View Full Version : thanks cavs and celtics!

05-11-2010, 10:51 AM
Wow, this was the most lopsided second round i've ever seen in my 20 years of being a fan. and the thing was, none of these series' were predicted to be nor should they have been! thank you celtics and cavs for giving a little excitement to nba fans

The Gemini Method
05-11-2010, 10:59 AM
Wow, this was the most lopsided second round i've ever seen in my 20 years of being a fan. and the thing was, none of these series' were predicted to be nor should they have been! thank you celtics and cavs for giving a little excitement to nba fans

This was an unsual round to say the least...

The surprise was definitely the Spurs, though...I had them losing in 6, but I was wayyyy off base. Atlanta has suffered from Trailblazer Syndrome; where they're hyped to be something good when they're just pretending. Sweeping Utah might've been the easiest to call since the Lakers were 8-3 (now 12-3) against the Jazz in the last 2(3) meetings and were 19-2 against them @ Staples in the last 21. I also think that if the Jazz were healthy, the series might've went 6.

By the way most people had the Cavs/Celtics series, you'd think there would've been 4 sweeps. I originally thought it would go at least 6 since this is really Boston's swan song to put it mildly. However, the emergence of Rondo has really put the Cavs on tilt. Besides LeBron and the elbow talk, there hasn't really been a consistent 2nd option for Cleveland--which, is what has always been the problem with the team. I still think they're going to win this series, but if they play like they've been playing...the Magic will beat them once again in the ECF.

05-11-2010, 11:11 AM
Go Magic! But yeah the second round has been weak. Lots of bad matchups. And calling portland pretending. Bullshit, those boys gave the Suns hell. Had they been healthy, I think Pho would be out in the first round.

The Gemini Method
05-11-2010, 11:12 AM
Go Magic! But yeah the second round has been weak. Lots of bad matchups. And calling portland pretending. Bullshit, those boys gave the Suns hell. Had they been healthy, I think Pho would be out in the first round.

I meant about the hype around the team, Paul. The same way it was back in the Rasheed/Sabonis era. Not their performance in the first round.

05-11-2010, 11:12 AM
This was an unsual round to say the least...

The surprise was definitely the Spurs, though...I had them losing in 6, but I was wayyyy off base...

you thought you were wrong? i had the spurs in 6! lol

05-11-2010, 11:12 AM