View Full Version : Where has Whottt gone? (not a bash thread)

05-05-2005, 12:13 PM
I really enjoyed reading your posts but all of a sudden, (probably after your poor prediction skills where displayed) you disappeared. C’mon man, we need your insight just as much as Sequ’s. :drunk

05-05-2005, 12:15 PM
He's busy tyring to create excuses for Barry's abominable play. That's a full time job, these days.

05-05-2005, 12:18 PM
He's busy tyring to create excuses for Barry's abominable play. That's a full time job, these days.

What can I say??


05-05-2005, 02:55 PM
whottt used his moderator powers to ban himself from the board.

05-05-2005, 02:58 PM
:lol Did AHF ever figure out how to get back in chat after Whottt banned him?

05-05-2005, 03:05 PM
the fucker banned me in chat last night so I had him eliminated.


05-05-2005, 03:27 PM
ghost has been out a long time
his girl has got him wrapped around her little ...

05-05-2005, 03:28 PM
the fucker banned me in chat last night so I had him eliminated.


yeah, but you figured out how to get back in chat!

05-05-2005, 03:42 PM
whottt's hauling his trailer to the next site of WWF Smackdown as we speak...

05-05-2005, 03:44 PM
Re: Predict The First Round

Suns vs. Grizzlies - Suns in 5
Spurs vs. Nuggets - Spurs in 5
Sonics vs. Kings - Sonics in 5
Mavericks vs. Rockets - Rockets in 7

Heat vs. Nets - Heat in 6
Pistons vs. Sixers - Pistons in 5
Celtics vs. Pacers - Pacers in 6
Chicago vs. Washington - Bulls in 6

High Scorer - TMac

And.... link (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14058&page=4)


I never doubted the team....I doubted Pop...I figured since he stupidly didn't play Barry Horry or Robinson in most of the the 4th quarter of our initial choke in game 1...that he would continue that stupidity in the other games...He didn't....Barry got signifigant minuites in the 4th every game thereafter, at times even running the point, and we all saw what Horry did, at times telling Pop to get fucked and breaking the offense to produce a 6 point swing, and Pop's usage of the roation was just better all around...and our offense never went into the toilet like that again.

So my point remains...if Pop doesn't stop this team from winning...then it will win.


I must say...


And because of that sad fact....

Sonics in 6.

T Park
05-05-2005, 03:52 PM
You truely are a moron.

05-05-2005, 03:54 PM
fuc yeaah tpark you teell him

05-05-2005, 03:55 PM
As long as the Spurs keep winning, I can stand Whottt's trash talk.

He does not really believe what he says.

05-05-2005, 03:55 PM
BTW TPark, I haven't yet given you props for your newfound mastery of you're and lose. Props.

T Park
05-05-2005, 03:57 PM
Nate McMillan is a better coach.

This is the same guy that last year they about ran out on a rail cause he was pathetic.

Yeah right.

You people are way way way overrating this Sonics team.

herbivore female
05-05-2005, 03:58 PM
You truely are a moron.

now if only he could master truly

05-05-2005, 04:01 PM
Y'all know the fourth sign of the Apocalypse is when whottt, Sequ, AHF, Ghost, and Walton all feel positive about the Spurs at the same time?

05-05-2005, 04:02 PM
now if only he could master truly
:lol beat me to it, H.F.!

05-05-2005, 04:02 PM
As long as the Spurs keep winning, I can stand Whottt's trash talk.

He does not really believe what he says.

I do feel what I say...

I think this team is a champion. I think it is the most talented team in Spurs history. I have thought that since day 1...

And it's actually more talented now than it was originally...

I think Pop is an awsecome defensive coach and at aquiring talent...but I still contend that he turns into to much of a pussy on offense and gets too conservative on offense, in tight games...and it hurts us...

We have had this problem for his entire coaching tenure...even though the players have changed.

I can show you a clear trend of choked 4th quarters all season long when he doesn't play Barry in the second half or especially in the 4th...Robert Horry as well.

When Pop has faith in his team and rotation he wins, and all the other great aspects of his coaching bear fruit. When he doesn't....choke city baby.

You go look at this series and you will see Barry making tons of plays in the 4th quarter to end scoring droughts or stop sloppy play....after game 1.

05-05-2005, 04:03 PM
Here are some Whottt quotes that will shed some truthful light:

If the Spurs pull out both of these games I will be amazed and the credit will all be on Pop. It aint gonna happen though...I'll be thrilled with one win and regaining HCA.

Sorry, not happy, not satisfied, don't believe. And I said winning this game would not make a difference...

Anyway...we're still in a huge hole and I still don't think we're gonna win this series.

