View Full Version : Spurs win game 3, Dan Crawford MVP my prediction.

04-23-2010, 12:03 PM
Facts don't lie. Mavs 1-15 when Dan Crawford officiates a playoff game. 52-35 when he doesn't. The fix is in. Thank you NBA. Series will be 2-2 Spurs win tonight Mavs on Sunday. It will go 7 IMO.

04-23-2010, 12:08 PM
Even without Danny C, the Mavs have a tough challenge ahead of them. They have a fired up Game 3 crowd that has been pre-boozed from fiesta, and a spurs Team that has put a dent in the Mavs psyche.

04-23-2010, 12:09 PM
Cry some more!

04-23-2010, 12:09 PM
Good, I'll be at Game 3. GO SPURS GO!

04-23-2010, 12:10 PM
can't spurs and mav fans let one game be played without bitching about refs?

how about JUST ONE GAME?

04-23-2010, 12:11 PM
excuses already? :lol typical mavfans

04-23-2010, 12:11 PM
Not that we really needed it, but I'll take it.


04-23-2010, 12:13 PM
As long as we get one of the next two it doesn't really matter to me. It's going to be a long series regardless and the teams are very even. This is really about me just HATING Dan Crawford more than anything else. He is a bitch.

04-23-2010, 12:15 PM
As long as we get one of the next two it doesn't really matter to me. It's going to be a long series regardless and the teams are very even. This is really about me just HATING Dan Crawford more than anything else. He is a bitch.
Don't worry, the other Crawford will be along in one of the 2 remaining games.

04-23-2010, 12:16 PM
Didn't Mav Fan also say that Bennett Salvatore was going to give the Spurs Game 1? And we know how that turned out.

04-23-2010, 12:20 PM
I don't like Salvatore much either because he calls about 100 fouls a game and makes the pace dreadful. His only saving grace is he is very consistent in his consistent whistle blowing and he usually favors the home team. Still, it's not good basketball to watch IMO.

04-23-2010, 12:21 PM
can't spurs and mav fans let one game be played without bitching about refs?

how about JUST ONE GAME?


04-23-2010, 12:24 PM
Still trying to understand where this line between whining and principled complaints about officiating lies.

So far, I have this:

1. If you complain that Team A shot more free throws than Team B and suggest that it might have affected the outcome of the game, that's whining


your complaint concerns a manifest and overt conspiracy to favor a single star player on another team in a Finals series that your team leads 2-0, in which case, your concern is principled criticism.

2. If you complain that the assignment of an official before the game has torpedoed your chances to win the game and that the league is fixing games by its assignment of said official, then your concern is principled criticism.

Is that right?

04-23-2010, 12:42 PM
Still trying to understand where this line between whining and principled complaints about officiating lies.

So far, I have this:

1. If you complain that Team A shot more free throws than Team B and suggest that it might have affected the outcome of the game, that's whining


your complaint concerns a manifest and overt conspiracy to favor a single star player on another team in a Finals series that your team leads 2-0 (and has a double-digit lead in the 4th quarter of game 3), in which case, your concern is principled criticism.

2. If you complain that the assignment of an official before the game has torpedoed your chances to win the game and that the league is fixing games by its assignment of said official, then your concern is principled criticism.

Is that right?


04-23-2010, 12:45 PM
Even without Danny C, the Mavs have a tough challenge ahead of them. They have a fired up Game 3 crowd that has been pre-boozed from fiesta, and a spurs Team that has put a dent in the Mavs psyche.


Got that right!

04-23-2010, 12:47 PM
can't spurs and mav fans let one game be played without bitching about refs?

how about JUST ONE GAME?

That would be refreshing.

04-23-2010, 01:04 PM
can't spurs and mav fans let one game be played without bitching about refs?

how about JUST ONE GAME?


04-23-2010, 01:12 PM
you know, if that's true - that Mavs are 1-15 when Dan Crawford refs - then you'd think the mavs coaching staff would take a look at their strategies and adjust. Some refs call a lot of ticky tack calls, some refs let a lot of contact go, some refs love to call certain types of calls, etc, etc. It's up to coaches and players to adjust to the refs, to some extent. It's part of the game.

