View Full Version : LMAO Israel

05-24-2010, 12:04 AM
Zionist hater checking in :lobt2: :lobt2:

05-24-2010, 12:09 AM

Never forget :cry

05-24-2010, 12:18 AM
Friendly Fire happens in wartime... It happens so often, they even came up with a term that is in the colloquial vocabulary; Friendly Fire...

Doesn't make it right, but if you indicted every country that has at some point fired on their allies during battle, you might have to indict every country that has participated in any war ever...

05-24-2010, 12:33 AM
Never, ever, forget :cry

05-24-2010, 12:44 AM
one can only be considered indoctrinated or brainwashed if he turns himself into a pious adherent of, what, a politician. That's the wand that commies always choose to use in ruling their citizens, and we all have found how it worked out in the great Soviet Union. Oh Wait, the FORMER Soviet Union.

05-24-2010, 04:06 AM
Friendly Fire happens in wartime... It happens so often, they even came up with a term that is in the colloquial vocabulary; Friendly Fire... Are you familiar with the details of the attack? You don't have to be an anti-Zionist to doubt that the USS Liberty -- a US intelligence vessel already positively identified by the IDF three hours before the attack, flying its colors in clear weather and clearly identified by Roman letters and numerals on it's hull -- was honestly mistaken for an Egyptian horse carrier.

Sec'y of State Dean Rusk didn't believe it. Neither did former Joint Chiefs CHMN Adm. Thomas Moorer. Nor did NSA director Lt Gen Marshall Carter, who so tesstified before Congress.

What makes you so sure you're right, and so many US officials with full access to the relevant contemporary intelligence were wrong?

05-24-2010, 04:10 AM

05-24-2010, 05:47 AM
All the doubts seem warranted, but the logic or strategy at work seems well beyond inscrutable. The only potential scenario the writer of the CT article ventured was that the Liberty may have intercepted information that would reveal Israel's true intentions leading up to the 6 Day War, and that this may have queered US/Israeli relations with respect to the conflict. But would sinking a defenseless US intel ship do less damage? As a global PR gaffe as much as a diplomatic/political one? Clearly not.

While the global media was sold the story that it was a case of mistaken identity, top brass certainly knew the whole story and chose to accept whatever justifications Jerusalem offered. Considering both the half-baked administrative response and the fact that so much US intelligence re: the issue is missing all but proves the US is complicit in whatever happened (at least post facto), which only makes the whole thing more curious. What did the US get out of this to stay their hand? Or, what excuse could have justified the attack?

The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that this actually was a case of an honest mistake, but that it happened at the level of Mossad, not the Israeli armed forces. But it sure sounds like we'll never know.

05-24-2010, 06:31 AM
As for the topic of Israel in general, I read this yesterday and found it thought-provoking:


Despite my general disdain for theocracies, I do support Israel, and I sympathize with the problems they face (a highly disadvantageous figure-8 political boundary that makes them highly vulnerable to a literal divide-and-conquer strategy, extremely aggressive neighbors) , but I think the siege mentality they have been living under has caused them to become more and more morally ambiguous about issues like egalitarianism, property, and war.

I honestly believe their ultimate motive is safety, but like the US (or rather the US like them), they have escalated their procrustean solutions to conflict while allowing their ethical position of power -- and global popular support along with it -- to fall by the wayside. Having followed this path for generations now, they've now begun to alienate their true base of support: American Jews. One can only wonder what will become of Israel if it gets totally tuned out down the line.

05-24-2010, 09:49 AM
Zionist hater checking in :lobt2: :lobt2:

Maybe you should make a youtube listing all the zionists you think suck. Don't forget to number them!

05-24-2010, 11:28 AM
All the doubts seem warranted, but the logic or strategy at work seems well beyond inscrutable. The only potential scenario the writer of the CT article ventured was that the Liberty may have intercepted information that would reveal Israel's true intentions leading up to the 6 Day War, and that this may have queered US/Israeli relations with respect to the conflict. But would sinking a defenseless US intel ship do less damage? As a global PR gaffe as much as a diplomatic/political one? Clearly not. Yep. More than anything else the absence of any convincing motive makes me doubt the attack was intentional, in spite of the obvious implausibility of IDF claims it was accidental.

While the global media was sold the story that it was a case of mistaken identity, top brass certainly knew the whole story and chose to accept whatever justifications Jerusalem offered. Political considerations -- rather than any zeal for the truth -- seem to have driven the over-hasty and oddly limited contemporaneous investigation.

Considering both the half-baked administrative response... The half-baked rescue is frankly as puzzling to me as the attack. It almost looks like someone wanted the USS Liberty to sink with all hands.

...and the fact that so much US intelligence re: the issue is missing all but proves the US is complicit in whatever happened (at least post facto), which only makes the whole thing more curious. What did the US get out of this to stay their hand? Or, what excuse could have justified the attack? Bamford's thesis about concealing atrocities at El-Arish is ultimately unsatisfying, and so is the false flag thesis, mainly for the reason you already gave: sinking a US intelligence ship would have been an insanely risky tactic, given the meager possibility of strategic success.

Like you suggested, the only thing that is clear at this point is that the US and Israel both have something to hide about the incident.

The only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that this actually was a case of an honest mistake, but that it happened at the level of Mossad, not the Israeli armed forces. But it sure sounds like we'll never know.It seems that way to me too.

Still, it annoyed me that jacobdrj tried to wave it off with a cliche'. The secrecy obtaining to this very day on both sides undermines the inference of bona fides lodged in the conclusion that the sinking of the USS Liberty was friendly fire. JMO.

Duff McCartney
05-24-2010, 12:19 PM
I wouldn't call myself a Zionist hater, but I'm definitely not a supporter of Zionism, nor the state of Israels policies with regards to the Palestinians and the world in general.

I personally think AIPAC has way too much power over the politicians and foreign policy in the United States.

05-24-2010, 12:23 PM
I wouldn't call myself a Zionist hater, but I'm definitely not a supporter of Zionism, nor the state of Israels policies with regards to the Palestinians and the world in general.

I personally think AIPAC has way too much power over the politicians and foreign policy in the United States.

You might be surprised how much of AIPAC's power actually comes from Christian PACs that want to get every last Jew back to Israel so that Jesus can come back to town.

05-24-2010, 12:33 PM
These damn radical Zionists...

Duff McCartney
05-24-2010, 01:09 PM
You might be surprised how much of AIPAC's power actually comes from Christian PACs that want to get every last Jew back to Israel so that Jesus can come back to town.

I'm sure that is true. People like John Hagee are nutbags. Regardless of that, it's a laughable matter that almost half of our foreign aid goes to supporting Israel.

05-24-2010, 01:31 PM
Are you familiar with the details of the attack? You don't have to be an anti-Zionist to doubt that the USS Liberty -- a US intelligence vessel already positively identified by the IDF three hours before the attack, flying its colors in clear weather and clearly identified by Roman letters and numerals on it's hull -- was honestly mistaken for an Egyptian horse carrier.

Sec'y of State Dean Rusk didn't believe it. Neither did former Joint Chiefs CHMN Adm. Thomas Moorer. Nor did NSA director Lt Gen Marshall Carter, who so tesstified before Congress.

What makes you so sure you're right, and so many US officials with full access to the relevant contemporary intelligence were wrong?

The day before the attack on the Liberty, Israeli aircraft had bombed an Israeli armored column south of the West Bank town of Jenin, demonstrating such mistakes do happen

The ship had already been identified earlier, but then time passed and the ship traveled many miles away from it's original location.

