View Full Version : "If Lebron was on the Lakers", and other foolishness

05-14-2010, 09:54 AM
You know its funny how this whole thing has evolved.

Kobe haters wanna have it both ways, you see.

They like to say Kobe isn't able to win without help, but at the same time every time Lebron fails in the playoffs, they say its because he doesn't have Kobe's help.

Its the ultimate fanatic paradox.

Niggas wanna have their cake and eat it too.

Either Lebron doesn't need Kobe's help to win a championship...which he clearly does....or Kobe having the help he does isn't a knock on him as a player, because every superstar needs other stars around to win in this league....

But nobody wants to acknowledge that....

They just keep spinning the same record....never realizing that its a track recorded in the studio of hypocrisy and contradiction....like Ice-T on Law & Order....

Wait til Lebron gets his own "Lakers" as all of you ask and pray for....and the "Lebron can't win without a great big-man", and "Lebron needs an allstar stacked team to win" chants start to rain down on your precious little hater heads....and suddenly, the bright line will shine down upon you, and all will realize that the path you've chosen....has been a false one....and like blind sheep at the helm of a false prophet, you've been led astray for all these long years....

Let it begin...this is only the beginning of your long-awaited awakening, and shedding of your burdened hater skin...let it begin....


05-14-2010, 09:59 AM
To win a championship, Kobe needs a better supporting cast than LeBron. With the same supporting cast, LeBron's team would be much better - basically because LeBron is a far superior player at this point in time.

05-14-2010, 10:00 AM
To win a championship, Kobe needs a better supporting cast than LeBron. With the same supporting cast, LeBron's team would be much better - basically because LeBron is a far superior player at this point in time.

it's pretty simple. But lakerfan tries to make the argument complicated to confuse. "lebron can't play the triangle" :lol

05-14-2010, 10:09 AM
basically because LeBron is a far superior player at this point in time.

All evidence to the contrary.

05-14-2010, 10:17 AM
If Bron didn't need a supporting cast as good as Kobe's.....he would have a championship right now....instead of falling two rounds, three rounds short....year, after year, after year....

But no matter....all will see in time....this is just the beginning....epiphanies take time, especially for those sheep who have wandered much too far out of the yard....

05-14-2010, 10:25 AM
If Bron didn't need a supporting cast as good as Kobe's.....he would have a championship right now....instead of falling two rounds, three rounds short....year, after year, after year....

But no matter....all will see in time....this is just the beginning....epiphanies take time, especially for those sheep who have wandered much too far out of the yard....

like if lebron wins 6 straight after he turns 28, u will be around to apologize daily ......
:lol acting like you matter....

05-14-2010, 10:59 AM
Both sides of the argument usually come out in extremes.

I'll say this. This season, LeBron probably had the most help he ever has had on his team. And the Cavs ownership and management did give him pieces to help him out and to help the team win.

But it's not just about LeBron having better help than he's ever had. His supporting cast is still not nearly as good as other elite team's supporting cast. Look at it.

LeBron's supporting cast: Mo Williams, old Shaq, Jamison, Varejao, Delonte, Anthony Parker

Now compare them to other stars in the league and their supporting casts.

Kobe's: Gasol, Bynum, Odom, Artest, Fisher, Shannon Brown
D12's: Rashard, VC, Jameer, Barnes, Pietrus, Gortat
Pierce's: Rondo, KG, Ray Allen, Perkins, Tony Allen, Rasheed, Baby
Melo's: Billups, Nene, JR Smith, K-Mart, Lawson, Birdman
Dirk's: Kidd, Marion, Butler, Haywood, Terry
Duncan's: Ginobili, Parker, RJ, Hill, Dice, Blair

You can argue which supporting cast is better than the other among those, but I personally would take any of those supporting casts over the one in Cleveland around LeBron.

Now, the supporting cast isn't the only reason why the Cavs failed against Boston. It doesn't take away full blame from LeBron. LeBron still deserves plenty. That's not what I'm saying. I just think just because LeBron has had the most help this year, it doesn't mean it was good enough. His supporting cast still stinks.

I just think each side of the argument takes it to the extreme.

05-14-2010, 11:02 AM
Please, you fucks have discounted everybody save Gasol of Kobe's supporting cast. And you even rode Gasol's ass until we lucked out and got the Magic/sans Nelson.

