View Full Version : Oh yeah! About Obamacare costs...

04-28-2010, 07:53 PM
What the Administration Knew About the Costs of ObamaCare (http://reason.com/blog/2010/04/28/what-the-administration-knew-a)

More specifically; what they knew before the bill was passed, while they were saying otherwise, and while critics were saying what has just been released.

Yeah, and these are the same guys accusing Goldman-Sachs of withholding material information in order to close a deal.

Duff McCartney
04-28-2010, 07:57 PM
Yeah, and these are the same guys accusing Goldman-Sachs of withholding material information in order to close a deal.

Whatever you say R.C Dean...

R C Dean|4.28.10 @ 10:38AM|#

So, these are the same guys accusing Goldman for withholding material information in order to close a deal?

It's impossible to know exactly what happened without knowing who the sources are, but it sounds like some data was available prior to passage, though no formal report was ready. The follow-up item also carefully declines to stand by the initial assertion that a report was intentionally suppressed or delayed—saying only that none of the relevant data was released publicly until after the law's passage.

The strange thing about all this is that the report didn't actually indicate much that's genuinely new: A similar report by the CMS actuary on a prior version of the bill was released in November, and it, too, noted that health care costs would go up under the bill, that seniors might see Medicare service cuts, and that the increased demand for care could result in a shortage of care providers. That report might have been glossed over somewhat, but it certainly wasn't suppressed.

So let me get this straight, it's impossible to know exactly what happened, and also that this report doesn't actually say anything new? Makes sense.

04-28-2010, 08:05 PM
So let me get this straight, it's impossible to know exactly what happened, and also that this report doesn't actually say anything new? Makes sense.
Actually, your second paragraph cites an actuarial report that did say costs would rise -- even as the Obama administration said otherwise and the media failed to report.