View Full Version : The takeover..

05-18-2010, 06:49 PM

What do you guys think of the Nets future under the new power regime?..

They've already started off with the fastest start in their franchise's history when it comes to tickets, so looks like Nets games will actually have people in the stands..

Prokhorov says they will make the playoffs next year and expect to win a championship in the span of 1 to 5 years..he says they will be the best spot for Free Agents, the move to Brooklyn and Jay-Z's presence will surely have a big impact on this..

A determined owner with no conscious when it comes to spending, a lot of influence and a party lifestyle should be very popular with players..

What do you guys think?..What will they need to do this?..they'll obviously need to land a franchise player, but this guy seems like a guy that gets whatever he wants..

The Gemini Method
05-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Kind've similar to the Chelsea FC takeover if you think about it...free-wheeling Russian comes in and just does what it takes to win. Hence, you have the Blues winning a number of English Premier League titles in the past 10 years. Will it happen for Prokhorov? Who knows. But whatever happens will probably be light years better than their past dismal season.

JJ Hickson
05-18-2010, 06:57 PM
Winning NBA titles takes more than just spending money. Ask Mark Cuban and your former favorite team the Knicks.

05-18-2010, 06:57 PM
Sure, but it also takes having a very competent GM/president, and Rod Thorn is one of the best in the game..

05-18-2010, 07:02 PM
I like the guy's enthusiasm. But it's not just buying talent. It's finding the best "team"

05-18-2010, 07:08 PM
I'll tell you where they can take their team.....

05-18-2010, 09:41 PM
Sure, but it also takes having a very competent GM/president, and Rod Thorn is one of the best in the game..

and this is the reason I have faith, even during this last season. everyone knew Ratner was the one not wanting to spend. If Rod Thorn can do what he wants Nets could turn it around like they did back in 2001/2002 season. Of course they didn't lose as many games back then at they had a coach, but still.:toast

05-18-2010, 10:28 PM
It is a little similar to Abramovich and Chelsea, i can see the similarities... but obviously there lies a huge difference in the Salary Cap. It limits the advantage rich owners can have, it obviously helps being a that it is a soft cap, but its certaintly not soccer where you are free to spend whatever you want on players.

I can see the Nets improving, but its going to take a little while longer than Chelsea IMO - unless of course they can get that big fish straight off the bat.

05-19-2010, 12:59 AM
Sure, but it also takes having a very competent GM/president, and Rod Thorn is one of the best in the game..

Yeps, I think this is a very important point.

Prokhorov has a track record in terms of owning basketball clubs. And even though it's at a different level, I think it's possible to take away something from that. The same way one can say there's a very good probability that John Wall comes to be a really good NBA player even though his previous experience is at the college level, a completely different game.

Prokhorov will put in charge the best people he can get. He hired a former top executive for Google to take care of the business side; he's already negotiating an extension with Rod Thorn - a quality decision maker to the basketball side. He'll give them everything they need to do a good job, including his full confidence. If they ask him to record a video to fire up fans or to invite a coveted free-agent and his agent to a private party in his yacht, in some Mediterranean villa or exotic island, he'll do it. If they ask him money to hire a new scouting team or to pry Coach K away from Duke, he'll pay for it. And then, in the mid-run, they'll have to show stuff. They don't need to show rings, but they need to show the franchise is moving in the right direction and making good decisions. To me, that's the ideal type of owner to have. That's how he behaved with CSKA and I don't think it'll be much different with the Nets.

Abramovich is way more involved with Chelsea, more present in day-to-day decisions and is more unstable and reactionary in his decision-making than Prokhorov will be.

05-19-2010, 06:37 AM
I can see the Nets improving, but its going to take a little while longer than Chelsea IMO - unless of course they can get that big fish straight off the bat.

Well if what Prokhorov says comes true in 1-5 years we will win it all:toast

He said next year we will be in the playoffs, so hopefully all of this comes true. I know I can see it, if you don't watch every Net game you might not see it, but watching the Nets and knowing more about the Nets then other people I can tell you I can see us win in 1-5 years. It is possible, unless something major happens to one of the players, which I never count out just because it is a team I root for.

05-19-2010, 06:52 AM
Kind've similar to the Chelsea FC takeover if you think about it...free-wheeling Russian comes in and just does what it takes to win. Hence, you have the Blues winning a number of English Premier League titles in the past 10 years. Will it happen for Prokhorov? Who knows. But whatever happens will probably be light years better than their past dismal season.

That shit has killed the once great Premier League.

05-19-2010, 08:37 AM
They might actually win 20 games next season.

The Gemini Method
05-19-2010, 10:41 AM
The Nets will continue to be the Nets.

Really? I can see what you mean by that. I don't really follow soccer as much these days, but I do notice you have a disparity in the Premier with teams like Man. U, Chelsea, Arsenal, and somewhat Liverpool duking it out all the time and the mid-tier is often too far back to even really challenge. I normally only catch the big tourneys nowadays, so I may not be that knowledgeable on the subject.

05-19-2010, 01:19 PM
The Nets will continue to be the Nets.

well unless they change the name from Nets to something else when they move, yup they will still be the Nets. They will be so much better then when they were in the finals those two years as well, they have a center this time:toast

The Gemini Method
05-19-2010, 01:20 PM
Well, at least the Nets can claim fame to consecutive Finals appearances...That's more than the JV team @ Staples can claim. Cheers to Basketballgirl for hoping for a better future.

05-19-2010, 01:32 PM
Well, at least the Nets can claim fame to consecutive Finals appearances...That's more than the JV team @ Staples can claim. Cheers to Basketballgirl for hoping for a better future.

I don't have to hope, I know there will be a better future. We don't have Ratner anymore, better future already with that. We have Brook as well who is still going to get better, we have lots of young guys who can help this team win if we get the right pieces and with a owner who will spend we can do that. Now just need a coach, but we will find one:toast

Mr Bones
05-19-2010, 02:13 PM
The Nets will definitely be an example of new ownership in the NBA. Who would've believed 15 years ago that an NBA team would be run by a Russian and a rapper?

05-19-2010, 02:32 PM
they will still suck.

05-19-2010, 02:33 PM
it's the Nets. :rolleyes

05-19-2010, 05:14 PM
Name one thing that has happened over the last twelve months that makes you think this team will be a playoff team more or less a championship team?

new owner, nuff said. if you follow the nets you would know the last one was the one that didn't let the nets do anything

05-19-2010, 05:15 PM
Better, as in 20 wins possibly. It's not hard to gauge improvement when you are on the ass end of the league. Don't get ya hopes high sista.

hey, well at least Celtics will be killing the lakers, so it's all good:toast

05-19-2010, 05:21 PM
You have any naked pics?

yeah I do, here you go


ginobili's bald spot
05-19-2010, 05:31 PM
You have any naked pics?


Roddy Beaubois
05-19-2010, 05:47 PM

rofl +1

05-20-2010, 12:12 AM