05-14-2010, 11:12 AM
To win a championship, Kobe needs a better supporting cast than LeBron. With the same supporting cast, LeBron's team would be much better - basically because LeBron is a far superior player at this point in time.

LOL this ... better REGULAR season player, better athlete ...better player to build a future around ALL YES ...

Better all-around player and winner? ...no.
Better clutch player? ...no.
More rings? No
Better chance at 6 rings? No

Lebron is a GReAT talent Kobe is STILL the better player unless winning it all doesnt matter ...

Kobe is the better defender ...
Kobe is the better shooter ...
Kobe has a better post game ...
Kobe has better midrange game ...
Kobe is better at FT's even with a jacked up finger

Lebron is the better passer ...
Lebron is better at driving to the hole and finishing ...
Lebron the Better rebounder and shot blocker
Lebron is the better dunker

Kobe Bryant still is the better all around player at ACTUALLY playing the game ...but Lebron is more dominant and dynamic ...yet still Kobe is better ...

From Avery johnson on mike & mike: (paraprasing)

"Lebron maybe the 2 time MVP ... but kobe is the real MVP until he retires. Like MJ kobe has the mid range game, the pull up jumpers that Lebron needs to work on this off-season. Teams like the Celts and Magic will pack the paint and dare him to beat them from outside. You could not do that with MJ or kobe."

kobe defenders have told you that for 3 seasons - Lebron's jumper is broke and needs to be fixed .... yes he has gotten better at shooting but not enough that you wouldnt dare him to shoot all day. you dont do that with Kobe. in fact, with his diminishing hops and injured finger you would prefer he drives ...

05-14-2010, 11:14 AM
Both sides of the argument usually come out in extremes.

I'll say this. This season, LeBron probably had the most help he ever has had on his team. And the Cavs ownership and management did give him pieces to help him out and to help the team win.

But it's not just about LeBron having better help than he's ever had. His supporting cast is still not nearly as good as other elite team's supporting cast. Look at it.

LeBron's supporting cast: Mo Williams, old Shaq, Jamison, Varejao, Delonte, Anthony Parker

Now compare them to other stars in the league and their supporting casts.

Kobe's: Gasol, Bynum, Odom, Artest, Fisher, Shannon Brown
D12's: Rashard, VC, Jameer, Barnes, Pietrus, Gortat
Pierce's: Rondo, KG, Ray Allen, Perkins, Tony Allen, Rasheed, Baby
Melo's: Billups, Nene, JR Smith, K-Mart, Lawson, Birdman
Dirk's: Kidd, Marion, Butler, Haywood, Terry
Duncan's: Ginobili, Parker, RJ, Hill, Dice, Blair

You can argue which supporting cast is better than the other among those, but I personally would take any of those supporting casts over the one in Cleveland around LeBron.

Now, the supporting cast isn't the only reason why the Cavs failed against Boston. It doesn't take away full blame from LeBron. LeBron still deserves plenty. That's not what I'm saying. I just think just because LeBron has had the most help this year, it doesn't mean it was good enough. His supporting cast still stinks.

I just think each side of the argument takes it to the extreme.

I don't think you missed the point of the thread. I think you got it, youse a wise fella, you just had other thoughts you wanted to convey in your post.

But i'm going to reiterate anyway.

This was about the detractors views on Kobe and how it relates to Lebron. I think we can all agree now Lebrons supporting cast isn't quite as good as others in the league, even if the others are somewhat overrated. Which they are.

But thats the point. I'm not trying to blame Lebron for anything. But he keeps losing in the 2nd, 3rd round because he doesn't have the same help a few other players in the league do....and yet, those other players are maligned for having the help that these same detractors are unconsciously admitting Lebron himself needs, and praying that he someday gets it himself. Which would put him in the same boat - unable to win without a great team around him. The same fucking boat he's in now.

But niggas wanna act like he's already going on 2-3 championships by himself?


Some serious bullshit going on.

Bron will get his chips. He's too good not to. But when he does, he'll have a stacked ass team, because thats what you need to win in a league with the Orlando's, and Los Angeles's, and Boston's. And then everyone will realize how fucking stupid they've sounded all these years.

05-14-2010, 11:21 AM
That's absolutely fair. And I think it's crazy when people bash Kobe because he has some good teammates. Always have. Like I said, people take their opinions and biases to extremes.

05-14-2010, 11:23 AM
The point is that LeBron needs less help than anyone else.


