View Full Version : Update on Manu and the WC - Ole's article

04-06-2010, 02:26 PM
An interview with Oveja Hernández, Argentina's coach, who has met with Manu these days (and tonight once again):
Julián Mozo's view:

"No lo veo decidido para ningún lado", es su resumen, aunque en realidad se suceden los indicios que nos acercan a intuir que, interiomente, el escolta está mucho más cerca del no. "Me ratificó que está más enfocado en los Juegos Olímpicos", cuenta Sergio. Hace algunas semanas, con su habitual diplomacia, Gino había dejado entrever que prefería ir a Londres y, posiblemente, al Preolímpico. Todos saben que, con 32 años y el contrato millonario que firmará, es imposible que juegue tres años seguidos... "Esto no lo descarta pero lo pone más difícil", analiza Oveja.

"I didn't see him decided either way" is his summary, but in reality is a succession of clues that lead us to intuit that the guard is much closer to the "no". "I confirmed that he is more focused on the Olympics," says Sergio. A few weeks ago, with his usual diplomacy, Gino had hinted that he preferred to go to London Olympics 2012 and possibly, the Pre-Olympics. Everyone knows that in 32 years and the multimillion dollar contract to sign, it is impossible to play three consecutive years ... "This does not rule it out but makes it more difficult," discusses Oveja :lmao.

It makes perfect sense to me:
1) He doesn't go to the WC, but he guarantees he will go to the London Olympics (a tournament which he prefers).
2) Spurs has Manu away from any NT game for two seasons, taking advantaje of his last years in his prime.

04-06-2010, 02:30 PM
This is the 30-40 million dollar question. Will he rest or will he play?