View Full Version : 10 Most Hated Players in the NBA

04-08-2010, 08:40 PM
10 Most Hated Players in the NBA (http://dimemag.com/2010/04/10-most-hated-players-in-the-nba/)
By Austin Burton

If only Radio Raheem was around to see this. Back in ‘89, Do The Right Thing, Radio elaborated the concept of love versus hate with the assistance of five-finger rings and a big-ass radio.

He was talking about true hatred, the hate that begets stress and the type of violence that would eventually cost him his life (http://dimemag.com/2010/04/pass-the-mic-race-basketball/). But today, the word “hate” in pop culture has been watered down to something more like criticism. Every small-time rapper, every wannabe “businessman,” every high school kid imagines they have thousands upon millions of “haters,” because not everyone has supported them. And if that fuels your success, fine. Just know the difference between true hate and petty hate.

LeBron James is the most hated man in basketball. And not on the level of somebody like Tim Donaghy, the symbol of corruption in the game, or Jerome James, the symbol of apathy, or Donald Sterling, the symbol of putting money over winning. LeBron is hated in that no matter how great he becomes, somebody is always there to nitpick his game and shout to the mountaintops that he’s not all that. If not truly hated, he is undeniably hated-on more than anyone else in the game today.

I don’t know when the tipping point was. Maybe it was when LeBron averaged like 40 points, 8 boards and 8 assists in last year’s Eastern Conference Finals and was still blamed for Cleveland losing the series (http://dimemag.com/2009/05/dont-blame-king-james/). Maybe it was when he skipped out on the dunk contest. Maybe it was when ESPN compared him to Michael Jordan one too many times or ran the “Could LeBron play in the NFL?” feature one too many times. But at some point, LeBron vaulted Kobe Bryant — still the most polarizing figure in basketball since his supporters love him with a cult-like devotion — as the game’s most hated/hated-on figure.

Just watch. LeBron has already led his team to its second straight season of 60-plus wins, he’ll win his second straight MVP in a couple of weeks, but when he’s presented with that trophy — or worse, if the Cavs don’t win the championship — the haters will come swarming like fruit bats. It’s a shame, too, because we’re watching somebody who could realistically become the best player the NBA has ever had, and too many people can’t appreciate it.

The rest of the 10 Most Hated Players in the NBA…

1. LeBron James — Loved by media, coaches, players and fans who truly know the game. Hated by fans who feel he’s been given too much too soon.

2. Kobe Bryant — Bounced back from being hated by media to being loved (http://dimemag.com/2008/08/team-usa-olympics-kobe-bryant/). May still be hated by players and coaches. Fans are split. The one person on the list whose game is respected by all, his personality just causes the divide.

3. Manu Ginobili — Hated by opponents and fans for his flopping and general knack for being a thorn in one’s side. Loved by teammates. If you want to know why soccer still isn’t catching on in mainstream America, it’s because every soccer player acts like Manu.

4. Vince Carter — Hated by the entire city of Toronto and possibly all of Canada. Critics get on him for settling for jump shots, even though every other high-flyer before or after Vince has been encouraged to adjust their game eventually and take more jumpers. Call him soft, call him lazy, but then he drops 40 (http://dimemag.com/2008/05/the-vince-carter-apologist/) or gives you a game-winner and your point becomes moot.

5. Nate Robinson — Hated by his own coaches, hated by jaded fans. I like Nate, and I’m not saying he’s an All-Star or even a starter in the League, but where people usually want to see the little guy succeed, it seems people want Nate to fail. When he was picked No. 1 on Eric Snow’s list of all-time dunking point guards (http://dimemag.com/2010/04/top-10-dunking-point-guards-of-all-time/), haters harped on the idea that he doesn’t have that many in-game dunks, and downplayed the fact that he’s the only player in history to win three NBA dunk contests. However, there wasn’t much mention of how Spud Webb didn’t have many in-game dunks, either.

6. Tracy McGrady — Hated by media and fans who wanted him to do more with the talent he was blessed with and spend less time on the injured list. I still contend that at his peak, T-Mac was right on-par with Kobe (http://dimemag.com/2009/09/the-nbas-30-best-go-to-players-20-tracy-mcgrady/), but it’s hard to argue for him for too long when he’s never been out of the first round of the playoffs. Hall of Fame talent; jury is still out on whether it translated to a Hall of Fame career.

