View Full Version : To Kelly Dwyer: Why KG is really hated

04-20-2010, 02:27 PM

As many of you know, I've never hidden the fact that Kevin Garnett is my favorite player and has been since the last millenium. Thus, it's not surprising that I didn't particularly enjoy Dwyer's article on why he is hated (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Why-we-don-t-like-Kevin-Garnett-any-more?urn=nba,235155). The thing is, as a writer myself, what irks me most about Dwyer's article isn't the conclusion (it's pretty much a fact that Garnett is more hated now than ever before), it's the laziness of Dwyer's reasoning and analysis. He essentially wrote an article that I could have taken from any of the many message board posters on any NBA board that starts off "I used to like KG, but now he's a ****...". And for a message board post, that's fine. But for someone like Dwyer, who purports to be an analytical writer on a mainstream outlet, it's very unsatisfying. It's like if he wrote an article saying that the Lakers were a great team because Kobe scores a lot of points. Yes, there are some hints of truth in there, but the actual story goes much deeper and if you take that extra step you get (to me) a more realistic conclusion.

My take on why KG is now hated? I'll give you a one-line answer, then I'll develop it. The short answer is: Garnett is unpopular because he angered some of the most rabid fan bases in basketball, and didn't have a strong enough fan base of his own to stem the tide. It's that simple. But for a more detailed look at how I got here, let's start by showing where Dwyer's piece comes up short then we can get more into what actually has happened in the last two years.

My synopsis of Dwyer's article is that Garnett has always had "Perpetual displays of emotion and rage and over-wrought warrior-isms", but that he does it more now than ever before because he's now too old to make the impact that he used to. The thing is, I cry BS on the line of reasoning that he does it so much more now. Dwyer never supports that claim, he simply makes it then cites examples from the last two years for what KG is doing now that is so over the top. So, let's look at those examples:

* Dwyer cites the Richardson elbow as the last straw, because it will cost KG a playoff game. But ask yourself, is what KG actually did here that much different than him elbowing Za Za and putting his hands on a ref in the '08 playoffs? In fact, is it really that different than getting into an elbowing/shoving contest with Anthony Peeler in game 6 of the '04 playoffs? Answer: no, his actions weren't really different. In all cases he got heated with another player, exchanged shoves/elbows, then tried to get away when it became clear that an actual suspendable fight was forthcoming. The difference is, this time he got suspended. But the action was the same as when he was "in his prime".

* Dwyer cites the somewhat tired "KG trash talks Euros" talking point, but again he acts as though it's new. This line of criticism is actually an offshoot of the "KG doesn't like white people" line that some of his detractors used in Minnesota, stemming from his fights with Wally Szczerbiak, Rick Rickert and his altercation with Joel Przybilla where he called Joel a "fake thug". But the point is that this criticism isn't in any way new or unique to KG's current situation, as Dwyer would suggest.

* Dwyer criticizes KG for trash-talking from the bench in last year's playoffs, "an embarrassing display" he called it. But Garnett has never wanted to sit on the bench when hurt in his entire CAREER, for this EXACT reason. He's always said that he gets too over-the-top on the bench, that he would be a distraction, and for that reason he preferred to watch in the locker room. But there was a groundswell of criticism when KG WASN'T on the bench, so he was out there expressly to quiet those grumbles. But again, the point is that Garnett's behavior wasn't different...he's the same guy that never wanted to sit on the bench when hurt his whole career.

* Finally, Dwyer calls KG on making Big Baby cry. This was the weakest criticism, to me, because to most that follow the team this was considered a GOOD thing. An example of strong leadership, as Baby was being immature, KG called him (and the other subs) on their lack of discipline/effort, Baby cried, and hopefully grew from it.

The ultimate point is: none of Dwyer's reasoning stands up. Garnett isn't doing anything new, he isn't doing much more of it than he always has, and he isn't being any more extreme now than he ever has. You might hate Garnett for those reasons, but if so it's not because he's just started doing them the way that Dwyer suggests. This all goes back to my initial point: this article was just lazy. But if I'm going to criticize Dwyer, I need to be willing to put out my own reasoning for why Garnett is now hated. There are 3 main parts:

1. Garnett doesn't fit the superstar narrative. He never did, really. Over the last 30 years we've been taught that the superstars are usually perimeter players, very exciting, more offense than defense, and they lead their teams to titles. Tim Duncan also never fit the narrative because he, like Garnett, dominated defensively as much as offensively and he didn't play the glamour perimeter positions. But Duncan won titles, so even if he didn't fit he had to be respected. But he was never really loved, either, by any that weren't Spurs fans. He doesn't have the personal charisma or play for a large enough fanbase to engender massive adulation, but he also doesn't make waves so he doesn't engender hatred either. Kobe Bryant fit the superstar narrative to a T and plays for one of the glamour franchises, so even though he has more polarizing negatives than Garnett he also has lots of fans among both the rabid and the casual fans because his story fits the narrative. Garnett doesn't fit, though. His impact is most similar to Duncan's, but his team never won in his first 12 years. His dominance only showed up in the geeky advanced stats, which are still easily dismissible if they don't agree with common perception. Even when he was the best player on the '08 championship Celtics (and according to many advanced stats arguably the best player in the NBA), he didn't receive the due that most legendary players would have in that circumstance. Some of that is due to reason 2 below, but a lot of it is because he had never fit the mold of a legendary superstar and in Boston he did even less (posting "only" 18 and 9...couldn't be THAT good). We like our superstars to fit our perceptions.

2. Garnett doesn't have a large natural fan-base. Players like Duncan, Kobe, Dirk Nowitzki, Steve Nash, LeBron...essentially every MVP since 2001, is universally loved by their team's fan base. They are seen by their team's fans as "their guy", warts and all, and those fans would go to the wall to support their guy. Garnett, though, was "the guy" for a Minnesota fan base that isn't as large or entrenched as many other teams, he never led them to a title, then he left on somewhat ambiguous terms in a split that left many Wolves fans viewing Garnett like a successful ex-relationship that they tried to move on from. Fans of his "new" team, the Celtics, LIKE Garnett but this is by-and-large Paul Pierce's city. And Larry Bird's city. And Bill Russell's city. KG, even when he was leading the team to a title in '08, was seen by many Celtics fans as an interloper against the "real" Celtic legends. Cornbread angered many by comparing him favorably to Bird. KG's sappy spots with Russell that led to KG/Russell comparisons annoyed others. And Garnett getting most of the press and regular season accolades for the '08 team irked Pierce fans, who wanted to see their Captain get more due. All of this combined to make Garnett liked, somewhat accepted, but ultimately more like a step-child than a native son to the Boston faithful. So unlike other polarizing players, Garnett doesn't have a strong base of support among any fan group to have his back in a dust-up.

3. The rise of the internet/media echo chamber. As I pointed out before, what Garnett's doing isn't new, but look who he was doing it against when it became a big deal. The Jose Calderon thing was frankly nothing, a complete non-story...except it was the Raptors, one of the most rabid e-fan bases on the web. The on-his-knees defense against Bayless was nothing, something that KG had done MANY times before...including the year before, against All Star PF David West with absolutely no fan-fair at all. But when he did it against the Blazers, another extremely vocal e-fan base, it was another log thrown on the message board fire. Oh yeah, and all of this hit the fan in '09, the very year after KG's Celtics beat the Lakers (the third of the huge e-fan bases, who have since taken many shots at both KG and Pierce). The result was a huge positive-feedback loop of negative Garnett energy on the message boards, which seeped into the blogosphere, and when ESPN's blogmaster Henry Abbott picked it up it then moved into the mainstream media. Reporters noted it, and started asking other players about it. Suddenly, every time that Garnett does any of the things that he's always done it is now newsworthy, complete with Sportscenter highlights and PTI discussions on the subject. Essentially, what was once considered no big deal has now become one of the defining pieces of Garnett's media narrative. Which isn't good.

Now, put those 3 things together with a Garnett that even less fits the narrative of a superstar. Now, the ONLY folks that argue that he's still among the best are those that (like me) are both big fans AND big advanced stats aficionados. To everyone else he is at best a pretty good team contributor and at worst a glorified role player. So KG's narrative is now that of a declined player who increasingly uses vitriol to try to make up for lost talent. That's the narrative that Dwyer espouses in his article. But the reality of the situation is that Garnett is the same person that he's always been on the court. He hasn't changed. But his perception has, and in this perception-driven society eventually your narrative becomes who you are. And when the more negative parts of his current narrative were being decided, there were legions of angry fans pushing in one direction and not enough of his supporters to stem the tide.

Essentially, the man who was once king of the Wolves no longer has that big of a pack. And he's not been afraid to take on the world. And that combination is why, to me, Garnett is now one of the more hated players in the NBA. Which is a shame.

