crecer siempre en los últimos 30 partidos de temporada. Este año ha sido en los últimos 20. Demasiado justo esta vez para mi gusto pero mejor así que no haber encontrado ese punto. Si somos un equipo compacto para cuando vuelva Parker creo que podemos dar la sorpresa.

Llevas aquí muchos años y esta temporada habéis sufrido más que nunca. ¿Ves algún riesgo de cara a los playoffs?

Al contrario creo que cuando lleguen los playoffs es cuando menos riesgo va a haber para nosotros. Porque se juega más espaciado, no tenemos estos back-to-backs que a veces se hacen tan duros y te da más tiempo para preparar un partido o estudiar a un rival y ahí es donde creo que tácticamente somos muchas veces algo mejores que el resto. Espero simplemente que se vea lo mejor de los Spurs en playoffs.

Lo de Finley, ¿no sentó un poco raro en el vestuario?

No sentó bien por el hecho de perder a un gran compañero. Ha estado con nosotros cuatro años y medio. Y perderlo así en mitad de temporada fue duro. Yo tengo un gran aprecio por él. Pero somos jugadores todos y sabemos que cuando ya no te tienen más en cuenta y no eres parte activa del equipo algo así puede ocurrir. Tiene 37 años y quería jugar. Así que lo entendimos totalmente. Yo le sigo queriendo y ya he hablado con él varias veces. Ningún tipo de rencor, por supuesto. Lamentablemente son cosas que pasan.

¿Qué pasa con Duncan? No termina de estar fino.

Tim no está pasando por un gran momento estas últimas semanas aunque su temporada es buena. Y Popovich lo está cuidando mucho para cuando lleguen los playoffs. Ahí nosotros lo necesitamos sano. Tenemos en él una confianza ciega. Un mal momento lo tienen todos. O no un mal momento, un momento no brillante como suele ser él. Yo no dudo de que va a volver a ser determinante cuando tenga que serlo.

Manu, terminas contrato. ¿Tú quieres seguir aquí en San Antonio?

Mira, aquí me he sentido siempre muy bien y me sigo sintiendo bien. Pero cuando uno es agente libre tiene que estar dispuesto a escuchar todas las voces y todas las ofertas que lleguen, ponerlas encima de la mesa y decidir. Obviamente me he sentido aquí muy bien, pero tampoco sé qué puede venir después de julio. Así que cuando llegue el momento me sentaré con mi mujer y decidiré qué hacer o quién me quiere más.

Y en esto no descartas jugar en Europa.

No. Nunca está descartado. Yo prefiero quedarme aquí pero si no me gusta nada o las ofertas no son las que yo espero, no dudaría en poder ir a Madrid o Barcelona… A un buen equipo, un lugar donde merezca la pena. Dudo que sea este año pero ya veremos.

¿Tienes ahora más claro que en diciembre la posibilidad de jugar el Mundial?

No tanto porque también depende de mi futuro. Sabes además lo que me ha pasado los últimos años físicamente y que por eso ya no es lo mismo. Y ahora que he encontrado mi forma me gustaría mantenerme ahí por un tiempo. Ahora llegan mis hijos también. No sé, son muchas cosas. Tampoco oculto que el deseo de jugar un Mundial más está ahí. Porque yo disfruto mucho jugando con los Scola, Oberto, Nocioni, Prigioni, Delfino y todos los chicos y, la verdad, me daría mucha pena no jugarlo.

Porque Argentina todavía está viva.

Sí. Yo creo que Argentina va a estar arriba porque hay mucho material todavía. Está claro que por calidad y profundidad Estados Unidos y España están un paso por delante. Pero un Mundial es un partido solo el que tienes que ganar. No es al mejor de siete. Es un partido. Y si estás bien y ganas, puedes llegar a hacerte con un Mundial. Así que todo puede ser.

03-30-2010, 01:42 PM
"Mostrame el dinero!!!!!"


03-30-2010, 01:45 PM

03-30-2010, 01:48 PM
pero si no me ofrecen lo que espero

¿Que es lo que espera? $10 million a season?