I think people wildly overrated this years Cavs team because of

- big names and reputations
- volume scorers

I'd take the Cavs supporting cast in 2007 over this one every day and twice on Sunday.

05-14-2010, 11:25 AM
The point is that LeBron needs less help than anyone else.

A good back bone wouldn't hurt.

05-14-2010, 11:28 AM
i dont care anymore....15 years from now, it'll all about who has more rings anyways.

If Isaiah had Magics team and vice versa, how many rings would they both have? Its a useless arguement cuz other factors lead to different results.

Did anyone think Lebron was gonna eliminated in the 2nd round this year? Of course not...but it happened.

05-14-2010, 11:35 AM
The point is that LeBron needs less help than anyone else.

A point that might have been valid if they won the title this year...instead of getting curbstomped out of the 2nd round by a team of geriatrics.

Give the Cavs another great player, which Lebron NEEDS....and all the same shit you clowns are saying about Kobe....everyone will be saying about Bron.

Full circle.

05-14-2010, 11:43 AM
A point that might have been valid if they won the title this year...instead of getting curbstomped out of the 2nd round by a team of geriatrics.


That doesn't make any sense at all.

1) LeBron needs some help, more than what he had this year.

2) LeBron needs less help than anyone else.

Both these sentences are true.

05-14-2010, 11:43 AM
I don't think you missed the point of the thread. I think you got it, youse a wise fella, you just had other thoughts you wanted to convey in your post.

But i'm going to reiterate anyway.

This was about the detractors views on Kobe and how it relates to Lebron. I think we can all agree now Lebrons supporting cast isn't quite as good as others in the league, even if the others are somewhat overrated. Which they are.

But thats the point. I'm not trying to blame Lebron for anything. But he keeps losing in the 2nd, 3rd round because he doesn't have the same help a few other players in the league do....and yet, those other players are maligned for having the help that these same detractors are unconsciously admitting Lebron himself needs, and praying that he someday gets it himself. Which would put him in the same boat - unable to win without a great team around him. The same fucking boat he's in now.

But niggas wanna act like he's already going on 2-3 championships by himself?


Some serious bullshit going on.

Bron will get his chips. He's too good not to. But when he does, he'll have a stacked ass team, because thats what you need to win in a league with the Orlando's, and Los Angeles's, and Boston's. And then everyone will realize how fucking stupid they've sounded all these years.

i agree with Jam and Picc here ...

The point is people say Lebron would do great things with the Lakers and i agree.

But think back to this debate. Many on this forum posted Lebron is better BECAUSE he scores more, has more assists, better PER ...WHATEVER.

however you cant take the well lebron is better because he has the stats that SAY so argument and then follow that up with he DOES NOT have enough help... that is flawed logic.

If Lebron had more help and allowed that help to control the ball more ... (say he had rondo or rose) his stats points assists especially would go down but so would his TO's his scoring may (or may not) go down but he would WIN more ...

So which is it? Is Lebron better because he has better stats with less help?

Or is it a hypothetical/theoretical that Lebron would do better with the same cast? If so you have to throw out those precious stats

...Kobe had (Pre-Pau) even less support than Lebron.

Many are right when they say Lebron pushed his team futher in a weak ass Eastern conference ...his performance against the pistons in the ECF was amazing as his choke this year was galling.

I freely Lebron at this stage of his career does a LOT more things better than kobe. He is a better rebounder, dunker, driver, passer and shotblocker. all things i value a great deal.

But Kobe is the better "pure" scorer
better mid-range shooter
better post player
better defender (when focused)
and better clutch player

this is NOT a knock on Lebron I like the guy just feel he has been crowned prematurely. now some of the same morons who did it are talking shit about Lebron ...or the idiot haters are using the if lebron was on the Lakers to defend or deflect criticism.

I know mo williams sucks and Shaq is old and Brown is an idiot.

I SAID ALL OFTHAT WHEN MANY HER WERE SAYING THAT THIS WAS the CAVS year and they would "curbstomp' the Lakers inthe Finals ...but you guys MISTEKENLY believed Lebron the King would make up for those OBVIOUS defeciencies ...but he could not.

dont get me wrong I did think Cavs would beat Boston ...but i did not think it would be easy but I did think the Magic and Lakers were better than the Cavs ...and i was right.

in summation I have no problem with people saying Lebron is better (at this point in both careers) in fact i have said that on here a dozen times ...
I just insisted he needs a title to validate it. and if he got it I promised to ackowledge him as such when he won. But he failed.