I expect Game 3 to be close and hope the Spurs win it. If they win Game 3, I expect they will clobber the Mavs in Game 4, the momentum will be in their favor. Mavs best chance to take back HCA is Game 3, IMO. But Spurs need to win both.

04-23-2010, 01:13 PM
can't spurs and mav fans let one game be played without bitching about refs?

how about JUST ONE GAME?

For real. At least wait until there is something to complain about AFTER the game.

Old School 44
04-23-2010, 01:31 PM
Since the Mavs have no "real" chance of winning game 3 with D. Crawford officiating, they might as well sit Dirk, Caron and the Jasons.

04-23-2010, 01:33 PM
I have a bad feeling about this.

panic giraffe
04-23-2010, 02:15 PM
"pre-boozed from fiesta"
this is why i wish the at&t was downtownish...imagine how rowdy the crowd would be during fiesta if they can just walk in straight from the carnival.

04-23-2010, 02:43 PM
Mav fan's cry more than a fat bitch who ran out of cake

04-23-2010, 03:23 PM
Facts don't lie. Mavs 1-15 when Dan Crawford officiates a playoff game. 52-35 when he doesn't.

How many of those 16 games were the Spurs at home? That makes a difference in the record. Still - if the shoe was on the other foot I would wonder about that 1-15 record against a particular ref.

Like I've said before - it doesn't have to be a conspiracy. It doesn't even have to be a conscious decision. Just a little bit of lean in one direction can change a game.

There may be more to this particular story. Maybe there were injuries in a number of the games, and it was just the luck of the draw that he caught them. But 1-15 looks pretty bad. What can I say? It has to work both ways. I hate to see any game decided by the zebras.

04-23-2010, 07:08 PM
Didn't the Suns have a long losing streak on TNT games? How exactly did TNT perpetrate this scandal on the team?

04-23-2010, 07:46 PM
If the Spurs win, you can COUNT on us seeing our "favorite" Crawford on Sunday.

04-23-2010, 08:18 PM
From an Article by Tim MacMahon on ESPNDallas.com

"Why doesn't Cuban like Danny Crawford? Well, the Mavs are 1-15 in playoff games officiated by Crawford during Cuban's ownership tenure. "

"It didn't help the credibility of Crawford, who will work with Dick Bavetta and Rodney Mott, when disgraced ref Tim Donaghy claimed that Crawford bragged about the Mavs' miserable record in his playoff games."

Doesn't mean it will affect this game...however, the history does not bode well for the Mavs tonight!

04-23-2010, 08:23 PM
Maybe the coaches or Cuban will bitch and they'll get suspended or something.

04-23-2010, 11:42 PM
Like I said before the game. It was close and both teams played hard, however Dan Crawford laid the wood on us all night long. I thought the Mavs would win tonight until I heard he was in the building. That bitch swallowed his whistled and reversed calls all night light.

The one saving grace however, is that bitch won't work another game this series and I think we can get Sunday and make it 2-2.

04-23-2010, 11:43 PM
And my hate for Crawford goes back to 2006 when he screwed us out of game 3 in the finals with Dwayne "It's a foul" Wade.

04-23-2010, 11:44 PM
Like I said before the game. It was close and both teams played hard, however Dan Crawford laid the wood on us all night long. I thought the Mavs would win tonight until I heard he was in the building. That bitch swallowed his whistled and reversed calls all night light.

The one saving grace however, is that bitch won't work another game this series and I think we can get Sunday and make it 2-2.

Dream on.

Whisky Dog
04-23-2010, 11:46 PM
They let them play all night. Name on call he reversed that was the wrong call to reverse. Name one.

04-23-2010, 11:46 PM
So does this count as whining? Or are we dealing with another one of those principled complaints about officiating that seemingly emanate only from Dallas?

Whisky Dog
04-23-2010, 11:47 PM
mav fan pissed cause a ref didn't give dirky every touch foul for free throws. You know why your team doesn't win when Dan C. Refs? Because he doesn't give Dirk all the bs touch fouls. That's why.

baseline bum
04-23-2010, 11:49 PM
Dallas must have a mental block or something to go 1-16 with Crawford officiating. No way he'd still be employed and calling playoff games if he was so bad as to skew games so far in one direction. I gotta invoke Occam's Razor here and say the most likely explanation is Dallas just not being able to get the monkey off their backs. To believe otherwise is to think there's some great conspiracy against the team, in which case, why would anyone ever be a Mavericks fan if he believed that the league was fixed against them?