7. Carlos Boozer — Hated by fans in Cleveland who feel he stabbed their team in the back, love/hate relationship with fans in Utah who appreciate his talent but don’t really trust him, hated by neutral fans who feel he’s overrated. Tough to argue with 20-and-10 numbers, though. A Dime reader commented the other day that Boozer was handed “an All-Star career” by Deron Williams, even though Booz was selected for the U.S. Olympic team while D-Will was still in college.

8. Kevin Garnett — Once universally loved, recently hated by non-Celtics fans. It was the ring. When KG finally won the championship we all wished he would win someday, his perception went from that of the underdog warrior to a bully (http://dimemag.com/2008/12/the-ballplayer-haters-ball/) now that his team was the top dog.

9. Allen Iverson — Hated by media, possibly by teammates, likely by coaches, and now a growing number of fans. Even more startling than fans turning on KG was how so many of them turned on A.I. when things started to go downhill for him. Could you call him a ball-hog? Sure. Selfish? OK. Immature? I see where you’re coming from. But any basketball fan who grew up without a silver spoon in their mouth and is of “normal person” size has some love for Iverson, even if he’s disappointed you along the way (http://dimemag.com/2010/03/allen-iverson-we-were-there-for-the-beginning-of-the-end/). The worst example of hating I’ve seen on Iverson was when someone argued “anybody” could have accomplished what he did in the League. My response: So why didn’t just “anybody” do it?

10. Rajon Rondo & Shawn Marion (tie) — The symbol of being underappreciated by people who only look at scoring. True: Rondo can’t shoot and Marion can’t create his own shot. But to say Rondo is only considered an All-Star player because he’s had Pierce, KG and Ray, or that Marion is only considered an All-Star because he’s had Nash, Kidd and Marbury, is just dumb. Watch how Rondo passes the ball, watch how he creates havoc defensively, watch how he rebounds for a point guard. His Hall of Fame teammates aren’t doing that for him. Watch how Marion rebounds like a PF while playing the three, watch how he defends PG’s and fours equally well, watch how he is the straw stirring his team’s drink without having a single play run for him. The point guards he’s played with aren’t doing that for him. Maybe “hate” is too strong of a word for Rondo and Marion, but they could definitely use some more appreciation.

04-08-2010, 08:45 PM
I've never got the impression that Manu is necessarily hated. People always complain about his flopping and such, but a lot of people like his game.

04-08-2010, 08:46 PM
I'm not sure I've met anyone who hates LeBron.

04-08-2010, 08:48 PM
I've never got the impression that Manu is necessarily hated. People always complain about his flopping and such, but a lot of people like his game.

Cause he's a white Latino sticking it to all the media beloved Jordan wannabes. And he does it with class!

04-08-2010, 08:54 PM
KG should be in the top 5, at least.

04-08-2010, 09:00 PM
I think Manu is hated in certain cities where the Spurs have had playoff success, namely Dallas, Phoenix, LA, Utah, and Denver. They boo him pretty good in those five places. As for the players, it wasn't always the case, but I think by now he's been good enough for long enough that most of the guys around the league respect him even if they're not friendly with him. I haven't really heard anyone in the league bash Manu in a while, though I know him and Jason Terry despise each other.

04-08-2010, 09:03 PM
1a - Kobe
1b - KG


04-08-2010, 09:09 PM

04-08-2010, 09:10 PM
lol at the Lebron nut hugging for "people who know the game of basketball" and then spitting out some lame soccer b.s. for Manu.

Soccer sucks in America because we have Football.

04-08-2010, 09:24 PM
Kevin Garnett deserves a whole article completely devoted to is douchi-ness.

04-08-2010, 09:27 PM
I hate LeBron cuz he's a fucking jackass.

oh crap
04-08-2010, 09:29 PM
I'm not sure I've met anyone who hates LeBron.

hi. nice to meet you.

04-08-2010, 09:30 PM
Only people i hate on that list are Kobe and KG. i guess iverson also but hes just an idiot.

04-08-2010, 09:32 PM
Austin Barton has no credibility with me. Here's his list of "NBA's top 30 go to players":

"Who do you want your offense to run through with everything on the line? Counting down 30th to 1st (one per team), I’ve ranked the League’s go-to guys…"

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Dwyane Wade
3. Paul Pierce
4. LeBron James
5. Tim Duncan
6. Dirk Nowitzki
7. Brandon Roy
8. Carmelo Anthony
9. Chris Paul
10. Deron Williams
11. Vince Carter
12. Joe Johnson
13. Danny Granger
14. Steve Nash
15. Kevin Durant
16. Gilbert Arenas
17. Derrick Rose
18. Chris Bosh
19. Andre Iguodala
20. Tracy McGrady
21. Baron Davis
22. Michael Redd
23. Devin Harris
24. Kevin Martin
25. Al Jefferson
26. O.J. Mayo
27. Stephen Jackson
28. Nate Robinson
29. Boris Diaw
30. Rip Hamilton

Just a hodgepodge of players for ranks 10 through 30.