Without the ring, the MVP's are hollow ...the stats empty. Dirk has an MVP nash has 2 back2back like LBJ ...Durant and chris Paul have great stats ...who gives a shit Fantasy basketball players?

But what they DONT have? A ring. without you CAN NOT be considered the best. You just can't.

PS- i chose Lebron withthe first pick in my fantasy draft ...no regrets he Mayo, josh smith and Bogut led me to a title.

But if I wanted someone to lead my NBA team to a title I take kobe still ...

05-14-2010, 11:44 AM
I do enjoy the bumping potential Lakersfan are leaving in the board these last few days though. Too bad they'll just disappear once things get rough for them.

05-14-2010, 11:51 AM
I do enjoy the bumping potential Lakersfan are leaving in the board these last few days though. Too bad they'll just disappear once things get rough for them.

says the fucktard who joined 3 months after Boston wins a championship in 2008.

05-14-2010, 11:51 AM
I stopped reading at the niggas wanna have their cake and eat it too. What's Kimbo Slice got to do with this?

05-14-2010, 11:54 AM

That doesn't make any sense at all.

1) LeBron needs some help, more than what he had this year.

2) LeBron needs less help than anyone else.

Both these sentences are true.

1. If he had more help than he had this year, he might still not have got past the Celtics, or Orlando, or the Lakers/Suns. He got knocked out in the SECOND ROUND.

2. If the Cavs had more help than they had this year, they would have as much or more than the other teams. Guess what - LEBRON HAD A GOOD FUCKING TEAM.

05-14-2010, 11:54 AM
says the fucktard who joined 3 months after Boston wins a championship in 2008.

Hey, Mo, you've been called.

05-14-2010, 11:58 AM

I don't care about people saying Bron is better than Kobe. I think he is to.

Its just the bullshit about Kobe needing help thats....some bullshit. Bron needs the same help. If he didn't, he wouldn't be getting demolished in the 2nd, 3rd round ever year.

All that "Kobe needs an allstar big" shit looks stupid when Cavs fans and Kobe haters are praying to their God, or Hindu, or Allah, or whoever, that Bron gets the same thing because he can't do without.

Just like 99% of the superstars in the history of the league have needed help. The newflash is coming quick - it ain't just Kobe.

05-14-2010, 12:12 PM
lakers still win 50 games without kobe

05-14-2010, 12:14 PM
You won 50 games without Kobe.

05-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Lebron right now deserves the criticism, though I still love the kid. Something is wrong with him last night and Im sure the truth will come out sooner or later.

Anyway, Kobe has the best 1st option out of all the Superstars in the league. Gasol is so good, he's a legitimate 1B option. There's simply no comparison. Lebron's suppsedly "2nd option" is Jamison who magically disappeared just like his other ex wizard teammates (Buttler, Heywood!)

05-14-2010, 12:23 PM

I don't care about people saying Bron is better than Kobe. I think he is to.

Its just the bullshit about Kobe needing help thats....some bullshit. Bron needs the same help. If he didn't, he wouldn't be getting demolished in the 2nd, 3rd round ever year.

All that "Kobe needs an allstar big" shit looks stupid when Cavs fans and Kobe haters are praying to their God, or Hindu, or Allah, or whoever, that Bron gets the same thing because he can't do without.

Just like 99% of the superstars in the history of the league have needed help. The newflash is coming quick - it ain't just Kobe.

The "LeBron could do more with less than Kobe could" will die down considerably. I don't think you need to get bent out of shape over it.

The talk in large part was a product of what LeBron was able to do in the 2007 playoffs, by leading a team of scrubs to the NBA Finals, almost single-handedly, even though they did get ass raped in the Finals. I think a lot of people looked at that and really gave LeBron an unbelievable amount of credit for how good he is, justified or not. But LeBron has lost some of that shine. Still absolutely a great basketball player and still "arguably" the best player in the league. But, that greatness has definitely taken a hit. Where once there were people seriously talking about LeBron becoming the greatest basketball player ever, now things will temper down and cool off. Now because of the way he bowed out this year in addition to the way he did last year, while not arguing his talent, more and more people will wait and take a "prove it" approach in evaluating how great LeBron actually is.

I think most people understand that now.

05-14-2010, 12:33 PM
1. If he had more help than he had this year, he might still not have got past the Celtics, or Orlando, or the Lakers/Suns. He got knocked out in the SECOND ROUND.