I think the Spurs are the better team and the more talented team...but whatever edge they have is going to be lessened playing in the mile high city.

I'm not jumping ship because of losing game 1...I am jumping it because of the way we lost and because of the commentary from key figures afterwards.

The believers will give Whottt one last chance to jump to the right side. He's made a fool out of himself, but all will be forgotten if you joins us. Does he have it in him to admit he was wrong and admit to seeing the light or will he continue to his ways? Right now, the only times he posts is when he's defending Barry. Other than that, he's been rendered useless. I now extend the olive branch in the name of those who Believe. Will Whottt accept?


Who you with?


05-05-2005, 04:05 PM
You go look at this series and you will see Barry making tons of plays in the 4th quarter to end scoring droughts or stop sloppy play.

??? Which series? The "Sonics in 6" series?

Look, whottt you either believe the Spurs will win or you don't. You can't have it both ways. (ie, after the Nuggets won, you were convinced the Spurs would lose. But now the Spurs win, you pull out your orginal prediction).

Are you sticking with the Sonics in 6 even after the Spurs have swept them?!?

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:05 PM
stop sloppy play

yeah he looked fantastic on that turnover on a 3 on 1 breakway running right into Nene.

Great play there.

05-05-2005, 04:06 PM
Right now, the only times he posts is when he's defending Barry.

Way too harsh. I'm here to stick up for Brother whottt . . .

I can show you a clear trend of choked 4th quarters all season long when he doesn't play Barry in the second half or especially in the 4th

You go look at this series and you will see Barry making tons of plays in the 4th quarter to end scoring droughts or stop sloppy play....after game 1.

. . . Damn.

05-05-2005, 04:08 PM
No way...TimVP

I'll believe in Pop........After we win. Not before.

By the way...I lost a bet with Jalbre...since he didn't take me up on it for the NBA title and only for the first round...I will only give up my title to one of his choosing.

Jailbre, double or nothing for the second round? Title and Avatar?

Note: I won't change my avatar until after the season is over :smokin

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:10 PM

He has only won 2 rings, and is against a mediocre coach.

Sure, give the edge to the lame duck coach why not.

05-05-2005, 04:13 PM
Sonics in 6.So you are now officially changing your "Spurs all the way even though the Malik trade made it tougher" stance? You had your chance then.

05-05-2005, 04:13 PM
Woah. Whottt will believe after the Spurs win. That takes some sack.



The Believers now officially ban Whottt of future membership and his little choking boy toy Brent Barry too.


05-05-2005, 04:13 PM
??? Which series? The "Sonics in 6" series?

Look, whottt you either believe the Spurs will win or you don't. You can't have it both ways. (ie, after the Nuggets won, you were convinced the Spurs would lose. But now the Spurs win, you pull out your orginal prediction).

Are you sticking with the Sonics in 6 even after the Spurs have swept them?!?

That's bullshit...

Look at all the Barry haters that still think the Spurs will win the title...

How come they can hate Barry and still be considered Spursfans, but I can't do the same with Pop?

Well I think we will win this title if Pop doesn't fuck us on offense...I just think he will fuck us when it matters most....and because he's the coach the reprecussions will be greater...a loss.

05-05-2005, 04:16 PM
(not a bash thread)


Kori Ellis
05-05-2005, 04:18 PM
Damn Whottt, timvp extended the olive branch and you snapped it in half.

Oh well, we'll have someone save a seat for you in the back of the bandwagon.

05-05-2005, 04:20 PM
Woah. Whottt will believe after the Spurs win. That takes some sack.



The Believers now officially ban Whottt of future membership and his little choking boy toy Brent Barry too.


Classic example....

TimVP shows his hate for a player that took a paycut to come here to come here to win a title, one who has done nothing but be a team player and step up when asked all season long...Yet TimVP still considers himself to be a Spurfan of great note...

Well I spend just as much time obsessing over the Spurs as he does and feel the agony or joy of wins and losses just as much as he does...

I just have a different Spur I choose to deride...and because his importance is greater to the team, the impact of his failure will be much greater.

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:22 PM
step up when asked all season long

when exactly in last night's game did he step up?????

05-05-2005, 04:23 PM
Go watch the first part of the 4th quarter again...Hedo, Rasho, Pop sucking bitch.

05-05-2005, 04:24 PM
And when exactly did Pop step up in game 1...

I saw him sitting there with his thumbs up his ass for virtually the entire quarter, doing nothing except watching his rotation of choice choke.

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:26 PM
And when exactly did Pop step up in game 1

He wasn't the one brought in for 3 point shooting.