They couldn't identify it the 2nd time. These things happen.

The only motivation Israel would have would be to cover up what they are doing to their enemies, to avoid criticism....

We could find out whatever we wanted, so that's not a plausible explanation.

If ya ask me, it was a mistake.

05-24-2010, 01:41 PM
The day before the attack on the Liberty, Israeli aircraft had bombed an Israeli armored column south of the West Bank town of Jenin, demonstrating such mistakes do happen.No one denied they do.

If ya ask me, it was a mistake.Eminently reasonable. But so is the opposite conclusion. It's not an easy call, IMO.

05-24-2010, 01:53 PM
fuck you you little jihadist shit, dont think your comments were forgotten

05-24-2010, 01:57 PM
Regardless of that, it's a laughable matter that almost half of our foreign aid goes to supporting Israel.

That is pretty laughable considering it's not true.

05-24-2010, 01:59 PM

05-24-2010, 02:00 PM
George Galloway REGULATING


05-24-2010, 02:03 PM
Just so everyone knows, Ghazi openly hates America and thinks Iran is a better country. He even thinks Iran had a legitimate reason to invade the US embassy and take hostages. To quote him exactly, "We did what we had to do." Ghazi for all intensive purposes is an Iranian terrorist cell in the US. He doesn't consider himself an American, he is openly way more loyal to Iran and said that US should be thanking Iran because they needed Iran's help against Iraq. I'm not making any of this up.

05-24-2010, 02:05 PM
Just so everyone knows, Ghazi openly hates America and thinks Iran is a better country. He even thinks Iran had a legitimate reason to invade the US embassy and take hostages. To quote him exactly, "We did what we had to do." Ghazi for all intensive purposes is an Iranian terrorist cell in the US. He doesn't consider himself an American, he is openly way more loyal to Iran and said that US should be thanking Iran because they needed Iran's help against Iraq. I'm not making any of this up.

:lmao :lmao :rollin

05-24-2010, 02:06 PM

Is that a response to me?

05-24-2010, 02:07 PM
Ghazi for all intensive purposes is an Iranian terrorist cell in the US.Because he has obnoxious opinions? GTFO. That's not terrorism. That's just being a jackass.

05-24-2010, 02:08 PM
Isn't opposing Israel a sign that I'm anti-terrorism? I'm just saying...

05-24-2010, 02:09 PM
Why the fuck would Israel deliberately fire on an American ship? That would be committing suicide, America is one of Israel's few allies in this world, it would be the equivalent of a British plane intentionally bombing an area inhabited by American soldiers during WWII.

05-24-2010, 02:09 PM
Is that a response to me?No. I was briefly unsure who Mavs_man_41 was responding to.

05-24-2010, 02:13 PM
George Galloway REGULATING


so now you're a Palestinian? all you towelheads are the same in one way..your HATRED for a particular race of people

05-24-2010, 02:14 PM
Because he has obnoxious opinions? GTFO. That's not terrorism. That's just being a jackass.

What I said is not based off this thread. Ghazi called America a nation that supports terrorists yesterday.

05-24-2010, 02:14 PM
Just so everyone knows, Ghazi openly hates America and thinks Iran is a better country. He even thinks Iran had a legitimate reason to invade the US embassy and take hostages. To quote him exactly, "We did what we had to do." Ghazi for all intensive purposes is an Iranian terrorist cell in the US. He doesn't consider himself an American, he is openly way more loyal to Iran and said that US should be thanking Iran because they needed Iran's help against Iraq. I'm not making any of this up.

this is the 100% truth, i was there

05-24-2010, 02:15 PM
Why the fuck would Israel deliberately fire on an American ship? Cited at least twice upstream. It's the strongest argument against the conspiracy narrative.

OTOH, answer me this: how could the IDF fuck up so badly? They bombed a clearly marked US ship flying its colors in clear weather, then machine gunned the survivors. All this three hours after IDing the boat positively in the same general area. At a minimum, their actions were grotesquely negligent.

05-24-2010, 02:17 PM
Cited at least twice upstream. It's the strongest argument against the conspiracy narrative.

OTOH, answer me this: how could the IDF fuck up so badly? They bombed a clearly marked US ship flying its colors in clear weather, then machine gunned the survivors. All this three hours after IDing the boat positively in the same general area. At a minimum, their actions were grotesquely negligent.

Indeed they were, but it would make no sense to intentionally fire at an American ship when America is the only country that has your back. If Israel made enemies with America, they'd be up shits creek without a paddle.

05-24-2010, 02:19 PM
What I said is not based off this thread. Ghazi called America a nation that supports terrorists yesterday.However abhorrent, that's not terrorism either. It's an opinion. One that is supportable wrt Iran. Are you familiar with the MEK? (Pretty sure Ghazi meant Israel, tho.)

05-24-2010, 02:20 PM
Indeed they were, but it would make no sense to intentionally fire at an American ship when America is the only country that has your back. If Israel made enemies with America, they'd be up shits creek without a paddle.

Especially when they were at war with all their neighbors...

a war between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The Arab states of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria also contributed troops and arms.

and some other countries too

05-24-2010, 02:20 PM
Isn't opposing Israel a sign that I'm anti-terrorism? I'm just saying...

Israel does questionable things, yes.

but they have been driven this way because of crazy fucking muslims.

they have been constantly bombed, having had to deal with terrorists blowing civilians and local businesses up for decades.

i don't blame them for being pissed off and not showing much compassion anymore.

radical islam needs to be eradicated from planet earth.

religion is a disease of man kind, a bronze age relic, and apparently the Quran says a lot of stupid, inciteful shit.

It really does need to be exterminated from planet earth. NOT THE PEOPLE, but the RELIGION.

05-24-2010, 02:22 PM
Sons I grew up in Israel. Crazy story, but a Palestinian blew up literally 5 minutes from where I lived.

God damn I'm glad to be out.

05-24-2010, 02:25 PM
Especially when they were at war with all their neighbors...

and some other countries too

And Israel owned the shit out of them, that's how pathetic rag head countries are. In 6 days, Israel captured the Suez peninsula, the West Bank and Gaza strip, while fighting 3 different countries.

lol towel heads trying to fight real wars without bush league terrorist tactics

05-24-2010, 02:25 PM
also, this is not fucking new

The West, or even the WORLD, has been at war with these fucking muslims for CENTURIES.

When Christian pilgrims during the Cruades tried to build new settlements in the region, back around the years 1300-1500 CE, they were REPEATEDLY told

"Anyone who does not recognize the Prophet Muhammad is an infidel who MUST BE DESTROYED"

MANY MANY TIMES Christian Knights, for instance, at the Battle of Malta, were told to die. They tried peaceful negotiations, and they were told there can BE NO NEGOTIATIONS WITH INFIDELS BECAUSE IT WAS THEIR DUTY TO KILL US

and this was 600 fucking years ago.


The world is sick and fucking tired of muslims.

That religion has to be erased and wiped from the earth.

05-24-2010, 02:27 PM
That religion has to be erased and wiped from the earth.Fat chance.

05-24-2010, 02:30 PM
http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/492/picture1ipv.png (http://img35.imageshack.us/i/picture1ipv.png/)

05-24-2010, 02:33 PM
Fat chance.

it will happen one day. a long time from now, it will happen.

Technology and governments will rise to a better level, and it will drag the population with it, kicking and screaming if it has to.