2. If the Cavs had more help than they had this year, they would have as much or more than the other teams. Guess what - LEBRON HAD A GOOD FUCKING TEAM.

He had a team whose 2nd best player was Anderson Varejao and was still a contender and still won 60 games. They were knocked out on the 2nd round because they faced another top-3 team. In the West, they'd be facing the finals.

05-14-2010, 12:34 PM
The "LeBron could do more with less than Kobe could" will die down considerably. I don't think you need to get bent out of shape over it.

The talk in large part was a product of what LeBron was able to do in the 2007 playoffs, by leading a team of scrubs to the NBA Finals, almost single-handedly, even though they did get ass raped in the Finals. I think a lot of people looked at that and really gave LeBron an unbelievable amount of credit for how good he is, justified or not. But LeBron has lost some of that shine. Still absolutely a great basketball player and still "arguably" the best player in the league. But, that greatness has definitely taken a hit. Where once there were people seriously talking about LeBron becoming the greatest basketball player ever, now things will temper down and cool off. Now because of the way he bowed out this year in addition to the way he did last year, while not arguing his talent, more and more people will wait and take a "prove it" approach in evaluating how great LeBron actually is.

I think most people understand that now.

No doubt.

All I ask is some consistency. Nothing against Bron the player, he's fantastic. Best in the world.

Just want all things to be equal, and everyone to be fair.

05-14-2010, 12:36 PM
He had a team whose 2nd best player was Anderson Varejao and was still a contender and still won 60 games. They were knocked out on the 2nd round because they faced another top-3 team. In the West, they'd be facing the finals.
Mogro hits the spot again.

I dont think people realize how good Lebron is. The problem with the Cavs in the playoffs is once they face a real contender in a 7 game series, they're exposed because they dont have any other game plan other than for Lebron to make things happen.

I really dont blame the role players that much, although a true second option wont hurt. But Mike Brown really has wasted Lebron's last 2 years in the league. A coaching change and minor tweaks in Cleveland should be all they need if Lebron decides to stay.

05-14-2010, 12:38 PM
You're talking about sports and moreover fandom.

Since when are real sports fans fair or rational?

05-14-2010, 12:38 PM
No doubt.

All I ask is some consistency. Nothing against Bron the player, he's fantastic. Best in the world.

Just want all things to be equal, and everyone to be fair.
How the hell do you expect fairness when Lebron's second best player is Mo Williams while Kobe has Gasol to save his ass?

05-14-2010, 12:38 PM
He had a team whose 2nd best player was Anderson Varejao and was still a contender and still won 60 games. They were knocked out on the 2nd round because they faced another top-3 team. In the West, they'd be facing the finals.

So much made up bullshit. So many excuses. So much revisionist history. You outdo yourself with every post.

05-14-2010, 12:40 PM
How the hell do you expect fairness when Lebron's second best player is Mo Williams while Kobe has Gasol to save his ass?

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said?

Why the fuck am I even talking to you? Its ChrisRichards....I see you trollin.

05-14-2010, 12:40 PM
How the hell do you expect fairness when Lebron's second best player is Mo Williams while Kobe has Gasol to save his ass?

what? i thought having jamison put the Cavs over the top? :lmao :lol

Wasnt it UNFAIR to the lakers?! :lmao


05-14-2010, 12:42 PM
what? i thought having jamison put the Cavs over the top? :lmao :lol

Wasnt it UNFAIR to the lakers?! :lmao

Who would've thought Jamison would disappear? Are you retarded?:lol

05-14-2010, 12:42 PM
So much made up bullshit. So many excuses. So much revisionist history. You outdo yourself with every post.

So, do you have any basketball related counter-argument or you're just conceding the point?

05-14-2010, 12:43 PM
So, do you have any basketball related counter-argument or you're just conceding the point?

did you think the Cavs we're going to get eliminated in the 2nd round?

05-14-2010, 12:44 PM
Kick their asses mogrovejo

As the league will find out next year, the difference between having Varejao as your 2nd best player and Nowitzki is ginormous

75 win ecstasy :danceclub

05-14-2010, 12:45 PM
Kick their asses mogrovejo

As the league will find out next year, the difference between having Varejao as your 2nd best player and Nowitzki is ginormous

75 win ecstasy :danceclub

nice...a team of chokers...awesome.

