View Full Version : I am so dazzled!

05-08-2010, 08:32 AM
It was inevitable. After showing the NBA world 10 years of all the intricacies and inner workings of the Spur's offensive and defensive schemes, after exporting very capable and basketball loving Ex-Spurs player-personnel, after serving as a model franchise for a decade my SA Spurs find themselves in a 3-0 deficit and take a time out to regroup and reflect.
What a ride it has been! In a non-traditional basketball South Texas city known mostly for it's Alamo shrine and Fiesta/Rodeo celebrations, San Antonio became not only a hot-bed of hoops but a focal point for professional basketball, a grudging acknowledgement by the NBA, media, and large market franchises used to domination by their ownership of so many championships and winning seasons. Our San Antonio Spurs not only elbowed their way into that elite group but literally flattened them with a complete game which focused on teamwork and an awesome but complicated lock-down defense.
Now after these wonderful 10 years of hoops excellence from South Central Texas, any discussion of the Bulls, Celtics, Lakers must also include the name of Spurs in order to have any validity. Such was the high level of expertise amongst the "Big Three" that many, many arguments and discussions will now echo off the walls of the Hall of Champions of "just how so and so player made this shot, yeah, but Ginobili wouda done this or that, or Timmy wouda sent that ball back, or Tony couda done it faster and better, absolutely a mother lode of tall-tale hoopmanship has been provided, started by The Ice Man, carried on the Admiral and culminating in the Big Fundamental. I am so proud of our boys as they take a time out, figure out strategy for this next game, and I'm sure after the game, win or lose, they will shrug it off, say the appropriate words, thank their fans for their support, get back with their family and those family members still yet to come, earning a well deserved rest while polishing those 4 trophies and absorbing the ramifications of just what they accomplished, redefining the traditional power structure of profesional basketball, saving the league from it's marketing schemes of promoting street values resulting in the absurdities of your Tisdale's, Arena's, righting the NBA ship which almost capsized and many other effects not yet surfaced.
I am so dazzled!!!!! Go Spurs Go!!!!!!

05-08-2010, 10:24 AM
Not bad. Cheers mate!

05-08-2010, 11:22 AM
Consider the use of paragraphs, by use of this thing we call the enter key or "return." It really does aid in making the text readable.

05-10-2010, 09:06 AM
As monolithic as you make my passage out to be, that's how the Spurs defense used to be!
And I did my post on my iPhone, hence the Luck the fakers glitch that somehow found it's way after hitting the post button, don't know why it did that.