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05-02-2010, 06:04 PM

I've just about had it with me arms and legs. I saw a picture of myself on facebook from Easter in a sleeveless shirt and it was just plain ole gross (don't go trying to find it..I untagged that sucker).

I know I'm never going to be a perfect 110 lbs 5'3 girl without getting some type of Heidi Montag style surgery. That was shortly after I started the new job and now that I'm all settled I know I have some time to fit in some type if fitness routine in there.

I know a lot of you guys go to the gym and work out a ton (so maybe the same stuff you do isn't what I'm looking for). What type of stuff do you all do just to get started? How long did it take you to finally get into the "I have to go to the gym every X amount of times a week" mentality? I'm looking for something light to moderate and preferably no running involved (I'm a bad runner and crap out at like 1/2 a mile) to get toned and to lose some weight (thinking like 20-30 eventually).

I haven't taken the plunge into getting a gym membership yet....but maybe soon (I was actually thinking Planet Fitness since there are two close to my office and 1 close to home and it's only $20 a month). I was thinking like yoga/pilates, dance like tapes and stuff to see if I'll stick it out because knowing me I'll be all "workout work out work!" for a few weeks and then by mid June give up...

What do you think?

05-02-2010, 06:31 PM
I've lost 40 lbs just from calorie counting. In order to lose more I will have to start walking at least.

Good luck!

05-02-2010, 06:32 PM
I know the muscle heads will disagree, but I've found that a group aerobics class is a good start. Believe me I've started there many times ;) Look around at continuing ed brochures, community rec centers. If you like dancing, aerobics is fun and fast, the hour is up before you know it. You'll meet women of all sizes and ages---there's a real sense of comraderie and support. It's a very motivating place to start, then you can move up to other things.

Dr. Gonzo
05-02-2010, 06:32 PM
Damn. wrong account.

05-02-2010, 06:34 PM
we're all dead in 2012 you waited too long sweetie

05-02-2010, 06:50 PM
I don't know what advice to give for a girl :( Maybe look into P90X? It is the real deal and will work pretty fast.

The only advice I can give you is to research and experiment until you find a program that works and one which you can track progress. That's why lifting weights is easier to stick with rather than running in circles; you can track your lifts and see yourself getting stronger. I guess you can do that with running times, but with lifting you literally have like 20+ different lifts to keep it interesting. As long as you aren't doing heavy 5 rep sets, you will not bulk up either. Don't be afraid to lift weights as a girl. It will re-shape your body in a nice way a lot faster than cardio.

Lots of people want to complicate losing weight, but it scientifically comes down to one simple concept. Burn more calories than you consume in a day. i.e., If you are burning 2500 calories a day, eat 2000 calories. The only good thing about healthy food is it has no taste so you will not be tempted to eat too much of it. Small portions fill you up fast compared to huge portions of unhealthy food.

At first, working out will suck. Finding time in your schedule will suck. If you do it first thing in the morning, getting out of bed will suck. The key is to stick with it until it finally clicks and you literally cannot stop going to the gym. I went about 8 months before I started getting that natural high from working out. Now it is pretty much the only good part of the day.

baseline bum
05-02-2010, 06:53 PM
You're not going to like it, but running is amazing for losing weight and becoming healthier. Plus, it strengthens what is by far your most important muscle: your heart. If you crap out jogging half a mile, you just gotta keep doing it until you only crap out at 1 mile, then 2, and so on. It's really hard at first, but gets a lot easier after a few days, and the benefits are quickly noticeable the first few weeks. You don't have to sprint to gain enormous benefits. A quick jog every other day for 45 minutes to an hour plus cutting out junk food and sodas can do wonders.

05-02-2010, 07:02 PM
You're not going to like it, but running is amazing for losing weight and becoming healthier. Plus, it strengthens what is by far your most important muscle: your heart. If you crap out jogging half a mile, you just gotta keep doing it until you only crap out at 1 mile, then 2, and so on. It's really hard at first, but gets a lot easier after a few days, and the benefits are quickly noticeable the first few weeks. You don't have to sprint to gain enormous benefits. A quick jog every other day for 45 minutes to an hour plus cutting out junk food and sodas can do wonders.

I'd love to be able to run. I'd love to do 5ks and half marathons and all that. And maybe I will work my way up to running/jogging....I tried it in college. It was the worst work out I've ever done. There was one time during my internship in Dallas when I was able to run more than half a mile and it was only because it was either go to the gym or punch all the co-workers in the face.

All the other times I ended up almost unable to walk with horrible shin splints even after half a mile and then there's the fatty exercised induced asthma. That's why I'm looking for something other than running to start out with. Maybe the end goal will be running, but right now..not so much.

05-02-2010, 07:08 PM
If you are starting out running, I recommend doing a 1 mile jog/walk (jog until out of breath, then walk to catch breath, repeat). If you do this every other day, you will quickly build up to a 1 mile jog, then work up to whatever distance you want dependant on your knees, feet, hips, etc.

05-02-2010, 07:09 PM
I'd love to be able to run. I'd love to do 5ks and half marathons and all that. And maybe I will work my way up to running/jogging....I tried it in college. It was the worst work out I've ever done. There was one time during my internship in Dallas when I was able to run more than half a mile and it was only because it was either go to the gym or punch all the co-workers in the face.

All the other times I ended up almost unable to walk with horrible shin splints even after half a mile and then there's the fatty exercised induced asthma. That's why I'm looking for something other than running to start out with. Maybe the end goal will be running, but right now..not so much.

That's why I love aerobics, great starting point that led me to kick boxing and running. Both of those are real tough for girls to jump right into--- but it's true there is nothing better than running to drop weight fast.

05-02-2010, 07:11 PM
Yeah. When I got serious about working out my shins were like "woah...f*** that dude." I would just run a couple times a week until they hurt too bad. Then I'd take a week off and do it again the following week. I didn't bother icing them or anything like they always recommend. Just let the small fractures in the bone heal back up and they will be stronger than the last time. I would also get that thing where the lactic acid built up so much in my legs I would have to stop walking for a couple minutes :lol You just have to let the body heal and pound away at it again the next day/week. Start crawling until you can walk and so on.

The main thing is just calories/nutrients. Whatever active stuff you do is just to help your metabolism fire up and help get the ball rolling. I think jogging a mile only burns like 200 calories which is basically a slice and a half of bread. Like baseline said though, running strengthens your heart and also gets the body to redirect blood vessels and all kinds of other crazy things to be a lot more efficient.

DJ Mbenga
05-02-2010, 07:12 PM
drink water for the rest of your life and nothing else. do cardio, the aerobics thing is a good idea. do it daily. stick to grilled chicken and fish. do this for 2 months and you are set. problem is sticking to it.

05-02-2010, 07:13 PM
In the past year I've gone from 258 to 186 just from going to the gym, eating less, and picking healthier food options (wheat over white, grilled over fried, more fruits and veggies, etc).

I haven't been to the gym in the past couple of weeks due to it being the first thing to suffer as the semester draws to a close and work piles up, but by just maintaining healthy eating habits, I can maintain my new weight.

05-02-2010, 07:19 PM
Start on a treadmill. That will get your legs in shape and your heart pumping. Stay on the treadmill at least 35 minutes. Start at a level you feel comfortable with. Then after a couple of weeks you can adjust the intensity and incline. Before you get on the treadmill work on some weights first to get your heart rate up plus a trainer told me the weights burn the sugar first.

Watch what you eat. Remember losing weight is all about burning more calories than you take in. Eat smart.

The biggest key is that first 7-10 days. Once you have gone to the gym most of those days you will have lost some weight and inches and have some momentum to keep working.

05-02-2010, 07:48 PM
Go to a gym with hot people. That motivates you to lift. If you get looks then from a hot ass girl then it motivates you more to lift so you can bang them.

Thats all there is to it.


You do know who you're responding to, right?

Thanks to everyone else for being so helpful with the push towards running/jogging. Hopefully I'll get there sometime soon.

05-02-2010, 08:17 PM
calorie count, don't eat a couple hours before going to bed, and staying somewhat active (whether it be jogging, dancing, swimming) are all pretty basic things to start out with. Just don't lose so much weight that your boobs disappear.

05-02-2010, 08:22 PM
If you're a girl you'd better not do much exercising as a means of weight losing. I think girls need to start with a healthier diet if they indeed want to lose weight. Doing too much exercise may possible help combust some adipose but the collateral effects will include overeating as a result of a bigger need for calorie, which 90% ends up converting a thin&lovely girl into a stout woman like Becky Hammon. It's up to your choice though, if you consider Becky lovely/feminine/luscious... it's fine you do whatever he does.

05-02-2010, 08:33 PM
If you HAVE to eat junk food just try different options like say the baked line verses the fried chips. Instead of ranch dip, use salsa. Sodas and high sugar drinks are really the hidden killer when it comes to calories. And fast food is pretty much the death to any diet. Actually any fried food period isn't good. And running is alot easier if you invest in a good pair of shoes. I run daily on the treadmill about two and a half miles, I found it to be a breeze once I got a good pair of shoes. But if you can't run start out with the bike and build your endurance there, then move on to actually running.

05-02-2010, 08:53 PM
Drop high caloried drinks if you haven't already (try coke zero or minute maid lemonade light)

Jogging/running would be great, but start out just walking, try to get in about 2 miles everyday or every other day. Once you feel like you've got a good thing going, jog at your leisure. Just work up a sweat whatever you're doing.

I lost a lot of weight those ways myself.

05-02-2010, 08:57 PM
If you HAVE to eat junk food just try different options like say the baked line verses the fried chips. Instead of ranch dip, use salsa. Sodas and high sugar drinks are really the hidden killer when it comes to calories. And fast food is pretty much the death to any diet. Actually any fried food period isn't good.

Cookies are my downfall. If I see a cookie I'll eat it. It's horrible. And it doesn't help that my co-workers bake cookies on the weekends and then put them in the break room. As far as snaking goes, I've been eating those stringy cheese stick things for a while, trail mix and bananas for some time. Another downfall is that the girls in my office go out for lunch..all the time. I know there are healthy alternatives when going out, it's just choosing them.

And you, not eating fried food? That's sacrilegious!

05-02-2010, 09:01 PM
Walking is fine, and you will stick to it.

Set realistic goals.

05-02-2010, 09:11 PM
The wedding dress hanging on the back of my closet door motivates the heck out of me. I've been doing a good balance of weights and cardio and have had very good results. The more lean muscle you build, the more calories you burn even at rest. And unless you're a 'roid user you're a girl ... you won't bulk up like a guy. And as you lose weight, you'll have really nice definition to your muscles (arms!).

If you can push yourself to workout at least 4 days a week ... After about 2 weeks you'll start feeling crappy when you skip.

05-02-2010, 09:18 PM
The aerobics are a good idea. If you are interested in weights, be sure to do less weight and more reps with minimal rest in between sets(start at 1 min rest and work down to around 30 sec as you can tolerate it). This will give you more tone than size. Free weights are the best. You can almost every muscle group in your body with a set of dumbbells.

If you really want to get a good leg workout with your cardio I'd suggest finding somewhere that has nice long sets of stairs you can walk up an down or walk up and down bleachers at a local high school. Bleachers helped me get in the best shape of my life a few years back and I've been thinking about going back to them.

05-02-2010, 09:33 PM
Rofl at p90x. what the fuck IS that? Sounds bogus and like another "quick fix".


05-02-2010, 09:54 PM
Rofl at p90x. what the fuck IS that? Sounds bogus and like another "quick fix".

WeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaAaAaaaaKkkkkkkkkWhat a fucking retard.

05-02-2010, 10:56 PM
Cookies are my downfall. If I see a cookie I'll eat it. It's horrible. And it doesn't help that my co-workers bake cookies on the weekends and then put them in the break room. As far as snaking goes, I've been eating those stringy cheese stick things for a while, trail mix and bananas for some time. Another downfall is that the girls in my office go out for lunch..all the time. I know there are healthy alternatives when going out, it's just choosing them.

And you, not eating fried food? That's sacrilegious!

You know all the fast food food places and restaurants havetheir menus and nutritional info online now. I've found that I can eat almost anywhere and stay within bounds of reason if I just decide what I'm going to have before I get there. It's the spur of the moment decisions that kill me.

And I know exactly what you mean about cookies. I swear if I have them in the house they call out my name constantly and I just can't think of anything else! :lol

05-02-2010, 10:59 PM
Cookies are my downfall. If I see a cookie I'll eat it. It's horrible. And it doesn't help that my co-workers bake cookies on the weekends and then put them in the break room. As far as snaking goes, I've been eating those stringy cheese stick things for a while, trail mix and bananas for some time. Another downfall is that the girls in my office go out for lunch..all the time. I know there are healthy alternatives when going out, it's just choosing them.

And you, not eating fried food? That's sacrilegious!

lol. I never really had much of a sweet tooth unless I didn't eat all day and I need some sugar before I pass out. Make sure you eat breakfast and don't try and go on one of those starve yourself diets. I used to go to the gym AND eat fried food all the time. But I got tired of people asking me was I trying to gain weight when clearly I wasn't. I was fat for my size 5'8 190, but I told myself-":rolleyes" that is was mostly muscle. For me once I started eating right and seeing the weight come off I now feel REALLY bad if I eat something that is considered "bad". I figured me busting my ass in the gym everyday just to come out and eat a fried chicken dinner was really defeating the purpose of going in the first place. There are tons of guys at my gym who I know still eat whatever because they are there just as much as I am and still look like they don't workout period. They ask me what I do and I pretty much tell them that diet is about 90% of it unless you are just one of those people who spend 8 hours in the gym everyday non-stop. It's really not all that complicated as some people make it out to be. I do read the back of whatever I buy to see the nutrition facts though.

05-02-2010, 11:18 PM
I recommend elliptical training machines and aerobics classes for you. Work into it gradually so you don't overdo it at first. Try to get 3-4 workouts in per week. After a month you should be used to it. Watch what you eat as well. I don't do a very good job at that part. And BE PATIENT.

marini martini
05-02-2010, 11:25 PM

I've just about had it with me arms and legs. I saw a picture of myself on facebook from Easter in a sleeveless shirt and it was just plain ole gross (don't go trying to find it..I untagged that sucker).

I know I'm never going to be a perfect 110 lbs 5'3 girl without getting some type of Heidi Montag style surgery. That was shortly after I started the new job and now that I'm all settled I know I have some time to fit in some type if fitness routine in there.

