View Full Version : Question for Spurs Fans???

05-18-2010, 03:59 AM
Would you mind if TD went to another championship caliber team to get another ring, possibly two?

TD is one of the greatest PF of all time; most likely the greatest, but he will always be compared to SHAQ who has the same amount of rings.

Shaq as we all know desperately wants his 5th ring so he can surpass Duncan (ring wise) as being the most dominant big man this generation. With another ring under Duncan's belt, I believe he would be the undisputed best big man since Kareem.


JJ Hickson
05-18-2010, 04:03 AM
Turning into an over the hill ring chaser doesn't exactly add to your legacy.

05-18-2010, 04:19 AM
If he went to another team, I would probably be indifferent to any success he did or did not have. I root for the front of the jersey and not the back.

But then again, if he was on a contending team and the Spurs were irrelevant, nostalgia and appreciation for what he brought to the Spurs would kick in and I'd wind up cheering him on.

05-18-2010, 04:24 AM
Turning into an over the hill ring chaser doesn't exactly add to your legacy.


05-18-2010, 04:25 AM
Turning into an over the hill ring chaser doesn't exactly add to your legacy.

I always believed that TD is an unselfish player who really doesnt care about personal accomplishments, only rings. Plus at this point of his career i doubt he would receive another MVP.

05-18-2010, 04:42 AM
I don't mind. I would love to see him get a crack at another ring if playing for the Spurs won't give him that chance anymore.

05-18-2010, 09:50 AM
we'll gladly take him for the vet's minimum to help him secure a #5.

05-18-2010, 09:51 AM
no I wouldn't mind. Duncan + Manu for Lebron.

05-18-2010, 10:00 AM
td will go out on his own terms

05-18-2010, 10:06 AM
IMO Tim Duncan is going to be one of those players where once he retires he will never associate himself with basketball such as coaching, gm, analyst, etc. His legacy will forever be remembered but we wont see him again after he retires.

05-18-2010, 10:06 AM
I love Tim Duncan, and would root him on regardless....

unless he went to the Lakers. But I think Timmy hates the Lakers even more than I do.

Plus, he wouldn't fit into LA. He's too laid back.

05-18-2010, 10:08 AM
I'd think a little less of him mostly because one of the reasons I like Tim so much is he's not a glory hound who sweats his "legacy".

05-18-2010, 10:16 AM
If he can get a 5th ring AND piss off Shaq in the process

Why not

05-18-2010, 10:23 AM
IMO Tim Duncan is going to be one of those players where once he retires he will never associate himself with basketball such as coaching, gm, analyst, etc. His legacy will forever be remembered but we wont see him again after he retires.

well you don't know Duncan. I doubt we will hear from him once he retires. He will go the way of Robert Parish

05-18-2010, 10:46 AM
td will go out on his own terms

Or, the Suns terms.

tee, hee.

05-18-2010, 10:49 AM
IMO Tim Duncan is going to be one of those players where once he retires he will never associate himself with basketball such as coaching, gm, analyst, etc. His legacy will forever be remembered but we wont see him again after he retires.

well you don't know Duncan. I doubt we will hear from him once he retires. He will go the way of Robert Parish

Glory be, if that's not one of the strangest non sequitur replies I've seen in a while.

05-18-2010, 10:50 AM
I'd think a little less of him mostly because one of the reasons I like Tim so much is he's not a glory hound who sweats his "legacy".

I think for the most part that's true. But I do think he does think about his legacy, it's just not as overt as some, nor is it in an obnoxiously egotistical way. But, how else do you explain his insistence to be listed at 6'11 when he had been listed at 7 foot before or insisting on being called a power forward instead of a center?

The way I look at it, the 6'11 listing is directly linked to be called a power forward (same way seemingly 7'2 KG is listed at 6'11). There are a couple of direct results in doing that. First, all star selections. Easier to make an all star team and start an all star team at forward than at center, with two starting spots and in any given year up to 6, maybe even 7, forward spots. And it's especially so when for a good portion of his career, he was in the same conference as Shaq and Yao Ming who had 5 billion people voting for him. And then there's the all NBA selections. Easier to get on those all NBA teams as a forward, similar to the all star game selections. And of course, as far as long term legacy, for him, it means much more to be the "greatest power forward" of all time than it would be likely listed behind the likes of Wilt and Kareem and Hakeem and then arguably guys like Russell and possibly even Shaq as "one of the" greatest centers in NBA history.

To me, I don't know what other reasons there could be for Duncan's insistence on his listed height and his position title as a power forward. What other serious and realistic reason could there be?

So, I do think he does think and has thought about his legacy. Probably doesn't "sweat" it to any great extent, but I don't think he dismisses it or ignores it like some might think and suggest.

05-18-2010, 10:54 AM
^Jammie, gettin' his cogent on.

baseline bum
05-18-2010, 11:01 AM
But, how else do you explain his insistence to be listed at 6'11 when he had been listed at 7 foot before or insisting on being called a power forward instead of a center?

The Spurs listed Duncan at 7'0" for the first few years of his career so they could market Duncan and Robinson as two seven footers, the Twin Towers, etc. I remember when he came into the league he was supposedly 6'10" though. He definitely should have been listed at center after Nesterovic was traded though.

05-18-2010, 11:11 AM
Duncan is just as petty & precocious as the next NBA asshole. He's just got a soft seat there in Texas and he's used it to its full advantage. The control is perfect.

05-18-2010, 11:19 AM
Did you sleep during the Hakeem years? Even if Shaq is successful in riding someones bench to another ring, Duncan has him beat, and it's not even close.

Amen, Luva why do not most fans get this?!