All you have to do is provide children with better parents. A better educated populace with less stress levels, with a higher quality of life, technology providing wondrous methods for food, energy consumption, etc...

will produce better parents. and in turn, better children, smarter and wiser at a younger age than the previous generation.

or, you can do what Hitler did, and try to eradicate a people all at once, but that's a no no.

05-24-2010, 02:34 PM
:lmao MiamiHeat dropping some cold pizza on Ghazi's camel riding ass.

05-24-2010, 02:44 PM
I'm sure that is true. People like John Hagee are nutbags.

What's sad is how many people follow and give money to this Rolex wearing, Dominion living nutbag.

John Hagee Ministries Weekly Update
April 26, 2010

Greetings to all of our Salt Covenant Partners and friends across America and around the world.
First, I am delighted to tell you our JHM Rally and Prophecy Conference in Lancaster, Pennsylvania was a smashing success. The building was packed to the back wall in every service. The services began at 7:30 pm and people started lining up to get in at 4:30 pm.

Those packed auditoriums for five different services proved to me the spiritual heart of America is very much alive. I believe we are now engaged in an information war for the soul of this nation.

This Sunday morning I am going to begin a series of three sermons that are the most critical I have ever preached to the church or presented to America.

The three sermons will be titled:

1) "Can America Survive the Death of the Dollar?"
2) "Can America Survive a Nuclear Iran?"
3) "Can America Survive the Rejection of Israel?"

The book I have just completed writing will cover the major prophetic topics including the year, day and month 12/12/12. If you read Revelation 9:15 you will discover that God has selected a day and hour certain in which 1/3 of mankind will be killed...................................


05-24-2010, 03:12 PM
it will happen one day. a long time from now, it will happen.

Technology and governments will rise to a better level, and it will drag the population with it, kicking and screaming if it has to.

All you have to do is provide children with better parents. A better educated populace with less stress levels, with a higher quality of life, technology providing wondrous methods for food, energy consumption, etc...

will produce better parents. and in turn, better children, smarter and wiser at a younger age than the previous generation.

I used to believe that, but religious organizations have too strong a hold on people (they promise the hereafter, while reason only promises the "here"), and public education is either too toothless to consistently teach people to think critically. Not to mention that there are some people who are just incapable of critical thought.

As science more and more definitively challenges the literal interpretation of the Bible, literalists more and more seek to undermine the project of science -- they see it as a he-said-she-said argument, and they want to be the louder voice.

Consider that science spends it's money on science and generally defends itself pro bono, in dry, boring, factual ways. On the other hand, many extreme branches of religions spend a fair amount of their money advocating against science using splashy, attention-grabbing stunts. People hire PR and advertising firms because PR and advertising works.

All to say that I'm not even convinced reason/science is the dominant or emergent force in the world like it was, say, from 1930-1960. Religion is winning, and it's the bad kind of religion that brought us the Dark Ages.

05-24-2010, 03:22 PM
Regardless of your stance on Israel, giving them an estimated amount over $100,000,000,000 in foreign aid is absurd.

05-24-2010, 03:34 PM
Regardless of your stance on Israel, giving them an estimated amount over $100,000,000,000 in foreign aid is absurd.

Not entirely. They are our one foothold in the Middle East. Trouble is our attempts to develop bigger, better footholds (libia, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan) from which to disseminate US culture and interests seem to end in utter failure.

05-24-2010, 03:39 PM
both sides are terrorists. The Mossad is basically a terrorist organization.

IMHO this middle east conflict is just another conflict staged by the Annunaki, our reptilian alien creators from planet X

05-24-2010, 03:42 PM
Iran and USA are allies

Iran was enemies with Saddam's Iraq and the Taliban... USA wiped them out, as a result, Iran is stronger and is a regional superpower.

Iran and USA both are also enemies of Israel. Israel causes USA so many problems, Israel causes Iran so many problems.

This is why when Israel wanted to cross Iraqi air to bomb Iran the Americans denied them access.

We are allies. Iran/USA :toast

05-24-2010, 03:44 PM
Iran and USA are allies

Iran was enemies with Saddam's Iraq and the Taliban... USA wiped them out, as a result, Iran is stronger and is a regional superpower.

Iran and USA both are also enemies of Israel. Israel causes USA so many problems, Israel causes Iran so many problems.

This is why when Israel wanted to cross Iraqi air to bomb Iran the Americans denied them access.

We are allies. Iran/USA :toast

Don't flatter yourself.

05-24-2010, 03:45 PM
it will happen one day. a long time from now, it will happen.

Technology and governments will rise to a better level, and it will drag the population with it, kicking and screaming if it has to.

All you have to do is provide children with better parents. A better educated populace with less stress levels, with a higher quality of life, technology providing wondrous methods for food, energy consumption, etc...

will produce better parents. and in turn, better children, smarter and wiser at a younger age than the previous generation.

or, you can do what Hitler did, and try to eradicate a people all at once, but that's a no no.

The narrow minded way of looking at things is that terrorism is 100% influenced by Islam. but this is not true.

America's foreign policies in the Middle East have contributed to the rise of terrorism.

Anyway, worldwide terrorism has increased significantly since the invasion of Iraq. This just goes to show how terrorism is not entirely influenced by religion.

As my man Ron Paul calls it, "blowback" nigga, blowback.

05-24-2010, 03:48 PM
Don't flatter yourself.

i'm not flattering myself, I'm just stating facts

Iran didn't like Iraq. 8 year war in the 80's nigga (should be noted USA provided Saddam with chemical weapons)

Iran didn't like Afghanistan. Nearly went to war with them in 1998 after the Taliban executed a few Iranian diplomats.

USA destroyed Saddam and weakened the Taliban.

And Iran rises hence.

05-24-2010, 03:49 PM
The narrow minded way of looking at things is that terrorism is 100% influenced by Islam. but this is not true.

America's foreign policies in the Middle East have contributed to the rise of terrorism.

Anyway, worldwide terrorism has increased significantly since the invasion of Iraq. This just goes to show how terrorism is not entirely influenced by religion.

As my man Ron Paul calls it, "blowback" nigga, blowback.

Even though you might be trolling, you're right on every point.

The ending to The Kingdom (yeah yeah) pretty much says it best. Both sides say "We're going to kill them all." Or something along those lines..

05-24-2010, 03:59 PM
Hence flattery. Iran has benefited from the US's disastrous foreign policy, and has even cooperated when it was to it's benefit, but to call that an alliance stretches the word out of shape. Allies don't place trade-sanctions on one another.

05-24-2010, 04:07 PM
lol stein

lol berg

lol man

lol auschwitz

lol holohoax

lol antisemite troll

Wild Cobra
05-24-2010, 07:34 PM

Never forget :cry

A 43 year old grudge because of a mistake.

Grow up.

Wild Cobra
05-24-2010, 07:38 PM
Iran and USA are allies

Iran was enemies with Saddam's Iraq and the Taliban... USA wiped them out, as a result, Iran is stronger and is a regional superpower.

Iran and USA both are also enemies of Israel. Israel causes USA so many problems, Israel causes Iran so many problems.

This is why when Israel wanted to cross Iraqi air to bomb Iran the Americans denied them access.

We are allies. Iran/USA :toast
You sure are an idiotic fool.

05-24-2010, 07:46 PM
Islam is a warrior religion, where christianity is actually a peaceful one even though the crusades and the inquisition occured.

If you look at the history of the begginings of those religions. Jesus was crucified a phrophet and so were his apostles, they preached while being persecuted, none of them had armies, they risked death.

