View Full Version : Let's be realistic about this series...

Mav-elous Man
04-18-2010, 11:43 PM
The Mavs just have the better team right now. San Antonio is a good team but the Mavs just match up well with the Spurs. Outside of Ginobli there are no other Spurs that scare me right now.

Not even if Parker WAS 100% healthy. I kinow some of you will site what he did last year in the playoffs. Then I will site what the Mavs did to him the following games (collapsing the paint and repeatedly rejecting his lay-up attempts) so lets not go there. And Duncan is still a very good player but lacks the mobility he once had making him managable if defended properly. Ginobli is a BEAST!!!

Not afraid of Hill, Mason, Blair (whom I really like), Bonner (whom Dirk absolutely OWNS), and notice I didn't even mention RJ who was a non-factor like Terry was for us (at least until late).

They have NO ONE who can stop Dirk. Not even Duncan which is one of the reasons why Pop won't put Duncan on Dirk. Very bad match up for San Antonio. If Duncan goes out to guard Dirk, Dirk drives right past him (probably generating foul trouble for Dirk) and if he plays off and gives Dirk the wide open shot, then one of the greatest pure shooters to ever play the game drains it. BAD FOR SA.

The Mavs have no one who can stop Ginobli. But they do have 3 players (Kidd, Butler, Marion) who can make him work hard for everything he gets. I'll take my chances with Dirk on that one.

Everything else is pretty much a wash. We have players that SA shouldn't fear but just like The Spurs' role players they will have their moments when they shine (Do any other Mavs fans besides myself miss Tim Thomas and wish he were with the team? Nice option to have especially during this time of year. I wish him and his family good health and good luck). I do like the Mavs bench a little bit better than the Spurs bench though.

04-18-2010, 11:49 PM
The series just started...

You can say the Mavs were a better team... on this game.

Why do you want to jump to that this quick? You're only going to make Spurs fan come in here telling you other-wise in a never ending argument, at least until the series is finished.

04-18-2010, 11:51 PM
The Mavs just have the better team right now. San Antonio is a good team but the Mavs just match up well with the Spurs. Outside of Ginobli there are no other Spurs that scare me right now.

Not even if Parker WAS 100% healthy. I kinow some of you will site what he did last year in the playoffs. Then I will site what the Mavs did to him the following games (collapsing the paint and repeatedly rejecting his lay-up attempts) so lets not go there. And Duncan is still a very good player but lacks the mobility he once had making him managable if defended properly. Ginobli is a BEAST!!!

Not afraid of Hill, Mason, Blair (whom I really like), Bonner (whom Dirk absolutely OWNS), and notice I didn't even mention RJ who was a non-factor like Terry was for us (at least until late).

They have NO ONE who can stop Dirk. Not even Duncan which is one of the reasons why Pop won't put Duncan on Dirk. Very bad match up for San Antonio. If Duncan goes out to guard Dirk, Dirk drives right past him (probably generating foul trouble for Dirk) and if he plays off and gives Dirk the wide open shot, then one of the greatest pure shooters to ever play the game drains it. BAD FOR SA.

The Mavs have no one who can stop Ginobli. But they do have 3 players (Kidd, Butler, Marion) who can make him work hard for everything he gets. I'll take my chances with Dirk on that one.

Everything else is pretty much a wash. We have players that SA shouldn't fear but just like The Spurs' role players they will have their moments when they shine (Do any other Mavs fans besides myself miss Tim Thomas and wish he were with the team? Nice option to have especially during this time of year. I wish him and his family good health and good luck). I do like the Mavs bench a little bit better than the Spurs bench though.

Hmm 8 posts huh? :wakeup

04-18-2010, 11:52 PM
Not better, little deeper and more versatile. And HCA.

Thats all...

04-18-2010, 11:54 PM
Spurs remind of the yankees from a few years back. I am Yankees fan and from NY. Anyway, they had all the pieces, all the championship rings and experience, but you just couldn't trust them.

You could just feel that they didn't have what it was going to take- even if the team was stacked.

Last year, I had to fight that feeling- all of baseball did because of a few years of futility.

Anyway, I don't know where I stand on the spurs. It feels hopeless, but they have all the pieces.

04-18-2010, 11:55 PM
some posted spurs would lose game one make adjustments win game 2

spurs lose first game in playoffs alot

Mav-elous Man
04-19-2010, 12:03 AM
The series just started...

You can say the Mavs were a better team... on this game.

Why do you want to jump to that this quick? You're only going to make Spurs fan come in here telling you other-wise in a never ending argument, at least until the series is finished.

Well I felt that way before the series started. I called Mavs in 6. Of all the possible playoff opponents we could have had, this one was the most favorable in my opinion. I look at the match ups and the way the coaches will probably play their rotations and strategies and I feel good about the Mavs chances.

I won't be shocked if this series goes to 7 games but I don't think it will. Adjustments will be made on both sides and all games in this series will be close though. Mavs in 6.

And by the way, as a Mavs fan I know this all too well... If you have to hack-a-ANYBODY you're in deep doo-doo. LMAO!!!

04-19-2010, 12:12 AM
I agree with you that I miss Tim Thomas. I remember the game Dirk was out in the first of the year and TT came in and gave us 30ish points.

I'm also not going to get in a debate about what team is better on a Spurs forum. Obviously they think they are better and we think we are better.

Love to play them though because the games are always fun.

Some Spurs fans on here make me want to be civil but then on the other hand, some make me want to shove it in their face but my best friends family are a Spurs fan and I root for them when the Mavs aren't close but hate them when they play the Mavs.

04-19-2010, 12:23 AM
remember 2003, 2005 and 2007?
we lost game 1 in the first round.


04-19-2010, 12:26 AM
Also had much better role players in 03, 05, and 07.

04-19-2010, 12:31 AM
You won by how much? With a foul differential of how much? And you want to talk about honest assessments?

Too many games to play for you to be sucking your own dick just yet.

Mav-elous Man
04-19-2010, 12:32 AM
remember 2003, 2005 and 2007?
we lost game 1 in the first round.


JMitchMFFL is right. Not the same supporting cast. Core players are older and banged up. And on top of that you also lost the first game of the playoffs last year and lost that series in 5. Still a very dangerous team in close games though. But I don't see it happening.

Mav-elous Man
04-19-2010, 12:34 AM
You won by how much? With a foul differential of how much? And you want to talk about honest assessments?

Too many games to play for you to be sucking your own dick just yet.

I'll suck my own dick whenever I damn well feel like it!!! Thank you very much. With your extra sensitive ass!!!