I know a lot of you guys go to the gym and work out a ton (so maybe the same stuff you do isn't what I'm looking for). What type of stuff do you all do just to get started? How long did it take you to finally get into the "I have to go to the gym every X amount of times a week" mentality? I'm looking for something light to moderate and preferably no running involved (I'm a bad runner and crap out at like 1/2 a mile) to get toned and to lose some weight (thinking like 20-30 eventually).

I haven't taken the plunge into getting a gym membership yet....but maybe soon (I was actually thinking Planet Fitness since there are two close to my office and 1 close to home and it's only $20 a month). I was thinking like yoga/pilates, dance like tapes and stuff to see if I'll stick it out because knowing me I'll be all "workout work out work!" for a few weeks and then by mid June give up...

What do you think?

Quit spending so much time on the computer!!! Quit eating, drinking, snacking, etc. while on line. Get off you butt and move it, move it, move it!!!!:toast

05-02-2010, 11:44 PM
Losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% being active. The easiest way to gain weight is to skip breakfast and eat big dinners everyday. Learn to eat small meals through out the day. Cut out any drinks with sugar. Only eat lean meat, chicken and fish. Eliminate fried foods. Eat a vegetable serving with every dinner. Don't eat a few hours before going to bed. Eat healthy 6 days a week and have a cheat day. It's very easy. How bad do you want it?

05-02-2010, 11:57 PM
get into porn, big chicks is the niche these days

DJ Mbenga
05-03-2010, 12:06 AM
I recommend elliptical training machines and aerobics classes for you. Work into it gradually so you don't overdo it at first. Try to get 3-4 workouts in per week. After a month you should be used to it. Watch what you eat as well. I don't do a very good job at that part. And BE PATIENT.

if anyone knows about getting in shape its this guy:


05-03-2010, 12:39 AM
I will keep it short and simple, follow these two tips to lose weight, get in shape, and actually be healthy:

1. Eat healthy - Highly recommend the book and videos, "Eat to Live." It can be difficult at first because it focuses on eating right and re-programming how you eat (basically cutting out processed foods, etc.). My co-workers, wife, her friends have loss a lot of weight and eat a whole lot healthier now which will benefit them in the long run instead of a quick fix diet.

2. Workout on a regular basis. Doesn't really matter what you do as long as you get your heart rate up for 30 min. + on a regular basis. P90x is excellent, but can be very difficult for beginners. It's based on calisthenics though and is a really great program. Running is good too for an overall workout, but can be a bit taxing on the knees and joints. Alternate running with an elliptical exercise routine or aerobic class to give your joints a break.

Hope these helps.

05-03-2010, 12:42 AM
if anyone knows about getting in shape its this guy:



05-03-2010, 12:48 AM
Losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% being active. The easiest way to gain weight is to skip breakfast and eat big dinners everyday. Learn to eat small meals through out the day. Cut out any drinks with sugar. Only eat lean meat, chicken and fish. Eliminate fried foods. Eat a vegetable serving with every dinner. Don't eat a few hours before going to bed. Eat healthy 6 days a week and have a cheat day. It's very easy. How bad do you want it?

Good advice, but I wouldn't completely eliminate breakfast. She just doesn't have to overdue it. Eating oatmeal, fruit or something along these lines will definitely benefit her and also help with her digestion. People tend to forget that your body has been fasting for 8 hours (sleep) so to start the day out with nothing might help lose weight, but isn't healthy in the long run. A big glass of water first thing in the morning is also very beneficial in speeding up her metabolism and cleansing her system.

I also would also mention eating a big/medium-sized dinner 3 - 4 hours before bedtime.

Lastly, make sure you get a good night's rest every night. Helps your body to recover from the regular workouts.

05-03-2010, 01:10 AM
Good advice, but I wouldn't completely eliminate breakfast. She just doesn't have to overdue it. Eating oatmeal, fruit or something along these lines will definitely benefit her and also help with her digestion. People tend to forget that your body has been fasting for 8 hours (sleep) so to start the day out with nothing might help lose weight, but isn't healthy in the long run. A big glass of water first thing in the morning is also very beneficial in speeding up her metabolism and cleansing her system.

I also would also mention eating a big/medium-sized dinner 3 - 4 hours before bedtime.

Lastly, make sure you get a good night's rest every night. Helps your body to recover from the regular workouts.

Actually the advice to skip breakfast and eat a big dinner is entirely incorrect. You should eat a bigger meal earlier in the day. You don't need the calories at the end of the day.

05-03-2010, 01:11 AM
Lastly, make sure you get a good night's rest every night. Helps your body to recover from the regular workouts.

Eating some fat free cottage cheese before bedtime will also help the body recover after a workout. It contains slow digesting protein that the body will use throughout the night when it's not receiving any food.

05-03-2010, 01:16 AM
Actually the advice to skip breakfast and eat a big dinner is entirely incorrect. You should eat a bigger meal earlier in the day. You don't need the calories at the end of the day.

I don't know what I was thinking (working on a paper all night), you are correct. Swapping your breakfast and dinner is usually a good technique in helping to promote weight loss because you will be using your breakfast/dinner as energy for the day instead of getting ready to go to bed with all that food to digest (not a good thing). Eating smaller sized meals throughout the day is also a good method instead of having one meal much larger than all the rest.

It also really depends on when you workout. If you workout in the evening, then a medium-sized (not really a fan of telling folks to have a big dinner) meal to help support the workout you just had (of course, waiting at least 30 - 1 hr to eat it imo) is not a bad thing at all as long as you aren't going to bed within a 4 hour window.

Honestly, if she follows the "Eat to Live" plan, it won't matter as much because it is mainly comprised of fruits, veggies, and salads which will clean you out and nourish your body at the same time.

05-03-2010, 01:22 AM
Man, once I graduate from college, I'm fucked. I can't stand going to the gym/running.

I love doing sports though. My advice is that you find something you love doing - that way, it doesn't really feel like working out as much as simply having fun. I can't stand to run even a couple of miles, but I'll play a 3 hour tennis match no problem.

05-03-2010, 02:24 AM
Speak for yourselves fatties :lol
I can eat fast food every day and won't get fat.

05-03-2010, 02:59 AM
Speak for yourselves fatties :lol
I can eat fast food every day and won't get fat.

Doesn't mean you won't get clogged arteries and have a heart attack (not that I wish that on you or anything - just saying be aware).

I remember this girl I was dating back in my early college years used to only eat fast food despite my suggestions for her to eat healthier. She had a nice body (even though she never worked out) so it wasn't evident that fast food was an issue. Well, she had to go get a blood test and I went with her and the doctor came back and asked if she ate a lot of fast food. She said... "kind of but not really" (my eye brows told the doctor another story). Well, he brought out her blood and showed her how it had seperated with half of it being fat. It was sooo disgusting! Of course, the doc gave her a health lecture for like ten minutes about eating fast food.

05-03-2010, 03:11 AM
Doesn't mean you won't get clogged arteries and have a heart attack (not that I wish that on you or anything - just saying be aware).

Thanks for the heads up :]
I'm usually pretty good at exercising but have slacked off lately... will def try to improve on that this summer.

05-03-2010, 07:15 AM
A person I used to work with was like that. He could scarf down doughnut after doughnut, whopper after whopper and still maintain a flat stomach. If I eat a whopper now I can feel my stomach expanding I don't give a crap how much I run or lift weights.

Kori Ellis
05-03-2010, 08:07 AM
hidden mini-forum thread
That forum hasn't existed in over two years.

bus driver
05-03-2010, 08:20 AM
I've lost 40 lbs just from calorie counting. In order to lose more I will have to start walking at least.

Good luck!


05-03-2010, 08:41 AM
Speak for yourselves fatties :lol
I can eat fast food every day and won't get fat.

How old are you? I could do that when I was young. I'm not young anymore.

05-03-2010, 08:57 AM
If you count calories, you can have cookies. That's the cool thing about the science of it all. 1 is 1 and 2 is 2. If you are at 1300 calories for the day, and some cookies are 250 calories, you can eat those cookies and still be at 1550 calories for the day. The extra sugar will not kill you.

As long as you are in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. If you are lifting, you'll put on some muscle so your weight might stay the same but you will begin to look noticeably better.

Also, you can eat before you sleep. It's not a big deal. Slow-digesting protein such as cottage cheese is good. Your body is in fasting for 8 hours while you sleep. That's mainly for putting on muscle though.

05-03-2010, 08:59 AM
Rofl at p90x. what the fuck IS that? Sounds bogus and like another "quick fix".


lol c'mon son. It is pretty much the ONLY thing you see on TV that is the real deal. This is truth.

05-03-2010, 09:25 AM
I am very surprised that this thread hasn't turned into madness yet. and :lol and hidden forums. I've never even looked at the mini forums. I don't think I'm cool enough.

I've always always always been a breakfast eater. A bagel, cereal, occasionally pancakes now and then...it's the co-workers (who don't eat healthy) and then after work dinner time that gets me in trouble.

I'm going to try to do some cardio stuff to start with just to work up to being able to jog/run and see how it goes. Keep the advice coming and if anyone else needs the advice feel free to jump in too.

Cry Havoc
05-03-2010, 09:46 AM

I've just about had it with me arms and legs. I saw a picture of myself on facebook from Easter in a sleeveless shirt and it was just plain ole gross (don't go trying to find it..I untagged that sucker).

I know I'm never going to be a perfect 110 lbs 5'3 girl without getting some type of Heidi Montag style surgery. That was shortly after I started the new job and now that I'm all settled I know I have some time to fit in some type if fitness routine in there.

I know a lot of you guys go to the gym and work out a ton (so maybe the same stuff you do isn't what I'm looking for). What type of stuff do you all do just to get started? How long did it take you to finally get into the "I have to go to the gym every X amount of times a week" mentality? I'm looking for something light to moderate and preferably no running involved (I'm a bad runner and crap out at like 1/2 a mile) to get toned and to lose some weight (thinking like 20-30 eventually).

I haven't taken the plunge into getting a gym membership yet....but maybe soon (I was actually thinking Planet Fitness since there are two close to my office and 1 close to home and it's only $20 a month). I was thinking like yoga/pilates, dance like tapes and stuff to see if I'll stick it out because knowing me I'll be all "workout work out work!" for a few weeks and then by mid June give up...

What do you think?

First of all, I personally hate running on a treadmill. I think it's notoriously boring, not nearly as productive as running outside (since you have a belt that's forcing your feet to move), and I have concerns that it prevents a natural running gait from developing.

To my knowledge, the absolute BEST thing for your heart and overall level of fitness is swimming. Reason being, it uses your ENTIRE body as one giant floating muscle, and you have to consistently move just to stay afloat. If you hate running (especially if you hate running), I would recommend swimming to you.

I also want to stress the mistake I see a lot of women making: Don't go by your weight. I know too many people who think that if they're not losing much weight, they're doing something wrong, so they constantly change diets, hoping one of them will work from day 1. This can shock your system to the point where you make yourself sick, or worse.

Which is preposterous. Your body may be called a "machine", but it's still an incredibly complex system of fibers and chemicals. It takes time for it to adapt to a new routine. In fact, upon initial workouts, you might actually gain weight from new muscle being created. However, exercise is the only method to lower your body's "set weight", the weight which you normally operate from. This is why dieting alone almost NEVER works. Eating right (not less food, and sometimes MORE food, but the right food) is only one part of the equation here.

My advice to you: Throw away your scale and start judging your body based on how it feels. If you run up a flight up stairs and feel exhausted, that's a bad sign. If you can go up 10 flights of stairs without breaking much of a sweat, that's a sign you're getting healthy, regardless of your weight.

Start small. Swim a little (5-10 minutes). Run a little (5-10 minutes at a pace you can handle). I recommend this phenomenal book:
I used to run with shin splints, until I read Chi-Running. Now I might get them once every other month. It made running easy for me. You don't NEED to run though, as there are plenty of exercises out there, but running is great.

Aerobics are great to start with, as others have suggested. If your heart rate is increasing, your body is working itself! Do some very light, high repetition weights for muscle tone. Start by working out 15 minutes every other day, and increase when you feel comfortable doing so.

And STAY AWAY from weight loss products. No discussion on this.

05-03-2010, 09:58 AM
Exciting. It's a great feeling, losing weight and getting into shape. I suggest a low carb diet since you don't have much weight to lose. You don't go hungry, main thing, and you don't have to stick to it for long to achieve noticeable results before you move back to a less rigid style of eating.

Good luck :)

05-03-2010, 09:59 AM
Ashbeeigh--just keep it simple. You have to eat less and move more. You can lose weight by diet alone, but exercising will help. However, it's VERY important not to focus on the scale number. It's very possible only to lose 5 pounds, but find that your clothes will fit better

Bottom line is that you have to find something you enjoy doing. If you hate running, you won't stick with it.

Some good sources for strength training geared towards women are:

Rachel Cosgrove (http://www.amazon.com/Female-Body-Breakthrough-Revolutionary-Strength-Training/dp/1605296937/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1272898189&sr=8-1)
Women's Health Big Book of Exercises (http://www.amazon.com/Womens-Health-Big-Book-Exercises/dp/1605295493/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1272898189&sr=8-2)

I'm doing Turbulence Training (http://www.turbulencetraining.com/page2.htm) right now. His books are e-books and his site is a pay site, but he gives you one month free when you buy the original book and there are tons of workouts on his site to download--some for women only, bodyweight exercises only, building mass, etc. Plus, on his FB page, every day (and sometimes twice a day) he will answer questions for 15-20 minutes.

Good luck!

05-03-2010, 10:03 AM
I'm really into doing interval training right now. It's made a huge difference and don't have do cardio for hours!

Cry Havoc
05-03-2010, 10:07 AM
Ah, I forgot to mention: Biking or spinning is a great way to elevate your heart rate and burn some calories.

05-03-2010, 10:08 AM
I'm with you, Ash. Last week I began walking a mile three times a week. It's not a lot, but more than I've done in over a decade, so the beginning has to be a little easy :lol Exercise sucks, but any lazy slob can turn on an mp3 or Ipod and walk around the track a few times.

05-03-2010, 11:08 AM
Generally, you would have to do some kind of movement that accelerates your heart rate so you can burn calories. Anything that involves an up and down motion would be great like riding my cack.

