View Full Version : Final Part. Dropping a dime on Koolaidman and Lakaluva.

05-12-2010, 10:02 PM
Part 1: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154181

Part 2: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154232

The crew let the nigga finish his bidness. We ain’t trying to bust in on this cat and see him pulling on his dick while he talk to a man on the phone. After he done, Bear kicked the door down and brought Kool’s ass out.

Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Now I never, ever seen Ray show mercy, but something came over him. He shook his head and just walked out. No orders to cap Kool, nothing. Guess he felt sorry for the nigga. So we all standing there while Kool on his knees, crying.

I guess Luva heard us bust in when they were on the phone, cuz a minute later this nigga storm in holding a magnum calling out to Kool, telling us not to hurt him or he was gonna start busting. He was like one of those old time cracka tales about knights in shining armor and shit.

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

We just let them be and they soon left, holding hands and shit.

Ray-Ray came back out. Bear asking him if he should follow them and take em out. Ray shook his head.

What I thought was mercy earlier when Ray did nothing was anything but. Ray always thinking about bidness before emotions and pride.

I told Ray “Thanks, homie for sparing Kool’s life. He a busta with the fag shit that going on with him, but I got a soft spot for that nigga and don’t want to see him dead.”

Ray just laughed. Told me, “It ain’t mercy nigga. Those two asscrackin fools are gonna help lead Deuce into a new game. We got female hoes, now we got male hoes.”

Bear got pissed, saying we’d lose cred if we got into a game like that. Ray-Ray said he don’t give a fuck. Money is what makes cred, not how you make it. And the male hoe game can bring in just as many bills as the female hoe game.

I told Ray-Ray that no OG nigga gonna wanna be associated with pimping out hoes for fags. Ray-Ray said that where Kool come in. He’ll run the game.

So we call Kool in after a few days when he settled down and set the game up. It was either he do it or get a cap.

Kool took the deal. But not without a price, punishment for acting uppity. Something that would hurt any man in love.

So that leaves us where we at today, the dime fully dropped.

Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.

05-12-2010, 10:25 PM

05-12-2010, 10:28 PM
Best troll on SpursTalk :lol

05-12-2010, 10:40 PM
Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable


05-12-2010, 11:41 PM
Part 1: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154181

Part 2: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154232

The crew let the nigga finish his bidness. We ain’t trying to bust in on this cat and see him pulling on his dick while he talk to a man on the phone. After he done, Bear kicked the door down and brought Kool’s ass out.

Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Now I never, ever seen Ray show mercy, but something came over him. He shook his head and just walked out. No orders to cap Kool, nothing. Guess he felt sorry for the nigga. So we all standing there while Kool on his knees, crying.

I guess Luva heard us bust in when they were on the phone, cuz a minute later this nigga storm in holding a magnum calling out to Kool, telling us not to hurt him or he was gonna start busting. He was like one of those old time cracka tales about knights in shining armor and shit.

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

We just let them be and they soon left, holding hands and shit.

Ray-Ray came back out. Bear asking him if he should follow them and take em out. Ray shook his head.

What I thought was mercy earlier when Ray did nothing was anything but. Ray always thinking about bidness before emotions and pride.

I told Ray “Thanks, homie for sparing Kool’s life. He a busta with the fag shit that going on with him, but I got a soft spot for that nigga and don’t want to see him dead.”

Ray just laughed. Told me, “It ain’t mercy nigga. Those two asscrackin fools are gonna help lead Deuce into a new game. We got female hoes, now we got male hoes.”

Bear got pissed, saying we’d lose cred if we got into a game like that. Ray-Ray said he don’t give a fuck. Money is what makes cred, not how you make it. And the male hoe game can bring in just as many bills as the female hoe game.

I told Ray-Ray that no OG nigga gonna wanna be associated with pimping out hoes for fags. Ray-Ray said that where Kool come in. He’ll run the game.

So we call Kool in after a few days when he settled down and set the game up. It was either he do it or get a cap.

Kool took the deal. But not without a price, punishment for acting uppity. Something that would hurt any man in love.

So that leaves us where we at today, the dime fully dropped.

Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.:worthy:

05-12-2010, 11:48 PM

Anybody have an idea as to who is behind this wonderful troll?..