Duncan>Hakeem>Shaq based on consistency and titles as the "alapha male" as many of you like to point out with Kobe (i think the coattails crap is bullshit but whatever)

Hakeem's MVP year>Shaq MVP's year>Duncans MvP year x2

At their very best Hakeem ... was the greatest big man since Kareem ...
Duncan played at the highest level more often and consistenmtly great than Shaq but in 2000 Shaq was not only the best big man but the best player in the world ....big or small ...

Problem is Shaq never really wanted to work super hard to be the VERY best he got by on some hard work, size, agility and brute strength ...

I would love to see Tim on the Lakers ...we will give you Bynum even though duncan is on his last legs ...a Pau duncan frontline would be amazing!!!

05-18-2010, 12:03 PM
I think for the most part that's true. But I do think he does think about his legacy, it's just not as overt as some, nor is it in an obnoxiously egotistical way. But, how else do you explain his insistence to be listed at 6'11 when he had been listed at 7 foot before or insisting on being called a power forward instead of a center?

The way I look at it, the 6'11 listing is directly linked to be called a power forward (same way seemingly 7'2 KG is listed at 6'11). There are a couple of direct results in doing that. First, all star selections. Easier to make an all star team and start an all star team at forward than at center, with two starting spots and in any given year up to 6, maybe even 7, forward spots. And it's especially so when for a good portion of his career, he was in the same conference as Shaq and Yao Ming who had 5 billion people voting for him. And then there's the all NBA selections. Easier to get on those all NBA teams as a forward, similar to the all star game selections. And of course, as far as long term legacy, for him, it means much more to be the "greatest power forward" of all time than it would be likely listed behind the likes of Wilt and Kareem and Hakeem and then arguably guys like Russell and possibly even Shaq as "one of the" greatest centers in NBA history.

To me, I don't know what other reasons there could be for Duncan's insistence on his listed height and his position title as a power forward. What other serious and realistic reason could there be?

So, I do think he does think and has thought about his legacy. Probably doesn't "sweat" it to any great extent, but I don't think he dismisses it or ignores it like some might think and suggest.

You make some good points, he certainly thinks about it to some extent. The way you frame it makes me think he's even less likely go ring chasing. Shaq's attempts at #5 have done far more harm than good to his standing in history.

05-18-2010, 12:13 PM
It did wonders for Karl Malone.

05-18-2010, 12:23 PM
It did wonders for Robinson.

Ring chasing to the only team he'd ever been on?

As far as the PF/C discussion, Duncan had his best years as a PF. After Robinson left, Duncan was still playing the PF position and Rasho was the C. I'd even go as far as saying that Oberto was the Center in '07 when the Spurs won their last ring. Yes, he plays center now, but on the downside of his career does that really matter?

05-18-2010, 12:24 PM
I'd be happy for Tim. He's earned that much respect.

But yes, I would mind, dammit. I'd rather see Tim follow in Robinson's footsteps.

05-18-2010, 12:28 PM
You make some good points, he certainly thinks about it to some extent. The way you frame it makes me think he's even less likely go ring chasing. Shaq's attempts at #5 have done far more harm than good to his standing in history.

Agreed. And I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking about your legacy the way Duncan does. He doesn't do it by worrying about his stats or being selfish on the court or alienating his teammates. The height and position title don't affect those things. In almost all other respects, Tim is extremely humble and unselfish. I think we all have a little part of us that makes us want to be viewed and remembered as good or great in what we did. Tim is no exception, but again I don't think there's anything wrong with it, especially since Tim isn't egotistical or obnoxious about it.

And yeah, I can't see Duncan going to another team just to try to win another title.

05-18-2010, 01:03 PM
Turning into an over the hill ring chaser doesn't exactly add to your legacy.

You talking about Shaq?

05-18-2010, 02:20 PM
I'd rather see Tim follow in Robinson's footsteps.

You'll have to extricate Robinson's nose from Duncan's ass first.

05-18-2010, 02:26 PM
Gonna be sad watching Duncan look old on a 45 win team next year. :(

05-18-2010, 02:28 PM
IMO Tim Duncan is going to be one of those players where once he retires he will never associate himself with basketball such as coaching, gm, analyst, etc. His legacy will forever be remembered but we wont see him again after he retires.

I've thought the same thing for quite some time. Quality post.

05-18-2010, 02:32 PM
Did you sleep during the Hakeem years? Even if Shaq is successful in riding someones bench to another ring, Duncan has him beat, and it's not even close.

Im sorry you're right ... but at the same time Hakeem won those championships during the Jordon era. People sometimes wonder if "The Dream" would of won the rings if Jordon didnt retire for basketball at that time. I would loved to seen the Rockets play Bulls in the Finals... too bad it never happened:(

05-18-2010, 02:38 PM
Like some people have said I'm not sure I'd exactly mind it. So to speak. I'd most likely just lose some respect for the guy. He's never been the type. Everyone knows what Shaq is doing and why, and most people find him pretty pathetic for it as do I.

05-18-2010, 02:40 PM
Is SHaq really ring chasing? He got tossed around from MIA to PHX to CLE via trades. He was getting paid $20,000,000 this year. This is a contract he earned years ago.

Now, if he signs for the minimum or LLE next year with... say Dallas, (his best shot to win #5*), then you could say he's ring chasing.

05-18-2010, 05:48 PM
If Lebron goes to Dallas or Miami...is he ring chasing?

05-18-2010, 11:07 PM
I'd love it with one caveat.. That Duncan can contribute, which I think he still can. If the Spurs trade him to a team and he goes in and helps them win a ring..what isn't to like? It would be a far better scenario than to have Duncan stay on the Spurs until they sink back into mediocrity.

05-18-2010, 11:11 PM
I'd love it with one caveat.. That Duncan can contribute, which I think he still can.

Provided he can lean on somebody. If Amare hadn't a been there a few times Duncan would be getting a hip replacement about now.