I mean, i'll keep my end of the bargain by keeping it up. I'll just need some pills, a cock ring, and have another woman on my mind.

bus driver
05-03-2010, 11:50 AM
are there going to be before and after pics?

05-03-2010, 12:11 PM

05-03-2010, 12:20 PM
Walk if you need to at first... I went on a biggest loser type decrease over the last couple of years... worked out 40 minutes every morning... started by walking at first and slowly sped up/increase difficulty, etc. I didn't start going to the gym until well into a year in because I had lost so much weight that I need to actually start toning. Don't worry about attacking everything hardcore (running, etc) right away. Do what you can for extended periods of time. The endurance will build slowly and the asthma will decrease gradually.

And naturally, as everyone else was saying, I just ate better. Nothing specific, just better. Paid attention to what I ate, smaller portions, more fruit, breakfast every morning (cereal and banana normally)... that was it. The weight started pouring off quickly.

Fat Bones
05-03-2010, 12:42 PM
Good luck.

Water. Drink it, swim in it, and bike, walk, or run to it. Make better choices, like oatmeal cookies, instead of double chocolate chip. Reduce your food portions, if you usually eat three, only eat two.

P90X will completely kick your ass, but it's awesome.

05-03-2010, 01:21 PM
V diet,

if you are disciplined, and also follow the post nutrition plan, it works fast

05-03-2010, 06:07 PM
it's the co-workers (who don't eat healthy)...

Keep something healthy in your desk to have while they eat the junk.

05-03-2010, 09:59 PM
Once she starts seeing the weight she wants to lose come off it will be easier for her to say not eat junk. Or do what I used to do when my co-worker would bring me things like fajita's, chicken fried steak, and any other kind of buttery desserts, just accept it, take it home and give it to whoever. When they ask you about how it was the next day lie and tell them it was awesome. Sometimes I would have to try at least a little piece of whatever it was they brought for me just to shut them up. And we were in a car so it was hard for me to fake like I was eating it. lol

05-03-2010, 11:57 PM
Fuck. A lot.

Does a world of good.

05-04-2010, 12:03 AM
Fuck. A lot.

Does a world of good.

But if you are fucking lots, while feeling like you lack the physical form you want, where is the motivation to "look good" when you already get all the sex you want? Wouldn't that make a person lazy?

05-04-2010, 12:09 AM
Replace your drinks with water. Stay away from those coworkers since it sounds like they're trying to fatten you up! ;) Or bring a lunch from home.

Do a lot of little things like park farther away than normal so you walk a little more each day.

05-04-2010, 12:10 AM
But if you are fucking lots, while feeling like you lack the physical form you want, where is the motivation to "look good" when you already get all the sex you want? Wouldn't that make a person lazy?

For one thing, I wasn't aware that the only reason to be in shape was to attract a mate. I see plenty of pug ugly people getting who are getting laid more often than I have been lately.

For another... maybe by fucking ugly guys? You'd get the benefit of sex-as-exercise, but also have the motivation to attract a prettier sexual partner.

05-04-2010, 12:28 AM
For another... maybe by fucking ugly guys? You'd get the benefit of sex-as-exercise, but also have the motivation to attract a prettier sexual partner.

You've got to assume that the ugly person you are fucking has skills and stamina to make it an excercise rather than just a "pump and go"...or does that help work off calories too?

05-04-2010, 12:32 AM
You've got to assume that the ugly person you are fucking has skills and stamina to make it an excercise rather than just a "pump and go"...or does that help work off calories too?

If kissing burns calories, I'm sure lousy sex does, too. Obviously the wild shit is a bit more effective, though.

05-04-2010, 07:54 AM
You're not going to like it, but running is amazing for losing weight and becoming healthier. Plus, it strengthens what is by far your most important muscle: your heart. If you crap out jogging half a mile, you just gotta keep doing it until you only crap out at 1 mile, then 2, and so on. It's really hard at first, but gets a lot easier after a few days, and the benefits are quickly noticeable the first few weeks. You don't have to sprint to gain enormous benefits. A quick jog every other day for 45 minutes to an hour plus cutting out junk food and sodas can do wonders.

And I say forget running. Different activities suit different people. Running is great for certain types of people that find comfort in repetitive motion, it appears that is not the case for you.

Take a three-pronged approach: 1) Drop processed foods-go to lean meats and lots of veggies-avoid grains, make dinner a light meal 2) develop a cardio routine that fits you, try kick-boxing (it is the opposite of running in that it is far less repetitious) 3) work out with weights using three sets of 12, 10, 8 reps increasing the weight slightly each time, starting with a very comfortable weight. Alternate between upper body and lower body and work out at least five times a week.

Sundays can be cheat days.

Most diet plans exist to sell you something. Just drop processed foods and grains, eating a lot of veggies, and you will start losing weight.

When you start working out, counter-intuitively you may gain some weight at first. Don't worry about that, your BMI will certainly be changing.

This is sustainable and will become an important, rewarding part of your life.

05-04-2010, 09:13 AM
And I say forget running. Different activities suit different people. Running is great for certain types of people that find comfort in repetitive motion, it appears that is not the case for you.

Take a three-pronged approach: 1) Drop processed foods-go to lean meats and lots of veggies-avoid grains, make dinner a light meal 2) develop a cardio routine that fits you, try kick-boxing (it is the opposite of running in that it is far less repetitious) 3) work out with weights using three sets of 12, 10, 8 reps increasing the weight slightly each time, starting with a very comfortable weight. Alternate between upper body and lower body and work out at least five times a week.

Sundays can be cheat days.

Most diet plans exist to sell you something. Just drop processed foods and grains, eating a lot of veggies, and you will start losing weight.

When you start working out, counter-intuitively you may gain some weight at first. Don't worry about that, your BMI will certainly be changing.

This is sustainable and will become an important, rewarding part of your life.
What's wrong with grains ?

05-04-2010, 09:27 AM
What's wrong with grains ?

Stored energy. To be avoided, likewise fats and potatoes.

Cry Havoc
05-04-2010, 12:14 PM
And I say forget running. Different activities suit different people. Running is great for certain types of people that find comfort in repetitive motion, it appears that is not the case for you.

A good suggestion, IMO.

Take a three-pronged approach: 1) Drop processed foods-go to lean meats and lots of veggies-avoid grains, make dinner a light meal 2) develop a cardio routine that fits you, try kick-boxing (it is the opposite of running in that it is far less repetitious) 3) work out with weights using three sets of 12, 10, 8 reps increasing the weight slightly each time, starting with a very comfortable weight. Alternate between upper body and lower body and work out at least five times a week.

I completely disagree with the dropping grains. if you are exercising enough, you will need the energy they provide, and will easily exhaust the calories consumed in them. Kick boxing is a decent suggestion, but it's pretty strenuous on the body as well, and is quite prone to causing injuries.

I also disagree with the reps. 12/10/8 sets are still on the side of muscle building, IMO, not calorie burning and muscle toning. I usually run 10/8/6 for pure muscle build when I'm trying to increase mass. I would suggest something like 16/16/16 with a low resistance to really burn calories. Pyramid reps have always been more about muscle building, IMO.

Most diet plans exist to sell you something. Just drop processed foods and grains, eating a lot of veggies, and you will start losing weight.

Grains are a serious component of the food pyramid for a reason. I don't think dropping them altogether is a good idea here, particularly if the person will be working out a lot.

Stored energy. To be avoided, likewise fats and potatoes.

A calorie by definition is energy. Any calorie you consume is "stored". Now it's true that some burn faster than others, I don't get this notion that "we've ate bread for thousands of years and been healthy fit and thin, and all of a sudden it's a bad thing" that tons of people seem to be adopting. Maybe it's due to Atkins, I'm not sure. Yes, eating TOO MANY grains is bad, just like eating too much of any one food is bad. Balance it responsibly and I don't see how it's a problem. There are numerous benefits to having a serving or two of grain per day that otherwise needs to be made up elsewhere.

05-04-2010, 12:36 PM
I turn into a sociopath without carbs. I stick with oatmeal after morning workout and sweet potato to get me through the day/carry over to morning workout.

05-04-2010, 02:55 PM
A good suggestion, IMO.

I completely disagree with the dropping grains. if you are exercising enough, you will need the energy they provide, and will easily exhaust the calories consumed in them. Kick boxing is a decent suggestion, but it's pretty strenuous on the body as well, and is quite prone to causing injuries.

I also disagree with the reps. 12/10/8 sets are still on the side of muscle building, IMO, not calorie burning and muscle toning. I usually run 10/8/6 for pure muscle build when I'm trying to increase mass. I would suggest something like 16/16/16 with a low resistance to really burn calories. Pyramid reps have always been more about muscle building, IMO.

Grains are a serious component of the food pyramid for a reason. I don't think dropping them altogether is a good idea here, particularly if the person will be working out a lot.

A calorie by definition is energy. Any calorie you consume is "stored". Now it's true that some burn faster than others, I don't get this notion that "we've ate bread for thousands of years and been healthy fit and thin, and all of a sudden it's a bad thing" that tons of people seem to be adopting. Maybe it's due to Atkins, I'm not sure. Yes, eating TOO MANY grains is bad, just like eating too much of any one food is bad. Balance it responsibly and I don't see how it's a problem. There are numerous benefits to having a serving or two of grain per day that otherwise needs to be made up elsewhere.

I am not a big fan of the Food Pyramid, it has too much bias towards simple carbs. For a guy working construction it is fine. For an office-dweller relying on an hour or of activity a day for health maintenance it is defeating (IMHO). In regards to grains I am borrowing from the Paleo diet on that, although I do not want to advocate a particular "diet."

One progressive doctor in Wimberly (pretty buff guy, himself which is different than most doctors I have known) is the one that tried to direct me towards a diet that relied less on grains. This link is not his or anything but does have some of the same logic. You may find it interesting.


BTW, you are right about reps. The 12/10/8 is my routine and not neccessarily what Ashbleeigh needs. High reps for weight loss is correct. The main thing is to develop some mass and tone up.

05-04-2010, 05:51 PM
- Workout 3 times a week with weights.
- Eat 1g protein / lb lean body mass.
- Reduce calories to lose 1-2 lbs / week.

05-04-2010, 06:08 PM
You do not need any diet. Everyone knows how to eat healthier. It is not rocket science. Don't go to KFC and eat fried chicken, mashed potatoes covered in gravy, and a big biscuit smeared with honey butter. Skip the greasy cheeseburger and fries. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods.

You also do not need some complicated fitness routine either. Walk or swim a few days a week. Try some light weights.

Duff McCartney
05-04-2010, 06:08 PM
I'm not sure how long it takes to stick with going to the gym. It didn't take me a long time but now I feel like I can never stop. I go to the gym 3 times a week and if I ever miss any time, I feel freaking fat as hell.

I'm not sure if I've dropped much weight but I do know I feel alot better physically. I only got into lifting weights recently because prior to that it was mostly treadmill/bike/crunches.

I'm not really trying to become all buff huge like some guys there. Just tone up and burn fat really.

05-10-2010, 07:38 PM
Alright runners/joggers....I'm all for trying it. I need to get out of the house. I tried to jog today. Horrible mess.

I didn't get the shin splints (halelujah!), but my back left calf felt horrible afterward. The last time I tried running I found out my feet seriously overpronate. Do any of you have any suggestion on insoles to buy to make this pain subside? I'm not willing to buy new shoes, but maybe insoles could help.

05-10-2010, 08:41 PM
You should also check out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):


Which calculates the calories you need to maintain your present weight. For example, Ash, if you are 25 years-old, 5'5", and 145 pounds, your BMR is 1474 calories per day.

Now if you exercise three times per week, your BMR will increase and take you about 2027 calories to maintain that 145 lbs.

So if you have a 1400 calorie per day diet, you will have a daily deficit of about 600 calories, or 4200 per week. It takes about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat, so over about 10 weeks you will lose about 12 pounds of fat.

05-10-2010, 09:22 PM
Alright runners/joggers....I'm all for trying it. I need to get out of the house. I tried to jog today. Horrible mess.

I didn't get the shin splints (halelujah!), but my back left calf felt horrible afterward. The last time I tried running I found out my feet seriously overpronate. Do any of you have any suggestion on insoles to buy to make this pain subside? I'm not willing to buy new shoes, but maybe insoles could help.

This might sound dumb, but try wearing an extra pair of socks. When I had this unknown pain on the bottom of my foot I did that, and I noticed that it helped provide extra cushion when I run. I do it every day I run now.

05-10-2010, 09:24 PM
Alright runners/joggers....I'm all for trying it. I need to get out of the house. I tried to jog today. Horrible mess.

I didn't get the shin splints (halelujah!), but my back left calf felt horrible afterward. The last time I tried running I found out my feet seriously overpronate. Do any of you have any suggestion on insoles to buy to make this pain subside? I'm not willing to buy new shoes, but maybe insoles could help.

05-10-2010, 09:31 PM
This might sound dumb, but try wearing an extra pair of socks. When I had this unknown pain on the bottom of my foot I did that, and I noticed that it helped provide extra cushion when I run. I do it every day I run now.

It doesn't sound dumb. I did that too. It does help. Maybe I need thicker socks, One was thick and the other was the little thin ankle socks...but maybe adding the insole on top of the two pairs of socks would add more cushion.

05-10-2010, 09:54 PM
It doesn't sound dumb. I did that too. It does help. Maybe I need thicker socks, One was thick and the other was the little thin ankle socks...but maybe adding the insole on top of the two pairs of socks would add more cushion.

They sell ankle socks that are thick. Two pairs of those plus your insole should provide enough of a cushion to take some of that stress off your calfs/knees. But a good pair of running shoes does make all the difference though if you really are considering running.

05-10-2010, 09:56 PM
They sell ankle socks that are thick. Two pairs of those plus your insole should provide enough of a cushion to take some of that stress off your calfs/knees. But a good pair of running shoes does make all the difference though if you really are considering running.

The shoes I have are good all around..I know there are specific running shoes..but until I get into 5k shape I'm not splurging on the running shoes.

05-10-2010, 11:20 PM
Running is the best way to lose weight fast, and once you're in shape you can do some chill toning stuff in the gym. Or since you hate running, try riding a bike/exercise bike for a good amount of time a few times per week. As long as you aren't lazy and stick to it you should lose weight.