05-12-2010, 11:59 PM
This shit is so weak. Notice I didn't respond, hoping he came up with something original. All this gay ass nigga did was excite all of my fan-boys. HH, CR, Mono, Dok, Wade, and the whole lot. It says a lot when I've busted someones ass so hard that they have to create a new troll just to come back and save face. How pathetic.

lol getting wrecked by OGBobbyJohnson

05-13-2010, 12:16 AM
This shit is so weak. Notice I didn't respond, hoping he came up with something original. All this gay ass nigga did was excite all of my fan-boys. HH, CR, Mono, Dok, Wade, and the whole lot. It says a lot when I've busted someones ass so hard that they have to create a new troll just to come back and save face. How pathetic.

:lmao you bitchin bout trollin

05-13-2010, 12:22 AM
Part 1: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154181

Part 2: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154232

The crew let the nigga finish his bidness. We ain’t trying to bust in on this cat and see him pulling on his dick while he talk to a man on the phone. After he done, Bear kicked the door down and brought Kool’s ass out.

Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Now I never, ever seen Ray show mercy, but something came over him. He shook his head and just walked out. No orders to cap Kool, nothing. Guess he felt sorry for the nigga. So we all standing there while Kool on his knees, crying.

I guess Luva heard us bust in when they were on the phone, cuz a minute later this nigga storm in holding a magnum calling out to Kool, telling us not to hurt him or he was gonna start busting. He was like one of those old time cracka tales about knights in shining armor and shit.

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

We just let them be and they soon left, holding hands and shit.

Ray-Ray came back out. Bear asking him if he should follow them and take em out. Ray shook his head.

What I thought was mercy earlier when Ray did nothing was anything but. Ray always thinking about bidness before emotions and pride.

I told Ray “Thanks, homie for sparing Kool’s life. He a busta with the fag shit that going on with him, but I got a soft spot for that nigga and don’t want to see him dead.”

Ray just laughed. Told me, “It ain’t mercy nigga. Those two asscrackin fools are gonna help lead Deuce into a new game. We got female hoes, now we got male hoes.”

Bear got pissed, saying we’d lose cred if we got into a game like that. Ray-Ray said he don’t give a fuck. Money is what makes cred, not how you make it. And the male hoe game can bring in just as many bills as the female hoe game.

I told Ray-Ray that no OG nigga gonna wanna be associated with pimping out hoes for fags. Ray-Ray said that where Kool come in. He’ll run the game.

So we call Kool in after a few days when he settled down and set the game up. It was either he do it or get a cap.

Kool took the deal. But not without a price, punishment for acting uppity. Something that would hurt any man in love.

So that leaves us where we at today, the dime fully dropped.

Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.

Best troll ever!!!!!!!!! :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
Thanks for the laugh! :toast

05-13-2010, 02:38 AM

05-13-2010, 05:37 AM
lol getting wrecked by OGBobbyJohnson

05-13-2010, 05:42 AM
I think all three parts should be pinned at the top of the NBA forum. ST hasn't seen anything quite this epic in a while.

05-13-2010, 08:13 AM
I've busted someones ass so hard

Sounds like you're the one who gets his ass busted, Rainbow Brite.

D-Wade #3
05-13-2010, 08:16 AM

05-13-2010, 09:19 AM
Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.


05-13-2010, 09:47 AM
koolaidman and lakaluva are faggots

05-13-2010, 09:56 AM
koolaidman and lakaluva are faggots

Phillip providing the Cliff Notes version of the story here

05-13-2010, 09:59 AM
Sounds like you're the one who gets his ass busted, Rainbow Brite.



05-13-2010, 10:04 AM
:lmao you bitchin bout trollin


05-13-2010, 03:53 PM
I don't find this troll funny... LAME and very gay

05-14-2010, 08:25 AM
Part 1: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154181

Part 2: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154232

The crew let the nigga finish his bidness. We ain’t trying to bust in on this cat and see him pulling on his dick while he talk to a man on the phone. After he done, Bear kicked the door down and brought Kool’s ass out.

Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Now I never, ever seen Ray show mercy, but something came over him. He shook his head and just walked out. No orders to cap Kool, nothing. Guess he felt sorry for the nigga. So we all standing there while Kool on his knees, crying.

I guess Luva heard us bust in when they were on the phone, cuz a minute later this nigga storm in holding a magnum calling out to Kool, telling us not to hurt him or he was gonna start busting. He was like one of those old time cracka tales about knights in shining armor and shit.

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

We just let them be and they soon left, holding hands and shit.