Mohammed was a schizo warrior who waged war to spread his religion. He had armies and was a ruthless murderer.

Christianity >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jizzlam.

Duff McCartney
05-24-2010, 08:24 PM
That is pretty laughable considering it's not true.

Thirty percent of our foreign aid goes to Israel. That's more than any other country in the world, except for Iraq, but we're at war with them.

And gtownspur it might interest you to know that Mohammad and his followers were persecuted and driven to Medina from Mecca. And they fought against the Arabian tribes, you know just like all the battles that happened in the Old Testament.

Duff McCartney
05-24-2010, 08:27 PM
radical islam needs to be eradicated from planet earth.

Radical Jews need to be pushed out of Israel, they have too much power on the policy of Israel with regards to the Palestinians.

Just look up the JDL or Meir Kahane. Jewish Defense League characterized by the FBI as a right wing terrorist group.

Don't think for a second that radicals only exist in Islam, because they exist everywhere in every religion.

05-24-2010, 09:06 PM
Holy shit! Ghazi really is a terrorist.


05-24-2010, 09:24 PM
Radical Jews need to be pushed out of Israel, they have too much power on the policy of Israel with regards to the Palestinians.

Just look up the JDL or Meir Kahane. Jewish Defense League characterized by the FBI as a right wing terrorist group.

Don't think for a second that radicals only exist in Islam, because they exist everywhere in every religion.

The JDL has never organized events that involved flying planes into buildings and killing thousands of innocent Americans. That was all dirka dirka Jihad.

Duff McCartney
05-24-2010, 09:44 PM
The JDL has never organized events that involved flying planes into buildings and killing thousands of innocent Americans. That was all dirka dirka Jihad.

They have killed innocents before. Arabs and otherwise people who they profess to be enemies of Jewish people.

"On December 12, 2001, JDL leader Irv Rubin and JDL member Earl Krugel were charged with planning a terror attack against the office of Arab-American Congressman Darrell Issa, in the wake of the September 11 attacks.The two also planned attacks on the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California."

05-24-2010, 09:58 PM
Thirty percent of our foreign aid goes to Israel.Where you getting your numbers?

That's more than any other country in the world, except for Iraq, but we're at war with them.And what does Israel do with most of the money?

05-24-2010, 10:21 PM
Thirty percent of our foreign aid goes to Israel. That's more than any other country in the world, except for Iraq, but we're at war with them.

And gtownspur it might interest you to know that Mohammad and his followers were persecuted and driven to Medina from Mecca. And they fought against the Arabian tribes, you know just like all the battles that happened in the Old Testament.

lol... so did jesus, but he didn't wage wars against his enemies.


05-24-2010, 11:23 PM
Not entirely. They are our one foothold in the Middle East. Trouble is our attempts to develop bigger, better footholds (libia, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan) from which to disseminate US culture and interests seem to end in utter failure.

You would think that at this point we would have figured out that:
A) Israel is not going to disseminate US Culture and interests in the area
B) The area in general is not interested in anything related to Israel/US. As a matter of fact, it's entirely the contrary in general terms.

So the question really is, outside of the oil, why do we want to be there at all?
I would even argue that it's probably cheaper and would give better returns to take over Venezuela, if we're looking at the oil angle.

I still think utter destruction in that area of the world is unavoidable. And the US being there is only delaying the inevitable. I would rather pull out our troops, cordon off the region and let them go at it. When the dust settles and they're fucking tired of lynching each other you walk in and see what's left.

05-24-2010, 11:52 PM
I agree with ElNono. Let the Camel jockey terrorists blow each other up.

05-25-2010, 12:06 AM
FWIW, when I say cordon off the area I mean the entire ME, including Israel. It would be pointless otherwise. I would have no problem if, after the dust settles, Israel is the last nation standing.

The way I see it it's going to happen anyways. Might aswell get it over with.

05-25-2010, 12:32 AM
Israel is capable of turning all of its camel fucking neighbors into a parking lot, if the U.N. stopped trying to control the area they would.

05-25-2010, 12:37 AM
Israel got its fucking ass kicked by Hezbollah, stop acting like Israel is tough shit :lol

05-25-2010, 12:38 AM
DoK fail list:

1. Hezbollah is Syrian
2. Iran killed US hostages
3. Iran lost the 80's war with Iraq
4. Refers to people as "camel fuckers"

Guys SO butthurt :lmao :lmao

05-25-2010, 01:12 AM
When Hezbollah was created, Syria controlled Lebanon, and almost all funding for Hezbollah comes from Syria.

05-25-2010, 02:34 AM
FWIW, when I say cordon off the area I mean the entire ME, including Israel. It would be pointless otherwise. I would have no problem if, after the dust settles, Israel is the last nation standing.

The way I see it it's going to happen anyways. Might aswell get it over with.

That was an awesome strategy with Africa.

05-25-2010, 05:56 AM
Zionist hater checking in :lobt2: :lobt2:

Dallasfan, where did those two NBA Championship Trophies come from? How do we know we're posting in a legit thread when you have two trophies that are not rightfully yours? :nope

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia had something to say against the British Mandate of Palestine being given to Israel, but Israel shut them up and have continued to shut them up. If those idiots cared about the land, cared about "winning," they wouldn't let their emotions get their shit wrecked. Sure, Israel ain't always right, but they aren't always wrong...and neither are the Arabs. But the losing side can't keep feeling butthurt about an issue in which they've been outmatched, suck it up and be thankful for what you do have and use your victim status to get you cool shit.

05-25-2010, 07:37 AM
That was an awesome strategy with Africa.

African nations didn't have nukes.

05-25-2010, 09:18 AM
Dallasfan, where did those two NBA Championship Trophies come from? How do we know we're posting in a legit thread when you have two trophies that are not rightfully yours? :nope

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia had something to say against the British Mandate of Palestine being given to Israel, but Israel shut them up and have continued to shut them up. If those idiots cared about the land, cared about "winning," they wouldn't let their emotions get their shit wrecked. Sure, Israel ain't always right, but they aren't always wrong...and neither are the Arabs. But the losing side can't keep feeling butthurt about an issue in which they've been outmatched, suck it up and be thankful for what you do have and use your victim status to get you cool shit.

Huh? I ain't Arab son. I'm Persian.

Our proxy beat the Zionists in the 2006 summer. Embarrassing militarily and politically for the Zionists.

We ain't been at war with dem... but it'll never happen. Our allies the Americans won't allow it. Neither will the Chinese/Russians.

We sta sta


05-25-2010, 09:55 AM
George Galloway REGULATING


I remember watching that live :lmao he took a shit on Sky News tbh.

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 10:36 AM
Where you getting your numbers?
And what does Israel do with most of the money?

They spend it on their military build up. If nobody supported Israel like the U.S. and Britain and other nations do, they wouldn't last a single day in that area of the world. The only reason Israel existed and continues to exist is because two nations stronger than they are gave them the land. Menachem Begin and the rest were nothing but Zionist terrorists blowing up hotels and shit.

Since the 1970s, Israel has been one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid.[26] While it is mostly military aid, in the past a portion was dedicated to economic assistance. In 2004, the second-largest recipient of economic foreign aid from the United States was Israel, second to post-war Iraq.

President Obama's Fiscal Year 2010 budget proposes $53.8 billion for appropriated international affairs' programs. From that budget, $5.7 billion is appopriated for foreign military financing, military education, and peacekeeping operations. From that $5.7 billion, $2.8 billion, almost 50% is appropriated for Israel.


Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 10:38 AM
lol... so did jesus, but he didn't wage wars against his enemies.


I think your take is weak. You say Christianity is a peaceful religion and then state that despite that the Crusades and the Inquisition occured. Not to mention all the wars that happened in the Old Testament that is part of the Christian tradition as well.

05-25-2010, 10:40 AM
I think your take is weak. You say Christianity is a peaceful religion and then state that despite that the Crusades and the Inquisition occured. Not to mention all the wars that happened in the Old Testament that is part of the Christian tradition as well.

there is a slight difference between rulers waging war with the pretext of "religion" and the holy book of a religion calling to kill all non-beleievers.

05-25-2010, 10:41 AM
Huh? I ain't Arab son. I'm Persian.

That's like saying it's not a tomato, it's a tomatoe.

05-25-2010, 11:13 AM
lol... so did jesus, but he didn't wage wars against his enemies.


Deut 7

1When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;

2And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

lol... weak.

05-25-2010, 11:18 AM
African nations didn't have nukes.

That's... fucked up.

05-25-2010, 12:04 PM
That's like saying it's not a tomato, it's a tomatoe.

:lol son you share more blood with Arabs than I do.

Sup raghead

05-25-2010, 12:09 PM
We ain't been at war with dem... but it'll never happen. Our allies the Americans won't allow it. Neither will the Chinese/Russians.

We sta sta


staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked. until the UN has something to say about it! :nope

05-25-2010, 12:23 PM
:lol son you share more blood with Arabs than I do.

Sup raghead

Don't you have some pokemon tournament to get to?

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 12:46 PM
That's like saying it's not a tomato, it's a tomatoe.

That's not even the same freaking thing. You might as well be saying Mexicans and people from Colombia are the same. Two totally unrelated cultures except by religion. Persians might be Muslims, but they are not Arabs.

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 12:46 PM
there is a slight difference between rulers waging war with the pretext of "religion" and the holy book of a religion calling to kill all non-beleievers.

Which is not the case in the Koran. No matter what anyone says, now some radicals might interpret it that way, but you can't control things like that.

05-25-2010, 12:52 PM
That's not even the same freaking thing. You might as well be saying Mexicans and people from Colombia are the same. Two totally unrelated cultures except by religion. Persians might be Muslims, but they are not Arabs.

:lmao Mexicans and Colombians are the same. They both let their country get ruled by drug lords, and they both have a culture that involves parking cars on their lawn, fitting 20+ people in a pick up truck, and illegally sneaking into America.

05-25-2010, 12:52 PM
there is a slight difference between rulers waging war with the pretext of "religion" and the holy book of a religion calling to kill all non-beleievers.

these rulers you speak of.......what religion(s) are they using to wage the wars?

05-25-2010, 12:54 PM
They spend it on their military build up.So we give them money, and then they do what with it?

If nobody supported Israel like the U.S. and Britain and other nations do, they wouldn't last a single day in that area of the world.You're in favor of the extermination of a people. Cool.

The only reason Israel existed and continues to exist is because two nations stronger than they are gave them the land.That's not the reason they continue to exist.

Menachem Begin and the rest were nothing but Zionist terrorists blowing up hotels and shit.Nothing but.

I like how "half the foreign aid" turned into $2.8 billion out of $53.8 billion.

05-25-2010, 12:58 PM
There are differences in the Islam of Persians and Arabs anyway.

Islam in Iran of course is a byproduct of Arabian imperialism.

Ah yes, the Arabs back then were not much better than todays Zionists/US war machine.

Iran, on the other hand, hasn't started a war in over 2 centuries. :huddle:

05-25-2010, 01:01 PM
Anyone that funds Hezbollah is starting wars indirectly.

05-25-2010, 01:11 PM
There are differences in the Islam of Persians and Arabs anyway.

Islam in Iran of course is a byproduct of Arabian imperialism.

Ah yes, the Arabs back then were not much better than todays Zionists/US war machine.

Iran, on the other hand, hasn't started a war in over 2 centuries. :huddle:



05-25-2010, 01:14 PM
That didn't instigate a war.

That was 31 years ago anyway. Times have changed. Iran and USA were enemies post-revolution, but now are allies cooperating in bringing peace and stability to the Middle East

:huddle: :huddle:

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 01:25 PM
So we give them money, and then they do what with it?
You're in favor of the extermination of a people. Cool.
That's not the reason they continue to exist.
Nothing but.

I like how "half the foreign aid" turned into $2.8 billion out of $53.8 billion.

They build up their military with it. I'm not in favor of the extermination of a people. I'm not sure why or how you deduce that from what I stated that without the aid of the United States, the state of Israel would not exist.

You're right I misquoted, but I do know that Israel receives half their aid from the United States.

05-25-2010, 01:28 PM
Duff and Ghazi are two dumbass mofos.

05-25-2010, 01:32 PM
That didn't instigate a war.

Sure it did.

After Iran pissed off the U.S., Iraq felt they could instigate a war with Iran without any fear of retaliation from the international community.

That was 31 years ago anyway.
:huddle: :huddle:


31 years < two centuries

:huddle: :huddle: :huddle:

05-25-2010, 02:04 PM
I'm not in favor of the extermination of a people. I'm not sure why or how you deduce that from what I stated that without the aid of the United States, the state of Israel would not exist.

Aren't you against the US and others supporting Israel?

05-25-2010, 02:29 PM
That's... fucked up.

Listen, they hate each other, and they want to blow each other to pieces. It's been like that since... well... forever. What's fucked up is walking in there and thinking you're going to fix it. It's not just fucked up, it's flat out delusional.
So let them go at it. Tack in Pakistan and India too, so they all get their pent up anger out in one big blow.
We just agree with Russia, China and the Euros to seal out the area and stay out of it for the duration.

05-25-2010, 02:46 PM
Listen, they hate each other, and they want to blow each other to pieces. It's been like that since... well... forever. What's fucked up is walking in there and thinking you're going to fix it. It's not just fucked up, it's flat out delusional.
So let them go at it. Tack in Pakistan and India too, so they all get their pent up anger out in one big blow.
We just agree with Russia, China and the Euros to seal out the area and stay out of it for the duration.

what you are missing is the fact tha Israel IS the only USA presence in the middle east. Good luck trying to keep uncle Sam out of it :downspin:

Anybody that separates Israel from USA is delusional. They are ONE

05-25-2010, 03:24 PM
what you are missing is the fact tha Israel IS the only USA presence in the middle east. Good luck trying to keep uncle Sam out of it :downspin:

Hey, I want Uncle Sam to walk in after it's over and pick up the pieces.
I still haven't heard a sound reason why the US wants to be in the ME at all.

Anybody that separates Israel from USA is delusional. They are ONE

Oh, I agree that under the status quo they're both on the same boat. They don't have to be though. They don't have to be enemies either.

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 03:29 PM
Aren't you against the US and others supporting Israel?

I most definitely am. It's one thing to be a supporter of a country. It's a whole different thing when the country in question is totally dependent on you to survive.

The hypocrisy of the United States is nowhere more evident than on regard to Israel. If clearly you believe that us pulling support from them constitutes them being "exterminated" and that it's wrong to do so, well we've allowed many more people to be exterminated without so much as lifting a proverbial finger to help them out. Israel should be no different.

Being against Israel's policies with respect to the Palestinians, the U.S./Israel alliance and support, and the general disregard that I hold the strongly conservative and radical element of the Israeli government doesn't mean I want them exterminated.