05-10-2010, 11:26 PM
I'm not willing to buy new shoes

If you're really going to start jogging or walking seriously, this should actually be your first step. Bad foot and ankle support can potentially fuck your back up even if it's not causing pain during or immediately after your walk. I didn't take that seriously enough when I was still dancing and now I'm (almost) 32 with nightmare back problems.

05-11-2010, 01:57 AM
It takes about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat, so over about 10 weeks you will lose about 12 pounds of fat.

Damn, you could lose 4 pounds a week by only drinking water and not eating. :wow

baseline bum
05-11-2010, 02:19 AM
Alright runners/joggers....I'm all for trying it. I need to get out of the house. I tried to jog today. Horrible mess.

I didn't get the shin splints (halelujah!), but my back left calf felt horrible afterward. The last time I tried running I found out my feet seriously overpronate. Do any of you have any suggestion on insoles to buy to make this pain subside? I'm not willing to buy new shoes, but maybe insoles could help.

Maybe just do brisk walking until it gets boring and jogging starts making more sense.

05-11-2010, 05:22 AM
Damn, you could lose 4 pounds a week by only drinking water and not eating. :wow

nah, if you try to live on too low of a calorie deficit your body will go into starvation mode and burn calories a lot slower. You will also feel like shit, get headaches, etc.

Ash, also check out Fitday.com to help with diet. It makes it easy to see exactly what you are eating. I keep it simple and just eat the same stuff everyday.

05-11-2010, 06:22 AM
You're not going to like it, but running is amazing for losing weight and becoming healthier. Plus, it strengthens what is by far your most important muscle: your heart. If you crap out jogging half a mile, you just gotta keep doing it until you only crap out at 1 mile, then 2, and so on. It's really hard at first, but gets a lot easier after a few days, and the benefits are quickly noticeable the first few weeks. You don't have to sprint to gain enormous benefits. A quick jog every other day for 45 minutes to an hour plus cutting out junk food and sodas can do wonders.

This is the only way I have lost weight. I've lost north of 20 pounds a couple of times. The problem is I get injured and I have to stop . . . :depressed

05-11-2010, 07:28 AM
Maybe just do brisk walking until it gets boring and jogging starts making more sense.

This is what I was going to say... walk at first - at a quicker and quicker pace over time. It prepares your muscles and gradually builds up endurance. You can lose weight burn calories quite effectively walking too. Going straight into running isn't the best idea. If available, walk on an incline on a treadmill for extra difficulty for the legs. I walked quite a bit at first and lost tons of weight before focusing on running. I still walk at a 4-4.5 mph pace sometimes for a workout every now and then for a change of pace.

05-11-2010, 07:37 AM
I've been walking and have started jogging short distances.

05-11-2010, 09:18 AM
Sounds like your feet just don't like running/jogging. You might try swimming or water aerobics since it's a lot lower impact. You could start out at the public outdoor pools this summer and move to the natatorium this winter if you like it.

05-11-2010, 09:25 AM
Couch to 5K is a great way to build up to jogging. I myself just started getting back into walking. I'm only doing a mile a day right now, but it's a start. My goal is to increase 2 laps/.5 miles a week until up I'm up to 3 miles a day (perhaps I'll get up to 5 at some point, who knows). Maybe then I'll consider starting to jog.

From my personal experience, I've only lost weight easily and kept it off while exercising. I could slack on the diet and still lose if I were exercising. Dieting alone has never worked to help me lose weight. Now, making healthier eating choices is a good idea. Watching food weight and portion sizes is a good idea. But I refuse to do the strict dieting right now because it's too much pressure and too much set up for failure. I am focusing on working in more vegetables and eliminating the obviously bad stuff.

As for the jogging, my friend overpronated, and she had custom orthotics done. It was the only way for her to avoid joint damage.

And sidenote - I have a lot of sex, as we are trying to conceive again, but I can't say it's done much for my weight. I don't think it hurts though, and I will definitely agree that I feel a lot better (mentally, physically, relationship-wise) when having regular sex. It's a good way to release tension.

05-11-2010, 09:29 AM
Swimming is also excellent exercise. I'm excited the weather is getting good for that. Just bought a new swim cap to help motivate me. May sound silly, but I don't like having to wash my hair more often or the way chlorine can damage it, so I tend not to swim as often if I don't have a good-fitting swim cap.

05-11-2010, 09:30 AM
And sidenote - I have a lot of sex, as we are trying to conceive again, but I can't say it's done much for my weight. I don't think it hurts though, and I will definitely agree that I feel a lot better (mentally, physically, relationship-wise) when having regular sex. It's a good way to release tension.


I'm sure Ash could find some willing workout partners in here...

05-11-2010, 09:32 AM

Just sayin', since it was brought up.

05-11-2010, 10:20 AM
Simply put, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. People do not burn as nearly many calories as they think they do. As the saying goes, 'Abs are made in the kitchen'. You can do 1000 sit-ups a day, but if your diet isn't good, you'll never see that six pack.

05-11-2010, 10:37 AM
I think it's just a really bad idea for Ashbeeigh to neglect the shoes situation, even for just walking. Always start out with well designed, well fitted shoes. Better yet, get 2 pair and alternate them. You should always take care with your feet.

05-11-2010, 11:04 AM
You should always take care with your feet.

Especially, if you're diabetic (Joe Chalupa!). I helped my husband recently with a diabetic foot ulcer study and all I can say is Yikes!

05-11-2010, 11:08 AM
Simply put, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. People do not burn as nearly many calories as they think they do. As the saying goes, 'Abs are made in the kitchen'. You can do 1000 sit-ups a day, but if your diet isn't good, you'll never see that six pack.

That is true.

I should clarify my first statement - the most weight I ever lost (about 40 pounds) was done while dieting (Weight Watchers point system) and exercising 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour (cardio).

I did still lose weight while exercising and slacking on the diet, but I was still eating better than before the diet. I was just allowing more processed foods, more junky foods.

Strict dieting can result in weight loss, and if it is a sensible, healthy diet (think the diabetic or insulin resistance diets which are balanced, full of lean proteins and healthy carbs like vegetables and fiber and low on sugars and simple carbs), you will lose weight in a healthy way and be healthier in general in terms of arteries, heart health, cancer risks, organ function.

If strict dieting is not an option for you (which can be for a variety of reasons), eat sensibly. Don't overeat, watch portion sizes, choose whole grains instead of processed white flour, eliminate simple carbs where possible, eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits daily. And exercise daily if you can. Even if exercise consists of 15 minutes of walking around your neighborhood, as it does for me right now. That is the best, most sustainable path to general good health, which is more important than clothes size or scale number. Work your way up to 20, then 30 minutes of general activity daily.

If you can work in a more aerobic activity on top of that, two - three times a week (say 30 -60 minutes a time) of jogging, brisk walking, swimming, biking, aerobics class, calisthenics, etc - even better. You'll tone more and lose more calories. Try to work up to 3-4, maybe even 5 sessions a week in addition to general daily activity.

Adding weights and stretching (such as yoga) into that is even better for your body in terms of strength, flexibility and muscle tone.

05-11-2010, 11:08 AM
Especially, if you're diabetic (Joe Chalupa!). I helped my husband recently with a diabetic foot ulcer study and all I can say is Yikes!

So true!! I learned the hard way and am still learning the diet and trying to lose and control my weight. I can jog though!! I dry them puppies like there is no tomorrow and do a good self examination of my feet everyday. My wife isn't too crazy about helping me out although I am more than willing to help her with her frequent breast examinations.

05-11-2010, 11:10 AM
I think it's just a really bad idea for Ashbeeigh to neglect the shoes situation, even for just walking. Always start out with well designed, well fitted shoes. Better yet, get 2 pair and alternate them. You should always take care with your feet.

This is true.

It may seem like a commitment of money, especially when you aren't sure you like the activity and want to pursue it.

But without proper running shoes you will only increase the risks of damaging your joints and causing pain each time you try to do it, and thus set yourself up for failure.

And if you spend the money, you may find yourself more inclined to use them so it's not wasted money.

If you really aren't sure about running, get fit for cross-trainers. It will still help you immensely.

05-11-2010, 11:12 AM
So true!! I learned the hard way and am still learning the diet and trying to lose and control my weight. I can jog though!! I dry them puppies like there is no tomorrow and do a good self examination of my feet everyday. My wife isn't too crazy about helping me out although I am more than willing to help her with her frequent breast examinations.


I am proud of you for checking your feet because it IS preventable! :tu

05-11-2010, 11:17 AM
On the subject of feet, I think I want a pair of these. Problem is the cheapest I can find are like $60-70 on Ebay. I don't think I can bring myself to spend that much on a pair of shoes.


05-11-2010, 11:18 AM

I am proud of you for checking your feet because it IS preventable! :tu

Yes it is. It was my own fault and I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I did when a simple examination can prevent it. My podiatrist told me if I had come see him sooner he could have saved the big toe!!

And yes, I used to be a running fool back in the day and although I'm cheap I never cut costs when it came to my running shoes and I always had a few pair that I rotated. I do miss those days and the natural high I'd get on nice long runs.

05-11-2010, 01:36 PM
I think it's just a really bad idea for Ashbeeigh to neglect the shoes situation, even for just walking. Always start out with well designed, well fitted shoes. Better yet, get 2 pair and alternate them. You should always take care with your feet.

The shoes I have are great shoes. Maybe not amazing. I think they're either walking or even running to start with. I know there is a huge difference, I'm not that dense. I may try thicker socks to start with and then add the insoles. I'm still not 100% committed to the running idea yet.

05-11-2010, 01:41 PM
This is true.

It may seem like a commitment of money, especially when you aren't sure you like the activity and want to pursue it.

But without proper running shoes you will only increase the risks of damaging your joints and causing pain each time you try to do it, and thus set yourself up for failure.

And if you spend the money, you may find yourself more inclined to use them so it's not wasted money.

If you really aren't sure about running, get fit for cross-trainers. It will still help you immensely.

And the opposite side of that coin that I subscribe to is that the explosion of "advancements" in running shoe technology is a direct cause to the numbers of joint injuries from running. Simply stated, the human foot is not designed to be padded and cushioned while running. Look at it this way, when watching someone run in "running shoes" you predominately see them heel striking when they land. The heel is not equipped to handle that impact and that force is transmitted up through the knee and hip. Stand up from your desk right now and jump up and land on your heels. You won't do it because it's going to hurt. Watch any kid under the age of five run around in their bare feet, they're going to land on the balls of their feet because the ankle/calves are a natural shock absorber. IMHO, if you're looking for a running shoe, get one with a minimum amount of heel and go thin on the cushioning. Looking for a "cross trainer"? A $30 pair of Chucks is your best bet.

Then again, YMMV.

05-11-2010, 01:54 PM
Running bores the shit out of me.

Join a co-ed soccer or basketball team.

05-11-2010, 02:04 PM
IMHO, if you're looking for a running shoe, get one with a minimum amount of heel and go thin on the cushioning. Looking for a "cross trainer"? A $30 pair of Chucks is your best bet.

Then again, YMMV.

I don't run, I'm only going by what my friends who do run have told me in the past. You may have an excellent point.

I have (old) cross trainers that need to be upgraded now that I'm being more active again, and that's about what I spent on them. :toast

05-11-2010, 02:10 PM
Running bores the shit out of me.

Join a co-ed soccer or basketball team.

soccer bores the hell out of almost everyone and if running bores you WTF are you doing playing soccer? Do you just walk around the field? Oh, are you the goalie?

05-11-2010, 02:16 PM
soccer bores the hell out of almost everyone and if running bores you WTF are you doing playing soccer? Do you just walk around the field? Oh, are you the goalie?

Yeah, that's exactly what I do.

Remember that kid who used to daydream and pick dandelions on the field while the game was going on?

That's me.

Cry Havoc
05-11-2010, 02:23 PM
Simply put, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. People do not burn as nearly many calories as they think they do. As the saying goes, 'Abs are made in the kitchen'. You can do 1000 sit-ups a day, but if your diet isn't good, you'll never see that six pack.

This is true. 1/16th of an inch of fat will obscure ab muscles.

This is the only way I have lost weight. I've lost north of 20 pounds a couple of times. The problem is I get injured and I have to stop . . . :depressed

Smeagol, what injuries are you having? You might be running with the wrong shoes/posture.

On the subject of feet, I think I want a pair of these. Problem is the cheapest I can find are like $60-70 on Ebay. I don't think I can bring myself to spend that much on a pair of shoes.

No offense, SFIE, but it's always a mystery to me why people won't spend money to improve their health. Spending maybe $250 on good running equipment such as shoes, body glide, good running socks (NO COTTON), a decent moisture wicking t-shirt, a Spybelt or something to hold energy gel, and a couple races will vastly improve your overall quality of health.

NOT spending money on these things and not exercising regularly or properly can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills down the road. A pre-emptive investment in your health is one of the most financially sound decisions you can make, regardless of the fact that you might be paying a lot for shoes.

Just as a warning though, those Vibrams are SERIOUS running shoes. They have almost ZERO padding in the heel. They teach you to run with your muscles and to use your calves and the body's natural cushioning system, rather than to depend on a shoe to save you from injury. Which is good, because no shoe in the world is going to prevent injuries if your posture is bad, all they can do is mitigate and somewhat minimize the damage done. This means if you buy them, be prepared for your calf muscles to be screaming at you for a couple of weeks. But after that, you are going to feel incredible, because you'll be running on your own power, not the shoe pushing you forward unnaturally.

And the opposite side of that coin that I subscribe to is that the explosion of "advancements" in running shoe technology is a direct cause to the numbers of joint injuries from running. Simply stated, the human foot is not designed to be padded and cushioned while running. Look at it this way, when watching someone run in "running shoes" you predominately see them heel striking when they land. The heel is not equipped to handle that impact and that force is transmitted up through the knee and hip. Stand up from your desk right now and jump up and land on your heels. You won't do it because it's going to hurt. Watch any kid under the age of five run around in their bare feet, they're going to land on the balls of their feet because the ankle/calves are a natural shock absorber. IMHO, if you're looking for a running shoe, get one with a minimum amount of heel and go thin on the cushioning. Looking for a "cross trainer"? A $30 pair of Chucks is your best bet.

Then again, YMMV.

100% accurate, and concisely stated. Some of the vintage Puma's are also flat footed, and excellent for training in.

