View Full Version : Flight surgeon threatens to refuse deployment over Obama birth certificate flap

04-02-2010, 06:29 PM
Flight surgeon threatens to refuse deployment over Obama birth certificate flap
By Leo Shane III, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Saturday, April 3, 2010
WASHINGTON — An Army flight surgeon could face reprimand or dismissal from the service after stating in an online video that he’ll refuse deployment to Afghanistan because of concerns he has about President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, chief of primary care for the Pentagon’s health clinic, released a statement through the American Patriot Foundation saying his decision is based on “pursuit of the truth about the president’s eligibility under the constitution to hold office.”

Army officials said Lakin has not yet violated any direct orders, but his statements have been brought to commanders’ attention for review.

“They have a wide range of options to consider — no action, administrative action, or even recommendation of dismissal,” Army spokesman George Wright said. “It’s for his command to determine.”

Lakin, an 18-year soldier, last served overseas in 2005 during a tour with the 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Squadron, 25th Infantry Division in Afghanistan.

Questions surrounding Obama’s birth certificate surfaced during the 2008 election, but were largely put to rest after Hawaii officials confirmed his American citizenship and the campaign released a copy of the document.

But over the last two years fringe groups have maintained public campaigns and court challenges in an attempt to prove Obama’s ineligibility to hold the presidency. Last summer, a Georgia court dismissed such arguments in a similar case by an Army major refusing deployment.


04-02-2010, 06:37 PM
Quite an idiot.

04-02-2010, 09:55 PM
That will take him a long, long way.

04-02-2010, 10:04 PM
If he didn't want to go back to Afghanistan, he should have thought of option B a long time ago.

04-02-2010, 10:15 PM
Now he probably can't even claim to be a homosexual to get out of this deployment . . . .

04-02-2010, 10:21 PM
Why not refuse to die for a piece of shit country with a piece of shit corrupt leader.

Talking about Afghan lol, just to clarify.

04-02-2010, 10:37 PM


I triple dog dare you, dummy.

04-02-2010, 10:52 PM
"Why not refuse to die for a piece of shit country with a piece of shit corrupt leader."

those are the kinds of countries and leaders the USA loves to invade.

After VN, Iraq, Afghanistan, you have to be fucking stupid to enlist in the military and risk getting maimed, physically and/or mentally, or killed for nothing.

04-02-2010, 11:16 PM
Now this is a true patriot.

04-03-2010, 01:48 AM
What are the odds he gets the maximum "example-grade" sentence for sedition since he's made this so public?

I say high.

04-03-2010, 02:05 AM
Remember, Bush supporters don't have a problem with going awol, they elected a president who did it.

04-03-2010, 02:30 AM
What are the odds he gets the maximum "example-grade" sentence for sedition since he's made this so public?

I say high.Sedition? En serio?

04-03-2010, 06:02 AM
He's lucky he's only served 1 tour, some of his brothers in arms have served 3.

It's okay to be a pussy when it comes to war, but this man has a skillset provided to him by the United States military that is used to save lives. He had no problem doing it under Bush, but now he's making a stink over shit that doesn't even matter at this point. Same war, same job...it's not like Obama's changing his job to killing Irackies, his job is to save the lives of men (and probably some civilians too) in a war that started under a "legimate" President. Finish the mission, save someone's family member.

George Gervin's Afro
04-03-2010, 07:14 AM
This guy is a perfect tea bagger candidate..do it GOP!

Wild Cobra
04-03-2010, 10:40 AM
Remember, Bush supporters don't have a problem with going awol, they elected a president who did it.
Is that an ignorant remark, or slander?

Either way, you hurt your credibility.

04-03-2010, 10:54 AM
Is that an ignorant remark, or slander?

Either way, you hurt your credibility.

eh.....he started a "Fuck you Tim Duncan" thread last week.

Not much more credibility for him to lose...

Oh, Gee!!
04-04-2010, 01:50 AM
Is that an ignorant remark, or slander?

Either way, you hurt your credibility.

omg!!! the non-military, non-fighting, arm-chair soldier WC is threatening S-SS-S-SS-lander. everybody get scared now.

Oh, Gee!!
04-04-2010, 01:54 AM
I love the title: "Obama Birth Certificate Flap." There is no "flap." Obama was born here. get a fucking life.

04-04-2010, 06:18 AM
Didn't some guy already try this dodge?

04-04-2010, 07:53 AM
I love the title: "Obama Birth Certificate Flap." There is no "flap." Obama was born here. get a fucking life.

And you know this how?

George Gervin's Afro
04-04-2010, 08:10 AM
And you know this how?

you're joking right?

04-04-2010, 10:43 AM
why don't the dems do the same shit the repugs did?

intentionally mislead a reporter, preferrably Fox News reporter, and give them fake documents like Rathergate.

then reveal them for fraud, get reporter fired, and make everyone think the Repugs are just slandering Obama and will do anything, including forge fake documents.

04-04-2010, 11:58 AM
Sedition? En serio?

Si, como no?

04-04-2010, 12:24 PM
why don't the dems do the same shit the repugs did?

intentionally mislead a reporter, preferrably Fox News reporter, and give them fake documents like Rathergate.

then reveal them for fraud, get reporter fired, and make everyone think the Repugs are just slandering Obama and will do anything, including forge fake documents.Well, the people Fox keeps interviewing about this constantly produce fake documents, so they've already got that covered.

04-04-2010, 01:13 PM
I think there was a similar asshole during the Clinton times flapping on about something. They just did a standard discharge at 18 years....no pension.

04-05-2010, 06:03 AM
He's pretty much an idiot, IMHO.

04-05-2010, 07:47 AM
Exactly the intellectual quality of surgeon I want operating on me. :lol

04-05-2010, 11:36 AM
awesome. hope the douchebag gets thrown in military prison.

04-05-2010, 11:58 AM
How are people with this level of education this fucking stupid...