03-30-2010, 02:01 PM
look.. i don't speak spanish

03-30-2010, 02:02 PM
Aún no puedo entender cómo la gente que vive en San Antonio cant entender el español rudimentario. Aquí hay un gringo pensamiento. Compre una copia de Rosetta Stone. La entrevista es la misma conversación Deportes estándar entre un periodista y un atleta.

"Manu y su gran juego de su equipo es ganar!"

"Sí me siento bien, el equipo está jugando bien, las cosas parecen prometedoras."

"Manu aún no tiene un contrato de lo que es eso?"

"Su difícil, pero estoy saltando resulta bueno para mí. Me gustaría quedarme en San Antonio, pero si la oferta está bien voy a ir a España. Ellos tienen un buen equipo. En primer lugar, tendría que consultar con mi esposa "

Manu es sólo su carácter estratégico. Se está aprovechando el mismo para obtener el mejor trato que pueda. Esta decisión será en julio. No antes. Así que por qué no nos vamos todos Espera y verás.

thankfully for google translation, i can demean your racial group as you've demeaned mine

learn english, it's america

we won the war.. get over it :wakeup

03-30-2010, 02:09 PM
¿Que es lo que espera? $10 million a season?

y porque no? si le ofrecen eso en Europa?

Manu solo tiene 2-3 años mas y toda una familia que alimentar

03-30-2010, 02:11 PM
Here is a quick translation of that quote. Apologies if it isn't the best translation:

"No hay nada descartado. Prefiero quedarme en la NBA, pero si no me ofrecen lo que espero, no dudaría en poder ir a Madrid o Barcelona. A un buen equipo, un lugar donde merezca la pena"
"Nothing is ruled out. I prefer to stay in the NBA, but if they don't offer me what I expect, I would not doubt going to Madrid or Barcelona. A good team, a place that is worth playing."

03-30-2010, 02:15 PM
gringo - American Heritage Dictionary classifies gringo as "offensive slang," "usually disparaging," and "often disparaging."

but i'm ignorant?

and yes.. that's called the silent invasion, either way enjoy your precious language

on a related note, manu is staying in the NBA and with the Spurs

03-30-2010, 02:20 PM
on a related note, manu is staying in the NBA and with the Spurs

ok nostradamus :rolleyes

I give 50% chance Manu not staying in the Spurs. They simply dont have the $

03-30-2010, 02:28 PM
y porque no? si le ofrecen eso en Europa?

Manu solo tiene 2-3 años mas y toda una familia que alimentar

que es eso? Manu, el sprewell de Argentina? No senor!!!

03-30-2010, 02:29 PM
The article basically says that Manu wants to stay on the NBA but that he will consider all offers, even those of European teams (specially if they're from great teams like Barcelona and Madrid).

IMO there's nothing to worry about, he will stay in the NBA and most probably in San Antonio.

03-30-2010, 02:31 PM
Nothing to cover we don't know... so the drama thread can be ignored.. unless y'all are too bored and wanna :deadhorse

Charles Sappa
03-30-2010, 02:33 PM
Manu stay in SA for 3 more yeas. Book it

Real Madrid are out of money, like Barcelona, I watched the info on the forums of Spain

03-30-2010, 02:36 PM
Its juicy, but im busy, so Ill just do a quick, liberal translation

during the great game in boston, you left with a bump

I must have made a strange move that started to hurt a lot. A pain that got worse. When I lay down it hurt and when I got up in the morning too. Now for example at the game time it doesnt hurt so much. But no, Im not ready to play. So I rest tonight but I think I'll be ready for wednesday

Just when you were looking full strength

Yes, I feel good in every way. Real good. This that just happened occurs in a 82 game season and nothing comes of it, its normal.

You are in perfect form, the best all year. When did you get your rhythm and why?

No particular reason. I had 3-4 good games in a row. Then I started playing much better. Then parker got hurt and i started making more decisions and handling the ball more. One thing led to another and here we are.

I know you dont like excuses but this team has suffered.

It happens to everywhere. look at Portland. Next to them we are super healthy. Its a rough level of play everywhere and injuries are part of this game. The secret is to continue winning when players go down.

Pacing yourself, ¿not your style?

I want to play but it depends on the needs of the team. When parker is back i wont have to make as many decisions and handle the ball as much and so I can take more care. On top of that, there are 10 games left for the PO and we havent clinched. Its impossible to pace yourself when we need every win badly.