05-25-2010, 03:45 PM
lol saying Israel is dependent on the US to survive. The 6 day war was fought with stuff they bought from France, they bitch slapped 3 countries at once without the US's help.

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 05:30 PM
lol saying Israel is dependent on the US to survive. The 6 day war was fought with stuff they bought from France, they bitch slapped 3 countries at once without the US's help.

"During the run-up to the [Six-Day War], France embargoed the delivery of offensive weapons to the Middle East, a move affecting only Israel."

"In his book Six Days, veteran BBC journalist Jeremy Bowen claims that on 4 June 1967, the Israeli ship Miryam left Felixstowe with cases of machine guns, 105 mm tank shells, and armored vehicles in "the latest of many consignments of arms that had been sent secretly to Israel from British and American reserves since the crisis started" and that "Israeli transport planes had been running a 'shuttle service' in and out of RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire"."

They are entirely dependent on the U.S. to survive. Which is why the lobby for Israel is so strong and the relations are so tight. It's also why Israel feels they can do anything with regard to the Palestinian question, because they know that U.S. will do nothing to stop them from building settlements or ever devising a two state solution.

05-25-2010, 05:44 PM
:lmao your best source to support your statement is a journalist making a "claim" about a war that took place when he was 7 years old?

What's funny is, the Taliban and Al-Queda would have never survived without the US's help, yet you don't seem to care about that. You seem more concerned with the US helping a country that's never done anything to harm the US, my guess is because of the Jews living there.

Duff McCartney
05-25-2010, 05:51 PM
:lmao your best source to support your statement is a journalist making a "claim" about a war that took place when he was 7 years old?

What's funny is, the Taliban and Al-Queda would have never survived without the US's help, yet you don't seem to care about that. You seem more concerned with the US helping a country that's never done anything to harm the US, my guess is because of the Jews living there.

I don't know what being born during the time period has anything to do with it. Your logic is flawed, in that case, no one born after 1945 can know anything about WWII because they weren't born during the time period.

I have no sides in this issue. I'm not a Jew nor am I a Muslim. I know the United States has helped the Taliban and without our support they would never be as powerful as they are now. I'm a firm believer that the policies we implemented during the Cold War are coming back to bite us in the ass. All to try to fight an ideal that never will succeed. Ever.

My criticism is mainly of the relations between Israel/United States, I think it's the same as the relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. We know where the 9/11 hijackers came from, but we will never invade because we are too cozy with them. Just like we KNOW Israel has nukes, and refuses to abide by treaties set out, but we'll never criticise or sanction them, because the relationship is much too cozy.

05-25-2010, 06:11 PM
I don't know what being born during the time period has anything to do with it. Your logic is flawed, in that case, no one born after 1945 can know anything about WWII because they weren't born during the time period.

I have no sides in this issue. I'm not a Jew nor am I a Muslim. I know the United States has helped the Taliban and without our support they would never be as powerful as they are now. I'm a firm believer that the policies we implemented during the Cold War are coming back to bite us in the ass. All to try to fight an ideal that never will succeed. Ever.

My criticism is mainly of the relations between Israel/United States, I think it's the same as the relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. We know where the 9/11 hijackers came from, but we will never invade because we are too cozy with them. Just like we KNOW Israel has nukes, and refuses to abide by treaties set out, but we'll never criticise or sanction them, because the relationship is much too cozy.

Knowing is one thing, making claims about secret weapons exchanges and embargoes is something else.

But I agree with the rest of this post. The US knows all things related to Islamic terrorism are dependent on Saudi Arabia, I wouldn't go as far as to call it the the central point of Islamic terrorism or anything, but I think it contributes more to terrorism than any other middle eastern country.

Also yeah Israel has nukes but most people know those are for defensive purposes. If Israel were to get aggressive with nukes and vaporize a neighboring country, they'd have hell to face from the rest of the world and would end up getting destroyed.

05-26-2010, 12:23 AM
DOK, im not anti israeli , the palest. need to grow some balls but Israel is an extremely oppressive nation. They completely ignore all the UN tells them and flex their muscles whenever they want.

Israel is no more of a terrorist state than Iran which is sad tbh.

Many of my jewish friends completely oppose all this. The far right in every situation is the worst.

05-26-2010, 05:54 AM
Knowing is one thing, making claims about secret weapons exchanges and embargoes is something else.

But I agree with the rest of this post. The US knows all things related to Islamic terrorism are dependent on Saudi Arabia, I wouldn't go as far as to call it the the central point of Islamic terrorism or anything, but I think it contributes more to terrorism than any other middle eastern country.

Also yeah Israel has nukes but most people know those are for defensive purposes. If Israel were to get aggressive with nukes and vaporize a neighboring country, they'd have hell to face from the rest of the world and would end up getting destroyed.

Sons, why are you debating with a bitch little thief who begged on this forums for 800$ to pay his school fees and never paid it back?

lol duff.

Wild Cobra
05-26-2010, 03:26 PM
There are differences in the Islam of Persians and Arabs anyway.

Islam in Iran of course is a byproduct of Arabian imperialism.

Ah yes, the Arabs back then were not much better than todays Zionists/US war machine.

Iran, on the other hand, hasn't started a war in over 2 centuries. :huddle:
I agree there are differences, but if you are going to be a Jew hater, then go fuck yourself for your bigotry. We are trying to eliminate racism, and those like you are a poisonous evil.

05-26-2010, 03:38 PM
DOK, im not anti israeli , the palest. need to grow some balls but Israel is an extremely oppressive nation. They completely ignore all the UN tells them and flex their muscles whenever they want.

Israel is no more of a terrorist state than Iran which is sad tbh.

Many of my jewish friends completely oppose all this. The far right in every situation is the worst.

If Israel really wanted to flex their muscles they could turn their neighboring countries into parking lots, all they've done is defend their country. The Palestinian militias do a great job hiding behind civilians making it seem like Israel is deliberately harming innocent people, but terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah leave them no other choice. If Israel ignored everything the UN said the Sinai Peninsula would still be theirs.

05-26-2010, 04:38 PM
If Israel really wanted to flex their muscles they could turn their neighboring countries into parking lots, all they've done is defend their country. The Palestinian militias do a great job hiding behind civilians making it seem like Israel is deliberately harming innocent people, but terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah leave them no other choice. If Israel ignored everything the UN said the Sinai Peninsula would still be theirs.

defend their country? Against ghazans that pretty much live in there?


F-16s, artillery, calculated bombing vs a group of people with small guns and khatousha rockets? :lol

One of the previous prime minister of Israel was quoted as saying this

The threat that the Palestinians pose to Israel is far less than what the nation of Lichtenstein poses to the soviet union

The seige of Ghaza was what disgusted me. COllective punishment. They are angry at a couple so they decide to put all of ghaza under seige, deny basic medical and food supplies to starve to the people...

you think thats goign to bring them more enemies or more friends?

The funny thing is, most of the arab coutnries don't give a shit about the palest. people themselves, they have their own interests at hand. The ghazans on the other hand live in every day ghettos. Don't believe me, visit the place yourself or look online.

It is inexcusable. For a developed country like israel, they are held to higher standards.

Last month when peace talks were being held with Biden, Natayu decided to bolt and not even show up, a clear indicator of how important it was for him. The matter was over the building of settlements when it was stated that they would stop building them a LONG time ago. They continue to build settlements today.

Do you know what happens settlements are built?

The people living there are evicted.