05-14-2010, 12:46 PM
Lebron with the Lakers. Wont skip a beat. Other players would enjoy the camaraderie and Jackson's job would be twice as easier. They are also the favorite to win it all.

Kobe with the Cavs. Would lose against the Celtics in 4 games.

05-14-2010, 12:46 PM
nice...a team of chokers...awesome.

whatever helps you sleep at night

05-14-2010, 12:46 PM
Ghazi just sucking the dick he's supposed to suck.

05-14-2010, 12:46 PM
Who would've thought Jamison would disappear? Are you retarded?:lol

You're the retard who thought the Cavs we're the best team if they got jamison...and now you are syaing they are crap. Busting a John Kerry i see.

05-14-2010, 12:47 PM
fuck my ass mogrovejo


05-14-2010, 12:47 PM
Lebron with the Lakers. Wont skip a beat. Other players would enjoy the camaraderie and Jackson's job would be twice as easier. They are also the favorite to win it all.

Kobe with the Cavs. Would lose against the Celtics in 4 games.

yah....you're the expert in seeing how teams do with new players. :lmao :rollin

05-14-2010, 12:48 PM
You're the retard who thought the Cavs we're the best team if they got jamison...and now you are syaing they are crap. Busting a John Kerry i see.
Uh, they were? Are you blind?

Lebron was'nt even playing near 70% :lol

05-14-2010, 12:49 PM
yah....you're the expert in seeing how teams do with new players. :lmao :rollin
Simple answer. Do you agree, yes or no?

05-14-2010, 12:49 PM
So, do you have any basketball related counter-argument or you're just conceding the point?

"In the west they'd be facing the finals".

What kind of counterargument would you like for that? Its just some shit you made up. People thought they'd be in the finals when the east playoffs started....clearly that didn't go as you thought.

You're not even making arguments, you're just typing random opinions with no basis in reality. :wakeup

"He needs less help than Kobe to win the finals", "In the west they'd be in the finals".

Sure, buddy...and if Trevor Ariza and Andrew Bynum were healthy in the 2008 finals, Wheelchair Pierce would be ringless.

But thats just my opinion, you see...I don't try to pass it off as resolute fact that you have to counter-argue to disprove. :lol

05-14-2010, 12:49 PM
Uh, they were? Are you blind?

Lebron was'nt even playing near 70% :lol


"Cavs are the best team if they get Jamison" to "Lebron needs a second option" :lmao:rollin

05-14-2010, 12:50 PM
lol @ thinking Glassnum's bum ass would've made a difference in the 2008 Finals.

and who the fuck is Trevor Ariza? :lol

The Gemini Method
05-14-2010, 12:50 PM
Mogro hits the spot again.

I dont think people realize how good Lebron is. The problem with the Cavs in the playoffs is once they face a real contender in a 7 game series, they're exposed because they dont have any other game plan other than for Lebron to make things happen.

I really dont blame the role players that much, although a true second option wont hurt. But Mike Brown really has wasted Lebron's last 2 years in the league. A coaching change and minor tweaks in Cleveland should be all they need if Lebron decides to stay.

Though, this is pretty accurate, how many of the posters on SpursTalk were counting the Celtics as a contender coming into the playoffs? You even had Celtics fans betting on LeBron's team getting to the title. So, I'm not sure where the consistency was. Or, for that matter in the series. I don't think many would've given you the points or the bets if you took Cleveland to begin with. I've always thought Mike Brown to Lebron; was what Doug Collins was to Michael Jordan. He is the guy that wasn't necessarily a bad coach, just not the right one to take LeBron to the top. I'm not sure who that coach is at this point, but if you're going to hope that LeBron stays home, he's got to go.

05-14-2010, 12:50 PM
Simple answer. Do you agree, yes or no?

no because im not gonna pretend to see the future and always end up wrong.

05-14-2010, 12:51 PM
Machine you can't even answer the question. Stop dodging Ben Stiller.

05-14-2010, 12:52 PM
Machine you can't even answer the question. Stop dodging Ben Stiller.

were you wrong in saying that Jamison would put the Cavs over the top?

05-14-2010, 01:00 PM
Hey, Mo, you've been called.

I never really got "You joined at this time" smack.

I never heard about this site until a random post on the politics board was posted by Andrew Sullivan. I liked what I saw and joined up. But it's not like I'm some bandwagon fan just cause I wasn't here... I paid my dues watching Antoine all those years, the Vin Baker trade, Raef Lafrentz, the horrible draft picks, the good draft picks we traded away too early, etc etc.