Once again, when did last night, did Brent Barry hit a HUGE 3 pointer.

Game 2??? Game 3 MAYBE!?!??

The guy has been terrible. Especially last night.

Last night he FINALLY drops a pair, and drives to the hole, and gets 3 the old fashioned way.

Then he comes back down lets Andre Miller drive RIGHT BY him and fouls him giving back the 3.

Tell me AGAIN, how he stepped up??

Oh, he made a pick on Kenyon Martin, ooooooooo. Impressive....

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:27 PM
Hedo, Rasho, Pop sucking bitch.

Now now Whotttie, be nice.....

Discuss it rationally for once.

05-05-2005, 04:28 PM
Spurs would have swept if they didn't miss 17 straight shots in the fourth quarter of game one. How many three feet and in shots did Tim and Tony miss in the drought?

You jumped off the wagon while gripping your Brent Barry doll and now you are too ashamed to get back on.

The sad part is now you only post when you are trying to defend Barry. Other than that, you have nothing to say.

T Park
05-05-2005, 04:29 PM
Uh defend barry, and rip pop.

Other than that, nothing.

05-05-2005, 04:31 PM
So you are now officially changing your "Spurs all the way even though the Malik trade made it tougher" stance? You had your chance then.

Where have you been?


05-05-2005, 04:32 PM
That's bullshit...

Nope. :lol

Look at all the Barry haters that still think the Spurs will win the title...

How come they can hate Barry and still be considered Spursfans, but I can't do the same with Pop?

Well I think we will win this title if Pop doesn't fuck us on offense...I just think he will fuck us when it matters most....and because he's the coach the reprecussions will be greater...a loss.

Well, I can't speak for every Spurs fan, but for myself, I think Coach Pop > Barry.

Barry ain't gonna win a title for us. Oh, he may win some games, but here's the order of importance of players on the Spurs TEAM: (based on First Round)

1. Tim Duncan. Duh.
2. Manu. Yeah, I put Manu over Tony.
3. Tony.
4. Bruce. Hard choice, but I still believe Defense wins Championships.
5. Nasr Mohammed. GREAT trade. Great fill in for Rasho while he's hurt.
6. Robert Horry. Probably should be higher....
7. Robinson.
8. Beno.
9. Brent Barry.
10. Rasho (only because he's hurt and not playing)
11. Devin Brown. (Ditto).
12. T-Mass. Sorry, dude!

So, out of all the players I'd like to have on the court in the 4th quarter taking a shot, there's 8 I prefer before Barry!

05-05-2005, 04:36 PM
Forgive me for thinking you wouldn't be one to jump ship after one fluke loss.
You had your chance then.

05-05-2005, 04:37 PM
one who has done nothing but be a team player and step up when asked all season long...

This happened in whottt Bizzaro world. The rest of us saw an underachieving, passive surfer dude who had maybe 5 good games, 10 average games, and a whole lot of milk carton appearances.

05-05-2005, 04:41 PM
Hang it up, whottt. You're done.

05-05-2005, 04:43 PM

How can you be a fan of the team and hate the Coach? Is that even possible?

Especially a Coach who's won 2 Championships and never failed to take us to the Playoffs, even when Tim is hurt?

(note, I'm not counting the year Pop took over because it was not a full season).

Players like Barry will come and go. Pop is not leaving. So, you'd best get over your hate, or find another team to root for!

05-05-2005, 04:45 PM
I'm no basketball expert, but Barry brings more to the table than hitting 3 pointers.

05-05-2005, 05:11 PM
I'm no basketball expert, but Barry brings more to the table than hitting 3 pointers.
by no means am I a barry lover, but the guy did pretty well attacking the basket and finishing on the break. He hit a few 3's, nothing in crunch time, but him being a threat helps open things up for the rest of the guys.

Also, I noticed barry working his ass off on "D". He's not a great defensive player, but you gotta give him an A for effort.

05-05-2005, 05:12 PM
Forgive me for thinking you wouldn't be one to jump ship after one fluke loss.

Excuse the fuck out of me oh androgynous one....

The next time I see your name in a prediction thread will be the fucking first.

Call me out when you put your name on the record....until then, STFU and go find out what sex you are.

05-05-2005, 05:16 PM
Hang it up, whottt. You're done.


Rather than sitting around nervously handwringing and trying to be a good littlke cheerleader like most of you guys...

Some of us prefer to have some balls, make a real difference...and call out the fucking people that need to be called out...

You should be thanking me for saying what everyone else was afraid to say, at the risk of blaspheming all mighty pop, what needed to be said...