Ray-Ray came back out. Bear asking him if he should follow them and take em out. Ray shook his head.

What I thought was mercy earlier when Ray did nothing was anything but. Ray always thinking about bidness before emotions and pride.

I told Ray “Thanks, homie for sparing Kool’s life. He a busta with the fag shit that going on with him, but I got a soft spot for that nigga and don’t want to see him dead.”

Ray just laughed. Told me, “It ain’t mercy nigga. Those two asscrackin fools are gonna help lead Deuce into a new game. We got female hoes, now we got male hoes.”

Bear got pissed, saying we’d lose cred if we got into a game like that. Ray-Ray said he don’t give a fuck. Money is what makes cred, not how you make it. And the male hoe game can bring in just as many bills as the female hoe game.

I told Ray-Ray that no OG nigga gonna wanna be associated with pimping out hoes for fags. Ray-Ray said that where Kool come in. He’ll run the game.

So we call Kool in after a few days when he settled down and set the game up. It was either he do it or get a cap.

Kool took the deal. But not without a price, punishment for acting uppity. Something that would hurt any man in love.

So that leaves us where we at today, the dime fully dropped.

Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.

krownage aside, that's actually some pretty good writing.

Red Hawk #21
05-14-2010, 09:12 AM
This is epic, now all we need is for Rappin Shaq to pay us a visit and own Koolaid and Luva even further...

05-14-2010, 09:15 AM
This is epic, now all we need is for Rappin Shaq to pay us a visit and own Koolaid and Luva even further...

Then throw in some Native American for good measure.

05-14-2010, 09:24 AM
This shit is so weak. Notice I didn't respond, hoping he came up with something original. All this gay ass nigga did was excite all of my fan-boys. HH, CR, Mono, Dok, Wade, and the whole lot. It says a lot when I've busted someones ass so hard that they have to create a new troll just to come back and save face. How pathetic.

LOL getting bukkake-ed by OG

05-14-2010, 09:27 AM
Sounds like you're the one who gets his ass busted, Rainbow Brite.

:toast :toast :toast

05-14-2010, 09:28 AM
I think all three parts should be pinned at the top of the NBA forum. ST hasn't seen anything quite this epic in a while.

I co-sign that! :toast :toast :toast :toast :toast

05-14-2010, 06:37 PM
Part 1: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154181

Part 2: http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154232

The crew let the nigga finish his bidness. We ain’t trying to bust in on this cat and see him pulling on his dick while he talk to a man on the phone. After he done, Bear kicked the door down and brought Kool’s ass out.

Kool started crying like a bitch instantly. Ray-Ray yelling at him asking what the fuck going on. All Kool could say was over and over “I LOVE HIM!”

Now I never, ever seen Ray show mercy, but something came over him. He shook his head and just walked out. No orders to cap Kool, nothing. Guess he felt sorry for the nigga. So we all standing there while Kool on his knees, crying.

I guess Luva heard us bust in when they were on the phone, cuz a minute later this nigga storm in holding a magnum calling out to Kool, telling us not to hurt him or he was gonna start busting. He was like one of those old time cracka tales about knights in shining armor and shit.

Kool jump up and into Lakaluva’s arms, Lakaluva running his fingers through Kool’s curl. Shit was a fuckin trip. Never seen nothing like this. It was like a movie you take your bitch too, like something with Wesley Snipes being all romantic and shit, ‘cept this shit was between two grown ass men.

We just let them be and they soon left, holding hands and shit.

Ray-Ray came back out. Bear asking him if he should follow them and take em out. Ray shook his head.

What I thought was mercy earlier when Ray did nothing was anything but. Ray always thinking about bidness before emotions and pride.

I told Ray “Thanks, homie for sparing Kool’s life. He a busta with the fag shit that going on with him, but I got a soft spot for that nigga and don’t want to see him dead.”

Ray just laughed. Told me, “It ain’t mercy nigga. Those two asscrackin fools are gonna help lead Deuce into a new game. We got female hoes, now we got male hoes.”

Bear got pissed, saying we’d lose cred if we got into a game like that. Ray-Ray said he don’t give a fuck. Money is what makes cred, not how you make it. And the male hoe game can bring in just as many bills as the female hoe game.

I told Ray-Ray that no OG nigga gonna wanna be associated with pimping out hoes for fags. Ray-Ray said that where Kool come in. He’ll run the game.