The Gemini Method
05-14-2010, 01:02 PM
I never really got "You joined at this time" smack.

I never heard about this site until a random post on the politics board was posted by Andrew Sullivan. I liked what I saw and joined up. But it's not like I'm some bandwagon fan just cause I wasn't here... I paid my dues watching Antoine all those years, the Vin Baker trade, Raef Lafrentz, the horrible draft picks, the good draft picks we traded away too early, etc etc.

I don't get why people use that argument about joining date...lame with a capital fuck off!

05-14-2010, 01:03 PM
I only came here last Summer after the Lakers beat the Magic cuz there was no where else I was welcome. I'd been kicked off every site that I'd ever been on so this was like heaven.

05-14-2010, 01:04 PM
Though, this is pretty accurate, how many of the posters on SpursTalk were counting the Celtics as a contender coming into the playoffs? You even had Celtics fans betting on LeBron's team getting to the title. So, I'm not sure where the consistency was. Or, for that matter in the series. I don't think many would've given you the points or the bets if you took Cleveland to begin with. I've always thought Mike Brown to Lebron; was what Doug Collins was to Michael Jordan. He is the guy that wasn't necessarily a bad coach, just not the right one to take LeBron to the top. I'm not sure who that coach is at this point, but if you're going to hope that LeBron stays home, he's got to go.

I assumed that the Cavs would play us the way they played us during the regular season. I assumed that Mike Brown knew how to coach... I don't know why. :lol He really got exposed.

That's why I said Cavs in 6; I figured Celt's legs would get tired and Lebron would takeover as he did in the regular season. Just didn't happen though, and Boston played the defense they're capable of.

The Gemini Method
05-14-2010, 01:07 PM
I assumed that the Cavs would play us the way they played us during the regular season. I assumed that Mike Brown knew how to coach... I don't know why. :lol He really got exposed.

That's why I said Cavs in 6; I figured Celt's legs would get tired and Lebron would takeover as he did in the regular season. Just didn't happen though, and Boston played the defense they're capable of.

As many already know or have guessed; winning in the regular season is easy. It's the playoffs that provide a different beast and that's why what Popovich and Jackson have done should never be questioned. It's just plain difficult to coach in the playoffs. You get familiarity and learn so much about a team over the course of a 7-game series that a great coach will know how to pick at the so-called wound.

05-14-2010, 01:10 PM
were you wrong in saying that Jamison would put the Cavs over the top?
Hindsight? 50/50. I think James and his play affected the mindset and atmosphere of the team. I still think Jamison is serviceable, but Brown never utilized him. Furthermore, Jamison at times played like one of the guys out there rather than taking second command of the team.

I understand his reasoning though. Antawn is a class act. He knows he was a new player on a team that has been bonding for the last two years. He's not going to come in and make demands. He was being a team player albeit too quietly.

05-14-2010, 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheMACHINE http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/Style_Templates/nba/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4348592#post4348592)

were you wrong in saying that Jamison would put the Cavs over the top?


Hindsight? 50/50.


I God's, ChrisRichards has kinda rolled over. You broke yer own cherry!

Glory B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gemini Method
05-14-2010, 01:21 PM
Hindsight? 50/50. I think James and his play affected the mindset and atmosphere of the team. I still think Jamison is serviceable, but Brown never utilized him. Furthermore, Jamison at times played like one of the guys out there rather than taking second command of the team.

I understand his reasoning though. Antawn is a class act. He knows he was a new player on a team that has been bonding for the last two years. He's not going to come in and make demands. He was being a team player albeit too quietly.

That's too passive if you're going to be the 2nd in command, no? That's why I never bought into the idea that Jamison made the Cavs a sure lock for the Finals. His inability to assume Beta dog was his downfall this season. His liability on D, though, was the biggest reason he wasn't able to establish himself. Give credit to the Celtics, whom knew what they were doing, on utilizing KG on Jamison.

05-14-2010, 01:27 PM
Fisher June Philadelphia 2001: shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

tee hee

05-14-2010, 01:36 PM
That's too passive if you're going to be the 2nd in command, no? That's why I never bought into the idea that Jamison made the Cavs a sure lock for the Finals. His inability to assume Beta dog was his downfall this season. His liability on D, though, was the biggest reason he wasn't able to establish himself. Give credit to the Celtics, whom knew what they were doing, on utilizing KG on Jamison.
+ 1 on the Celtics. But TBH, who in their right mind KG would play like this?