It looks like you are SPAMming (remember, not literal translation!)

We always aspire to. we usually grow the last 30 games. this year its been the last 20. too close for my taste but better late than never. If we are a compact team when tony gets back I believe we can surprise people.

You've been here a lot of years and this has been the worst. and concerns for the PO

On the contrary, these PO will have less risk than others. the games are farther apart, no b2b which are so rough, and you have more time to prepare the game, study your rival, and I think we have a large tactical advantage over most teams. I just want to see the best of the spurs in the PO.

Finley leaving, was that weird for the players

It was weird because we lost a great companion. he's been with us 4.5 years. and in the middle of the season it hurts more. I appreciate him a lot. but we're all players and we know when you are not taken into account and arent active in the team this can happen. He's 37 and he wants to play. We understood perfectly. He's still a friend and I've talked to him several times since. no hard feelings at all. unfortunately its part of the game

Whats with duncan?

Tim isnt in a great moment these last weeks but his season has been good. And pop has been managing him a lot for the PO. There we need him healthy. We have a blind faith in him. Everyone has a bad moment. Or not even, an unbrilliant moment which we've come to expect from him. i have no doubt he will be the difference maker when we need him to.

your contract ends. do you want to stay

Look, here i've always felt good and continue to. but when you are FA you need to listen to every offer, put them on the table and decide. obviously i like it here, but i dont know what july will bring. so when the time comes ill sit with my wife and see what to do or who wants me more.

You dont discard europe?

No. never. I'd rather stay here but if i dont like anything or the offers are not what i expect, I wouldnt hesitate to go to Madrid or Barcelona… a good team, where its worth it. I doubt this is the year but we'll see.

what about the WC
Not so sure because it depends on this other stuff. you know in the last few years with whats happened physically, its just not the same anymore. and now that Im in rhythm I want to stay healthy for a while. I got my kids coming too. I dont know, its a lot of things. Nor do I hide that the desire to play another WC is there. Because I really enjoy playing with Scola, Oberto, Nocioni, Prigioni, Delfino and the guys and really it would sadden me to not play.

because argentina is still alive?

Yes. I think we still have the material to be at the top. Obviously quality and quantity wise the US and Spain are a step ahead. But in the WC you only have to win one game. not best of 7. one game. So if you are on, you can take a WC. anything is possible

03-30-2010, 02:39 PM
the contract stuff wasnt what interested me, more the parts about the spurs especially tim and the WC

03-30-2010, 02:48 PM
Aún no puedo entender cómo la gente que vive en San Antonio no peude entender el español rudimentario. Aquí hay un gringo pensamiento. Compre una copia de Rosetta Stone. La entrevista es la misma conversación Deportes estándar entre un periodista y un atleta.

"Manu y su gran juego de su equipo es ganar!"

"Sí me siento bien, el equipo está jugando bien, las cosas parecen prometedoras."

"Manu aún no tiene un contrato de lo que es eso?"

"Su difícil, pero estoy saltando resulta bueno para mí. Me gustaría quedarme en San Antonio, pero si la oferta está bien voy a ir a España. Ellos tienen un buen equipo. En primer lugar, tendría que consultar con mi esposa "

Manu es sólo su carácter estratégico. Se está aprovechando el mismo para obtener el mejor trato que pueda. Esta decisión será en julio. No antes. Así que por qué no nos vamos todos Espera y verás.

Give yourself a galleta you impressive gringo.

03-30-2010, 02:53 PM
Thanks diego.

03-30-2010, 02:58 PM
Manu stay in SA for 3 more yeas. Book it

Real Madrid are out of money, like Barcelona, I watched the info on the forums of Spain

Out of what ? Never heard that.
Real is buying soccer players for 60 kk $ and out of money ?
Barcelona with possible winning Champions League and Euroleague this year, is also without money ?

If Manu wants to go there, they will have money. Book it.

03-30-2010, 02:59 PM
Spurs will have to pay up, that is for damm sure.

Fuck the mle concept. After last night, it is pretty clear the SPurs need Manu much more than the other way around.

Better fuciking open that wallet wide Holt, or Manu walks.