Snaq O'Meal
04-08-2010, 09:37 PM
I'm not sure I've met anyone who hates LeBron.

Then obviously you haven't been reading ducks' garbage posts.

04-08-2010, 09:42 PM
Haha wow they should of put tim thomas everybody hates that guy

04-08-2010, 09:47 PM
Still love AI. He has made his mistakes no doubt, but he's the toughest little guy to ever play in the league.

And completely agree with LeBron at #1. He's less arrogant than Kobe (from what I've seen. I don't know them personally), but he had a lot handed to him.

04-08-2010, 10:09 PM
Austin Barton has no credibility with me. Here's his list of "NBA's top 30 go to players":

"Who do you want your offense to run through with everything on the line? Counting down 30th to 1st (one per team), I’ve ranked the League’s go-to guys…"

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Dwyane Wade
3. Paul Pierce
4. LeBron James
5. Tim Duncan
6. Dirk Nowitzki
7. Brandon Roy
8. Carmelo Anthony
9. Chris Paul
10. Deron Williams
11. Vince Carter
12. Joe Johnson
13. Danny Granger
14. Steve Nash
15. Kevin Durant
16. Gilbert Arenas
17. Derrick Rose
18. Chris Bosh
19. Andre Iguodala
20. Tracy McGrady
21. Baron Davis
22. Michael Redd
23. Devin Harris
24. Kevin Martin
25. Al Jefferson
26. O.J. Mayo
27. Stephen Jackson
28. Nate Robinson
29. Boris Diaw
30. Rip Hamilton

Just a hodgepodge of players for ranks 10 through 30.

:lol:lol no manu.

devin harris? tracy mcgrady? BORIS DIAW? :lmao

yeah this guy is terrible.

04-08-2010, 10:09 PM
Austin Barton has no credibility with me. Here's his list of "NBA's top 30 go to players":

"Who do you want your offense to run through with everything on the line? Counting down 30th to 1st (one per team), I’ve ranked the League’s go-to guys…"

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Dwyane Wade
3. Paul Pierce
4. LeBron James
5. Tim Duncan
6. Dirk Nowitzki
7. Brandon Roy
8. Carmelo Anthony
9. Chris Paul
10. Deron Williams
11. Vince Carter
12. Joe Johnson
13. Danny Granger
14. Steve Nash
15. Kevin Durant
16. Gilbert Arenas
17. Derrick Rose
18. Chris Bosh
19. Andre Iguodala
20. Tracy McGrady
21. Baron Davis
22. Michael Redd
23. Devin Harris
24. Kevin Martin
25. Al Jefferson
26. O.J. Mayo
27. Stephen Jackson
28. Nate Robinson
29. Boris Diaw
30. Rip Hamilton

Just a hodgepodge of players for ranks 10 through 30.

:lol no manu.

devin harris? tracy mcgrady? BORIS DIAW? :lmao

yeah this guy is terrible.

04-08-2010, 10:32 PM
:lol no manu.

devin harris? tracy mcgrady? BORIS DIAW? :lmao

yeah this guy is terrible.

Uhhh it says 1 player per team. He picked Devin Harris because who else on the Nets would he pick. He picked Diaw because this was before the SJAX trade. People need to actually read things before bitching about things.

04-08-2010, 10:56 PM
What a weird list. Half of these guys are hated primarily because the are just ridiculously talented and the other half don't even belong on the list at all.
Anyway, here's my take. Sorry about the length.

1. LeBron James- Is a puzzling choice for the top spot, but I understand the inclusion because LeBron is the epitome of "player hate". The kid is an absolute beast. People hate him for the same reason they hated Jordan. He doesn't play for your team. Yeah, the bench dance party, chalk throwing, puppeteering, press dodging thing is a little silly, but dude is a freak of nature. The best pure athlete the league has ever seen.