Their homes are demolished.

And they watch complete strangers inhabit what they called their home.

That is what infuriates me with israel.

The fucking Islamic extremists thrive off of the oppression that Israel practices. If it wasn't for that, they would have no platform.

05-26-2010, 04:46 PM
Mark Reghav is one of chief snakes in this whole situation.


05-26-2010, 04:50 PM
DOK i suggest you listen to Norman Finkelstein. He is a jewish man whose parents were in concentration camps during the holocaust and he has dedicated his life to stop the oppression of the palest. people.

One of the best debaters I have ever seen, nobody debating him can offer a proper answer.


Ironically, Israel banned him from the country for over a decade!

05-26-2010, 05:31 PM
defend their country? Against ghazans that pretty much live in there?


F-16s, artillery, calculated bombing vs a group of people with small guns and khatousha rockets? :lol

The seige of Ghaza was what disgusted me. COllective punishment. They are angry at a couple so they decide to put all of ghaza under seige, deny basic medical and food supplies to starve to the people...
Don't blame Israel for that, blame Hamas for hiding amongst innocent people and putting them at harm. Hamas is responsible for countless suicide bombings and deaths in israel, yet I don't hear shit about how bad they are. What the hell is Israel supposed to do, stand by and watch innocent Israelis get murdered by Hamas?
If you have a better way for Israel to thwart Hamas, I'm all ears, but Hamas, like all other terrorist groups, hides amongst the people, Israel has no way of telling whether or not someone is an innocent Ghazan or a Hamas terrorist cell.

The funny thing is, most of the arab coutnries don't give a shit about the palest.
Yeah exactly, they don't want Palestinians anymore than Israel does, so why is Israel so bad?

The fucking Islamic extremists thrive off of the oppression that Israel practices. If it wasn't for that, they would have no platform.
No, the Islamic extremists thrive off dumb fucksticks who think Israel needlessly murders innocent people when all Israel is trying to do is root out Islamic extremists. The whole objective of groups like Hamas is to portray Israel as the villian, and they do so by basically forcing Israel to tear through innocent villages in order to root out terrorists. For all the stories Palestine sends out of Israeli troops killing what appear to be innocent people, you never hear about the person who looked innocent but actually had a bomb strapped to his ass that blew up on a bus full of Israeli people.

05-26-2010, 05:37 PM
Did anyone stand up in outrage while America killed innocent Afghan people while trying to destroy Al Queda, take the Taliban out of power and find Osama Bin Laden? Of course not, Al Queda was responsible for a large scale terrorist attack in America, everyone knew that innocent Afghans would die in the process of the US rooting out Al Queda, and if they weren't willing to do whatever it took to stop Al Queda, there could have easily been another terrorist attack.

The same logic applies here, all Israel is trying to do is prevent more terrorist attacks in their country.

05-27-2010, 04:43 AM
Did anyone stand up in outrage while America killed innocent Afghan people while trying to destroy Al Queda, take the Taliban out of power and find Osama Bin Laden? Of course not, Al Queda was responsible for a large scale terrorist attack in America, everyone knew that innocent Afghans would die in the process of the US rooting out Al Queda, and if they weren't willing to do whatever it took to stop Al Queda, there could have easily been another terrorist attack.

The same logic applies here, all Israel is trying to do is prevent more terrorist attacks in their country.
*sigh* DOK, you really need to view this situation from all angles. you can't compare that to 9/11. The palest. and the Israelis both have a legit claim to the same land which is why its so hard to pick a side.

You are writing Israel off as the good guy that can do no wrong, kill people, and do it in the name of justice.

Where do you draw the line defining justice and self defense.

If a kid with a paintball gun comes to my house and shoots me, I cant run him over with my car, even though I was defending my house and my body.

There is something that countries like Israel try to get away with which is the use of disproportionate force to justify the means.

I already coneided the fact that Hamaas is bad and a main contributer to the failed peace talks.

But are you seriously going to tell me that Israel wants peace when they have disrespected the VP of the United stataes hosting a peace talk and walking out?

You think they want peace when they continue to build new settlements which IS ILLEGAL under international law. What land the palest. have lost, they have lost, but why take over more land?

Put all that other hatred asside and just think about it from that angle. It took me a while to also.

What you have to understand is that the whole situation can't be looked at through a naive comic book eye glass. You don't have a villain, and a super hero. Rather you have two oppressive regimes that thrive off one another and are heroes to their respective side.

Mexican drug cartels commit countless crimes, abductions, murders on the border here. Do we go carpet bombing them?

Israel needs to grow some fucking balls and try some more man to man combat before blowing up buildings they "Believe" to be housing terrorists from a 1000 ft i nthe sky. Just because we have given them the latest weaponry/aircraft like a noble does to a beggar, doesn't mean they can use it to kill everything in site.

Yea hamaas is bad, but tell seriously tell me what keeps them in power?

05-27-2010, 04:53 AM
Don't blame Israel for that, blame Hamas for hiding amongst innocent people and putting them at harm. Hamas is responsible for countless suicide bombings and deaths in israel, yet I don't hear shit about how bad they are. What the hell is Israel supposed to do, stand by and watch innocent Israelis get murdered by Hamas?
If you have a better way for Israel to thwart Hamas, I'm all ears, but Hamas, like all other terrorist groups, hides amongst the people, Israel has no way of telling whether or not someone is an innocent Ghazan or a Hamas terrorist cell.

Yeah exactly, they don't want Palestinians anymore than Israel does, so why is Israel so bad?

No, the Islamic extremists thrive off dumb fucksticks who think Israel needlessly murders innocent people when all Israel is trying to do is root out Islamic extremists. The whole objective of groups like Hamas is to portray Israel as the villian, and they do so by basically forcing Israel to tear through innocent villages in order to root out terrorists. For all the stories Palestine sends out of Israeli troops killing what appear to be innocent people, you never hear about the person who looked innocent but actually had a bomb strapped to his ass that blew up on a bus full of Israeli people.
Sorry but that has to be the dumbest fucking excuse I have ever heard. It takes a grain of common sense to realize that these terrorists, however bad they are, are not stupid.

Should they openly come outside and let Israel know where they are standing so they can bomb them? :lol whenever I watch Fox news I hear that over and over and just shake my head. They are fighting a guerilla type of war against a nation being helped to no end by us.

Ghaza is an EXTREMELY small place, actually ISRAEL ITSELF IS TINY. Check the statistics for the population density in the area, any good intentioned person would hold back before openly bombing the area. To say someone is hiding is to manipulate the truth :lmao.

Before I end this argument, DOK I would like to ask you...

Whats the difference between the Israeli tank that blows up the building and the suicide bomber that blows up ____.?

Lets say, regardless of who starts it, one causes the other.

The angry israelis retaliate and blow up a building, killing innocent women and children.

The relatives of the deceased vow to avenge their deaths and kill other Israelis..

and the cycle repeats itself.

What you are calling for , is the continuation of it.

Now, I am not advocating either, I am actually trying to equate both evils with one another and showing you why your logic is flawed.

What makes it ok for the Israelis to kill the palest?

Both have lived their for generations.

one is poor.

One leeches of the US for aid and supplies.

One controls the media,

The other is antagonized by the media.

I didn't realize how stupid we were untill I actually visited europe for the first time. You'll easily come to realize that even though ALL the european nations ushered the creation of Israel and were in support of it, none of them can't stand its presence today.