Whottt calling out Pop and giving him a big :flipoff >>>>>>>>>>>> Believe + who you with :sleep.

I am the fucking MVP of that first round...not you guys.

Did cheerleading do any good in game 1? No it did not...

Did calling out Pop after game 1 do any good? Undefeated baby.

Deal with it.

05-05-2005, 05:20 PM
I am the MVP of the first round.

I called so many predictions it is not even funny, including the Spurs win in 5, and I never came off that prediction even after dropping game 1. I said they would win out and they did.

What is your best guess?

I think the best matchup is Kings-Sonics and Rockets-Mavs will be another great series to watch.

(1) Suns vs. (8) Grizzlies Suns in 6

(2) Spurs vs. (7) Nuggets Spurs in 5

(3) Sonics vs. (6) Kings Sonics in 6

(4) Mavericks vs. (5) Rockets Mavs in 6


Miami in 6

Detroit in 5

Boston in 6

Washington in 6

05-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Whottt, you're scaring me. You're starting to sound like GhostWriter.

05-05-2005, 05:27 PM
This message is hidden because exstatic is on your ignore list.


05-05-2005, 05:28 PM
Whottt, you're scaring me. You're starting to sound like GhostWriter.

Why because I think my calling out Pop makes a difference...

Welcome to my world...where people think 6.5 billion cheerleading threads make a difference...

05-05-2005, 05:34 PM

everyone is kinda of just messing with you. You're coming across as someone who needs medication. Remember genius comes right before lunacy.

05-05-2005, 05:36 PM

How can you be a fan of the team and hate the Coach? Is that even possible?


How long have you been a Spursfan?

The coach isn't the team...I was here 15 years before Pop was.

If you had been a fan during the Bob Weiss era...if you were a Cowboy fan you during the Chan Gailey era, you would know that answer...

But since you don't...not only must I assume that you are a newbie fan of the Spurs...I just also assume you are a newbie sports fan period...

How can you hate the coach and be a fan of the team....get real....

Why don't you ask TimVP and Marcus Bryant how they can have a total hate on for the owner of the team yet still claim they bleed Silver and Black like no other...

On top of that, I don't hate Pop and if I accidentally made that allusion in this thread I apologize...but I get really tired of Pop suckers thinking any criticism of Pop equals hate, and I probably am responding as if I do hate...but I don't...so stop trying to get me to praise Pop via ignorance of the 6 billion times I have said I don't hate him, when I am ripping his shortcomings.

Especially a Coach who's won 2 Championships and never failed to take us to the Playoffs, even when Tim is hurt?

How come Pop sucked ass as college coach? Don't say it's because of talent...

(note, I'm not counting the year Pop took over because it was not a full season).


Players like Barry will come and go.

Right, in fact they have...but 4th quarter chokes will remain...except for every half decade or so, when the greatest 3PCT shooter in NBA history comes off the bench to hit 877% from 3 for an entire playoffs, in his greatest moment.....

I wonder why the 4th quarter chokes remain while the players change.....

Pop is not leaving. So, you'd best get over your hate, or find another team to root for!

Spoken like a true Pop sucker...I imagine you'll be leaving before I do...my fandom isn't based on Pop...I guess you'll be following Pop to whatever team he goes too...in that case I hope he does leave soon. Pop sucking Bandwaggoner.

05-05-2005, 05:40 PM
What would you do if the Spurs moved to Vegas and another NBA team came to SA? Who would you be a fan of?

05-05-2005, 05:40 PM
Suns in 5
Spurs in 5
Sonics in 6
Mavericks in 5

Heat in 5
Pistons in 4
Celtics in 7
Wizards in 6


05-05-2005, 05:41 PM

a lot of people in this town dislike pop, so you're not alone. However, looking at it objectively Pop has gotten way better over the years. How many teams in the league have won the championship? Spurs are one of those teams and Pop was the coach. Spurs have had just as talented if not more talented teams in the past, but never got over the hump. Pop delivered and that's why people will die with him. I for one, like Magic Johnson, think Pop is fantastic. He's Larry Brown without the neuroticism.

05-05-2005, 05:48 PM
everyone is kinda of just messing with you. You're coming across as someone who needs medication. Remember genius comes right before lunacy.

Apparently, he skipped that step. :angel

05-05-2005, 05:51 PM
Call me out when you put your name on the record.Hey, if I can change my mind with every win or loss like you, I'll predict things all the time.

05-05-2005, 05:54 PM

everyone is kinda of just messing with you. You're coming across as someone who needs medication. Remember genius comes right before lunacy.

What makes you think I don't realize people are messing with me? What makes you think I am not messing with them back? And wouldn't the fact that I realize the totality of the situation, while you don't, mean that you are coming across as someone in need of medication(or at least another cent)?