2. Kobe Bryant- Should be #1. I respect his game. I think he got a raw deal in the whole "raped a dumb whore in a hotel in Denver" thing (Although, it sounds like she got a "raw deal" too). I'll admit I laughed. I told jokes. I really don't like the guy. I hate his face.
I actually liked the Lakers when I was a kid. The "showtime" Lakers were, for the most part, a real solid, talented group of players. Shaq (who should really be on this list) and Kobe just killed it for me. The cockiness, arrogance and sense of entitlement really turned me off. However, I have to admit that I hate Kobe mostly because I'm a Spurs fan.
3. Manu Ginobili-I don't understand why he is so high on the list, but strangely, I am proud of it. People who complain about flopping have never played basketball competitively. It's called taking a charge. It's part of the game, dumbass. If you want to be mad, blame the refs. Manu is a Bad Man. A magician. An upsetter. He is . . . Batman. Anyone who hates Manu is just confused by the overwhelming respect they have for his game.

4. Vince Carter- Not living up to whatever perceived expectations that a player is burdened with is a pretty lame reason to hate him. I hate that he isn't wearing a Spurs jersey.

5. Nate Robinson- Other than being a little guy that can dunk, Nate Robinson doesn't have the game to be included in this company.

6. Tracy McGrady- As a Spurs fan, it's easy to hate McGrady for 13pts in 35 seconds alone, but I will never question his killer instinct. I actually really like McGrady. He has had a career full of bad luck and I think he gets a bad rap.

7. Carlos Boozer- I don't live in Cleveland or Salt Lake City so I don't give a shit. He's OK, I guess.

8. Kevin Garnett-I would put KG a lot higher on my list. Maybe #1. I've never liked Garnett. He is a punk. The anti-Duncan. A loud mouth jackass. Chest beating, F bomb dropping, Baby Davis yelling pretend tough guy bitch. Fuck KG!

9. Allen Iverson- This one really bothers me and it always has. A.I. was (unfairly) portrayed as the poster boy for the perceived "bad boy" image in the post-Jordan NBA. Pound for pound one of the toughest players the league has ever seen, Allen Iverson can flat out ball. Any hate toward Iverson leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I associate it with racism and bigotry. I love the guy. Practice.
10. Rajon Rondo & Shawn Marion- I just don't get this one at all. The only thing I hate about these two are the teams they play on. I've always respected Marion and I secretly covet Rondo. This makes no sense.

I would include, on my own personal list:
Ray Allen, Kenyon Martin, Jason Terry, Amare Stoudemire and Ron Artest.

04-08-2010, 11:04 PM
hi. nice to meet you.
That's funny.

04-08-2010, 11:18 PM
complements bron, shits on manu....expected. :wakeup

04-09-2010, 12:17 AM
I'd bet that to a man evry person who says they hate Manu would just love for him to play on their team.LOL

04-09-2010, 12:21 AM
Why is SHIT missed? Shit is badly hated by Rockets fans and his teammates on this team IMHO, I mean the fans who really love that team but not the so-called fans who are actually the lovers of SHIT himself.

04-09-2010, 12:24 AM
at least these 11 lads listed are all PLAYERS who still play the game, none of whom earns his paycheck by doing NOTHING- the only thing that shit does for his team.

04-09-2010, 12:41 AM
I think I've met like one person who hate LBJ..

I hate kobe and garnett, that's about it..

bad list IMO

04-09-2010, 12:44 AM
I think I've met like one person who hate LBJ..

I hate kobe and garnett, that's about it..

bad list IMO

yea its almost like the author wants more people to hate James for some strange reason

04-09-2010, 12:45 AM
3. Manu Ginobili-I don't understand why he is so high on the list, but strangely, I am proud of it. People who complain about flopping have never played basketball competitively. It's called taking a charge. It's part of the game, dumbass. If you want to be mad, blame the refs. Manu is a Bad Man. A magician. An upsetter. He is . . . Batman. Anyone who hates Manu is just confused by the overwhelming respect they have for his game.


Ginobili isnt synonymous with "flop" because he "takes charges".

04-09-2010, 12:48 AM
yea its almost like the author wants more people to hate James for some strange reason

I dont know anyone who hates LBJ.

Kobe should be #1 and #2 for his split personality. Number one should be the REAL Kobe (the smug, arrogant asshole) and number two should be his phony personality (the one who wears the sweater vests during press conferences and plagerizes Jordan).

04-09-2010, 12:50 AM
Uhhh it says 1 player per team. He picked Devin Harris because who else on the Nets would he pick. He picked Diaw because this was before the SJAX trade. People need to actually read things before bitching about things.

Brook lopez
Gerald Wallace.

04-09-2010, 12:55 AM

Ginobili isnt synonymous with "flop" because he "takes charges".

