View Full Version : The HOOPSWORLD Stigma

Yannis Koutroupis
05-01-2010, 07:20 PM
Hey Guys,
I’ve gotten involved in this discussion before but have never been active enough here to fully win the battle, which I definitely need to improve on.

I fully understand the reputation that HOOPSWORLD has gotten over the years by reporting false information. I’ve been with the site for three years now and although I have never been guilty of putting false information out there, I don’t try to separate myself from it. We’re very team oriented at HOOPSWORLD, so my colleagues mistakes are a representation of me just like mine are of them.

With that said though, all I’d like is a fair chance anytime my work is put on here. I’ve never tried to play myself off as an insider or someone that is in the “know” with the organization. The San Antonio Spurs as an organization don’t operate like that. They’re a steel trap when it comes to what’s going on in the front office and I’ll never be ahead of any transaction they make unless one of my colleagues verifies it through multiple sources with the other team involved. Our editors and founders at HOOPSWORLD are also very aware of the reputation we’ve developed and are working hard to change the view, but it takes a great deal time. A policy has been put in place that no breaking news can be reported unless it’s verified by independent sources on both sides.

To give a brief description of who I am without turning this into an E Hollywood Story, I’m a 21-year-old aspiring writer with a great passion for the game. I currently reside in Corpus Christi, Texas where I’m working on finishing my bachelor’s degree in communication. During the regular season I’m in San Antonio anywhere from 3-5 times a month and usually there for every postseason home game. My main beat at HOOPSWORLD is college basketball and the NCAA draft, mainly because there’s a limit to the access I get with the Spurs.

I’m not one of those writers that considers myself far different from the average fan, in fact that’s what I consider myself first and foremost. The only difference between us is that I do spend a fairly good amount of time in the Spurs’ locker room, which aids me in covering the team but by no means does it make me an expert on what’s going on in the inside.

My coverage of the Spurs has always consisted of telling nothing more than the stories I see or get first handed. I never use quotes that I didn’t get on my own recorder and in instances when I comment on other Spurs related articles I always link to the original author. My work is mainly opinion based and because of that some will agree with me and probably even more will disagree. That comes with the territory though and I’ve never been one to shy away from criticism or explaining my stance.

I grew up a Laker fan and still root for the team, but I think that you’ll find with my coverage even back in 2008 when they met up in the WCF’s that I’m not biased at all. I pride myself in being as professional as possible. The Spurs are a team I grew up hating, but of course that’s changed with age. I can’t say enough about the respect I have for the organization as a whole. In my eyes they’ve set the standard for how an organization should operate.

As my career goes on I plan on continuing to cover the Spurs unless another opportunity takes me away from South Texas. I plan on moving there after I graduate next summer and covering the team full-time, so I feel like it’s vital that I establish myself here and work on earning credibility and everyone’s respect.

Because HOOPSWORLD is solely online based I am mostly graded as a writer by the page views I produce. The team’s income is made and broken by the amount of views the site gets. It would greatly benefit me if when my articles are posted here that it’s only a segment of the article with a link for those who want to read the rest. This isn’t something that I can enforce myself, but I want you guys to understand how things work from my side. You also have my word that I’ll never put out an article just to get views. Writing is what I love to do, so putting together a well-written article is much higher on my priority list than getting 10,000 views. As much as I would appreciate the traffic being pushed towards HOOPSWORLD, I also understand how things work – I’d be lying if I said I never downloaded music or watched MMA PPV’s online through streaming sites.

Also, I’ve never been big on posting my work on this site because I never wanted to seem like a pest or bothersome. If you guys don’t mind and prefer for me to in order to ensure that only a portion is posted I will – but I don’t want things to reach a point where it seems like I’m overbearing.

Anyway, I appreciate everyone taking the time to check this out. You guys can help me a lot more than I can help you, but if there’s ever a story or situation you’d ever like checked out or covered I can do my best to get it done. I haven’t jumped on the Twitter train yet, but you can find me on Facebook, my user name is my actual name as well. I also do my best to respond to every email I get, so if you ever want to reach me directly you can do so at [email protected]. For those of you who aren’t familiar with my work and want to get a better idea of what it’s about, here are some links to my Spurs features as well as my article archive.

http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13304 – George Hill article from last year’s summer league.

http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13309 – DeJuan Blair article from last year’s summer league.

http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=15935 – Tony Parker article prior to start of playoffs.

http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=16057 – Article about George Hill and Tony Parker switching harmoniously.

http://www.hoopsworld.com/AuthorArchives.asp?AUTHOR_ID=56 – complete author archive.

Like I said I plan on being a lot more active here and I will be in San Antonio for all the home games the rest of the way, unless the conflict with the NBA Draft Combine in Chicago later this month.

Thanks again everyone and here’s hoping for a deep playoff run.

05-01-2010, 07:29 PM

05-01-2010, 07:59 PM
ugh... laker fan.

05-01-2010, 08:24 PM
Totally off topic, but I'm pretty sure we've had class together. I thought I saw you in the press conference room the other day.

