View Full Version : Once again Spur fan is dead wrong

05-13-2010, 09:53 PM
All season long we had to hear from Spur fan how the Cavs were a lock to make it to the Finals and win a ring. And yet again, cooler heads prevailed and all the Laker fans who said the Cavs were front runners were proven right once again. Good God, it must really suck to be so consistently wrong at basketball and life.

"Kobe won't win a ring without Shaq"
"Cavs are going to win it all this year"

It never gets old....

05-13-2010, 09:54 PM
Granted they didn't really look like champions at times last postseason, this year it's pretty obvious they just aren't the same team they were last year.

The offense is significantly worse. Artest has brought in a much needed defensive stopper, but he pretty much negates those positives with his horrendous shooting and ball stopping ways on offense. The most alarming thing I see is a lack of heart, hustle, and drive. Watching the Lakers in Game 4 it was pretty disheartening to see them consistently getting beat to loose balls and rebounds. You could tell they had given up midway through the 3rd quarter. There is something peculiar about this team, it's almost as if they enjoy being pushed to the brink. They don't want to exert the effort they need unless they absolutely have to. The problem is they aren't as good as they were last year and playing this game is bound to backfire on them at some point.

I'm still going to root for this team and hold out hope that they will find that extra gear and motivation at some point during the playoffs, but deep inside there is a gut feeling that this team just doesn't have it this year.

05-13-2010, 09:56 PM

DJ Mbenga
05-13-2010, 09:56 PM
mike brown just copying pop

05-13-2010, 10:01 PM
You're barking up the wrong tree here thinking you'll get butthurt responses from Spur fans.

Most Spur fans don't like LBJ, most think he's overrated, however the Cavs did indeed deserve their favorite status the way they were playing and Spur fan along with just about every other fan agreed with that.

And you Laker frontrunners didn't predict shit. You assholes were hoping the Cavs lose because the thing you fear the most, even more so than another Celtic beatdown, is James winning since it will no doubt make your number 1 lover there in LA completely irrelevant.

If anything, this just shows how bitchmade LA fans truly are. You'd rather see James lose than the Celtics lose. And don't give me any of that "revenge" bullshit, which is just a pathetic way of trying to save face so you don't come off looking like complete total faggots for Kobe.

Anyhow, congrats on your "win" tonight, although the Lakers didn't play.

05-13-2010, 10:09 PM
You're barking up the wrong tree here thinking you'll get butthurt responses from Spur fans.

Most Spur fans don't like LBJ, most think he's overrated, however the Cavs did indeed deserve their favorite status the way they were playing and Spur fan along with just about every other fan agreed with that.

And you Laker frontrunners didn't predict shit. You assholes were hoping the Cavs lose because the thing you fear the most, even more so than another Celtic beatdown, is James winning since it will no doubt make your number 1 lover there in LA completely irrelevant.

If anything, this just shows how bitchmade LA fans truly are. You'd rather see James lose than the Celtics lose. And don't give me any of that "revenge" bullshit, which is just a pathetic way of trying to save face so you don't come off looking like complete total faggots for Kobe.

Anyhow, congrats on your "win" tonight, although the Lakers didn't play.


05-13-2010, 11:08 PM
So is Jeff going to defend himself?..

05-13-2010, 11:46 PM
ugh .. no spurfan wants shaq to win his 5th before duncan, same with kobe... duh .. this clown doesnt know spurfan at all.

D. Nile
05-13-2010, 11:51 PM
Did I miss sumfink whilst I was at the boozer (for the last six months)?

Anyroad, me couldn't care less who my lads play in the Finals, as the Spurs are resting up and ready to play their dogs bollocks ball. It's gonna be number 5, muccas!

Toodle pip!

05-14-2010, 12:56 AM
cool story broseph

05-14-2010, 01:02 AM
Nobody around here butthurt about LBJ coming up short again. Love his game, hate the hype--at the end of the day, he's my favorite king without a crown (and deservedly so, I must say)

05-14-2010, 01:08 AM
All season long we had to hear from Spur fan how the Cavs were a lock to make it to the Finals and win a ring. And yet again, cooler heads prevailed and all the Laker fans who said the Cavs were front runners were proven right once again.

Good God, it must really suck to be so consistently wrong at basketball and life.

tell us just how much it sucks for you

05-14-2010, 01:12 AM
Spur fan is consistently retarded. Like how they were completely wrong about the Gasol trade while ignorantly ignoring the Spurs giving the Bulls Rodman for basically nothing.

Can't blame em I guess. 90% of San Antonio's fanbase probably wasn't even a fan until title number 2. :lol

05-14-2010, 11:16 AM
Spur fan is consistently retarded. Like how they were completely wrong about the Gasol trade while ignorantly ignoring the Spurs giving the Bulls Rodman for basically nothing.

Can't blame em I guess. 90% of San Antonio's fanbase probably wasn't even a fan until title number 2. :lol

Quicker than 99% of l.a.'s :lol

05-14-2010, 11:46 AM
People who won lotteries mostly credit their own clairvoyance in picking the right numbers. It's simply that they are better at picking numbers than others, it's a gift.

05-14-2010, 11:50 AM
Oh oh, I've got one.

"Sheed is killing the Celtics."

05-14-2010, 12:17 PM
KBP, is that you?