So we call Kool in after a few days when he settled down and set the game up. It was either he do it or get a cap.

Kool took the deal. But not without a price, punishment for acting uppity. Something that would hurt any man in love.

So that leaves us where we at today, the dime fully dropped.

Koolaid_Man runs the male hoe game all the way from West Hollywood to San Francisco with Lakaluva being the cheapest hoe in the stable.

Nigga start crying every time he gotta send Lakaluva out on a call.

Damn... :lmao

D-Wade #3
05-14-2010, 09:55 PM
Koolaid man in here actin like a bitch
I guess he forgot that he's a mothafuckin snitch
Tryin to fake like he has interested in pussy at all
But we all know he is only interested in lakaluva's balls
Front to the back, back to the front,
That's the way lakaluva likes to be humped
As Koolaid man is about to bust a nut on time,
With Koolaid Man screaming out "OOOH Lakaluva, be Mine!!!"

05-15-2010, 12:14 AM
Koolaid man in here actin like a bitch
I guess he forgot that he's a mothafuckin snitch
Tryin to fake like he has interested in pussy at all
But we all know he is only interested in lakaluva's balls
Front to the back, back to the front,
That's the way lakaluva likes to be humped
As Koolaid man is about to bust a nut on time,
With Koolaid Man screaming out "OOOH Lakaluva, be Mine!!!"

You ain't no rappin shaq, that's for sure.

05-15-2010, 10:23 AM
Koolaid man in here actin like a bitch
I guess he forgot that he's a mothafuckin snitch
Tryin to fake like he has interested in pussy at all
But we all know he is only interested in lakaluva's balls
Front to the back, back to the front,
That's the way lakaluva likes to be humped
As Koolaid man is about to bust a nut on time,
With Koolaid Man screaming out "OOOH Lakaluva, be Mine!!!"

It rhymes!!!! :toast :toast :toast

05-15-2010, 01:16 PM
All this about is putting some bustas in they place
Kool a nigga who proud he don't fuck face-to-face
Coming in here, acting hard, putting on airs
When all he really want is some Lakaluva ass to tear

Luva named Rainbrow Brite for a reason
A nigga wearing Cross Colors should be tried for treason
He thought he could force himself inside the crew
So we put him to work, doing shit that made his ass black ‘n blue
10 dolla price tag, the cheapest hoe in the stable
Nigga's ass never have trouble making a sale

They couldn’t stand their role
Kool the fag pimp, Luva his hoe
Thought they could take on Deuce and run the game
Free themselves up and make a name

Scratching and clawing at any opposition
These two cats gone wild and feral
That’s when I step in, OG Bobby Johnson
That legendary Deuce general

Two loverboys stepping to an Original Gangsta
I’m a Negro Hawk, they straight busta
I got the hood locked down acre by acre
While these niggas dreaming 'bout the dick of some snitchass Laker

The war is ova, wasn't even a fight
Niggas thought they could step, now hiding outta sight
Cred wrecked, souls blasted out they body,
In each other’s arms now, crying for mercy
Cause they came hard, tried to be somebody
And got shut down by a real OG

05-16-2010, 05:10 PM
Nevar forget.

05-16-2010, 05:20 PM
Young Bobby was played just like the cereal eating sucka he is. It's a shame you all fell for this faggot, but I'm not surprised.

Better to be a cereal eating sucka than one who cries about a divorce, worships Nubian queens, and writes freaky jams.

But knowing what we know about you, I'm not surprised your rep you "boy" Kool so hard, the biggest faggot Spurstalk has ever known.

05-16-2010, 05:25 PM
I'm a one man wrecking crew, nigga. You don't see me riding no ones jock.

Then how come you appear like a bitch in heat every time he makes a thread?

Like the OG said, "Kool the fag pimp, Luva his hoe."

05-16-2010, 05:31 PM
Look here lil nigga. I inspired you to become a troll. I've given birth to so many of you faggots I should be in the HOF.

Oh, so you can give birth?

The OG was right when he said that black Jesus must've felt sorry that you and Kool couldn't conceive and blessed your ass with some bitch organs.

Just confirmed. Now get your ass on Montel and tell the world. There's some money to be made with this shit.

05-31-2010, 04:59 PM
Nevar forget

05-31-2010, 05:15 PM

05-31-2010, 05:28 PM
lol stinky paki