View Full Version : Did LeBron lose money?

05-14-2010, 01:44 AM
We all saw the choke job by the King. We all saw how the Cavaliers quit and just let the clock run down to let the Celtics go on to the Eastern Conference finals.

We also know that LeBron will be the most wanted man in free agency this Summer and even his poor performance didn't put him under Wade and Bosh.

But did LeBron James lose himself money because of the performance he put on display tonight? I'm thinking this in a GM's point of view.

That max contract. The millions of dollars prepared to offer James on July 1st.... will that number go down a bit?

What I'm saying is, are GMs looking at each other, wondering how high each other will be willing to offer a player who, for the second straight season, failed to lead the team with the best record to a championship?

Just something I was thinking about. If Lebron was a free agent after repeating, I wouldnt doubt theyd be breaking the bank trying to get him. But after failing two seasons in a row. Should he deserve that same salary?

05-14-2010, 01:45 AM
No. He would still be paid the max. Are you kidding me?

05-14-2010, 01:51 AM
Honestly...absolutely not. I personally don't care for the guy, but he's a superstar. Did he choke? Yeah, but there are other guys out there who people thought were chokers, but they got big paydays regardless and none of them were as big a name as Lebron. Of course, Lebron's gonna get some butts in arena seats for sure, too, so.

05-14-2010, 01:54 AM
New York would prostitute its first-born daughters to get LeBron, even still.

05-14-2010, 01:56 AM
No way.

05-14-2010, 01:56 AM
Is this a joke?.............

05-14-2010, 01:59 AM

05-14-2010, 02:04 AM
No it's not a joke. Yea I know its LEBRON!!! THE KING!!!! THE CHOSEN ONE!!! I'm talking about

but it's still a business. He's still just another basketball player. A damn good one yeah, but there certainly is a difference if LeBron had won it all 2 years in a row.

05-14-2010, 02:05 AM
We all saw the choke job by the King. We all saw how the Cavaliers quit and just let the clock run down to let the Celtics go on to the Eastern Conference finals.

We also know that LeBron will be the most wanted man in free agency this Summer and even his poor performance didn't put him under Wade and Bosh.

But did LeBron James lose himself money because of the performance he put on display tonight? I'm thinking this in a GM's point of view.

That max contract. The millions of dollars prepared to offer James on July 1st.... will that number go down a bit?

What I'm saying is, are GMs looking at each other, wondering how high each other will be willing to offer a player who, for the second straight season, failed to lead the team with the best record to a championship?

Just something I was thinking about. If Lebron was a free agent after repeating, I wouldnt doubt theyd be breaking the bank trying to get him. But after failing two seasons in a row. Should he deserve that same salary?


05-14-2010, 02:07 AM
^ Danny Ferry right now

05-14-2010, 02:25 AM

lol. no.

05-14-2010, 02:33 AM
Lebron James could make 40m a year if the salary cap allowed it.

05-14-2010, 02:41 AM
Stupid thread. Really dumb question. Jeez.

05-14-2010, 04:58 AM
We all saw the choke job by the King. We all saw how the Cavaliers quit and just let the clock run down to let the Celtics go on to the Eastern Conference finals.

We also know that LeBron will be the most wanted man in free agency this Summer and even his poor performance didn't put him under Wade and Bosh.

But did LeBron James lose himself money because of the performance he put on display tonight? I'm thinking this in a GM's point of view.

That max contract. The millions of dollars prepared to offer James on July 1st.... will that number go down a bit?

What I'm saying is, are GMs looking at each other, wondering how high each other will be willing to offer a player who, for the second straight season, failed to lead the team with the best record to a championship?

Just something I was thinking about. If Lebron was a free agent after repeating, I wouldnt doubt theyd be breaking the bank trying to get him. But after failing two seasons in a row. Should he deserve that same salary?

son you should lay down the weed and call for the amber lamps for intoxication medication.

seriously, with this lebron just said one big thing to all in the league: "i'm tired of trying with a team that's simply not built for a championship. It is unpleasant given my relationship with ohio but enough is enogh. I'm up for grabs"

ginobili's bald spot
05-14-2010, 05:08 AM
Are you honestly questioning that LeBron would get a max contract? If that thought even crossed your mind for one second I doubt you are even functionally autistic. The fact that you thought you needed to make a thread about such a stupid idea makes me think you are no smarter than a lobotomized chimp.

05-14-2010, 10:23 AM
Yes. He's now worth only the MLE.

Good topic.

05-14-2010, 10:23 AM
No. He would still be paid the max. Are you kidding me?

05-14-2010, 10:25 AM
Are you honestly questioning that LeBron would get a max contract? If that thought even crossed your mind for one second I doubt you are even functionally autistic. The fact that you thought you needed to make a thread about such a stupid idea makes me think you are no smarter than a lobotomized chimp.


baseline bum
05-14-2010, 10:42 AM
The best player in the game who will probably still be the best player in the game in 4 years isn't worth a max deal? :lmao

05-14-2010, 11:56 AM
I can kind of see where Juanobili is going with this... obviously as fans of the NBA, you would shit your pants to have Lebron on your team... but througha GM's perspective, who wants a superstar that can potentially be a cancer on the team because the team constantly needs to live up to HIS demands? The way I see it, NO PLAYER SHOULD EVER HAVE THAT KIND OF POWER, EVER. Kobe was a bitch for doing it in 2006, but at least the guy delivers a ring. Lebron James hasn't proved shit, and isn't worth more than 21 mil tops.

05-14-2010, 12:13 PM
it is widely speculated that nike will double lebron's contract if he plays in a big market like brooklyn-ny or chicago .. for them fuckers who think nba contract money means something this tranlastes to a 200 mil contract.