View Full Version : Howard wins consecutive defensive player awards

04-20-2010, 12:00 PM
Howard wins consecutive defensive player awards (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-defensiveplayerofyear)
Antonio Gonzalez

Dwight Howard has won his second straight NBA defensive player of the year award after becoming the only player to lead the league in blocks and rebounds in the same season twice—let alone in consecutive years.

Orlando Magic coach Stan Van Gundy confirmed his All-Star center will accept the award at a news conference Tuesday at 2 p.m.

Howard averaged 13.2 rebounds and 2.8 blocks per game this season, powering the Magic to the league’s second-best record behind Cleveland. Only Bill Walton, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Hakeem Olajuwon and Ben Wallace each led the NBA in those categories once in the same season.

Howard already was the youngest player to win the award last season. Now 24, players and coaches believe he could take the honors for years to come.


Dwight Howard Named Defensive Player of the Year (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-dwighthowardnameddef)

During the playoffs, we’re treated to some of the best games the league has to offer. But it’s also the time for NBA awards, when we look back on the season that was and hand out the hardware that can build reputations and later make the case for Hall of Fame induction.

Today, we’ll hear the news of our first award. FanHouse’s Tim Povtak reports the least surprising choice possible: Dwight Howard will be named the Defensive Player of the Year (http://nba.fanhouse.com/2010/04/20/dwight-howard-to-get-nbas-defensive-player-award/) in a news conference scheduled for 2 p.m. ET. This is his second consecutive year winning the trophy.

I didn’t see a single commentator pick a Defensive Player of the Year other than Howard in their year-end awards picks, so the only question here was when the league would announce his selection. He passes every possible test: watching games, advanced stats, the basic numbers like rebounds and blocks, etc. He holds down the paint like no one else in this league, which we all saw on Sunday when he nearly set a playoff record with nine blocks against the Bobcats.

The real question is when someone will next make a legitimate challenge for this trophy. Howard’s just on another level compared to everyone else, and at only 24 years old, he’s just getting started.

04-20-2010, 12:17 PM
Obvious award winner wins award obviously! :)

04-20-2010, 12:36 PM
sons at least Lebron didn't get it ... I figured they would hand him the award after ESPN campaigned for him all season long with all of those shot blocking highlights. Someone's head is going to have to roll today at ESPN for this....

04-20-2010, 12:46 PM
sons at least Lebron didn't get it ... I figured they would hand him the award after ESPN campaigned for him all season long with all of those shot blocking highlights. Someone's head is going to have to roll today at ESPN for this....

Nobody campaigns for bron to be dptoa. Not even last season when he played better d. And of all the stars that play sf in the league he is the consistent good defender (yes i'm calling artest out cause he is so inconsistent on d it's not even funny). He's all-d-first team. Who would you rather take: artest, melo LOL, pierce? , old man battier, ariza who has fallen of a cliff?, granger from freaking indiana, ak47-i'm injured half the season. It's about performing consistently and he deserves it.

your hate for all stars with a jumper in this league other than duncan is amazing: lebron, wade, kobe, dwill, dirk, etc. I mean god bless, why not add cp3 in there?

god bless your hatiing white soul :toast

04-20-2010, 12:49 PM
son first off I don't hate on everyone in this league. my main two are Kobe and Dirk. I have never hated on Wade and although Lebron gets ridiculous amounts of attention, he is clearly the best player in the game ....

04-20-2010, 01:54 PM
Howard is going to win the DPOY award every year until he has competition at his position (which is looking like never).

04-20-2010, 02:02 PM
Howard is going to win the DPOY award every year until he has competition at his position (which is looking like never).

Or until the refs stop acting like cucks and start calling goaltending.

04-20-2010, 02:54 PM
i wonder how many he will win, when hes done will he be considered one of the best defenders of all time? i don't think he is but there is no one to compete with him for the award

04-20-2010, 02:56 PM
Or until the refs stop acting like cucks and start calling goaltending.

lmao! son I'll co-sign the shit out of this post!

04-20-2010, 02:59 PM
Howard will get more DPOYs than Ben Wallace and Mutombo for sure but I don't think he'll be seen as the better defender. Seriously, who can POSSIBLY compete with him for this award?

In Ben Wallace's day he still had prime Duncan (a crime he never won it) and KG to compete with. In Mutombo's day there were defenders coming out of the woodwork (in the paint and on the perimeter) for him to compete with. Howard really has no one standing in his way.

04-20-2010, 03:02 PM
This award has little to no credibility anymore.