03-30-2010, 03:03 PM
unfortunately every team in the world is going to want Manu this summer. He's just proven he can still elevate his game to the elite NBA levels. There will be tons of money thrown at him. this past month he is playing like the 2nd or 3rd best SG in the NBA :wow

Spurs are fucked :(

Charles Sappa
03-30-2010, 03:36 PM
Out of what ? Never heard that.
Real is buying soccer players for 60 kk $ and out of money ?
Barcelona with possible winning Champions League and Euroleague this year, is also without money ?

If Manu wants to go there, they will have money. Book it.The money is only for football. Many business groups bring a lot players to the club's, budget for Real Madrid or Barcelona Basketball is minimal.

But with the cash on hand at all possible. By 3 million more per year, Manu could leave.

I think that the money offered to Manu San Antonio will depend on its commitment not to play the WC

03-30-2010, 03:48 PM
I think that the money offered to Manu San Antonio will depend on its commitment not to play the WC

Despite that by rule an NBA club should not intercede i think you're right on the money.

They will match the highest offer only if what you wrote happens... therefore... chances are bye bye Manu > no WC Manu... Maybe he bargains playing the WC but not the Olympics in London :stirpot:

Charles Sappa
03-30-2010, 04:49 PM
Despite that by rule an NBA club should not intercede i think you're right on the money.

They will match the highest offer only if what you wrote happens... therefore... chances are bye bye Manu > no WC Manu... Maybe he bargains playing the WC but not the Olympics in London :stirpot:

Good point. I had not seen that way

03-30-2010, 05:16 PM
ok nostradamus :rolleyes

I give 50% chance Manu not staying in the Spurs. They simply dont have the $

I disagree. They CANT afford not to sign him. Tim doesn't put people's butts in seats. Manu does.

03-30-2010, 05:22 PM
The Spurs will probably be pretty close to having the kind of money Manu will want. That's why they didn't execute any fantasy trades this season.

03-30-2010, 05:32 PM
the spurs will be able to offer more money to manu than any other contender will be able to.. of course international teams are a different story but manu will not be going overseas and he isnt going to go play for a team like the wizards. the spurs still remain the front runners by a long shot.

03-30-2010, 06:03 PM
the spurs will be able to offer more money to manu than any other contender will be able to.. of course international teams are a different story but manu will not be going overseas and he isnt going to go play for a team like the wizards. the spurs still remain the front runners by a long shot.
Spurs doesn´t have to worry about Euro teams, Manu is a Competitor and will never leave the best competition for money.
What they should worry about is a team offering 4 Years at the full MLE, that would total u$s 27.168.414, making the Spurs a number hard to match on a shorter term contract. (Frontloaded MLE deal will look like, 10-11 7.791.674, 11-12 7.083.340, 12-13 6.439.400, 12-13 5.854.000)
Even a team like OKC will have about 12 millions on cap space being able to offer Manu a good 3 year deal without going into luxury tax. (say 3 years at 26 millions) and even sweeten the deal with a 4th year partially guaranteed or something like that.

03-30-2010, 06:16 PM
Out of what ? Never heard that.
Real is buying soccer players for 60 kk $ and out of money ?
Barcelona with possible winning Champions League and Euroleague this year, is also without money ?

If Manu wants to go there, they will have money. Book it.

Out of money for basketball.Basketball is not football. Basketball players never will win same money here than football players. Maybe in Greece or Russia.

But in Spain best of the best basketball players win around Є2-1.5 millions per year.

But I'm sure if Manu can't play for a contender then he could play in Europe.He's not going to play for The Nets or the Wolves

03-30-2010, 06:18 PM
i agree the 4th year is where it gets interesting.. I dont know if a team like OKC is willing to throw that kind of money at anyone right now actually... they are going to have there hands full soon when all those players come off that rookie scale... (durant,green,westbrook,harden,ibaka) i doubt they are willing to gaurantee manu a contract like that.

and so do you think if the spurs offer 4 years at the MLE and manu accepts that? thats a big pay-cut.