04-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Convince us, convince us all why KG isn't such a bad guy.

Do it...over and over.

04-20-2010, 02:39 PM
can be summed up in one sentence:

hes a douchebag

04-20-2010, 02:39 PM
KG is a fucking fag. Basketball would be better off if he never existed. His daddy should have pulled out.

04-20-2010, 02:53 PM
KG is hated because he's an attention whore and does stupid things. That's the bottom line. He can't let his game speak for itself. He can't show any kind of class. For some reason he just has to do this "HEY LOOK AT ME" kind of bullshit. Even when that MF is on the sideline in a suit he has to show his ass and mug for the cameras :lol

Maybe losing so much gave him an inferiority complex. Sitting at home watching the playoffs on cable year after year couldn't have done much for his psyche.

04-20-2010, 03:08 PM
He's the kid in the schoolyard that gets in a shoving match with another. The talking begins and the pushing continues. Then, just as everyone gathers and people are interviening he throws the sucker punch and starts screaming how he's going to kick the guys ass as everyone is seperating the two. We have all seen it. You know the guys I'm talking about and if you don't, that guy was probaby you.

04-20-2010, 03:15 PM
KG is a fag

and so is mojogrove

04-20-2010, 03:24 PM
Geez... frightening...

Has anyone actually read the article? Would anyone be willing to make a counter-argument?

I don't agree with every point of it, but I think it's an excellent article.

04-20-2010, 03:31 PM
fuck KG and your damn article

04-20-2010, 03:33 PM
It's real simple. People don't like bullies. KG is perceived as a bully, so people don't like him.

04-20-2010, 03:37 PM
Truth is somewhere in-between.

He's always had a baseline of asshatery when he was in Minny. But
KG winning a championship in Boston took his antics to a whole new level.

04-20-2010, 03:41 PM
It's real simple. People don't like bullies. KG is perceived as a bully, so people don't like him.

wrong. KG is no bully. He is a punk. Punks bully little and weak looking ppl like the small white PGs KG bullies and then pussy out vs. ppl their own size.

I have yet to see KG bully someone his own size. He is a pussy when it comes to altercations, always shoving someone but then backtracking and hiding behind the refs.

04-20-2010, 03:49 PM

at this topic

04-20-2010, 04:00 PM
KG is the biggest shook one.

04-20-2010, 04:08 PM
Geez... frightening...

Has anyone actually read the article? Would anyone be willing to make a counter-argument?

I don't agree with every point of it, but I think it's an excellent article.

it is in an interesting article... especially the bit about e-fans and media echo-chambers.

but i still don't like him.

never did, though.

04-20-2010, 04:08 PM

As many of you know, I've never hidden the fact that Kevin Garnett is my favorite player and has been since the last millenium. Thus, it's not surprising that I didn't particularly enjoy Dwyer's article on why he is hated (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Why-we-don-t-like-Kevin-Garnett-any-more?urn=nba,235155). The thing is, as a writer myself, what irks me most about Dwyer's article isn't the conclusion (it's pretty much a fact that Garnett is more hated now than ever before), it's the laziness of Dwyer's reasoning and analysis. He essentially wrote an article that I could have taken from any of the many message board posters on any NBA board that starts off "I used to like KG, but now he's a ****...". And for a message board post, that's fine. But for someone like Dwyer, who purports to be an analytical writer on a mainstream outlet, it's very unsatisfying. It's like if he wrote an article saying that the Lakers were a great team because Kobe scores a lot of points. Yes, there are some hints of truth in there, but the actual story goes much deeper and if you take that extra step you get (to me) a more realistic conclusion.

(8000 words of defense snipped)

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

oh crap
04-20-2010, 04:09 PM
but i still don't like him.

never did, though.


04-20-2010, 04:10 PM
It's real simple. People don't like bullies. KG is perceived as a bully, so people don't like him.

That's not the point of the article. You'd be right if KG wasn't one of the most popular players in the league for most of his career (which is the point that Dwyer makes).

04-20-2010, 04:11 PM
(8000 words of defense snipped)

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


04-20-2010, 04:16 PM


04-20-2010, 04:30 PM

I Don't Know.

ginobili's bald spot
04-20-2010, 04:33 PM
Why is Mogrovejo so obsessed with the fact that people don't like KG? Get over it. KG's fake tough guy act and intensity chest pounds have worn thin on people and now nobody likes him. Similar to the way that your self righteous pseudo intellectual act has worn thin on people and nobody likes you.

