View Full Version : and let the dynasty begin.....

05-19-2010, 11:05 AM
and a thank you to Abe Pollin's ghost...




05-19-2010, 11:08 AM
You'll find some way to fuck it up.

05-19-2010, 11:23 AM

Politi: At NBA Draft Lottery, Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov suffers first loss

He turned a stone-washed jeans company into a multi-billion-dollar business empire after the fall of communism, then cashed out his assets just before the Russian economy collapsed.
He has a $45 million yacht he never uses, routinely spends $10,000 or more on lunch, and his biggest problem appears to be that he has too many attractive women around him.
So, with all of that in mind after watching the draft lottery unfold Tuesday night, we have just one question: Isn’t Mikhail Prokhorov supposed to be lucky?
One week into his tenure as Nets owner, the opportune oligarch already wore the look of a man who had suffered through whoop-de-damn-do and Yinka Dare. The new guy with all those rubles looked like another fan of this tortured team who hoped for the best and — as usual — got the worst. :lol
The Nets had endured 70 losses for the best chance of landing the No. 1 pick. They ended up at No. 3, behind Washington and Philadelphia. So forget John Wall, maybe the most talented point guard in a draft in years. Forget Evan Turner, the national player of the year at Ohio State.
And, for the city of Newark, forget an impact player who can turn this three-year pit stop at the Rock into something special.
“It really is a great night,” Prokhorov insisted. “For me and all the Nets fans, I am really fired up.”
He did not look fired up. He looked like blood had stopped flowing to his face (although, to be honest, his normal complexion would never be described as “tan.”) He looked like, for the first time in a very prosperous life, he had lost something that he wanted.
The Nets had a 25 percent chance at the No. 1 spot, and the billionaire Russian was supposed to swagger in here like “the most interesting man in the world” from those Dos Equis commercials and claim it.

05-19-2010, 11:24 AM
lol Kwame.

05-19-2010, 11:49 AM
DeMarcus Cousins is probably the 3rd best prospect, but where would you play him if you already have Lopez?

05-19-2010, 12:49 PM

Does John Wall To the Washington Wizards Open the Door For LeBron James Too?

by Bryan Toporek Written on May 19, 2010

Now that the Wizards have landed the No. 1 overall pick despite only having a 10.3 percent chance to do so, they've won the right to draft John Wall if they so choose.

If you listen to Wizards forward Andray Blatche, the Wizards "have no choice but to" draft Wall with the No. 1 pick. That's despite the fact they have their incumbent point guard, Gilbert Arenas, returning from his year-long suspension.

Fellow B/R writer Alex McVeigh believes Wall actually allows Arenas to return to his natural position of shooting guard , and could give the Wizards "the most dangerous backcourt since Isaiah/Dumars."

In that case...has Washington suddenly become the dark horse in the LeBron James Summer of 2010 sweepstakes?

The Wizards only have five players with guaranteed contracts for next season (Arenas, Andray Blatche, Al Thornton, Nick Young, and Javale McGee), and a sixth in Quinton Ross who will likely opt into his player option.

Washington also has the option to pick up a $4.8 million qualifying offer for backup guard Randy Foye. Meanwhile, the contracts of Josh Howard ($11.8 million) and Mike Miller ($9.75 million) just expired, and it's hard to see the Wizards bringing both of them back with the free agent extravaganza that's about to unfold.

The Wiz also hold the No. 30 and No. 34 draft picks this year. While these guys won't be expected to come in and start right away, teams have found some second-round gems in recent history (in fact, Arenas was a second round pick).

With all of that said, assuming the Wizards pick up Foye's option, they'd be committing approximately $32.9 million to seven players. Add Wall, and you're looking at about $19 million million in cap space if the NBA's approximated cap figure of $56.1 million holds true.

The maximum LeBron, Dwyane Wade, or Chris Bosh can sign for in 2010-11 will be around $16.8 million. The Wiz would still have a few million left over after signing a max contract player to get to the NBA's minimum of 12 players.

Once the Wizards land a guy like LeBron or Bosh, veteran free agents would come falling over themselves to sign for low-level contracts in return for a real chance at an NBA title.

A core built around Arenas, Wall, and one of those three free agents sounds like a pretty dominant Big Three on paper. Yes, the James-Wade-Bosh triumvirate may prefer waiting to see if Wall and Arenas can co-exist on the court, but one could take the plunge in desperation for a championship-contending team.
Assuming Wall and Arenas can form a productive duo in the backcourt, any free agent should be salivating at the chance to run the fastbreak with either one of those guards. Imagine a 3-on-2 break with Wall, Arenas, and LeBron...is there any chance that play doesn't end in points for the Wizards?

If the Wizards signed Mike Miller to the mid-level exception to be their sixth man and three-point specialist off the bench, the Wizards suddenly have one of the most attractive supporting casts to any of the marquee free agents.

Wall and Arenas have the talent to be NBA superstars, as both can create their own shot and will destroy teams in transition to their heart's content.

McGee and Blatche showed some real strides in the frontcourt after the All-Star break once the Wizards traded Caron Butler, Antawn Jamison, and Brendan Haywood away. Blatche averaged around 20 points, eight rebounds, and three assists per game for the Wiz starting in February, looking like a 10-years-younger version of Kevin Garnett.

With Wall and Arenas starting in the backcourt, the Wizards would be wise to bring back Foye as a backup point guard. A backcourt of Foye and Miller in the Wizards' second unit would give the Wiz a strong guard rotation of four guards that could legitimately start on most NBA teams.

Throw in a few rookie big men with the No. 30 and No. 34 picks (Gani Lawal, perhaps?), and you've got a team that can jump from the Eastern Conference basement to the thick of the playoff race.

The Wizards may have just gotten their new face of the franchise in Wall ...temporarily, at least.

But Wall's presence in Washington suddenly gives the Wizards a free agent sway they weren't expecting three months ago.

And the worst irony of all? If the Wizards manage to land James...the Cavaliers will have facilitated the deal, having taken Antawn Jamison from Washington at the trade deadline.

05-19-2010, 12:56 PM

05-19-2010, 02:18 PM
Lebron to the Wiz. You heard it here first.

05-19-2010, 02:36 PM
Lebron to the Wiz. You heard it here first.

Well, Obama does love Lebron James...............hmmm.....I could entertain the idea. What other biggest stage than our nations capital?

05-19-2010, 02:37 PM
Obama/James 2012

05-19-2010, 02:38 PM
You'll find some way to fuck it up.

this. its the Wiz afterall. i predict 38 wins.

05-19-2010, 02:39 PM
Obama: Enough to Draw LeBron to D.C.?

In an unexpected twist of fate during last night's NBA draft lottery, the Washington Wizards won the right to choose first among the slew of players up for NBA employment in the June 24th draft. That first choice will likely be John Wall, a former University of Kentucky player who, upon hearing of the Wizard's win, declared his excitement at the prospect of playing in Washington because "President Obama can be at your games."

It's not the first time Obama's name has come up as a reason for Washington's professional athletes to be excited. Last month when former Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb signed with the Redskins, he too cited Obama as a reason to play in Washington. Clearly playing in front of the president is a perk for Washington athletes.

The question now: Does Obama have enough star power to lure basketball superstar LeBron James to D.C. too? While the prospect of James heading to D.C. is monetarily unlikely--the team can't afford him outright and acquiring him would involve a tricky sign and trade deal--Kyle Weldle from Washington basketball blog, Truth About It, lays out the possibility.

05-19-2010, 07:33 PM
the new tlong???