Sure he does. He sacrifices his body on defense the way he does on offense. I won't deny that he doesn't "sell" the charge, but that doesn't mean a foul didn't occur.

04-09-2010, 01:43 AM
8. Kevin Garnett-I would put KG a lot higher on my list. Maybe #1. I've never liked Garnett. He is a punk. The anti-Duncan. A loud mouth jackass. Chest beating, F bomb dropping, Baby Davis yelling pretend tough guy bitch. Fuck KG!


Fernando TD21
04-09-2010, 02:03 AM
1a - Kobe
1b - KG


Lebron shouldn't be ranked so high in this list and Marion shouldn't be there.

04-09-2010, 04:29 AM
What a joke! Iverson hated less that LBJ, Manu and others. Wow.

04-09-2010, 04:52 AM
that's just plain bullshit about manu ginobili.

that's not because journalists keep on saying a false thing that's it becomes true.

Manu could be one of the most loved and respected player over the fans, especially if you take in account the international fans. He would not be in a top 10 of favorite players because he isn't very exposed as a spurs player an a quiet non american guy. but if you asked fans/journalist/players/coachs what they think about manu, it will be almost always a good thing.

Medias has praised a lot manu, sometimes even overpraising him (i.e his clutch play who isn't supported by any stat) and in the same time over bashed him for his flopping and the supposed hate others fans has for him.

The flopping "hate" is a myth created by the journalist and that goes in the head of fans who reads it again and again. that's the medias creating a thing by saying it again and again. i'm not saying manu doesn't flop. Just that medias has talked about it, and the supposed hate about it, more than necessary

manu is one the most pleasant player to watch and a proven winner, and almost every fan would agree with this.

04-09-2010, 06:14 AM

Ginobili isnt synonymous with "flop" because he "takes charges".

Just like Steve Nash, but less frequently, right?

04-09-2010, 06:19 AM
Manu is a great guy, proven winner and a highly exciting player...
This ranking is based on nothing at all, at least concerning Manu.


04-09-2010, 06:20 AM
Ginobili hasn't flopped extensively for years. It's gotten to the point where any time somebody is called for a foul on Ginobili, it's only because he "flopped" his way to the line.

It's like people...don't even watch the game. They're just making shit up at this point based on crowd perception.

04-09-2010, 06:21 AM
Kobe should have been on top and Manu, I dont know why he is on that list, because he has so many people who like him, he is very popular among spurs fans but also so many others and so many people outside the USA who like the guy.

I thought he was the kind of player almost everyone liked, at least who have sympathy for him.

04-09-2010, 06:26 AM
Kobe should have been on top and Manu, I dont know why he is on that list, because he has so many people who like him, he is very popular among spurs fans but also so many others and so many people outside the USA who like the guy.

I thought he was the kind of player almost everyone liked, at least who have sympathy for him.

he is. These rankings are just bullshit, based on nothing tangible

He has nothing to do with the likes of Garnett, Iverson, Kobe and LBJ

04-09-2010, 06:44 AM
I agree with whoever said that he hates LeBron because he's a jackass. I think he IS a great player, but he kills any respect I have for him every time he opens his mouth. Of course, guys like this author have probably made him that way with statements like if you don't like Lebron, you don't know basketball. And oh yeah, except for the few crybabies around the league, I didn't think Manu was that hated either.

04-09-2010, 08:12 AM
Soccer sucks in America because we have Football.

Give me a break, haven´t heard anything more stupid in the last week.

PS: BTW, I´ve always considered that "Football" is a curious name for a sport that is played mostly with hands. Guess they didn´t have more imagination at that moment :lol

it's me
04-09-2010, 09:36 AM
Give me a break, haven´t heard anything more stupid in the last week.

PS: BTW, I´ve always considered that "Football" is a curious name for a sport that is played mostly with hands. Guess they didn´t have more imagination at that moment :lol

They didn’t want to name it pussyfied rugby, that’s all :lol

04-09-2010, 09:40 AM
Think Bowen would be on that list if he was still playing?

04-09-2010, 09:47 AM
Think Bowen would be on that list if he was still playing?

Without a doubt.

04-09-2010, 09:50 AM
Hahaha... Shaq said it best a couple of years ago...

They boo you because they fear you...

At least for the stars that is true.

04-09-2010, 09:51 AM
Hahaha... Shaq said it best a couple of years ago...

They boo you because they fear you...

At least for the stars that is true.

04-09-2010, 09:53 AM
Kobe is hated #1, no question.

04-09-2010, 10:26 AM
I've never got the impression that Manu is necessarily hated. People always complain about his flopping and such, but a lot of people like his game.