05-14-2010, 01:43 PM
I only came here last Summer after the Lakers beat the Magic cuz there was no where else I was welcome. I'd been kicked off every site that I'd ever been on so this was like heaven.


But you were kicked off this site too.


05-14-2010, 01:46 PM
Hindsight? 50/50. I think James and his play affected the mindset and atmosphere of the team. I still think Jamison is serviceable, but Brown never utilized him. Furthermore, Jamison at times played like one of the guys out there rather than taking second command of the team.

I understand his reasoning though. Antawn is a class act. He knows he was a new player on a team that has been bonding for the last two years. He's not going to come in and make demands. He was being a team player albeit too quietly.

I think if your approach was that LeBron had a good chance at winning a title this year, almost no one would have argued with you.

But IIRC, you too every opportunity to scream and yell about how much better LeBron was than Kobe and how LeBron winning the title would evidence that. Your praise of LeBron had another agenda, and that was to bash and discredit Kobe.

So, now, what ever kind of air you're trying to blow into your excuses for LeBron, they fall pretty empty.

05-14-2010, 01:54 PM
The more I said the USCIS may be more be these days As some things as thisjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj thejjjJjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

The Gemini Method
05-14-2010, 01:54 PM
I think ChrisRichards may have blown a gasket...

05-14-2010, 02:02 PM
I think ChrisRichards may have blown a gasket...
:lol I dont know what the fuck happened there.

05-14-2010, 02:20 PM
:lol I dont know what the fuck happened there.

You were probably pullin' yer pudd.

Were ya?

05-14-2010, 05:55 PM
"Lakers will not repeat. ORLANDO MAGIC are going to win their 1st NBA title this year and Kobe fanbois will all commit mass suicide once Vince Carter officially and rightfully takes what's his for many years to come"

"Lakers are not even going to advance in the Finals"

Nice job i was gonna keep posting that (old one) all year i still may ...but glad you see the error of your ways CR ....

I also dont mind the love you giving Gasol he deserves it ...but if and when he goes soft for a game or 3 vs the suns, Magic or Celts be fair and call him out for that too.

When Kobe struggles you are quick to come out here and laugh at how many shots Kobe took ...but when pau plays like a wuss you point at his rebounds or FG%

05-14-2010, 07:12 PM
"Lakers will not repeat. ORLANDO MAGIC are going to win their 1st NBA title this year and Kobe fanbois will all commit mass suicide once Vince Carter officially and rightfully takes what's his for many years to come"

"Lakers are not even going to advance in the Finals"

Nice job i was gonna keep posting that (old one) all year i still may ...but glad you see the error of your ways CR ....

I also dont mind the love you giving Gasol he deserves it ...but if and when he goes soft for a game or 3 vs the suns, Magic or Celts be fair and call him out for that too.

When Kobe struggles you are quick to come out here and laugh at how many shots Kobe took ...but when pau plays like a wuss you point at his rebounds or FG%

Well IMO, its laughable anytime Kobe takes more than 21 shots a game. His cap should be at 21, with the way Gasol has been playing, who will argue?

Anyway, I will call out Gasol if he lays an egg (which he will against the Celtics, if Boston gets there).

05-15-2010, 12:30 AM

I don't care about people saying Bron is better than Kobe. I think he is to.

Its just the bullshit about Kobe needing help thats....some bullshit. Bron needs the same help. If he didn't, he wouldn't be getting demolished in the 2nd, 3rd round ever year.

All that "Kobe needs an allstar big" shit looks stupid when Cavs fans and Kobe haters are praying to their God, or Hindu, or Allah, or whoever, that Bron gets the same thing because he can't do without.

Just like 99% of the superstars in the history of the league have needed help. The newflash is coming quick - it ain't just Kobe.


This Kobe can't win without Shaq or Gasol is laughable.

05-15-2010, 12:38 AM
i dont care anymore....15 years from now, it'll all about who has more rings anyways.

If Isaiah had Magics team and vice versa, how many rings would they both have? Its a useless arguement cuz other factors lead to different results.

Did anyone think Lebron was gonna eliminated in the 2nd round this year? Of course not...but it happened.

agreed. I dont care who has who. when kobe and lebron are long retired, it will come down to who has more rings.. not who had the supporting cast. my attitude is win or stfu. and right now kobe is winning.