05-01-2010, 08:49 PM
I've read some good writing from hoopsworld and never held any animosity over a few oopsies.

we have morons on here with opinions that we should trade Tim, Manu, and Parker as well as doomsayers for the future of the Spurs. How many of them are right?

Don't worry about the naysayers and carping critics who can't forgive an error and keep writing.

05-01-2010, 08:52 PM
If you're from Texas, 21 and grew up a Laker fan (I'm guessing that fandom kicked in around Shaq-Kobe), HOOPSWORLD would usually be the third strike.

But since you came here with a pretty sincere post and I can respect anyone who's an aspiring writer with a passion for the game, and someone who has a little access to the team I'm an avid supporter of, you've earned the opportunity to win me over -- I won't allow the stigma of your predecessors to taint your contributions.

Post more, post often and you've got the respect of at least one poster here for that post. :tu

05-01-2010, 09:01 PM
You're a quality writer, so i gotta give your props for your work. It's nice to see someone explain things the way you did. Good luck with your writing career.

05-01-2010, 09:58 PM

jesus christ, try to develop an attention span greater than 30 seconds. It wasn't THAT long.

05-01-2010, 10:16 PM
jesus christ, try to develop an attention span greater than 30 seconds. It wasn't THAT long.

I did not understand what "tl, dr" meant. I just got it after your comment.

Pretty funny initial comment considering the OP's mission.

Anyway, I read his stuff. It was ok, I would say geared for the non-hardcore fan. Typo with "of/off" in one article.

I seem to remember reading something I had not seen before quote-wise, but some of the quotes in the article I recognized from NBA.com video interviews.

I would read his stuff again, I just recognize he is a news guy more than an analyst, which is fine.

05-01-2010, 10:22 PM
Every writer has my respect. They are doing something that I couldn't do. :D

NZ Spurs
05-01-2010, 10:49 PM
I would read his stuff again, I just recognize he is a news guy more than an analyst, which is fine.

That’s my biggest beef with "basketball writers". A communications degree and an interest in the game does not make an expert.

If I want to know what the players and coach have to say I will watch the interviews, I don't need superfluous words surrounding the information.

I think all basketball journalists should have to undergo a test. Something like: make a left hand layup, shoot 30% from perimeter, demonstrate a reverse pivot, and then do all of these in a game situation.

Having said that, this guy made a really astute observation when we wrote about George Hill waiving off Manu during the last game. I thought that was a huge moment in the game; I didn't see anyone else reporting on it. :toast

05-01-2010, 10:59 PM
What is the NCAA draft?

Dude I'm from south Texas too but Laker fan bloggers who were 13 when robinson retired aren't getting respect on spurstalk

05-01-2010, 11:00 PM
That’s my biggest beef with "basketball writers". A communications degree and an interest in the game does not make an expert.

If I want to know what the players and coach have to say I will watch the interviews, I don't need superfluous words surrounding the information.

I think all basketball journalists should have to undergo a test. Something like: make a left hand layup, shoot 30% from perimeter, demonstrate a reverse pivot, and then do all of these in a game situation.

Having said that, this guy made a really astute observation when we wrote about George Hill waiving off Manu during the last game. I thought that was a huge moment in the game; I didn't see anyone else reporting on it. :toast

Not to take anything away from this guy, but Manu talked about Hill waving him off in one of the interviews. So it is not clear that he noted it on his own. Nevertheless, a key moment.

05-01-2010, 11:09 PM
Just write the facts and props for being honest :toast

05-02-2010, 05:11 AM
I wrote for the same group for awhile a few years back and realize how much work goes into it for little reimbursement - props to you and to the great majority of the writers over there who really do love NBA basketball. There is so much competition in the NBA blogging and reporting arena but there have been some very fine and well researched articles on Hoopsworld - and unlike a lot of media sources these days you can actualy communicate with the editors and give feedback. Good luck going forward with your writing - you do it very well. Regards, PDR

Spurs Brazil
05-02-2010, 08:54 AM
I like your articles Yannis Koutroupis.

Yannis Koutroupis
05-02-2010, 09:08 AM
Gonna try to respond to everyone here.

tw05baller - I realized it was a bit lengthy before I posted it, understandable.

m33p0- I knew that wouldn't help my cause much, but I wanted to be truthful. What can I say I loved Shaquille O'Neal ever since the Orlando days, so when he went to the Lakers I followed. As a kid everyone tried to force me into liking Robinson and Olajuwon but I enjoyed watching Shaq more. It had a lot to do with being enamored with the dunk. I was never one of those guys that hated David or Hakeem though, just liked Shaq more.

Kathy - What class? That was me I was at Game 3, 4, and 6 this past series. Who are you working for?

Wildbill2u - Thanks!