05-11-2010, 03:04 PM
No offense, SFIE, but it's always a mystery to me why people won't spend money to improve their health. Spending maybe $250 on good running equipment such as shoes, body glide, good running socks (NO COTTON), a decent moisture wicking t-shirt, a Spybelt or something to hold energy gel, and a couple races will vastly improve your overall quality of health.

NOT spending money on these things and not exercising regularly or properly can cost you tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills down the road. A pre-emptive investment in your health is one of the most financially sound decisions you can make, regardless of the fact that you might be paying a lot for shoes.

Well, in this case it's because SFIE isn't running seriously enough or regularly enough to warrant that. Good shoes are a good investment, but not this month, or next. We're paying off debt and there isn't $250 in the budget right now for that (or, this month, even $60-70). Could we trim and save up? Yes.

But not next month, because we have furloughs at the end of this month, affecting next month's paychecks. Fortunately only 1 unpaid day, but still - that's an unpaid day. There may be more furloughs and there will be lay-offs. While I don't think we will be caught by that, you never know.

Financial health is taking the priority right now over physical health when it comes to extras.

And on a related note - that is one reason people don't eat as well as they might. I'm not saying you have to pay a lot of money to eat well, but produce is not cheap, especially if you buy organic. Dried pasta and a jar of spaghetti sauce costs less than $4, and we can both eat at least 2 meals from that. Or we can buy a pound and a half of apples.

I'm not saying that there aren't ways to do it - there are of course. Buying in season, buying frozen or canned, choosing less processed foods, using coupons and watching for specials. Just that it doesn't surprise me that a lot of people rely on fast foods over preparing their own. You can get full for $2 (of hideously unhealthy nasty garbage, yes), which is less than the constituent ingredients for a salad.

Cry Havoc
05-11-2010, 03:10 PM
Well, in this case it's because SFIE isn't running seriously enough or regularly enough to warrant that. Good shoes are a good investment, but not this month, or next. We're paying off debt and there isn't $250 in the budget right now for that (or, this month, even $60-70). Could we trim and save up? Yes.

But not next month, because we have furloughs at the end of this month, affecting next month's paychecks. Fortunately only 1 unpaid day, but still - that's an unpaid day. There may be more furloughs and there will be lay-offs. While I don't think we will be caught by that, you never know.

Financial health is taking the priority right now over physical health when it comes to extras.

And on a related note - that is one reason people don't eat as well as they might. I'm not saying you have to pay a lot of money to eat well, but produce is not cheap, especially if you buy organic. Dried pasta and a jar of spaghetti sauce costs less than $4, and we can both eat at least 2 meals from that. Or we can buy a pound and a half of apples.

I'm not saying that there aren't ways to do it - there are of course. Buying in season, buying frozen or canned, choosing less processed foods, using coupons and watching for specials. Just that it doesn't surprise me that a lot of people rely on fast foods over preparing their own. You can get full for $2 (of hideously unhealthy nasty garbage, yes), which is less than the constituent ingredients for a salad.

Oh, I totally understand. It's just frustrating when I know someone who owns a 55" LCD TV and a $3000 stereo, or a $600 purse from Coach and $300 pumps who then talks about how expensive running shoes are. :pctoss

05-11-2010, 03:11 PM
Easjer makes a good point. Mostly I'm just a cheap bastard though. Can't remember the last time I dropped more than $20 on a pair of shoes. When I do get a little more serious about this (and I'm looking ahead towards a goal at the moment) I will probably put down the money on something made for running.

05-11-2010, 06:40 PM
Running bores the shit out of me.

It doesn't bore me, but I've never liked it. Don't know why, really, since I love walking.

If I'm running, though, you can bet it's because something's chasing me.

05-11-2010, 08:27 PM
It doesn't bore me, but I've never liked it. Don't know why, really, since I love walking.

If I'm running, though, you can bet it's because something's chasing me.


05-11-2010, 08:34 PM
Simply put, you cannot out exercise a bad diet. People do not burn as nearly many calories as they think they do. As the saying goes, 'Abs are made in the kitchen'. You can do 1000 sit-ups a day, but if your diet isn't good, you'll never see that six pack.

This. Thats why if you happen to look up the diet of guys like TO, Shannon Sharpe, Ryan Reynolds, all of those guys not only spend/spent countless hours working out, but their diet is/was mad sick. I remember reading that Shannon Sharpe used to work out 4 times a day, but his diet was really strict. Plain tuna with brown rice and peas for lunch. TO had something similiar too. But if you look at their physique you can see why. Thats also why you see alot of these muscle heads who walk around with these huge shoulders and arms but have the nerve to wear the tightest shirts that shows off their massive gut.

05-11-2010, 10:32 PM
This. Thats why if you happen to look up the diet of guys like TO, Shannon Sharpe, Ryan Reynolds, all of those guys not only spend/spent countless hours working out, but their diet is/was mad sick. I remember reading that Shannon Sharpe used to work out 4 times a day, but his diet was really strict. Plain tuna with brown rice and peas for lunch. TO had something similiar too. But if you look at their physique you can see why. Thats also why you see alot of these muscle heads who walk around with these huge shoulders and arms but have the nerve to wear the tightest shirts that shows off their massive gut.

what would a donut eatin pig know about bein fit?

05-12-2010, 12:29 AM
Round is a shape!

05-12-2010, 10:09 AM
I was starting to get “big boned” so I started to play golf again…The only way to get fit is to work it…I am looking good…:tu

05-16-2010, 11:53 PM
...I'm looking for something light to moderate and preferably no running involved (I'm a bad runner and crap out at like 1/2 a mile) to get toned and to lose some weight (thinking like 20-30 eventually).

I haven't taken the plunge into getting a gym membership yet

crofl so let me get this straight..you want to lose weight but you don't want to run or buy a gym membership..

oh magical gypies of fitness, i dont want to actualy participate in physical activities, but can you remove the cellulite from my ass please? :lmao

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:00 AM
crofl so let me get this straight..you want to lose weight but you don't want to run or buy a gym membership..

oh magical gypies of fitness, i dont want to actualy participate in physical activities, but can you remove the cellulite from my ass please? :lmao

Yo funny!!!:lmao

Greg Oden
05-17-2010, 12:05 AM
Yo funny!!!:lmao

My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you fucking dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?

05-17-2010, 12:06 AM
My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you fucking dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao sup rogue

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:28 AM
My sarcasm detector also comes equipped with carbon dating to identify the age of the suspect, and this thing is telling me your old ass should've been extinct in the jurassic era, you fucking dinosaur. How are you able to type with your reptile-esque scaly finger claws?

I guess cuz Funny is a state of mind and/or age, dip wad!!!!:toast:toast

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:29 AM
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao sup rogue


05-17-2010, 12:31 AM
fawk you, looser!!!:toast

no thanks, i have standards. i don't hit anything over 28

Greg Oden
05-17-2010, 12:33 AM
I guess cuz Funny is a state of mind and/or age, dip wad!!!!:toast:toast

Dip wad? What is this neanderthal gibberish? I am super proud of you for mastering a keyboard despite your disability of having gator hands, but while this is a great accomplishment, I suggest you at least attempt to be learned in the english language, you bag of fossils.

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:34 AM
no thanks, i have standards. i don't hit anything over 28

You don't hit anyone, period!!! Faggoid!!!:toast

:cry: :cry: :cry:

05-17-2010, 12:38 AM
You don't hit anyone, period!!! Faggoid!!!:toast

:cry: :cry: :cry:

i hit your daughter in the mouth with this midget arm, tbh

Greg Oden
05-17-2010, 12:39 AM
i hit your daughter in the mouth with this midget arm, tbh

Dj Paul, I told you a long time ago to go to sleep.

This is the time of night when dinosaurs roam the earth.

05-17-2010, 12:42 AM
Dj Paul, I told you a long time ago to go to sleep.

This is the time of night when dinosaurs roam the earth.

:lmao careful there young gregory, velociraptors are known to hunt in packs and the rest of the pack will be here soon to come to the rescue of it's dear elderly member

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:46 AM
:lmao careful there young gregory, velociraptors are known to hunt in packs and the rest of the pack will be here soon to come to the rescue of it's dear elderly member

Fawk you both!!! You titillating homo sapiens!!!!:lmao:lmao:lmao

05-17-2010, 12:48 AM
Fawk you both!!! You titillating homo sapiens!!!!:lmao:lmao:lmao

i titillated your daughters tittays!

tee, hee

marini martini
05-17-2010, 12:55 AM

05-17-2010, 10:16 AM
Ashbeeigh....I only read page 1 so this may have already been mentioned.....but on facebook, join the C25K (couch to 5K running program). It slowly builds you up to where you are able to run 5K....yes it hurts but you just have to repeat weeks if you are struggling.

I also do water aerobics....fun stuff! Walking every day for even 20 minutes will jump start your metabolism, too. Also, weightlifting is awesome for women. You don't have to lift 200 pounds to start seeing results, either.

Good luck. Better to get it off now when you are young and before the babies come.

05-18-2010, 01:15 PM
Well ash, I went from almost 270 pounds down to 220lb. in two years just by running and portion control. I've ran 5 times a week at Woodlawn Lake, ran three laps. Right now I have p90x and it is a very good work out, P90X is a bitch in a good way. The only thing i could tell you is run, get your heart pumping, run,run,run,run,run, and run a lot more, rest for a minute, and start running a lot more. For breakfast i ate Cheerios which sucked but it did the work.Good luck.

06-06-2010, 10:13 AM
Just an update for everyone...all this lasted like 2 weeks. I think I've done yoga like 4 times since the middle of May...which is why I didn't want to spring for a gym membership, good shoes etc. I knew I wouldn't stick to it.

I'm going to try again this week. My schedule is very hit or miss in the evening (some nights I'll get home at 5:15 others at 8:30) and I'm not a morning workout person. So I'm going to try again to stick to schedule.

I'm trying my best not to eat out for lunch (I think it was only once last week and I've been craving some Whataburger...I didn't give in) although I did break down and baked some pretty darn amazing cinnamon cake at home this weekend. The office is my downfall still.

I do feel like I wasn't tired nearly as much in the middle of the afternoon when I was working out though, so, even if I don't lose any weight and I still look like the fatty I am, at least I won't be tired around 3-3:30 in the afternoon.

06-06-2010, 10:53 AM
If you get home late, stop being lazy and workout in the morning.

And its just food, you taste it for 25 seconds and then done. Stop making it out like the hardest thing to overcome.

We all have our own vices. Yours is looking like like a CGI infused Ryan Reynolds. Mine is looking normal.

I never said I wasn't willing to sacrifice my nightly routine to fit in a workout. I know I'm not a morning person. I tried it. If it means I work out at like 9pm versus 5:30 then I do.

If I could eat a tuna effing sandwich everyday for lunch I would. But that just grosses me out. Sorry. I said i was making changes.

Goran Dragic
06-06-2010, 11:11 AM
My advice about cutting out junk food is surrounding yourself with fruit and vegetables you don't mind eating when you're hungry. I used to have a fast food addiction as bad as anyone else, and the only way to stop it completely is create an environment for yourself that will help you and prevent you from eating fast food.

You can't rely on your ability to just turn down junk food and fast food, any weight loss expert will tell you that. If you like certain snack junk food, you can't keep it in your house, make it so when you're home and you get hungry, all you have to eat is healthy food. If you drive by a whataburger on your way to work everyday, carry the bare minimum amount of cash you need throughout the day so you literally are unable to buy whataburger. This is all spoken from experience. Here are some other small tips I recommend:

Breakfast should be your biggest meal, and dinner should not be a big meal at all. A good breakfast is an egg white omlette w/ veggies in it, a banana (this I highly recommend, a lot of diets say eat a banana every morning), and activia yogurt (tastes decent and cleans toxins out of your body). Tons of protein and fiber with little to no carbs or fat.

For dinner, include soup. It's low calorie, easy to make, and fills you up because of all the liquid you're eating.

Cut out all things that are pasty white or creamy. Sounds stupid, but it works.

baseline bum
06-06-2010, 12:07 PM
My advice about cutting out junk food is surrounding yourself with fruit and vegetables you don't mind eating when you're hungry. I used to have a fast food addiction as bad as anyone else, and the only way to stop it completely is create an environment for yourself that will help you and prevent you from eating fast food.

You can't rely on your ability to just turn down junk food and fast food, any weight loss expert will tell you that. If you like certain snack junk food, you can't keep it in your house, make it so when you're home and you get hungry, all you have to eat is healthy food. If you drive by a whataburger on your way to work everyday, carry the bare minimum amount of cash you need throughout the day so you literally are unable to buy whataburger. This is all spoken from experience. Here are some other small tips I recommend:

Breakfast should be your biggest meal, and dinner should not be a big meal at all. A good breakfast is an egg white omlette w/ veggies in it, a banana (this I highly recommend, a lot of diets say eat a banana every morning), and activia yogurt (tastes decent and cleans toxins out of your body). Tons of protein and fiber with little to no carbs or fat.

For dinner, include soup. It's low calorie, easy to make, and fills you up because of all the liquid you're eating.

Cut out all things that are pasty white or creamy. Sounds stupid, but it works.

That's going to be very hard for most people to stick to. You can still get a lot of benefit just by doing some of the obvious stuff.

-- no more than a can of soda a week

-- no more than a beer or two a week (though I often break that one since I love heavy beers)

-- no deep fried crap like fries, onion rings, chicken tenders, and all that other light brown breaded bullshit

-- no sweet snacks other than fruits like bananas, mangos, apples, etc (they really do taste a hell of a lot better than the sugary artificial crap you see all along store shelves)

-- This one's hard too, but never more than, say, a half-gallon of ice cream a month

-- Lots of veggies. Lettuce on your burger or sandwich doesn't count for shit. Spinach is way better, and tastes better too. Veggies should be raw too, and not covered with heavy dressings. Carrots are awesome snacks.

-- No cookies, no cake, no donuts. Worthless and ultra-heavy in calories.

-- Fish is usually good, as long as you're not deep-frying it or pan-frying it in tons of butter or olive oil. A little olive oil with salmon is pretty badass. Chicken is good too, if you don't end up frying it.

-- If you do end up hitting Whataburger, just get the burger and forget the coke and fries/rings. The burger's not too bad, but the fries and coke are horrible for you.

