View Full Version : Things to remember when watching the Spurs in the playoffs

05-06-2010, 05:01 PM
1) Don't worry about Tim Duncan. It's been hard not to lately, but we should all just realize that he's going to give 100% every game and give the Spurs as much as his knees will allow. On some nights that means 20+ pts 10+ rbs and on some nights...not so much.

2) Manu Ginobili will make you hate him one game and love him the next. Manu hasn't really been a consistent playoff performer since 2005. He has games where he's okay, games where he's amazing, and then games where he's basically an Argentinian Kobe who trusts his teammates. Just gotta take the good with the bad (in case you were wondering, game 2 was one of his okay games).

3) No matter how big the lead, the Spurs will find a way to lose it. I don't know why, but year after year in the playoffs the Spurs manage to get significant leads only to watch them disappear in the 2nd half of games. Sometimes they can overcome such droughts and win a series/game. Other times such droughts can cost the Spurs an entire series (see vs. LA in 2002).

4) No matter how big their deficit, the Spurs will fight themselves back into the game. On the flip side of their inconsistent play, the Spurs can cut into a deficit just as fast as they can give up a lead. Very rarely do you see a listless performance from the Spurs.

5) Manu Ginobili is ALWAYS the X factor. Not necessarily with his scoring, but with his passion and energy. When Manu is able to light a fire under the Spurs' asses, they're almost unbeatable. When he's unable to bring that intensity or transfer it to the rest of the team (like last night) disaster results.

6) Pop knows the pulse of the team and its players more than all of us. Sometimes he'll fuck up, but more often than not he puts us in the best possible situation to win a game. He's still arguably the best coach in the league.

7) Matt Bonner is TERRIBLE. Which brings me to my next point...

8) Have Bayer aspirin handy

9) An oxygen tank couldn't hurt either

05-06-2010, 05:03 PM
Where did you learn to count?

05-06-2010, 05:05 PM
Where did you learn to count?


I didn't have that many at first, but I felt Bonner sucking needed it's own number. Just forgot to change them. Thanks:toast