View Full Version : So Much for the GOP 'Landslide' this Nov.

04-29-2010, 05:44 PM
From a number of Gallup polls it is becoming clearer that the huge Republican advantage for the midterm elections is starting to seriously erode.

The so called generic ballot question is now even:

Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/politics.aspx)

More importantly a 4 point increase for Democrats and a 5 point drop among Republicans among Independents may indicate that independents are getting tired of the Republicans radical right wing drift.

This is also corresponding to a + 4 point tick in the independents approval rating of the President (from 44 to 48).

And if you go deep into the tabs on Gallup you find that the one thing that should make Republicans happy actually will work against them. The fact that the Republicans are so "enthusiastic" about voting means that in real life they will be less likely to be satisfied with reasonable moderate candidates and will continue to show enthusiasm for primary challengers to GOP incumbents and support more right wing candidates in primaries.

All of that enthusiasm will continue to push the party further to the right and alienate more and more independent voters as we get closer to Nov 2010.

panic giraffe
04-29-2010, 05:55 PM
it doesn't matter, they'll find a Rasmussen one that shows the gop with a 80-20 margin.

04-29-2010, 06:02 PM
it doesn't matter, they'll find a Rasmussen one that shows the gop with a 80-20 margin.

No doubt Rasmussen and Frank Luntz are fixing the numbers as we speak. too bad they aren't real votes...

04-29-2010, 06:37 PM
It's the (Bush) economy, stupid
Chris Cillizza

A new Washington Post/ABC poll suggests that most Americans continue to blame the sluggish economy on former President George W. Bush, a development that could complicate Republican efforts to lay it at President Barack Obama's feet this fall.

Nearly six in ten (59 percent) of those polled said that Bush was to blame for the current state of the economy while 25 percent put the blame on Obama.

While those blaming Obama has risen from a July 2009 Post/ABC survey when 16 percent said the economy was his fault, the number of people blaming Bush is virtually unchanged -- 61 percent in July 2009 as compared to 59 percent now.

Other data points in the poll affirm the sense that, generally, the public feels relatively good about what Obama has done in regards the economy since being sworn in as president in January 2009.

Thirty-nine percent said the policies pursued by Obama have made the economy better as compared to 26 percent who said they had made things worse. (Another third -- 32 percent -- said that Obama's policies had had no effect.)

Washington Post (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/economy-watch/rays-of-optimism-for-democrats.html?wprss=thefix)

If you spend your time listening to the blame-obama first wing-nut radio and FAUX News, you are a minority on the economy, no surprise here...

04-29-2010, 10:51 PM
the duopoly of the two party system is fucking stupid