Blackjack - LOL, appreciate you making an exception. My fandom for the Lakers happened in 1996 when they signed O'Neal. I was a Magic fan up until then. At the time I wasn't old enough to where I kept up with free agency, so I wasn't really sure what was going on. My mom got me the NBA at 50 book and the last page showed Shaquille in a Lakers jersey, that's when I made the switch. As much as I loved Shaq, I got tired of his antics towards the end of his tenure and decided to just stick with the Lakers. In hindsight I'm glad I did so, because I woulda gone broke buying Shaq jerseys the way he's switched teams since he's left. I gotta admit too, as much as I loved him growing up I enjoy watching guys like Joakim Noah take it to him. At this point in his career his mouth exceeds his work ethic, I don't see the Cavs winning it with him. That's a big reason why I kept rooting for the Lakers. Kobe's far from perfect and easy to hate, but his work ethic is unrivaled whereas Shaq would rather work his way into shape on company time.

_JaG - Thanks!

Phila_Chamberlain - That wasn't me that reported that, that was our chief editor Steve Kyler. I did mention it in my article about Parker staying to be a Spur though. It's probably more fitting that I send you that in a private message.

YoMamaIsCallin - Like I said I can't blame him, especially on a night where the Cavs and Celtics series started and Mayweather fought Mosley (by the way, wake me up when MMA is on. Boxing is awful to watch now to me)

Spursfaninla - Grammar has never been my strength, I find it kinda funny that I actually get paid to write cause I used to catch hell in English class. The typo you saw wasn't my first and won't be my last, but I'm working to improve in that area along with the help of my editors.

Aside from select media the Spurs give access to us in groups, so just about anytime I talk to someone with the Spurs its with a group of reporters that usually consists of the NBA.com guys, so that's why you recognized them.

I consider myself more of an analyst to be honest with you, since I'm not a guy with sources that can break news. Typically I'm taking a look at stuff after it's gone down rather than before it has, my author archive will indicate that.

Xellos88330 - That's an attitude I share with anyone who can play baseball. I used to do a daily sports talk radio show and I would always say there's no needle, cream, or pill that could make me an MLB player.

NZ Spurs - That brings up a great question to me - what makes an expert? I don't consider myself one. I like to write, I love basketball, and I consider myself somewhat knowledgable because of the experience I have along with following it for as long as I can remember.

There are a lot of people like you that would rather just see the interviews, which I can definitely understand. Part of what I love to do is taking what a player says and turning it into a quality feature, because sometimes they're trying to rush out of the interview so there's a little bit more that needs to be said.

The test idea is something that I think a lot of players would love to see instituted. I did play back in high school, but had zero scholarship offers after graduating. I was a 6'3 center (there's a serious lack of size in Corpus Christi) and believe it or not there just wasn't a big demand for them when I graduated. That said, I can still make a left handed layup, can shoot it a little bit, and know all about a reverse pivot. Heck, I even used to be able to dunk back before I took to the pen and pad.

I can't take credit for the Hill observation completely. Although I did notice it, it wasn't me that asked the question it was another reporter. I asked the question before about Hill's play in the series.

Mookie2001 - I knew I'd have one mess up in there, unfortunately my editors aren't willing to go over my posts on message boards.. If you check out some of my work I think that you'll find I'm far from a Laker fan blogger. I've been covering the Spurs for three years now, worked with Billy Packer and Bobby Knight to cover the NCAA tournament for the past two years, and covered numerous other live events like the draft and summer league. We'll have to put your theory to the test though. You may be right, but I'm definitely going to try. For the record, I was 15 when Robinson retired and respect him more now than I did then. He's such a gracious man, to this day he'll never pass up signing an autograph or shaking a fan's hand. I wished all players were like him, but instead you got guys who won't have 5,000 career points when it's all said and done brushing off fans.

Spursfaninla - You're correct on that, if anyone deserves the credit it's the reporter who originally asked the question. I can't remember who it was for the life of me.

NRHector - Thanks, that's what I plan to do.

Rummpd - Thanks for hitting on a couple key points and the compliments.

05-02-2010, 10:57 AM
I read some of your stuff and I liked it. :tu

I carry a deep and personal disdain for Hoopsworld and that won't change but I hope you do well and find success.

05-02-2010, 12:05 PM

tw05baller - I realized it was a bit lengthy before I posted it, understandable.
tw05baller uses the ""7 seconds or less" post-reading strategy

05-02-2010, 01:32 PM
Kathy - What class? That was me I was at Game 3, 4, and 6 this past series. Who are you working for?

Oh, I don't work for anyone, I just watched the Press Conference online and I saw you get up from your chair.

You and I had Ivy for Intro to Comm a couple of years back and you were in my Legal and Ethical with Huie at the beginning of this semester. I was wondering where you went.

05-02-2010, 02:00 PM
I’m a 21-year-old aspiring writer with a great passion for the game.I have the same aspiration but different genre.

05-02-2010, 03:25 PM
Please report more on the state of Greek and Euroball. :lmao

05-02-2010, 03:49 PM
Please report more on the state of Greek and Euroball. :lmao

If Yannis starts giving us in-depth knowledge and coverage of Spanoulis and Bouroussis, we'll know that K_B_P just found a loophole.