04-20-2010, 04:41 PM
I respect Garnett's game and the fact he has given a lot to charity but I still do not like him or his over the top antics - or the fact he has slugged teammates etc. Love to root against any team with him on it.

04-20-2010, 05:18 PM
OP has been butthurt ever since the Duncan > KG thread in the Spurs forum.

04-20-2010, 05:28 PM
It is a little bit funny and hypocritical of people to turn on KG after gushing about his intensity and passion as a Timberwolf. It shouldn't have taken them this long to realize what an emotionally unstable asshole he is.

Some of us hated him long before his Boston days. What took the rest of you so long?

04-20-2010, 05:58 PM
mogrovejo : KBP :: KG : eurotrash

04-20-2010, 07:36 PM
Why is Mogrovejo so obsessed with the fact that people don't like KG? Get over it. KG's fake tough guy act and intensity chest pounds have worn thin on people and now nobody likes him. Similar to the way that your self righteous pseudo intellectual act has worn thin on people and nobody likes you.

Eh. I like mogro and admire his tenacity in defending his guys. I may disagree w his take on KG but he generally knows his stuff. A forum where everyone agrees is a boring forum anyway.

04-20-2010, 07:53 PM
I remember when KG, early in his career, used to constantly try and start shit with Tim Duncan. Blackjack used to just smile at him like "what's the problem, man?" and then bust his ass on the low block. KG spent much of the early part of his career jealous at Blackjack. I've never felt any hate towards the guy though. I just always thought he was the perennial runaway winner of the league's "pottymouth" award. Muthafuka curses like 10 sailors, man.

04-20-2010, 07:56 PM
I remember when KG, early in his career, used to constantly try and start shit with Tim Duncan. Blackjack used to just smile at him like "what's the problem, man?" and then bust his ass on the low block.

I remember one time Kevin Garnett was mushing him, and shoving him in the face; and Tim Duncan didn't do anything, he didn't react. He just kicked Kevin Garnett's ass, and won the damn championship. You know what I'm sayin'? That's gangsta. Everybody can show emotion, dunk on somebody, scream and be real cocky; but Tim Duncan is a ... he's a pimp.

04-20-2010, 08:21 PM
Can anyone who likes Dungeons and Dragons truly be considered a pimp? :)

this is coming from a huge nerd, by the way

04-20-2010, 08:25 PM
Only a demented like Artest would consider the biggest whiner ever to play the game, Tim "look at me waving my arms up and down like a ballerina because I'm fouled in every paly" Duncan, a pimp.

04-20-2010, 08:27 PM
Eh. I like mogro and admire his tenacity in defending his guys. I may disagree w his take on KG but he generally knows his stuff. A forum where everyone agrees is a boring forum anyway.


I generally don't care to "defend my guys", you can go through my post history. The last few days have been different though, not a lot to do in my parents home waiting for a flight to go back home + a lot of mob mentality.

04-20-2010, 08:28 PM
Only a demented like Artest would consider the biggest whiner ever to play the game, Tim "look at me waving my arms up and down like a ballerina because I'm fouled in every paly" Duncan, a pimp.

Forgot "bugging my eyes out" :)

04-20-2010, 08:36 PM
LMAO at trying to clown Tim. Your hyperbole is sickening considering you have Rasheed "Ball Don't Lie" on your team.

Everyone in the NBA whines, not everyone acts like KG. /thread

04-20-2010, 08:42 PM
LMAO at trying to clown Tim. Your hyperbole is sickening considering you have Rasheed "Ball Don't Lie" on your team.

Everyone in the NBA whines, not everyone acts like KG. /thread

If you check the current Celts game thread, you won't see a ton of love for Sheed from me.

However, it's silly to deny that Duncan never thinks he gets fouled. And yeah, he bugs his eyes out half the time.

04-20-2010, 08:47 PM
Sure, but every player does that. I never denied that. Maybe not bugging out the eyes, but to some degree all great players bitch non-stop about calls. Some like Melo lay on the court for two plays. Some like Sheed freak out and throw tantrums. Some like Kobe stare the refs down.

Nobody acts like KG.

04-20-2010, 11:09 PM
If you check the current Celts game thread, you won't see a ton of love for Sheed from me.

However, it's silly to deny that Duncan never thinks he gets fouled. And yeah, he bugs his eyes out half the time.

Duncan Face.

Hard to find much to dislike about Timmy. But you can't deny Duncan Face.