03-30-2010, 06:44 PM
Ginobili and Rubio that would be BOSS just saying

03-30-2010, 06:46 PM
Manu isn't going anywhere

03-30-2010, 06:49 PM
ok nostradamus :rolleyes

I give 50% chance Manu not staying in the Spurs. They simply dont have the $

So its 50-50 if he stays or goes...thanks Nostradumbass.

03-30-2010, 07:15 PM
Grupo racial. Mi certificado de nacimiento dice caucásicos. LOL

Cómo me degradar su "grupo racial"?¿Sabes que cacuasians habla francés, español, italiano, alemán, neerlandés ....?

La guerra, Qué guerra, la Revolución de Texas? La guerra mexicano-americana? La Guerra de la América española?

Cómico e ignorante

Miro alrededor de mi casa. En una ciudad llamada San Antonio Miro en la guía telefónica y ver los nombres de

García, Álvarez, Soto ....

So much win in this post. Viva Zapata!
Gran victoria ...

y muy ignorante

03-30-2010, 07:20 PM
Si Manu se va me voy yo, pues el equipo ya no tendra corazon. :hat

03-30-2010, 07:44 PM
"Mostrame el dinero!!!!!"


This made me elle oh elle

03-30-2010, 07:49 PM
If manu doesn't sign with the Spurs I could see him going to OKC. They need a vet with credibility but they will not want to shell out a max deal to an over-the-hill allstar.

03-30-2010, 07:55 PM
Dumb thread...Manu says he wants to play in the NBA..are you telling me that if the Spurs don't resign him (which would be fucking stupid) that NO TEAM in the NBA will want him? That's just ignorant. After he led the team to wins over Cleveland and Boston, then got hurt, and all of a sudden we lose to NJ, you don't think his value just skyrocketed? Manu wants to be in the NBA, and he will be, until he's done with basketball..


03-30-2010, 08:35 PM
Thanks to Google Chrome, they prompted me for a translation, I said, hell yeah.

03-30-2010, 10:26 PM
I prefer Manu leaving NBA to see him playing in another team, ok, you wanna kill me? Manu in HOU, DAL, LAL uniform.

03-30-2010, 11:33 PM
Watching the Spurs without Manu will be quite lame. No offense to Timmy (my favorite player) or Parker. But Manu is the X factor. Manu is easily the third best SG in the league right now. And he is still among the most most competitive and an absolute winner. His injury woes are behind him and there is nothing to hold the Spurs from resigning him except for Holt's bank balance. The Spurs' signing of Jefferson has put them in some kind of jeopardy with little money left for resigning Manu.

If the Spurs offer anything less than $10 million each for three years and a good team offers more (what if the Knicks get Bosh and another sidekick to go along with Manu?), Manu will be tempted to accept such an offer.

I sincerely wish the Spurs manage some kind of sign and trade dump of RJ and focus on getting Manu back plus adding a few good other role players such as JJ Redick, Marcus Camby apart from getting Splitter.

03-30-2010, 11:37 PM
ok nostradamus :rolleyes

I give 50% chance Manu not staying in the Spurs. They simply dont have the $

50% chance? :lol you're a genius!

there's ONLY two options.

1. he stays with the Spurs,

or 2. he leaves the Spurs.

03-31-2010, 12:11 AM
50% chance? :lol you're a genius!

there's ONLY two options.

1. he stays with the Spurs,

or 2. he leaves the Spurs.


03-31-2010, 12:14 AM
if manu leaves

then i dont see the FO going to spend big to rebuild around parker...

they probably trade or low ball parker or let his contract run off, same with duncan...

then back under the cap filling up the roster with trash....

03-31-2010, 02:10 AM
i agree the 4th year is where it gets interesting.. I dont know if a team like OKC is willing to throw that kind of money at anyone right now actually... they are going to have there hands full soon when all those players come off that rookie scale... (durant,green,westbrook,harden,ibaka) i doubt they are willing to gaurantee manu a contract like that.

and so do you think if the spurs offer 4 years at the MLE and manu accepts that? thats a big pay-cut.

That´s exactly the reason why i pointed that they can offer a balanced 4 year contract or a little over 26 millions 3 years contract. Because those 3 players you named will be on rookie contracts until for quite a bit time. For example Durant, will be a RFA in 11-12 season, Westbrook and Green in the 12-13 and the others after the 13-14. So if they sign Manu to that 3 years 26 millions contract, and a partially guaranteed 4th, they can resign all their rookies, and then rethink if they guarantee Manu´s 4th year.
Not to say that Manu would make that team look a lot more mature down the stretch.