05-27-2010, 04:58 AM
Yeah exactly, they don't want Palestinians anymore than Israel does, so why is Israel so bad?

they aren't keeping an entire group of people under seige, demolishing their houses, and building their own.

You know...sometimes that tends incite hatred :rolleyes

05-27-2010, 11:27 AM
Lets say, regardless of who starts it, one causes the other.

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao

Why should we just disregard the fact Israel is only responding to a bunch of sand ######s starting conflict?

05-27-2010, 11:32 AM
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao

Why should we just disregard the fact Israel is only responding to a bunch of sand ######s starting conflict?

What part of your ethnic history are you blocked on to be able to say racist shit like this with such impunity? Fucking disgraceful.

05-27-2010, 11:41 AM
*sigh* DOK, you really need to view this situation from all angles. you can't compare that to 9/11. The palest. and the Israelis both have a legit claim to the same land which is why its so hard to pick a side.
It's Israel's country. Check a globe if you don't believe me.

You are writing Israel off as the good guy that can do no wrong, kill people, and do it in the name of justice.
And you seem to think sand ###### terrorist groups are allowed to suicide bomb people as well.

Where do you draw the line defining justice and self defense.
It's impossible to draw the line. If Palestinians don't wanna die, they should take that up with terrorist groups who deliberately leave civilians hung out to dry so Israel can kill them and look bad.

If a kid with a paintball gun comes to my house and shoots me, I cant run him over with my car, even though I was defending my house and my body.
That's the most asinine comparison ever. Hamas kills Israeli people, it's not a terrorist group that runs around firing paint ball guns. That retarded analogy is just further proof that you seem to have no problem with Hamas' operation.

There is something that countries like Israel try to get away with which is the use of disproportionate force to justify the means.

I already coneided the fact that Hamaas is bad and a main contributer to the failed peace talks.
Yet you're still talking about Israel?

But are you seriously going to tell me that Israel wants peace when they have disrespected the VP of the United stataes hosting a peace talk and walking out?
Given that areas inhabited by sand ######s and never at peace and those peace talks wouldn't have done jack shit, I'd say that's irrelevant. There's nothing Israel can do about the fact they're surrounded by barbaric towel heads.

Put all that other hatred asside and just think about it from that angle. It took me a while to also.
I'm not gonna put all the other hatred aside. These are the same low forms of human life that ran planes into the world trade towers. If Palestinians and rag heads in general wanted peace, they'd stop letting extremist clerics have control of their country.

What you have to understand is that the whole situation can't be looked at through a naive comic book eye glass. You don't have a villain, and a super hero. Rather you have two oppressive regimes that thrive off one another and are heroes to their respective side.

Mexican drug cartels commit countless crimes, abductions, murders on the border here. Do we go carpet bombing them?
We should certainly do more than we currently are doing.

Israel needs to grow some fucking balls and try some more man to man combat before blowing up buildings they "Believe" to be housing terrorists from a 1000 ft i nthe sky. Just because we have given them the latest weaponry/aircraft like a noble does to a beggar, doesn't mean they can use it to kill everything in site.
:lmao "Israel needs to grow some balls" they're not the ones hiding behind civilians and brain washing people into suicide bombing innocent people. That's about as bitch made and pussy as it gets.

Yea hamaas is bad, but tell seriously tell me what keeps them in power?
Wtf do you think keeps them in power? Countries like Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia that fund terrorism.

05-27-2010, 11:42 AM
Did anyone stand up in outrage while America killed innocent Afghan people while trying to destroy Al Queda, take the Taliban out of power and find Osama Bin Laden?

Some of us did. Collateral is unavoidable, but our soldiers are professionals and we expect no less than them to follow the proper rules of engagement. The end should never justify the means.

05-27-2010, 01:29 PM
It's Israel's country. Check a globe if you don't believe me.

And you seem to think sand ###### terrorist groups are allowed to suicide bomb people as well.

It's impossible to draw the line. If Palestinians don't wanna die, they should take that up with terrorist groups who deliberately leave civilians hung out to dry so Israel can kill them and look bad.

That's the most asinine comparison ever. Hamas kills Israeli people, it's not a terrorist group that runs around firing paint ball guns. That retarded analogy is just further proof that you seem to have no problem with Hamas' operation.


Yet you're still talking about Israel?

Given that areas inhabited by sand ######s and never at peace and those peace talks wouldn't have done jack shit, I'd say that's irrelevant. There's nothing Israel can do about the fact they're surrounded by barbaric towel heads.

I'm not gonna put all the other hatred aside. These are the same low forms of human life that ran planes into the world trade towers. If Palestinians and rag heads in general wanted peace, they'd stop letting extremist clerics have control of their country.

We should certainly do more than we currently are doing.

:lmao "Israel needs to grow some balls" they're not the ones hiding behind civilians and brain washing people into suicide bombing innocent people. That's about as bitch made and pussy as it gets.

Wtf do you think keeps them in power? Countries like Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia that fund terrorism.

ok, the jist of what you you're saying is tha ta israeli is allowed to kill a palest, but not the other way around. I support neither. Suicide bombing is just as bad as what Israel is doing, check civilian casualties and they should match.

So is a palest. life less important that an israeli one...thats what I seem to be getting from your post.

Wild Cobra
05-27-2010, 01:53 PM
What part of your ethnic history are you blocked on to be able to say racist shit like this with such impunity? Fucking disgraceful.
I agree that Israel is not reacting to racism.

I am very familiar with several Israeli personnel. I have trained with people from a corporation named Nova (http://www.nova.co.il/11-en/Nova.aspx)... Not the Johny 5 Nove!

Duff McCartney
05-27-2010, 06:06 PM
Sons, why are you debating with a bitch little thief who begged on this forums for 800$ to pay his school fees and never paid it back?

lol duff.

You must not keep up with this board much. Like once every 5 years.

05-27-2010, 09:55 PM
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao

Why should we just disregard the fact Israel is only responding to a bunch of sand ######s starting conflict?
ok, I get you odn't like them. But tone that down a bit, its not cool to call mexicans wetbacks or beaners, black people ######s, and a -rabs sand ######s.

Try to keep an unbiased perspective. When you use slurs like that , its quite obvious you have a predisposition.

05-27-2010, 10:17 PM
Shits still goin on?

:lmao Israel

lol bukkaked by Hezbollah

USA's war with Afghanistan was about oil/geopolitics, not combating terrorism

lmao Israel.

05-27-2010, 10:24 PM
Iran/USA :huddle:

05-31-2010, 04:39 PM
lol, killing activists

Wild Cobra
06-01-2010, 01:02 PM
lol, killing activists
Justified use of force.

they were attacked by deadly weapons upon arrival.

06-01-2010, 01:16 PM
I'll come to your house and when you ask me to leave and start pushing me, I'm going to defend myself and shoot you in the face.


06-01-2010, 01:19 PM
Israel is the Jews house. The Palestinians can move wherever the hell most sand jockies live.

06-01-2010, 01:27 PM
Israel is the Jews house. The Palestinians can move wherever the hell most sand jockies live.

The rest of the middle east won't let them. That's how much they care about their plight.

Wild Cobra
06-01-2010, 01:31 PM
I'll come to your house and when you ask me to leave and start pushing me, I'm going to defend myself and shoot you in the face.

You should listen to this:


Looks like probable cause to me.

06-01-2010, 01:33 PM
You should listen to this:
Looks like probable cause to me.

LOL probable cause.
International law has little to do with US law.

Where's the YouTube requesting permission to inspect the ships in international waters?