-- You can actually make oatmeal taste decent by mixing in a chopped banana and putting some cinnamon in it.

-- Personally, I'm a big fan of eggs, as long as you're not cooking them in a bunch of butter or bacon lard.

-- Most of all, it's important to get out of the mindset that every meal should taste good, and view food more as fuel than anything. I'm not saying to cut out going out to enjoy a nice meal a couple of times a week, but don't get stuck going out every day for lunch or every other day. Way better to save money and pack a decent sandwich and some fruit or something.

06-29-2010, 08:59 PM
Alright guys. I think I found something to work with my shin splints as they get absolutely unbearable as I start getting more into some circuit training stuff.

Upon my first visit with my neurologist a few years ago he mentioned that I had drop foot which is a symptom of neurological issues (duh...why I was there). Wikipedia says

Foot drop is an inability or difficulty in moving the ankle and toes upward (dorsiflexion). In walking, the leg must be lifted higher than usual to prevent the foot from dragging along the ground. Foot drop is usually caused by nerve damage, but may also be caused by muscle damage, abnormal anatomy, or a combination. about it.

Anyway. Point being it hurts like a bitch and I have reason to complain about it. It's always been like that it's just that I'm using my ankles in different ways now. So, this thing I found, it's called aA foot Flexr (http://www.vsathletics.com/product.php?xProd=727) and is used by runners to help them hit the ground in a better easier way. Have any of you runners used anything like that? Have you seen anything like that in our great city of San Antonio or should I order it online?

06-29-2010, 09:42 PM
So, this thing I found, it's called aA foot Flexr (http://www.vsathletics.com/product.php?xProd=727) and is used by runners to help them hit the ground in a better easier way. Have any of you runners used anything like that? Have you seen anything like that in our great city of San Antonio or should I order it online?

Check with Roger Soler.


06-29-2010, 09:53 PM
LOL at everyone suggesting eating fruits for weight loss.

06-29-2010, 10:08 PM
Check with Roger Soler.


Thanks for the suggestion, ploto! I'll check there later this week.

06-29-2010, 11:07 PM
lol i went to b uy clothes the other day

ny shirt size are usually M

tried on this cardigan, lol ripped it...fkn now xl...

06-29-2010, 11:35 PM
Alright guys. I think I found something to work with my shin splints as they get absolutely unbearable as I start getting more into some circuit training stuff.

Stretching properly, before and after walking/running/working out, will help with shin splints.

06-30-2010, 09:03 AM
Stretching properly, before and after walking/running/working out, will help with shin splints.

Oh no, I am well aware of the stretching.

I do stretch. I have mild (I mean so mild unless I tell you you wouldn't know) cerebral palsy. When I was younger I went through extensive PT and OT to stretch and to streghten the muscles in my legs because they were so wobbly and well, I did walk like I had CP. And now this is where I'm at. I could stretch as much as as hard as Kobe Bryant and it would still hurt. There's no healing the muscle like a regular shin splint. It's as healed as it's going to get. I just need something to support it as I exercise.

bus driver
06-30-2010, 09:08 AM

I've just about had it with me arms and legs. I saw a picture of myself on facebook from Easter in a sleeveless shirt and it was just plain ole gross (don't go trying to find it..I untagged that sucker).

I know I'm never going to be a perfect 110 lbs 5'3 girl without getting some type of Heidi Montag style surgery. That was shortly after I started the new job and now that I'm all settled I know I have some time to fit in some type if fitness routine in there.

I know a lot of you guys go to the gym and work out a ton (so maybe the same stuff you do isn't what I'm looking for). What type of stuff do you all do just to get started? How long did it take you to finally get into the "I have to go to the gym every X amount of times a week" mentality? I'm looking for something light to moderate and preferably no running involved (I'm a bad runner and crap out at like 1/2 a mile) to get toned and to lose some weight (thinking like 20-30 eventually).

I haven't taken the plunge into getting a gym membership yet....but maybe soon (I was actually thinking Planet Fitness since there are two close to my office and 1 close to home and it's only $20 a month). I was thinking like yoga/pilates, dance like tapes and stuff to see if I'll stick it out because knowing me I'll be all "workout work out work!" for a few weeks and then by mid June give up...

What do you think?

update? you back to game shape?

06-30-2010, 09:32 AM
update? you back to game shape?

Not even. I've finally gotten to the point where I think I can work up to a healthy losing weight sweat.

06-30-2010, 10:31 PM
Try some of that Dick Gregory.

06-30-2010, 10:50 PM
ashbeeigh, you have to find what's your motivation? why do you want to do it? to lose wt, better figure, hope to be body builder, marathon runner, want to improve nutrition to lower blood pressure, chol, looks, etc

then you must have a plan or a schedule and stick to it and understand it's for life, you can't go back and forth, you won't be successful. yes, a lot of it is mental/discipline. i tell people to schedule your exercise, plan it as you would plan any thing else like work, school, appts, etc.

then focus on activities you like if you hate running, you won't ever exercise if that's what people tell you or keep telling yourself. it won't work. if you like running but suck at it, well the only way to get better is by running more, body will adapt and adjust, but running or exercising here and there won't get you results, consistent is key.

last, be patient. it does not happen over night, i also tell every one, you didn't gain weight or become out of shape over night either, results won't happen over night

exrx.net one of the best websites out there for exercises, video demos, all kinds of routines with wts, own body, running, etc, all science based information

06-30-2010, 10:59 PM
Ashbeighs problem is she researches everything to death before even considering actually do these things. Get your ass out there and do it! You're wasting time. Good post above me^

06-30-2010, 11:26 PM
Ashbeighs problem is she researches everything to death before even considering actually do these things. Get your ass out there and do it! You're wasting time. Good post above me^

This is true.

I am going to do some boot camp thing starting on July 5th. I have no idea what I'm getting into. No research other than the clicking on the cheesy website before buying the package. Hopefully my fat butt can keep up.

marini martini
06-30-2010, 11:48 PM
You can do it, Ash!!!:tu

07-01-2010, 05:35 AM
One piece of advice.....never say ' i can't do this '. Get rid of that out of your vocabulary. Anyone could run a marathon if they wanted to. It is all in the head. Become strong and disciplined mentally and the rest will follow easy :toast

07-01-2010, 08:48 AM
Exercising to lose weight is a scam.

Eat right to lose/maintain weight.

Exercise to be fit.

You can't always burn 1000 calories exercising (very hard to do), but you can eat right every day.

"There was a study" recently that showed overweight/obese women didn't lose any significant weight from exercising, but normal women did, maintaing their weight and even losing.

Exercising is a cop out, because it's much easier than eating right.

07-01-2010, 09:42 AM
Exercising to lose weight is a scam.

Eat right to lose/maintain weight.

Exercise to be fit.

You can't always burn 1000 calories exercising (very hard to do), but you can eat right every day.

"There was a study" recently that showed overweight/obese women didn't lose any significant weight from exercising, but normal women did, maintaing their weight and even losing.

Exercising is a cop out, because it's much easier than eating right.

Seriously--like I said earlier in this thread, you cannot out exercise a bad diet.

Part 1 of 4 examples:


07-01-2010, 10:01 AM
So anyway. Yes, I am dieting. I was never a 4x a day fast food eater but, like I said cookies and cakes and sweets are my downfall. I've gotten to the point where I can say, "No, I brought something for lunch" when my co-workers are going to Wendy's or Taco Bell (why, why why would you go to Taco Bell to start with is beyond me).

I have been bringing some of my own homemade lunches on wheat tortillas and some baked chicken. And if anyone is looking for a sweet snack try mixing greek yogurt, some lemon juice and vanillas extract together...it is super yummy. I love it.

I know my motivation. It's always been weight loss and health. I think I outlined that pretty well in my first post. I'm sick of being the fat friend, even if it isn't the obese friend, it's the fat one when everyone else is like 125-140.

I'm trying to stick to a "Boost your metabolism diet" type of thing since (and guys if it creeps you out excuse me..I know there are women that have been responding to the thread as well) I was diagnosed with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome a few weeks ago. A side effect of PCOS is high glucose levels so I've been trying the higher protein lower sugar route. We'll see how that goes. My blood work didn't show high glucose (actually it was very low) but to air on the side of caution since it is a chronic condition and things could change I'm sticking to this diet.

07-01-2010, 10:06 AM
"Boost your metabolism diet"

that's bullshit. You __CAN'T__ change basic stuff like metabolism.

Cut the carbs, esp the fast carbs, don't sweat vegetable oils. The more Americans obsess on "low fat" and "protein", the fatter they get.

The whole frickin country is so confused, misled, and neurotic they can't even feed themselves.

07-01-2010, 10:45 AM
ashbeeigh, just keep your diet simple and you will have success.

There are no healthy benefits to the fast food drive through.

Other than a couple of mornings a week to get my family a couple of tacos at mama margies, I no longer goto any fastfood places.

The thought of my former self munching of greasy fries as I drive away from any given fast food place makes me sick to think about.

So you are on the right track.

The less processed foods the better. Learn to enjoy cooking for yourself more if you haven't already. The key too good food is to take your time.

I like what you are doing with your lunches. Keep it up.

As for exercise, boutons and shelly are exactly right.

Exercise is fantastic to keep your body healthy and in shape, but for sustained weight loss, any exercise that one doesn't truly enjoy doing will be discontinued and the weight loss efforts will be doomed to failure.

I would like to take up playing basketball again, but right now I am not making the time as I have many other things to do. Until then, chores around the house, that back yard which I have to mow as soon as the skies clear up, and just choosing to not be lazy as a frame of mind are what can help greatly.

Granted, there is a time for relaxing, even in front of a television with friends or family at the end of the day. But it should be a well deserved relax time.

If you do your work during the day, you will find relax time much more enjoyable.

I do not resist all temptations, I must note. I enjoy eating a spoonful or two of the vanilla ice cream out of the carton that we buy from costco now and again. Sometimes while cooking to keep me from rushing.

Goodluck to you, and last words to leave you by...there is no try. When one truly decides to do something, or not to do something, so shall it be. If you are doing this for good reasons, you will not fail. Believe.

07-01-2010, 11:06 AM
Wrong thread!

07-01-2010, 11:29 AM

Man Sauce
07-01-2010, 11:39 AM
You know what me and wife did? We bought bikes so now we started cycling and started eating at home instead of take out. We live right by the mission trails and our bike rides usually include going downtown about a 20 mile round trip. It really has made a difference and very enjoyable. P I must warn you it can get pretty expensive.

07-01-2010, 07:59 PM
for the record.. if losin' weight / gettin fit was a walk in the park..t here'd be almost no out of shape people out there..

imo.. running / aerobic activity will do the trick.. dunno how else i can sugarcoat it

07-02-2010, 08:04 AM
you can also lower blood sugar by exercising - the glucose is fuel for the muscles, you boost metabolism, hdl chol, improve blood pressure through exercise, also is a very powerful stress reliever

exercise to lose wt is not a scam that's lazy talk

you can reduce carbs but eliminating a entire food group is crap and a scam, over the long term it's damaging to your kidneys they will work over time plus your entire nervous system functions only on carbs especially the brain - your body can make carbs from protein and it's a lot of work but your protein intake has to be through the roof and it's still brutal on the kidneys

focus on complex carbs - like fiber rich foods: whole grains, oats, vegetables,
go from white rice to brown rice - limit the starchy carbs - higher in kcals and harder to burn off - most of us eat corn, potatoes, white bread, pasta, white rice - most of us double up on these by having all of them at one meal - either don't have them or limit to 1 serving - mix in greens

i alway tell people if 3 meals work for you then you're good, if not think about having a mid morning/afternoon snack - so won't over eat at the next meal or eat random junk

but protein and fiber are ultimate fillers (keep you full) divide your wt in 1/2 amt of protein you need for now if you can't get that much naturally - consider adding protein supplement and lastly down water it fills you up and of course stay hydrated, your body will have the same signals for hunger and thirst (hunger pains) thats why drinking water will help and if when you get that signal you're already dehydrated

07-02-2010, 02:24 PM
I'd love to be able to run. I'd love to do 5ks and half marathons and all that. And maybe I will work my way up to running/jogging....I tried it in college. It was the worst work out I've ever done. There was one time during my internship in Dallas when I was able to run more than half a mile and it was only because it was either go to the gym or punch all the co-workers in the face.

All the other times I ended up almost unable to walk with horrible shin splints even after half a mile and then there's the fatty exercised induced asthma. That's why I'm looking for something other than running to start out with. Maybe the end goal will be running, but right now..not so much.

If you're getting shin splints, you're probably either running on too hard a surface, running with too short a stride, or running with improper shoes.

07-02-2010, 03:35 PM
Actually I started watching what I was eating, replaced soda with water and in the past month I have lost 10 pounds.

09-27-2010, 10:38 PM
So when did I start this? Like May? Officially I think I've lost like 10 pounds so far. I think that's healthy. Sure, it could be more but I'm not doing p90x or anything.

I don't think I've had more than 8 ounces of soda in a sitting since July which is good. Lots of flavored water is the way to go.
I've been trying to eat natural and organic foods. It's not as hard as it seems, but it is pricey. I'm not a food freak, but I'll try my hardest. I've been eating a lot of shrimp, tilipia, organic spaghetti and polenta.

I did break down and buy some new shoes and added an ankle brace. They both have helped tremendously when I do workout. I also did breakdown and bought a gym membership. I've had a hard time recently finding time to go, just with a busy work schedule, but I'm not giving up on at it by any means.

I'm also on the 4th week of the couch to 5k (someone mentioned that right?) but I think I'm going to back up to the 3rd week. Running for 5 minutes is ridiculous.

Anyway. I think I've found a groove and if I stick to it I'll continue to lose and get in more shape. I'm in no hurry to lose it, but just to be healthy.

09-27-2010, 11:09 PM
Hey, Ash, if you have PCOS, you should talk further with your OB or RE about your metabolism. If you are insulin-resistant on PCOS (many are, but not everyone), you may really need Metformin to help regulate and really lose weight.

Avoiding refined sugar and carbs is a diet that helps a number of PCOS women w/ insulin resistance, but keeping weight/struggling to lose weight is one of the more common features of the disorder (remembering that PCOS is a very broad-based disorder and not all women will be affected the same way).

If you haven't already found it, I suggest soulcysters.com as an excellent, excellent resource for you. You'll find the most current research, support and help in navigating the disorder.