Can you say with all certainty that you are taking this less seriously than me?

05-05-2005, 05:55 PM
I Believe. I am not a 22 years fan of spurs (wait, i am not 22 lol)
But come on! we chear for the same team. How can you love pop without hating him. This is what being a fan is all about Passion hate relation. I think it is great that we are the most critics toward spurs but also the first one to step up and defend them.
Pop do not always make the right choice. If you practiced in a collective sports you know how sometimes you just feel stuff that a coach dont on the field and sometime it is the contrary.
I love and beleive in Spurs. but when they loose i will be proud to criticize.
by the way. i love it when you fight guys. nothing like a good post fight reading after work !!!!!!!!

05-05-2005, 05:55 PM
Hey, if I can change my mind with every win or loss like you, I'll predict things all the time.

Oh, you do still change your mind, even with your patented initial vagueness on things......don't act like you don't.

05-05-2005, 05:58 PM
What makes you think I don't realize people are messing with me? What makes you think I am not messing with them back? And wouldn't the fact that I realize the totality of the situation, while you don't, mean that you are coming across as someone in need of medication(or at least another cent)?

Can you say with all certainty that you are taking this less seriously than me?

cool. i'm just messing around like always.

05-05-2005, 06:01 PM

Not so fast...I can win the Dallas series and the Wash series.

You can win the Boston series and the Wash series...we are even steven.

05-05-2005, 06:07 PM
What would you do if the Spurs moved to Vegas and another NBA team came to SA? Who would you be a fan of?

The Spurs...I'm not from San Antonio, I was born in Dallas and my Spurs fandom I inherited from my Dad who was actually a Chaps fan. We moved to Austin just a few years before the Spurs moved to SA...he stayed with the team after the move since Dallas didn't have a team...by the time Dallas got a team it was too late...He's kind of a Lakers fan too since that was his NBA team, but it's never been anything but the Spurs for me.

05-05-2005, 06:12 PM
Uh...Spurm and Jim...I lead both of you guys in points so far in the prediction thread...

And what I said outside of that thread doesn't matter...because that is the official prediction thread...put it this way...if the Nuggets had won in 6 no one was going to give me any points for it because of what I said later...and a smart better always know how to make good side bets.

So I got 8 points so far...and I am still in line to win all my series(although the Bulls is looking bleak).

Therefore...Whottt>Jimcs50 and Spurminator...

05-05-2005, 08:06 PM
Son of a Laker fan. Starting to make sense now.


05-05-2005, 09:19 PM
whottt, you can get 12 pts.

I can get 12 pts too.

If Dallas wins tonight, the best you can get is 10, and I will get 12(Indy and Chicago did not win in 6), so I win.

Originally Posted by whotttstradamus

Re: Predict The First Round


Suns vs. Grizzlies - Suns in 5
Spurs vs. Nuggets - Spurs in 5
Sonics vs. Kings - Sonics in 5
Mavericks vs. Rockets - Rockets in 7

Heat vs. Nets - Heat in 6
Pistons vs. Sixers - Pistons in 5
Celtics vs. Pacers - Pacers in 6
Chicago vs. Washington - Bulls in 6

High Scorer - TMac

Kori Ellis
05-05-2005, 09:23 PM
Did cheerleading do any good in game 1? No it did not...

Did calling out Pop after game 1 do any good? Undefeated baby.

Deal with it.


I nominate that for Crack Take of the year.

Did you go to Pop's office to call him out, or do it over the phone?

05-05-2005, 09:26 PM
I nominate that for Crack Take of the year.

Second place, Kori. First went to that tool from Orlando who said Dwight Howard, without a doubt, will be better than Duncan. He been suckin' that glass dick, fo' sho'.

T Park
05-05-2005, 09:28 PM
Did you go to Pop's office to call him out, or do it over the phone

If he met him in person, he would stammer, hem and haw and wouldn't say shit.

05-05-2005, 10:46 PM
No way...TimVP

I'll believe in Pop........After we win. Not before.

By the way...I lost a bet with Jalbre...since he didn't take me up on it for the NBA title and only for the first round...I will only give up my title to one of his choosing.

Jailbre, double or nothing for the second round? Title and Avatar?

Note: I won't change my avatar until after the season is over :smokin

How the fuck did I miss this? Yes, certainly, double or nothing.

For those of you that don't know whottt we're talking about...


No way does this team win a title....and I wouldn't bet a half a Vbuck on them making it out of the first round

Ok then, what would you bet against this happening (Spurs in 2nd round)?