View Full Version : GOP To Block Senate From Debating Wall Street Reform

04-17-2010, 10:27 AM

Big shocker...

04-17-2010, 10:33 AM
McConnell has pocketed over $1M from the financial sector for his campaign.

He's actually for repeated bailouts of his "employers", and against any financial regulation, and certainly against regs that give consumers (aka citizens) freedom from financial predators.

That's a "freedom" one NEVER hears the duped/rabble teabaggers whining about losing.

04-17-2010, 02:19 PM
We are united in our opposition to the partisan legislation reported by the Senate Banking Committee. As currently constructed, this bill allows for endless taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street and establishes new and unlimited regulatory powers that will stifle small businesses and community banks.

I don't see what's so wrong with the GOP not wanting endless bailouts and better regulatory standards...sounds like the Liberals just want to put something together fast that looks like a bandaid into of a transplant. WE'LL REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER!

04-17-2010, 04:06 PM
"bill allows for endless taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street"

You Lie

"establishes new and unlimited regulatory powers"

yeah right. Repugs never met a regulation they didn't want to kill. Fuck the Repugs to hell. What have the Repugs done for the country, not just the top 5%, since 2000? or ever?

04-17-2010, 08:22 PM
Republicans know who butters their bread.

The democrats disgust me to no end when it comes to their huge gaping pussy of an attitude towards accomplishing their agenda, and their complete inability to establish control of a political conversation.

Financial reform should be the easiest things the democrats accomplish, and theoretically should perfectly lead into a largely inconsequential election season of 2010 (from the perspective of total vote changes).

The democrats need to frame the issue on their terms (which won't happen because they are such stupid pussies) and show the voting public that every Republican who does not vote for financial reform is completely against the common man, and only supporting big money.

If they happen to do the incredibly easy task of framing the issue properly, the Republicans will have absolutely no choice but to vote for the reform themselves, else risk losing their seats in election season.

But like i said, the Democrats again and again expose their total lack of political ability and scrot at almost every issue, and they will most likely be playing defensive reactive politics in trying to pass reform which virtually all of the voting public should support.

04-17-2010, 08:57 PM
Republicans know who butters their bread.

The democrats disgust me to no end when it comes to their huge gaping pussy of an attitude towards accomplishing their agenda, and their complete inability to establish control of a political conversation.

Financial reform should be the easiest things the democrats accomplish, and theoretically should perfectly lead into a largely inconsequential election season of 2010 (from the perspective of total vote changes).

The democrats need to frame the issue on their terms (which won't happen because they are such stupid pussies) and show the voting public that every Republican who does not vote for financial reform is completely against the common man, and only supporting big money.

If they happen to do the incredibly easy task of framing the issue properly, the Republicans will have absolutely no choice but to vote for the reform themselves, else risk losing their seats in election season.

But like i said, the Democrats again and again expose their total lack of political ability and scrot at almost every issue, and they will most likely be playing defensive reactive politics in trying to pass reform which virtually all of the voting public should support.

You are so fucking right.

04-18-2010, 12:09 AM
"bill allows for endless taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street"

You Lie

"establishes new and unlimited regulatory powers"

yeah right. Repugs never met a regulation they didn't want to kill. Fuck the Repugs to hell. What have the Repugs done for the country, not just the top 5%, since 2000? or ever?

How is McConnell, a liar on this subject? He's the only person I've heard speak out on the subject. I don't go looking for the info, it comes to me...and I can't see anything wrong with the quote from his letter.

04-18-2010, 12:26 AM
The bill has no provision for "endless bailouts". Show us where it does.

Just as Wall St dictates, McConnell is against regulation, and the regulation proposed is not "unlimited".

04-18-2010, 12:27 AM
If the Repugs block regulation and limitation of Wall St, they will be destroyed by Dems if the Dems have balls to tar the Repugs as dupes for Wall St.

04-18-2010, 04:48 AM
The Frank Luntz script (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/23808095/Language-of-Financial-Reform) was released weeks ago.

04-18-2010, 04:49 AM
There's a passing resemblance.

04-19-2010, 09:52 AM
Just something to keep in mind while we're getting all hot and bothered about who's "getting their bread buttered".........


2010 election cycle, campaign contributions by industry

Securities/Investments: 69% to democrats, 31% to republicans
Real Estate: 62% to democrats, 38% to republicans
Miscellaneous Finance: 59% to dems, 41% to reps
Commerical Banks: 52% to dems, 48% to reps
Misc. Business: 65% to dems, 35% to reps
Finance/Credit: 56% to dems, 44% to reps

04-19-2010, 10:25 AM
Of course, BOTH parties are owned by corporations and capitalist contributions.

That's why the Dems are putting forth a ridiculously weak financial regulation bill (probably written by financial sector lobbyists), AND why the Repugs are opposing it.

The Business of America is Business Corrupting and Fucking Up America.

America is fucked and there's no way to unfuck it.

04-19-2010, 10:46 AM
Of course, BOTH parties are owned by corporations and capitalist contributions.

That's why the Dems are putting forth a ridiculously weak financial regulation bill (probably written by financial sector lobbyists), AND why the Repugs are opposing it.

Sounds like you and that boutons fellow should have a chat. From his posts earlier in this thread he only seems to be worried about the money republicans are getting and doesn't appear to share your concerns about the shortcomings of the proposed reform bill.

04-19-2010, 10:53 AM
The Repugs will oppose/obstruct/destroy anything proposed by the Dems, while making no (serious) counter offer.

The Dems haven't proposed anything that will really shutdown the Wall St casino.

All of Congress is owned by corps and capitalists.

Wild Cobra
04-19-2010, 03:18 PM
Just something to keep in mind while we're getting all hot and bothered about who's "getting their bread buttered".........


2010 election cycle, campaign contributions by industry

Securities/Investments: 69% to democrats, 31% to republicans
Real Estate: 62% to democrats, 38% to republicans
Miscellaneous Finance: 59% to dems, 41% to reps
Commerical Banks: 52% to dems, 48% to reps
Misc. Business: 65% to dems, 35% to reps
Finance/Credit: 56% to dems, 44% to reps
I wonder how coincidental it is that the industries giving us problems give more to the democrats. I also wonder how many times they multiplied their contributions in government bailouts.

No wonder the CEO's got such big bonuses. They made a great deal on money off those contributions.

04-19-2010, 11:50 PM
Here's a list of the top industries contributing to members of the 111th Congress during the 2009-2010 election cycle

Well, duh! Why would lobbyists give more money to the GOP whom is out of power at the moment?