Remember that OKC has only 3 millions commited for the 11-12 season, so they will be very able to resign all of them even if they have Manu signed for that year at (say average of what has been said here) 8 millions.

03-31-2010, 02:21 AM
That´s exactly the reason why i pointed that they can offer a balanced 4 year contract or a little over 26 millions 3 years contract. Because those 3 players you named will be on rookie contracts until for quite a bit time. For example Durant, will be a RFA in 11-12 season, Westbrook and Green in the 12-13 and the others after the 13-14. So if they sign Manu to that 3 years 26 millions contract, and a partially guaranteed 4th, they can resign all their rookies, and then rethink if they guarantee Manu´s 4th year.
Not to say that Manu would make that team look a lot more mature down the stretch.

Remember that OKC has only 3 millions commited for the 11-12 season, so they will be very able to resign all of them even if they have Manu signed for that year at (say average of what has been said here) 8 millions.

so what if the spurs offer that to him... you think manu accepts a spurs offer of 4 years at the MLE? thats a pretty significant pay-cut from what he is receiving now.... almost 11/year

03-31-2010, 02:35 AM
so what if the spurs offer that to him... you think manu accepts a spurs offer of 4 years at the MLE? thats a pretty significant pay-cut from what he is receiving now.... almost 11/year

I think he will if the Spurs put one more million in each year, or if they allow him to decide if he plays with the NT.

Many here think Manu wants to play everytime with the NT, i agree that might be true, but for being a fan of himself from long time, and given his personality, i think what Manu really wants, is to have the right to call that.

My english is not good, so to put it straight up. I don´t think Manu will play the next 3 years with Argentina. That would be 3 straight years of international competitions. He is not dumb at all.
But i am quite sure he thinks it his descition to make, and not the Spurs.

I don´t know if i am being clear here, but think for yourself? wouldn´t you be quite disgusted if someone take descitions from you that they are not allowed make. I think this is where the Spurs have failed at adressing Manu´s needs of international competitions, he might want to be the one calling the plays on that matter.

Jason R
03-31-2010, 03:08 AM
Yeah the Spurs really put their foot down on keeping Manu out of international competitions.

Oh wait.

03-31-2010, 03:23 AM
thankfully for google translation, i can demean your racial group as you've demeaned mine

learn english, it's america

we won the war.. get over it :wakeup

You are losing the peace.

Learn spanish.

03-31-2010, 03:30 AM
The Spurs will probably be pretty close to having the kind of money Manu will want. That's why they didn't execute any fantasy trades this season.

Manu wants to win.

Do you SERIOUSLY think Spurs have what it takes?

I think the Boston NJ games showed exactly how the Ginobili-Spurs relationship stands.

From embarassing a contender (with Manu owning the whole game)
to losing to one of the worst teams in history (without him).

I'd be extremely surprised if he stays in SA.

03-31-2010, 04:13 AM
As said before, i don´t think Manu will play the Next 3 years for Argentina, maybe just one of them, but not all of them, he is not unaware of his age.

Given the time Manu took to get into rythm this season, and the way the Spurs overcloaked Duncan knees to deal with it, i wonder how "bad" would have been if Manu had been cleared to play on limited minutes (say 20 a game) with Argentina this preseason.

Imagine if Manu was back into rythm 20 games before he had...

03-31-2010, 04:27 AM
Spurs will have to pay up, that is for damm sure.

Fuck the mle concept. After last night, it is pretty clear the SPurs need Manu much more than the other way around.

Better fuciking open that wallet wide Holt, or Manu walks.

Manus big contract will sink the spurs. No way he stays healthy and gives back the value of what he will want.

03-31-2010, 05:28 PM
Like nkdlunch said, Spurs are FUCKED.

Is there any chance Mason, Ian, and Bonner could all get lost to make space?

And for the record I don't want to see Ian go, but if Tiago comes over, he'll be the 5th or 6th man again. But if he is resigned maybe Pop will move him up in the rotation to see what he has.