Fernando TD21
04-20-2010, 11:10 PM
LMAO at trying to clown Tim. Your hyperbole is sickening considering you have Rasheed "Ball Don't Lie" on your team.

Everyone in the NBA whines, not everyone acts like KG. /thread

:lol at people getting so emotional about KG.

04-20-2010, 11:46 PM
Geez... frightening...

Has anyone actually read the article? Would anyone be willing to make a counter-argument?

I don't agree with every point of it, but I think it's an excellent article.

I read the article.

I find the logic illogical.

The writer says that Garnett was a punk all throughout his career, but he is hated only now because his punkishness is being getting more attention than it deserves.

Well the counter argument could be, that his punkishness never got that much play, because he never played for a contender all his Timberwolf life; but he does now (or did till January 2010 and Ra'weed' T'Wallace taking over). So Kelly Dwyer's point is well made. The author has no defense of Garnett's punkishness, except that he says, "he was always a punk, so why call him out now". Poor argument.

04-21-2010, 12:33 AM
I read the article.

I find the logic illogical.

The writer says that Garnett was a punk all throughout his career, but he is hated only now because his punkishness is being getting more attention than it deserves.

Well the counter argument could be, that his punkishness never got that much play, because he never played for a contender all his Timberwolf life; but he does now (or did till January 2010 and Ra'weed' T'Wallace taking over). So Kelly Dwyer's point is well made.

Except that Dwyer's argument isn't that at all - in fact, it's the exact opposite. Plus, you forgot the other points the author make, about the writers+fanbase.

For example, I'm curious to see how many threads about the shove/Punch Kobe threw in today's game are going to appear here.

04-21-2010, 12:41 AM
Why is Mogrovejo so obsessed with the fact that people don't like KG? Get over it. KG's fake tough guy act and intensity chest pounds have worn thin on people and now nobody likes him. Similar to the way that your self righteous pseudo intellectual act has worn thin on people and nobody likes you.

:tu x over 9000!

take away the douchey aspects of KG (like his wannabe tough guy, picking on little people, etc) and you still have a great player. he doesn't have to do those things.

mojogrove is sitting demanding reasons why we dislike KG, when we've given plenty of reasons, while offering ZERO reasons to not dislike the guy.

04-21-2010, 12:49 AM
Why is Mogrovejo so obsessed with the fact that people don't like KG? Get over it. KG's fake tough guy act and intensity chest pounds have worn thin on people and now nobody likes him. Similar to the way that your self righteous pseudo intellectual act has worn thin on people and nobody likes you.


04-21-2010, 12:52 AM
mojogrove is sitting demanding reasons why we dislike KG, when we've given plenty of reasons, while offering ZERO reasons to not dislike the guy.

You're probably illiterate. Otherwise, you have a terrific imagination.

For example, I'm curious to see how many threads about the shove/Punch Kobe threw in today's game are going to appear here.


Cry Havoc
04-21-2010, 01:45 AM

Just curious, is your bedroom/office at home filled with newspaper clips, quotes, and pictures of Timmy? Do you have shirts from eBay that you've purchased just because the listing said he wore them at one time?

I mean it in a complementary way, of course, but dang, D228. You really never do miss a beat. :p:

04-21-2010, 01:22 PM
Geez... frightening...

Has anyone actually read the article? Would anyone be willing to make a counter-argument?

I don't agree with every point of it, but I think it's an excellent article.

No one gives a fuck about that chump.

Duncan>KG all day, every day. :tu

04-21-2010, 01:28 PM
Short answer: He's a sore winner that has acted like a bitch since 2008. Pretty easy to understand. Your team won a title in 2008, props for that, but that doesn't mean we have to appreciate KG being a bitch.

04-21-2010, 01:40 PM
Garnett is a douche

04-21-2010, 05:58 PM
For example, I'm curious to see how many threads about the shove/Punch Kobe threw in today's game are going to appear here.

Case closed.

04-21-2010, 08:29 PM
Geez... frightening...

Has anyone actually read the article? Would anyone be willing to make a counter-argument?

I don't agree with every point of it, but I think it's an excellent article.


"I don't like KG because of all the silly posturing he starting doing as a Celtic."
"That's not a good excuse, he's ALWAYS been over the top, you(and nobody else) just weren't paying attention."

04-21-2010, 08:50 PM
Case closed.

Yeah, cause angrily thrusting your hand to dislodge the ball after it being taken away on a non-called IN THE GAME foul is so similar to trying to take a guys head off with an elbow in a crowd of players/coaches off the court. :lol