It can really, really throw off your metabolism and ability to lose weight. I've been tested because of my weight (but exhibit 0 symptoms outside late ovulation, which is likely due to my weight period - fat stores estrogen, the higher the levels of estrogen, the slower the follicles mature, because the hormone feedback is artificially disrupted). I have a couple of friend with PCOS - one of them has had a really hard struggle with weight because of the disorder. She works out harder and eats better than anyone I know, but until her doc put her on Met, she simply didn't lose weight, no matter how much she tried. Once her insulin resistance was dealt with, she was able to begin losing weight in a normal, healthy manner.

Don't discount that as a potential issue in weight-loss.

09-27-2010, 11:46 PM
Dip wad? What is this neanderthal gibberish? I am super proud of you for mastering a keyboard despite your disability of having gator hands, but while this is a great accomplishment, I suggest you at least attempt to be learned in the english language, you bag of fossils.

Oh mannn!!!! Dude broski Dirk just crominated this hag with alligator purses for titties to a whole new level.


09-28-2010, 12:55 AM
Fat people make me sick.

There's no rocket science to it - wanna lose weight? close your goddamn mouth and go play a sport.


09-28-2010, 05:36 AM

bottom line is very simple.

If you want to lose weight, eat less.

If you want to be fit, exercise.

The two behaviors are mostly orthogonal.

Another repeated finding is that being overweight is "contagious" among acquaintances. This explains the "fat culture" of San Antonio, across all ethnic/race groups.

09-28-2010, 08:51 AM
The "no exercise" geniuses out there are full of shit.

Losing weight is so simple. Take in less calories than you burn. Exercising burns calories thus helping you reach a caloric deficit. Yes it will make you want to eat more, but if you are eating the right healthy shit it will fill you up without being calorie dense.

If you aren't working out and still losing weight, you will just be a skinny-fatass.

As for S.A., Mexican food tastes better than salad. Pretty simple concept.

09-28-2010, 08:58 AM
"Exercising burns calories thus helping you reach a caloric deficit"

The point of the article was that the amount of exercise required to burn excess calories, and do it every day, long term, far exceeds most peoples' workouts, or time to have intense workouts.

"f you aren't working out and still losing weight, you will just be a skinny-fatass."

you're full of shit

09-28-2010, 09:14 AM
Hey, Ash, if you have PCOS, you should talk further with your OB or RE about your metabolism. If you are insulin-resistant on PCOS (many are, but not everyone), you may really need Metformin to help regulate and really lose weight.

Avoiding refined sugar and carbs is a diet that helps a number of PCOS women w/ insulin resistance, but keeping weight/struggling to lose weight is one of the more common features of the disorder (remembering that PCOS is a very broad-based disorder and not all women will be affected the same way).

If you haven't already found it, I suggest soulcysters.com as an excellent, excellent resource for you. You'll find the most current research, support and help in navigating the disorder.

It can really, really throw off your metabolism and ability to lose weight. I've been tested because of my weight (but exhibit 0 symptoms outside late ovulation, which is likely due to my weight period - fat stores estrogen, the higher the levels of estrogen, the slower the follicles mature, because the hormone feedback is artificially disrupted). I have a couple of friend with PCOS - one of them has had a really hard struggle with weight because of the disorder. She works out harder and eats better than anyone I know, but until her doc put her on Met, she simply didn't lose weight, no matter how much she tried. Once her insulin resistance was dealt with, she was able to begin losing weight in a normal, healthy manner.

Don't discount that as a potential issue in weight-loss.

I did find soulcysters right about through the miracle of google. It was very helpful. I'm not insulin resistant at the moment, but just to stay cautious I'm going to try my best to stay on this "diet" and make it lifestyle instead of just a diet. I've heard good and bad things about metaformin but at this point I don't think it's anything I need. My BMI is almost to a healthy percentage which is really where I need to be. The weight is coming off, which I love. It might be what I'm doing, the runnig and circuit training at the gym...masybe just that finally my metabolism kicked in. Who knows. Whatever it is it's working at least a little now.

02-13-2011, 06:26 PM
Alright y'all. I've made it almost through c25k. I'm slow, it takes me almost 44 minutes to get through it on a treadmill (don't hate).

Today, after my run/jog/whatever I came home and noticed some blisters on the bottom of my left foot in line with my big toe. I know I overpronate after googling. Obviously, if I'm going to go any farther (which was suggested earlier) is to get a better pair of shoes.

For those of you in San Antonio, where is the best place to go to get a good analysis? Soler? New Balance? Somewhere else I haven't heard of? Are any of you STers overpronate? What brand of shoes do you wear? I've worked through the shin splints and the weak ankle which lead me to believe this isn't such a big deal, but obviously I need to fix it and then maybe I can work on getting my speed up because I am going soooo slow.

02-13-2011, 07:55 PM
ash.. what's overpronate?

there's this place off 1604.. i can't remember the name for the life of me.. i think it's like 'the athletes foot' or something like that.. if i remember i'll repost here.. but they're a real good shoe/foot place.. they sell shoes and they diagnose what kind of shoes you need to wear and stuff

02-13-2011, 08:05 PM
ash.. what's overpronate?

there's this place off 1604.. i can't remember the name for the life of me.. i think it's like 'the athletes foot' or something like that.. if i remember i'll repost here.. but they're a real good shoe/foot place.. they sell shoes and they diagnose what kind of shoes you need to wear and stuff

Here's some info about pronation from wikipedia. It does a better job of explaining it than I could ever do. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_type That was another store that I was thinking of. I'm pretty sure you're right with the name. Thanks.

02-13-2011, 08:14 PM
Here's some info about pronation from wikipedia. It does a better job of explaining it than I could ever do. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_type That was another store that I was thinking of. I'm pretty sure you're right with the name. Thanks.

u know what.. i think i do have that.. but the doctors never mentioned anything of it.. my whole issue is chondromalacia patella.. and ive been battling with it with a physiotherapist here in town.. he's done some good chiropractic work on it but there's this one spot that still bothers me.. so frustrating.. anyway that's outside the point.. i think the way my toes point out might have something to do with the knee pain im experiencing

i looked up the store on google and that's what it is..

02-13-2011, 08:22 PM
u know what.. i think i do have that.. but the doctors never mentioned anything of it.. my whole issue is chondromalacia patella.. and ive been battling with it with a physiotherapist here in town.. he's done some good chiropractic work on it but there's this one spot that still bothers me.. so frustrating.. anyway that's outside the point.. i think the way my toes point out might have something to do with the knee pain im experiencing

i looked up the store on google and that's what it is..

The easiest way to tell is where your shoes are worn in. If the sole is really worn out on the inside you overpronate. If they are worn out on the outside of the sole then you under pronate. If the sole is evenly worn then you probably are aligned well. But, based on your based your arches probably play some type of role in your pain. Ask them about your arches next time you see them.

Nick Manning
02-13-2011, 08:24 PM
I love me some me. 8% body fat, and fucking dead sexy to boot. I should be a PT

02-13-2011, 11:31 PM

6408 N. New Braunfels Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78209

Phone: 210.805.0845

02-13-2011, 11:42 PM

6408 N. New Braunfels Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78209

Phone: 210.805.0845

Thanks! They sound good! :tu

02-14-2011, 01:25 AM
Well at the end of last year I was told I have a slightly enlarge heart and on top of my high blood pressure, I said fucking no more....I wish to see my girls grow up and I want to get old with the wife.

Start of January I came in at 300 pounds, my stupid thing was always "well at least I'm not 300 pounds" and there I was on the scale looking at 3 fucking hundred.

My wife is very supporting, you can't find junk food or even real suger in our place, our 2 girls really hated that at first. We also got a treadmill that I used every night for at least 30 mins and while not full out running its set at a damn fast walk with running off and on.

Changed my eating ways. My mouth only eats small portions 3 timies a day with zero snacking in between. So from January 1st to now Feb 14 I have lost 34 pounds. I can already feel my pants falling and made another hole in my belt. I still have a long ways to go but I'm getting there.

My wife is what made all this possible, she is really helping me on this by changing the foods we eat for the whole family. Our girls go to bday parties now and do the pinata and candy bag there and with out us telling them when they get home they throw them in the trash.

02-14-2011, 01:33 AM
low calorie diet, hydroxycut and maybe some cycling if you don't like running. I personally prefer weighted jump ropes.

bus driver
02-14-2011, 09:57 AM
went to back to the gym last week and its still to early to go back. that place was packed at 9pm, i guess i will need to wait a couple more weeks for the crowd to get back to normal

02-14-2011, 10:07 AM
Changed my eating ways. My mouth only eats small portions 3 timies a day with zero snacking in between. So from January 1st to now Feb 14 I have lost 34 pounds. I can already feel my pants falling and made another hole in my belt. I still have a long ways to go but I'm getting there.

That's really good! Keep it up!

Cry Havoc
02-14-2011, 10:08 AM


02-14-2011, 10:46 AM

I agree :tu

Plus, if someone has cardiovascular issues, he better avoids that crap.

02-14-2011, 10:51 AM
You're not going to like it, but running is amazing for losing weight and becoming healthier. Plus, it strengthens what is by far your most important muscle: your heart. If you crap out jogging half a mile, you just gotta keep doing it until you only crap out at 1 mile, then 2, and so on. It's really hard at first, but gets a lot easier after a few days, and the benefits are quickly noticeable the first few weeks. You don't have to sprint to gain enormous benefits. A quick jog every other day for 45 minutes to an hour plus cutting out junk food and sodas can do wonders.

while i think baseline bum is a total dumbass generally, this right here can go a long way for someone just getting started, or just trying to shed some pounds without over exerting theirselves

02-14-2011, 10:55 AM
Well at the end of last year I was told I have a slightly enlarge heart and on top of my high blood pressure, I said fucking no more...

sorry to hear that you have to give up fucking.


Cry Havoc
02-14-2011, 11:00 AM
I agree :tu

Plus, if someone has cardiovascular issues, he better avoids that crap.

If someone has a heart and lungs and blood and internal organs, they're better off avoiding it.

02-14-2011, 11:12 AM
If someone has a heart and lungs and blood and internal organs, they're better off avoiding it.
Well, pretty much :lol

I dont like those Hydrocuts-fat burner products;one can achieve weight loss with a sound diet, regular exercise, AND patience.
People get on Hydroxcrap because they want to look good asap.

By the way CH, what do you think of CLA ?

Cry Havoc
02-14-2011, 11:22 AM
Well, pretty much :lol

I dont like those Hydrocuts-fat burner products;one can achieve weight loss with a sound diet, regular exercise, AND patience.
People get on Hydroxcrap because they want to look good asap.

By the way CH, what do you think of CLA ?

I'm wary of it. The only supplement I've ever used is creatine, and I actually stopped using that, as well.

02-14-2011, 11:29 AM
I'm wary of it. The only supplement I've ever used is creatine, and I actually stopped using that, as well.

I don't think CLA is bad

I remember when I started using creatine; just before that, I trimmed some bodyfat and I could see my abs :downspin:
After 3 days of using creatine, I looked fatter than ever; I was like " WTF, it's impossible! I can't gain that much weight in 3 days " :spless:

Turned out it was the creatine that bloated me like crazy; when I stopped using it, everything went back to normal

Cry Havoc
02-14-2011, 11:32 AM
I don't think CLA is bad

I remember when I started using creatine; just before that, I trimmed some bodyfat and I could see my abs :downspin:
After 3 days of using creatine, I looked fatter than ever; I was like " WTF, it's impossible! I can't gain that much weight in 3 days " :spless:

Turned out it was the creatine that bloated me like crazy; when I stopped using it, everything went back to normal

That's normal for the initial period of creatine. It retains water in your muscles to allow them to rebuild faster.

02-14-2011, 11:36 AM
That's normal for the initial period of creatine. It retains water in your muscles to allow them to rebuild faster.
Yeah that's what I found out after my "panic attack" :lol

02-14-2011, 08:34 PM
Well at the end of last year I was told I have a slightly enlarge heart and on top of my high blood pressure, I said fucking no more....I wish to see my girls grow up and I want to get old with the wife.

Start of January I came in at 300 pounds, my stupid thing was always "well at least I'm not 300 pounds" and there I was on the scale looking at 3 fucking hundred.

My wife is very supporting, you can't find junk food or even real suger in our place, our 2 girls really hated that at first. We also got a treadmill that I used every night for at least 30 mins and while not full out running its set at a damn fast walk with running off and on.

Changed my eating ways. My mouth only eats small portions 3 timies a day with zero snacking in between. So from January 1st to now Feb 14 I have lost 34 pounds. I can already feel my pants falling and made another hole in my belt. I still have a long ways to go but I'm getting there.

My wife is what made all this possible, she is really helping me on this by changing the foods we eat for the whole family. Our girls go to bday parties now and do the pinata and candy bag there and with out us telling them when they get home they throw them in the trash.

good job sly and best of luck in losing more lbs..

someone said cutting off the junk food and soda will do wonders.. i will strongly back that up.. it may not be pleasant but it's very much worth the sacrifce.. the sugars and sweets will have to be kept down at a very low minimum.. you'd feel the difference in no time.. also.. cardio exercises is key

02-14-2011, 08:41 PM
It's all diet. Best advice is to track everything you eat on fitday.com. It's free, but the $30 advanced software is worth it imo.

That and a food scale, and you are set.

02-14-2011, 09:46 PM
creatine is for pussies

and chode-aspirers

02-15-2011, 12:40 AM
Fuck creatine, just take whey protien.

02-15-2011, 10:27 AM
Jack3d is the only supplement other than whey protein I have ever taken. Whey is a staple obviously, but I don't take jack3d anymore. I save it for special occasions. That shit will get you into Hulk mode for a workout but my body gets desensitized to it quickly :(

Unless you are a genetic god, diet is pretty much everything. You can bust your ass to the break, but if you are eating crap you won't see the results you want. If your workout program is hard enough...without eating correctly, you won't even be able to get through it.

02-15-2011, 02:02 PM
You Are What You Eat

The supplements I Take is, Whey Protein, Pink Magic and Jack3d.

02-15-2011, 02:33 PM
i only use whey protein isolate, creatine, and glutamine.