One of the directors at my work moved here from phoenix and told me when Bowen was traded for Jefferson "dang, you guys need to quit picking up guys I like, you got rid of Bowen, and got Jefferson, if you guys get rid of Manu, I might actually be able to like the spurs and root for them when they are not playing the Suns." He hates Manu.

Oh and before you flame the heck out of him, he is pretty self-deprecating about the Suns place vis-a-vis the Spurs. He later told me he couldn't truely root for the spurs until duncan is gone too because of the hurting those players have put on his team.

04-09-2010, 10:53 AM
I think Manu is hated in certain cities where the Spurs have had playoff success, namely Dallas, Phoenix, LA, Utah, and Denver. They boo him pretty good in those five places. As for the players, it wasn't always the case, but I think by now he's been good enough for long enough that most of the guys around the league respect him even if they're not friendly with him. I haven't really heard anyone in the league bash Manu in a while, though I know him and Jason Terry despise each other.

This. Manu is absolutely hated here in Salt Lake City. I have a few good Jazz-fan friends who I can talk basketball with, and while they dislike Manu, they keep it pretty civil. However, whenever I mention to someone random around town that I'm a Spurs fan, they give me an evil glare, and if they say anything it's usually Manu hate. (And the occasional stale line about the Spurs and Duncan being boring).

04-09-2010, 10:58 AM
I can't think of a team or a team's fans that would not root for Manu had they had the chance to take him from the Spurs.

The Spurs offered a max contract because I think there would have been about 28 teams offering Manu a contract.

04-09-2010, 10:59 AM
This. Manu is absolutely hated here in Salt Lake City. I have a few good Jazz-fan friends who I can talk basketball with, and while they dislike Manu, they keep it pretty civil. However, whenever I mention to someone random around town that I'm a Spurs fan, they give me an evil glare, and if they say anything it's usually Manu hate. (And the occasional stale line about the Spurs and Duncan being boring).

Yeah, because the Jazz are a real bunch of dynamos with personality to spare.

04-09-2010, 11:31 AM
I hate Lebron because of the way he acts. He is an attention whore and loves playing it up. His 30 minute bullshit media session last year in NYC when he kept playing freakin mind games with the media saying "I'm going to test my options. I love Cleveland, my mind is on winning a championship. BUT DAMN NYC IS GREAT! AND JULY 2010 IS GOING TO BE A GREAT TIME!!!! AWESOME!!! BIGGEST DAY EVER!!! but im thinking of a championship right now".

Its like he's so full of himself and KNOWS the media loves him so he just comes off as an arrogant, pompous ass. I dislike Kobe Bryant but I feel like Kobe is arrogant in a "I'm so much better than you and will do anything to beat you on the courth" kind of way. Lebron is arrogant in a "I dominate basketball and you guys write about that all the time and I LOVE THE ATTENTION AND WILL CONTINUE TO WHORE ALL THIS ATTENTION BECAUSE I LOVE ME" kind of way.

But least fave player ever is Jason Terry followed by Rick Fox.

04-09-2010, 11:40 AM
They didn’t want to name it pussyfied rugby, that’s all :lol


04-09-2010, 11:42 AM
They didn’t want to name it pussyfied rugby, that’s all :lol


04-09-2010, 12:11 PM
I truly love that Manu is high on the list. I love it when he is booed, like he was against the Suns, and is usually booed in Denver. The reason they hate him is because he beats the crap out of their teams and they get sick of it.

And for me, i don't like Lebron. But I don't hate him either.

The only players I ever came close to hating as NBA players (not as a person) was Kevin Garnett, and Chris Paul.

Garnett for his constant trash talking against Duncan, and being all up in his face on several occasions.

Chris Paul for his antics during the Spurs/Hornets series in 2008. Wow, he was annoying the crap out of me. BUT...as a person, I know he is a great guy. From what I've heard, he does great things for the community and Sean Elliott always says how great of an individual he is off the court.

Now Kobe Bryant... thats another matter.

04-09-2010, 12:40 PM
I can't hate someone just because he is very talented and plays on an opposing team. I love to beat the team of those players who I respect, because you are defined by how you do against the best opponents, not by the dregs.

Back in the day, fans didn't necessarily hate the superstars. The players they hated were the enforcers who'd beat the crap out of their best players, the cheap shot artists, the whiners, the showboats, and the bullies.

They'd get booed at the introductions and on every play they were involved in that was even slightly controversial.

I think this list missed the point of fan hate.