04-23-2010, 11:50 PM
They let them play all night. Name on call he reversed that was the wrong call to reverse. Name one.

Surely, he's talking about Dan Crawford repeatedly reversing the no calls on the contact that Ginobili encountered at the rim.

Or maybe it was that time that Dirk's chicken wing busted Ginobili's nose and cost Manu a defensive foul.

Or maybe it was the reversal of the ridiculous techincal assessed on George Hill.

Must have been one of those.

04-23-2010, 11:52 PM
And my hate for Crawford goes back to 2006 when he screwed us out of game 3 in the finals with Dwayne "It's a foul" Wade.

And the Mavs got absolutely jobbed by the refs in that game. As much as I detest Cuban, I can't deny that championship should have gone to the Mavs. The refs inserted themselves into the game and decided the outcome.

They didn't do that tonight. There were missed calls both ways, but they mostly let both teams play.

04-24-2010, 12:07 AM
They let them play all night. Name on call he reversed that was the wrong call to reverse. Name one.

A good example of a reversed call tonight would be 2nd quarter when the ball trickles of a spur and Bavetta blows it out to Mavs. He's right in front of the play. Crawford waives it off when he's behind the play and give the Spurs the ball. Should never happen. That however, was not as critical a call, just a bad one.

If you want to talk critical. Crawford ate his whistle when Manu fouled J. Kidd in a clear path to the basked foul bearhug. That cost us a possesion in the 4th. He also gave Bonner a charge when we was not set and waived off an And 1 play for Dirk which he made. Two calls in the 4th 3-5 pts easy.

04-24-2010, 12:09 AM
Surely, he's talking about Dan Crawford repeatedly reversing the no calls on the contact that Ginobili encountered at the rim.

Or maybe it was that time that Dirk's chicken wing busted Ginobili's nose and cost Manu a defensive foul.

Or maybe it was the reversal of the ridiculous techincal assessed on George Hill.

Must have been one of those.


the calls (with a few exceptions) were excellent this game. they let them play and didnt bail out people(ahem Dirt) with bullshit phantom calls.

04-24-2010, 12:20 AM
thank GOD stern and co want the spurs to win so badly dont know what we'd do without em w00t....river walk bitch!!!


Whisky Dog
04-24-2010, 12:39 AM
A good example of a reversed call tonight would be 2nd quarter when the ball trickles of a spur and Bavetta blows it out to Mavs. He's right in front of the play. Crawford waives it off when he's behind the play and give the Spurs the ball. Should never happen. That however, was not as critical a call, just a bad one.

If you want to talk critical. Crawford ate his whistle when Manu fouled J. Kidd in a clear path to the basked foul bearhug. That cost us a possesion in the 4th. He also gave Bonner a charge when we was not set and waived off an And 1 play for Dirk which he made. Two calls in the 4th 3-5 pts easy.

He also didn't call the fouls where Manu got hit going to the basket, once Hauwood got all wrist and no call. Bonner's charge was close, but he was outside the circle and he did slide to take the contact square so that was a close one that can go either way. Manu's foul on Kidd wasn't a clear path because Hill was even or a bit ahead of him running down the court. Dirk flat out bowed Manu in the face and Manu got the foul. They pretty consistently let the players play and called obvious fouls for the most part. That's all I ask.

04-24-2010, 08:14 AM
Dallas must have a mental block or something to go 1-16 with Crawford officiating. No way he'd still be employed and calling playoff games if he was so bad as to skew games so far in one direction. I gotta invoke Occam's Razor here and say the most likely explanation is Dallas just not being able to get the monkey off their backs. To believe otherwise is to think there's some great conspiracy against the team, in which case, why would anyone ever be a Mavericks fan if he believed that the league was fixed against them?

Agree. Mental midgets walk into the game with an excuse to fail. I'm not sure how Crawford forced the Mavs to settle for all those jump shots.