02-15-2011, 06:44 PM
I went into New Balance today just to check 'em out since they're the closet store to my house. What a fucking waste. The guy was like "Yeah...so you over pronate. Let me get you some shoes." I kept saying the shoes were too big but he just kept adding padding with insoles to try to get me to buy them. Totally going to the other places next, even if it does mean driving inside 410 (yes..being lazy!).

Ed Lover
02-15-2011, 08:46 PM
nobody gives a fuck about your homely, fat ass

I got a diet for ya. It's called the yayo diet

a ball a day and those pounds will melt off

...too bad you'll still be an ugly, muhfuckin skank, even after you lose the weight


04-04-2011, 03:54 PM
Holy crap, y'all. Do you ever run without hurting? Even with new broken in shoes I either have anterior shin splints or my IT Band hurts like someone stabbed me in the thigh.

But....but...but...I can run 3.11 miles without stopping. :elephant

Viva Las Espuelas
04-04-2011, 04:20 PM
Get a better sport bra.

04-04-2011, 04:25 PM

Works for shin splits at least for me.

04-04-2011, 04:25 PM
First of all, I personally hate running on a treadmill. I think it's notoriously boring, not nearly as productive as running outside (since you have a belt that's forcing your feet to move), and I have concerns that it prevents a natural running gait from developing.

To my knowledge, the absolute BEST thing for your heart and overall level of fitness is swimming. Reason being, it uses your ENTIRE body as one giant floating muscle, and you have to consistently move just to stay afloat. If you hate running (especially if you hate running), I would recommend swimming to you.

I also want to stress the mistake I see a lot of women making: Don't go by your weight. I know too many people who think that if they're not losing much weight, they're doing something wrong, so they constantly change diets, hoping one of them will work from day 1. This can shock your system to the point where you make yourself sick, or worse.

Which is preposterous. Your body may be called a "machine", but it's still an incredibly complex system of fibers and chemicals. It takes time for it to adapt to a new routine. In fact, upon initial workouts, you might actually gain weight from new muscle being created. However, exercise is the only method to lower your body's "set weight", the weight which you normally operate from. This is why dieting alone almost NEVER works. Eating right (not less food, and sometimes MORE food, but the right food) is only one part of the equation here.

My advice to you: Throw away your scale and start judging your body based on how it feels. If you run up a flight up stairs and feel exhausted, that's a bad sign. If you can go up 10 flights of stairs without breaking much of a sweat, that's a sign you're getting healthy, regardless of your weight.

Start small. Swim a little (5-10 minutes). Run a little (5-10 minutes at a pace you can handle). I recommend this phenomenal book:
I used to run with shin splints, until I read Chi-Running. Now I might get them once every other month. It made running easy for me. You don't NEED to run though, as there are plenty of exercises out there, but running is great.

Aerobics are great to start with, as others have suggested. If your heart rate is increasing, your body is working itself! Do some very light, high repetition weights for muscle tone. Start by working out 15 minutes every other day, and increase when you feel comfortable doing so.

And STAY AWAY from weight loss products. No discussion on this.

A lot of truth in this post CH. :tu ...... especially the last sentence. Can't stress that enough.

Treadmills are insanely boring to me as well, however I have had great success at the Golds Gym at Bandera and 1604. They've got a lot of stair-steppers and treadmills in a movie theatre room. The time flies by in there.

04-04-2011, 04:28 PM
Get a better sport bra.

Tell that to the two guys running on either side of me.

04-04-2011, 04:52 PM
A lot of truth in this post CH. :tu ...... especially the last sentence. Can't stress that enough.

Treadmills are insanely boring to me as well, however I have had great success at the Golds Gym at Bandera and 1604. They've got a lot of stair-steppers and treadmills in a movie theatre room. The time flies by in there.

yep that's my main gym too.. i usually do the exercise bike.. im not a fan of treadmills anymore but unfortunately i have no where else to run.. my neighborhood is full of stray dogs lol..

04-04-2011, 05:08 PM
yep that's my main gym too.. i usually do the exercise bike.. im not a fan of treadmills anymore but unfortunately i have no where else to run.. my neighborhood is full of stray dogs lol..

This is the exact reason I pop over there. I have to carry a damn kitchen knife with me when I run in my neighborhood.

04-04-2011, 05:35 PM
The wedding dress hanging on the back of my closet door motivates the heck out of me. I've been doing a good balance of weights and cardio and have had very good results. The more lean muscle you build, the more calories you burn even at rest. And unless you're a 'roid user you're a girl ... you won't bulk up like a guy. And as you lose weight, you'll have really nice definition to your muscles (arms!).

If you can push yourself to workout at least 4 days a week ... After about 2 weeks you'll start feeling crappy when you skip.

Good advice here.

Incorporate weight training into your exercise routine. Many women have problems with shin splints when running so if that is a problem go with some areobics with weight training.

Exercise at a regular interval and make it a part of your day, after a while it becomes just that, a part of your day. Join a gym. It is much easier working out with others. You will even make some new workout friends. You will eventually like working out and keeping in shape.

04-04-2011, 06:40 PM
Good advice here.

Incorporate weight training into your exercise routine. Many women have problems with shin splints when running so if that is a problem go with some areobics with weight training.

Exercise at a regular interval and make it a part of your day, after a while it becomes just that, a part of your day. Join a gym. It is much easier working out with others. You will even make some new workout friends. You will eventually like working out and keeping in shape.

I totally love it. It's the nagging shin splints and ITBS that are bothering me now. I love the fact that I hate missing a day, now. I had a friend visit a while back who is not athletic, so I missed a few days. I felt horrible missing those few days. It's a total high.

It does take work to get to the point where you can just go for it, but it is totally worth it. I may not be the fastest, but at least I can do it.

06-17-2011, 06:49 PM
Officially down 30 pounds as of yesterday!

06-17-2011, 07:09 PM
good for you assbeigh. keep up the good work :tu

06-18-2011, 10:22 PM
I totally love it. It's the nagging shin splints and ITBS that are bothering me now. I love the fact that I hate missing a day, now. I had a friend visit a while back who is not athletic, so I missed a few days. I felt horrible missing those few days. It's a total high.

It does take work to get to the point where you can just go for it, but it is totally worth it. I may not be the fastest, but at least I can do it.

Running fast is just for bragging rights. As long as you finish it doesn't matter what speed you run at. Whatever is comfortable for you. Trying to chase these ridiculous 1 mile times alot of people try for will literally cause you to hate running.

06-18-2011, 10:38 PM
You Are What You Eat

The supplements I Take is, Whey Protein, Pink Magic and Jack3d.

:lmao who would have ever thought this guy, fuckin purple v-neck, my parents pay for everything boy, takes multiple suPplements that has parents probably bought for him also.

:lmao :lmao

07-01-2011, 08:55 PM
I take jack3d and Whey protein only.

I spent over or close to a G on weights and supps so far.

07-01-2011, 09:19 PM
I take jack3d and Whey protein only.

I spent over or close to a G on weights and supps so far.

I must say that it is paying off....you look mahvelous!!

07-01-2011, 09:19 PM
Anybody used those Vibram Fivefingers - the shoes that aren't really like shoes?

07-01-2011, 09:21 PM
I must say that it is paying off....you look mahvelous!!

Thanks brah. Haven't shown my pic, though.

Have lost 25 pounds in 2 and a half months.

07-01-2011, 09:24 PM
All you need is a shake weight and you can shake your way to beauty.

07-01-2011, 09:27 PM
double post

07-01-2011, 09:27 PM
Anybody used those Vibram Fivefingers - the shoes that aren't really like shoes?

My cousin bought some and said they weren't too bad. They're a serious investment though. From what I've read about barefoot running, it's a serious niche sport. Not for the weak of feet. I could never do it with my horrible arches.

And really IM, 1,000 on that stuff? Go to a gym.

07-01-2011, 09:29 PM
Right now I'm 196 lbs 9% body fat. I'm trying to get to 200 pounds 7% body fat and I would be basically perfect, but it's getting pretty hard keeping up with nutrition. I've also had this urge to compete, because so many people have asked if I do compete and most people say I could potentially make money off it by the age of 25-26, so I'm sort of curious and might take steroids in a couple of months lol.

07-01-2011, 09:30 PM
Fuck a gym, son. I barely have enough time as it is. I'd spend 40 a month, plus the metro to get there and back, and it would come out to 3 bucks a day.

07-01-2011, 09:36 PM
Fuck a gym, son. I barely have enough time as it is. I'd spend 40 a month, plus the metro to get there and back, and it would come out to 3 bucks a day.

Whatever, dude. It's your money. Just trying to help. And you're really calling me bro? Eff you.

07-01-2011, 09:38 PM
What's wrong, broseph?

Plus, it's something that's mine forever.

07-01-2011, 09:41 PM
everytime I see a gangsta movie all gangsta mexicans do are curls you spent too much money

07-01-2011, 09:50 PM

Nothing compares to the rush of a deadlift. I fucking love them.

07-01-2011, 09:52 PM
everytime I see a gangsta movie all gangsta mexicans do are curls you spent too much money
tbh, all bros do are curls (most pointless upper body lift there is tbh)

07-02-2011, 08:43 AM
I take jack3d and Whey protein only.

I spent over or close to a G on weights and supps so far.
My friend recommended Jack3d to me...but I'm pretty committed to the No-Xplode. Hard to fix what's not broken.

lol curls. I have a few guys at my gym who do several different types. I do one straight bicep exercise and that's it. Same with triceps. There's no reason to do a bunch of either when you work biceps doing back work and triceps doing chest/shoulders.

The funniest thing is the forearm curl guys. Dumbest exercise ever.

07-02-2011, 09:34 AM
I took No X-Plode twice, but didn't feel much. I also only bought Jack3d about two weeks ago, and I feel very little with it. As a matter of fact, if I don't drink enough water, it makes my workout a burden.

Jack3d tastes much better, btw.

07-02-2011, 10:21 AM
Anybody used those Vibram Fivefingers - the shoes that aren't really like shoes?

I talked to a Pediatrist the other day about those and he doesn't recomend them at all. He told me why and I forget but basically our foot requires a raised heel 1/4-1/2 " off the ground. It allows for better stamina and prevents a ton of foot problems later on. I can't remember exactly what he said but stay away from them.

07-02-2011, 11:00 AM
I talked to a Pediatrist the other day about those and he doesn't recomend them at all. He told me why and I forget but basically our foot requires a raised heel 1/4-1/2 " off the ground. It allows for better stamina and prevents a ton of foot problems later on. I can't remember exactly what he said but stay away from them.

It probably had to do with arches. Especially if you have a lower arch, or over/supripronate (I talked about that earlier in this thread) barefoot running can aggravate the heck out of your arches. I haven't really researched it because I have such horrible arches, but that's how I understand it.

07-02-2011, 12:01 PM
I talked to a Pediatrist the other day about those and he doesn't recomend them at all. He told me why and I forget but basically our foot requires a raised heel 1/4-1/2 " off the ground. It allows for better stamina and prevents a ton of foot problems later on. I can't remember exactly what he said but stay away from them.
I appreciate your answer, but I have a hard time making it compute. Humans evolved to walk on their bare feet, so it seems to me that artificially raising part of your foot off the ground to walk "properly" would be incorrect.

Hmm, I wonder if humans have been wearing shoes so long we've evolved to a point where we can't walk properly without them anymore...

07-02-2011, 12:22 PM
Officially down 30 pounds as of yesterday!
Nice job! That's a big number. Lots of hard work to get there.

07-02-2011, 01:08 PM
i wanna be fat one time so i can see how easily (or not) i lose the weight. i think i would be able to do it pretty quickly.

has anyone ever fattened up on purpose in order to do this? lol

07-02-2011, 01:25 PM
i wanna be fat one time so i can see how easily (or not) i lose the weight. i think i would be able to do it pretty quickly.

has anyone ever fattened up on purpose in order to do this? lol

Like I said in the original post, I was like 45 pounds lighter in 06/07 and its taken me a year to lose the 30. Watch any weight loss reality show and you'll see it is at least moderately hard to lose weight.

07-02-2011, 02:16 PM
Like I said in the original post, I was like 45 pounds lighter in 06/07 and its taken me a year to lose the 30. Watch any weight loss reality show and you'll see it is at least moderately hard to lose weight.

Well tbh, reality weight loss shows either include lazy fucks or entitled celebrities, so I don't like the sample. Also, you have to consider that not all people allow themselves to gain that much weight, period. I'm not convinced that there isn't a link between people's personalities and obesity. I think it could be easier for the type of people who are used to physical activity and being in shape throughout their entire lives. I have a friend who lost weight pretty damn easily. He's about 5'10" and weighed 185-190 lbs, wasn't really fat or anything, but kind of chubby, but has always been pretty lazy, never really the gym type or any regular physical activity. He lost 30 lbs in a month by riding the bikes at the gym 3 times a week. All it took was a determined mind, he just made the decision to lose weight and did it; went in and pedaled his ass off.

I tend to think it can be easy to lose weight, but most people are not adept enough to do it easily. And I hold that view for other areas as well, like common sense, intelligence, etc.

07-02-2011, 02:21 PM
Alvarez, what are you weighing in now-a-days?

07-02-2011, 02:38 PM
Alvarez, what are you weighing in now-a-days?
I haven't gained much weight over the years, 160-165. I haven't been going to the gym as consistently as I would if I had the time now that I'm working and taking summer a couple summer classes, but I haven't had the goal of bulking up as much as possible. I'm content with where I'm at, wouldn't want to be too much bigger. Most people are shocked as it is when I tell them how much I weigh since I look bigger.

lol @ considering roids... only E20 :lol

07-02-2011, 02:43 PM
Losing weight is easy as fuck, tbh. People like ashbee have been fat from an early age so they have no idea what sports are. Basically, fuck the gym, just go on craiglist and find a sport you like to play. There's pickup groups playing basketball/soccer/tennis/flag football everywhere. 3 times a week doing a sport and you'll lose the weight in on time.

07-02-2011, 03:01 PM
I haven't gained much weight over the years, 160-165. I haven't been going to the gym as consistently as I would if I had the time now that I'm working and taking summer a couple summer classes, but I haven't had the goal of bulking up as much as possible. I'm content with where I'm at, wouldn't want to be too much bigger. Most people are shocked as it is when I tell them how much I weigh since I look bigger.

lol @ considering roids... only E20 :lol

Fuck it man, you live once. 10 week cycle ain't gonna hurt no one. lol